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Posts posted by Kebre

  1. Since everybody dies by jumping over the wall at kavala garage, could we put a sign there or remove the "wall"?


    Its so fun to see everybody trying to jump over that spot over and over again and die every time.


    So a BIG sign could be more fun since there is a warning.



  2. This is a short how-to on how to automatically connect to our teamspeak server att teamspeak startup.


    1.  First startup teamspeak
    2. At the top of teamspeak click on "Bookmarks" and then "Manage bookmarks[ctrl+B]"
    3. Click on "Add bookmark" at the top left corner
    4. Select the new bookmark
    5. Fill in a label i.e "CvGaming"
    6. The address is our domainname ts.cvgaming.net
    7. At the bottom left you check the "Connect on startup"


    Now restart teamspeak and test if it works ?





  3. Today the server has been down on the morning because I have changed some hardware and installed the HDD's.


    The reason it is down now is that I am copying the whole OS and Arma server to the new drives.


    Since some other applications are still using the drives this process has become kinda slow so have patience.


    In the moment of me writing it is about 0 minutes left.


    Its done and I am starting the server now.

    There are some further configurations I must do before I can migrate everything to the new hardware.


    :grasshopper: (s)

  4. We have tried this in the early stages of the server.


    The problems we encountered was that the people being killed thought it was RDM and reported them to admins.


    But now when I think about it again we could maybe fix a in-game tag and/or custom cloths. Maybe a pure black suit with a red tie? ;)



  5. Skatter i havet skulle vara rätt coolt, och så kommer flera människot att åka ut på havet också istället för att bara vara på land  :)


    Det här var en spännande ide!


    Vi har kollat på möjligheter att sänka ner fartyg/skeppsvrak som man kan hitta saker i eller göra saker med.



    Låter nice, eller om man kan typ få upp rare saker när man fiskar? Om det går att koda fram eller något. Ist för att få upp en fisk kanske man får upp cash eller annat kul?


    Det här låter lite svårare men tror inte det är en omöjlighet.

    Vi får kika lite och räkna med oddserna att man fiskar upp en portfölj med cash ;)

  6. @Kebre om man inte spawnar där man var sist så låter det enormt lättexploaterat för att förflytta droger/varor runt kartan fort och säkert. Att spawna där man var sist (om inte servern startat om) hade ju däremot vart riktigt nice tillsammans med sparat inventory.

    Hade jag inte ens tänkt på!

    Tack för den spekulationen ^^


    Skulle vara grymt bra om det gick att lösa något script så att man slipper förlora allt i inventoryn varje gång man dcar, arma crashar eller likande.




    Detta är något vi själva märkt varit otroligt irriterande och är något vi diskuterat och kommer att implementera så snart som möjligt.


    Om någon har en åsikt om att vi INTE borde ha detta så, kan ni fortsätta tråden :)

  8. Hi, my nick is Kebre/Kebre001 and I am  a (sys)admin on the server(s).


    I am currently studdying and trying to do my best to develop and make the server(s) better.

    I usually do the stuff you the players never see or know that we are doing but for example I setup this website and at the moment trying to make a more appropriate skin for the forum.


    I have studied computer science which includes programming and different types of network communication for some years and on my hobby I am having this server and some more where I am developing stuff and testing some stuff.

    More stuff I am doing on my free time (Do I have free time?) is studying different it-security related stuff which is really exciting.


    I have alot of experience in computers both hardware, software, networking and other stuff that runs on electricity.



    If im slow on anwering on teamspeak its because im working on something and probably has high volume


    edit 2014-09-03

    This is my teamspeak after just some minutes. Please send messages on the forum so I can save the conversation.


    Tweet me


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