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[ban req] [SC] Feroz


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        Name: [A.P.D] J.Tomek

        Offender-Name: [SC] Feroz

        Date: 2015-09-25 Around 10pm

        Reason: APD had a fight with SC because we accidentally crashed a heli close to AMP HQ, and as in true SC spirit they are there to loot a minute later. We therefore open fire at them to protect our stuff and a firefight breaks out. After a couple of mins APD starts to win the fight and the remaining SC members are retreating. We decide to pick up the chase, and we shortly find Feroz. He then runs into a ''Knarkbusk'' to seek cover. We knew what he did was wrong, so the driver of the Hunter decides to drive straight through the bush (which we all agreed on) and as he drives through you can see Feroz getting knocked out of the bush. He stands up, tries to run, and dies.


Shortly after he sends me a msg in TS and confronts me about killing him while he was on the ground. I told him that i didnt kill him while he was on the ground, but that i killed him when he started to run (You can see that in the video). He also said that he didnt sit IN the bush, but at the edge, which is also false because the Hunter drives directly THROUGH the Reed Bush. He then starts to get mad in TS because of me not wanting to talk to him, and he threatens me that he will post a ban req on me for VDM Kill if i dont give him a refund of his gear. I even offered him to jump in Police Assistance so that we could talk there, but he refused (as he had school tomorrow). I asked him why he didnt have time to talk to me, but instead make a ban req, and he responds: ''There's an day tomorrow? Fuckface''.

To me this is really childish behaviour that i wont tolerate.






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  On 9/25/2015 at 4:02 PM, Olsson said:

Ni kan ju inte köra över honom? 

Bara för någon annan gör fel så betyder det väl inte att ni ska göra fel? eller?

^ Vi fick tillsägelse för att vi hade blivit skjutna av nån sen åkte den in i safezone så dödade vi han. Vi fick lika mycket skit som han =)

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Aja, jag har inget bevis på att du skrev det. Får väl ta bannen, kände att det inte skulle bli något stort om det men du verkar vela göra det stort. Skrev lite dumma saker för att jag blev irriterad på att du skrev samma mot mig, skulle inte skriva det annars 

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  On 9/25/2015 at 5:02 PM, Feroz said:

Aja, jag har inget bevis på att du skrev det. Får väl ta bannen, kände att det inte skulle bli något stort om det men du verkar vela göra det stort. Skrev lite dumma saker för att jag blev irriterad på att du skrev samma mot mig, skulle inte skriva det annars 

Dude... Why are you lying? I wouldnt say anything offensive because i know it's agianst the rules and because as a cop i should think about what i say and do. So please stop throwing shit at me that isnt true... I didnt say anything about you and i didnt offend you in any way. You're the one that had to throw in the ''Fuckface'' comment before you disconnected. I didnt plan posting this either, but alot of the others from APD wanted you banned. Now however i dont regret posting ban req on you.

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Att poliser inte säger något dumt är ren bullshit. Jag tycker själv att admins som tar han om denna banreq ska få se HELA konversationen innan jag blir dömd för vad jag skrev =)

Vill faktiskt inte att nån admin i apd ska ta hand om denna banreqen om det går =)

Edited by Feroz
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  On 9/25/2015 at 5:12 PM, Olsson said:

Varför la du ban requesten? Istället för att prata med dom inblandade i teamspeak?

Sen så gör ni också fel så jag förstår inte problemet? Helt onödigt ban req!

It's not ''unnecessary'' when everyone from the APD agrees that this behaviour is not OK and should be punished. And Feroz, i never said that noone from the Police Force says anything stupid once in a while, but i said that I, MYSELF,  make sure i dont say shit to people. Atleast i try to act professional when this stuff happen.

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SC, SC, SC, när ska ni lära er?

Den enda som ska kommentera på detta är Feroz eftersom att det är han bannen har lagts på!

Detta gäller alla andra också, sluta kommentera på det som inte rör er bara för att ni har svårt att hålla igen matôlet!


Feroz BANNED 4 days for hiding in a reed bush.

Im also giving you a warning for using an inapropriate language towards another member of this community.

Edited by Peter Marple
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