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Joel/Méndez House Raid *CLOSED*


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 -Transport Convoy- 

Time: Tonight 2016-04-28 18.00

Fernando Menédez, your house is being raided by the cops!

The APD will now drive a convoy containing Fernando's gear.

But there's a twist! The cops driving the Hemtt are rebels in cop-disguises

They're driving the convoy to the NLA island.

On the island, You get a new life. The last gang standing wins the hemtt-box

You can ambush the convoy transport.. If the convoy gets ambushed and captured= No part 2 (NLA island)


Part 1 - Transport Convoy

1 life at transport

Event start after Sofia Checkpoint

KOS 1.5km around convoy 

Sofia Checkpoint - N.L.A Checkpoint

ALL Checkpoints are safezones

Normal server rules applies -  No VDM e.t.c

APD has to follow one of the yellow marked roads.





Part 2 - NLA island

NO kos until server messeage appears

1 life at rebel island

Gangs are not allowed to cooperate

N.L.A are allowed to participate as a "gang" which means - 8 players - no ifrit

It's not allowed to take positions in N.L.A HQ before part 2 starts.

When the APD enters the NLA island, KOS is off. The event continues a couple of minutes later (you will be notified)


See you there! GLHF

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