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  1. Like
    Darwin reacted to Thomas Krüeger in The Great Escape   
    Ni skulle hört Johanssons förvånade reaktion när han såg er med Ubåtarna
  2. Like
    Darwin got a reaction from Aquila in The Great Escape   
    Vi gick +-0 på denna fed, men flykten är att minnas 

  3. Like
    Darwin got a reaction from HugoSpecter in The Great Escape   
    Vi gick +-0 på denna fed, men flykten är att minnas 

  4. Like
    Darwin reacted to Charlie in Combat logg   
    Rätt ska vara rätt
  5. Like
    Darwin got a reaction from V1RRE in Thorsten Cv.N application =)   
  6. Like
    Darwin got a reaction from A. Savage in SC vs Cv-D   
    Eftersom att Jimmie har varit inaktiv på senaste tiden och pga att han spelar i en faktion på en annan server så tar jag beslutet att BLÅSA AV kriget som skulle äga rum mellan SC och Cv-D, vi har förlorat medlemmar och tagit in nya och är inte så samspelta för tillfället, därför tror vi att detta skulle ge oss ett ganska stort underläge.
    Hoppas vi kan kriga någon annan gång när vi känner oss starkare! Admins kan cancella och låsa tråden.
    Mvh Darwin
  7. Like
    Darwin got a reaction from Hysteria in Hysteria's Return!   
    This sounds promising
  8. Like
    Darwin reacted to Hysteria in Post your ideas [Main Topic]   
    GW personally asked me to post here, so here we go, sorry this won't be concise. 

    Currently on the server the civilian role isn't healthy and fun enough for players to stick with it. They usually try and join one of the current two factions at the first and best opportunity they get. It's quite understandable and obvious that this is standard behavior, but presently the magnitude of this trend is way above of what's vigorous. This results in a buttload of problems both in the actual game and on the forums a.e.
    Not enough vanilla civilians* which in turn lessens the roleplay for the major factions on the server. By vanilla civilians i mean players who have no sort of affiliation with a gang or any sort of faction. They usually stick to themself or stay in a friend group of 2-4 while playing.

    These players have a vital role for the roleplay on the server since they offer small chitchat oppurtunities for players to discuss random topics inside of the game. Also since they have no sort of connection to any of the banditry focused gangs or the rebels they are seen as neutral by the police, which make the officers more willing to roleplay with them, since they aren't as afraid of getting killed or robbed.
    Vanilla civlians are also the ones farming the activitys that pay less a.e. Copper, oil, sand, apples and peaches to name a few. This is because gangs usually have the funds to farm the more expensive stuff a.e. Cocaine, Heroin, Weed and Slaves etc etc. Which brings us to the next issue.
    Several activitys on the server aren't used since there's no reason to actually take the time to do them. As stated above, the gangs of the server have the funds to do, for the most part, whatever they want. So there's no reason what so ever to farm minor activities which leaves them abandoned and unwanted. Since there's no one using these activities then there's no reason to have them on the server, no?

    This is where the two latest concerns relate. Without vanilla civilians, some activities won't be used, but without things for the civilians to do then there's no reason for them to stick around. But since the amount of content that is currently on the server is quite high, then why aren't the civilians sticking around? With that question I bring you problem number three.
    The balancing on the server is ridiculously one sided towards the rebels and non-official factions*. Being a rebel is really cool and fun, the roleplay is better, the guns are bigger and your funds are near infinity. The rebels can farm weed basically whenever they want. They have almost no reason to be scared for bandits/robbers, which makes it incredibly safe for them to farm it. Which in turn makes their wallets the most fat and delicious wallets on the server. So if they die, the lose nothing more than their pride and respect.

    Police on the other hand have to go off-duty and farm like a vanilla civilian with constant threats from everywhere. But when the server itself is on primetime, they aren't allowed to play off-duty. But they can't play as a solid cop without the money to buy all the necessities needed. So they either go farm with a fake nick, so that they can actually play on prime time, but this isn't accepted at all and have the possibilty for the officer to be dismissed from the force if admins or higher ranked police members find out.

    A non-official faction is a group of players that have self-proclaimed an area of the map to be their own and have the amount of active players to actually "patrol" around that area stopping vehicles that trespass, examples are: Scrub Club, Cv-Droghandel, The Underdogs and Los Zetas. These groups of players have come as close to rebels as they can get without actually joining the official rebel faction. They have the money to buy the big guns and the big vehicles. They have the amount of players to for the most part safely farm all the high paying activitys they desire. But most importantly, they are frequently very hostile against other players.

    All in all all of this added together creates an environment that's not that fun and interesting for vanilla civilians and newer players. Rebels are overpowered so you can't do anything against them without being completely rekked (Nerf Bobbi R), police aren't well equipped enough to be a threat towards the rebels or the non-official factions and the non-official factions themselves are running such a big part of the map that there's nowhere to earn money safely. With all of this said, it leaves us with the last matter that I will bring up in this post. 
    Loads of non-proffesional posts and applies on the forums. This isn't that big of an issue, but it's still work that has to be done by either the admins or the higher ranked police officers. Work takes time, and that time could've been used to create or do something better and more important. This subject knits us with the first issue I talked about. That players don't want to play as vanilla civilians and flood the forums with applies or questions regarding what he or she should do to have more fun on the server.

    TL;DR : There's a lot that could be added to the server, but if it hurts the civilians even more i doubt it would be worth adding it. The civilians needs a shot at making it big, they need more overall power on the server and this is only obtained by slowly balancing the server in their favor. We also need to change this quite quickly since there's not enough of a playerbase in that area to justify having all of the current farming options on the server since most of them will just be abandoned anyways. So we could at the moment just remove them to improve on server performance and being able to remove such content without major drawbacks is a bad thing.
    I know a lot of people in the playerbase will object when i say this but the powerlevel of the rebels and non-official factions needs to be toned down, a lot.
  9. Like
    Darwin reacted to Diddeh in S. Dawg police application.   
    In-Game Name? : S. Dawg
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)

    Age : 17, fyller 18 om 3 månader.
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Jag är polis på en annan Altis RPG server, och har varit det ett tag nu, har börjat smått tröttna på den servern så hänger inte där så ofta längre.
    Do you have a working microphone?: Självklart.
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: Inte helt hundra, men det är vill circa 300+ timmars lir iallfall.
    Have you been banned before?: Nej jag har inte blivit bannad någon gång.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?

    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Lyssna på dem som är högre rankade än dig.
    2) Kunna kommunicera bra.
    3) Respektera ALLA på servern (Poliser/NLA/Medics/Civs)
    4) Kunna rollspela bra.
    5) Kunna hantera alla typer av situationer.
    6) (en extra slänger jag in) Kunna te och ge KONSTRUKTIV kritik!

    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    Personligen så tycker jag att jag är en väldigt bra rollspelare, har hållt på med det länge och vet därför hur man ska bete sig och agera.
    Jag kommer vara väldigt aktiv, och dedikera all min tid till att bli en så bra polis som möjligt.
    Bra på att lyssna och ta emot kritik, så kommer kunna anpassa mig snabbt ifall jag skulle göra något fel.

    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    Att få alla i Altis att känna sig trygga, och att nå ut till alla typer av individer på ön och se till att brott så som rån och droghandel minskar!

    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
    Jag har spelat på CVG i cirka 200-300 timmar och har redan varit ledare för ett eget gäng, och även lirat med ett ex antal av dem andra större gängen på servern. Jag är en trevlig, rolig person att spela med, och tror inte ni kommer ångra er av att ge mig ett försök som polis!

    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:
    Jag hoppas på att få se CVG från ett annat perspektiv, lära känna nytt folk att spela med, och framförallt försöka promota mer RP här på servern!

    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    Regler är något som ska följas, respekt är något som man bygger upp, och lojalitet är något som jag förväntar mig att få av dem som jag är lojal till, ett lag kan inte funka utan det.

    Why are the police faction important?
    Utan polisen så hade det varit totalt kaos, jag känner att polisen balanserar ut servern på ett bra sätt, och polisen bidrar även med majoriteten av RP'n på servern, och det är just därför jag är intresserad av att gå med.

    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    När man är polis känner jag att man kan slänga in lite mer RP, till exempel vid en rutinkontroll eller när man arresterar någon (om tid finns). Sen är lagarbete en viktig nyckel till framgång som enligt mig alltid kan förbättras.

    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Jag heter Didrik, bor i stockholms län och går el & energiprogrammet på gymnasiet. Jag är 17 år, tränar 6 dagar i veckan, och utöver det så gillar jag att festa & hänga med vänner och självklart spela på min fritid! Alltid tyckt om rollspel, just därför jag har lirat mycket GTA san andreas i mina dar, och nu även hittat till arma 3 vilket är sjukt najs.
    Är det något annat ni vill veta om mig så är det bara att fråga!
  10. Like
    Darwin reacted to Goliat in Drive it like you stole it!   
    Reckless driving 10x 

  11. Like
    Darwin got a reaction from M. Gray in Ban Req [N.L.A] Hitem   
    Några få tazer skott avfyrades av thure, jag kunde ha smällt däcken och börjat spraya med lethal  och gå full ''put your hands up'' när ni gled runt med stora vapen, men jag valde att sänka vapnet och gå långsamt tillbaks till roadblocken då vi endast hade RP intentioner på plats (därför roadblocken med fartkontroll som väldigt sällan händer), därför tycker jag att deta va helt sjukt dålig stil att komma tillbaks och utnyttja det. jag quotar al sahim nu: ''ja det var riktigt svinigt gjort av oss men jag vill fortfarande ha looten''. i rest my case
  12. Like
    Darwin got a reaction from Bachne in Who's the king hoho Who's the king, (Ratz vs SC)   
    *Grabs Popcorn* fan vad roligt! Skippa rooks och pdw's bara så blir nog detta ett krig to remember
  13. Like
    Darwin got a reaction from WoXXeN in Who's the king hoho Who's the king, (Ratz vs SC)   
    *Grabs Popcorn* fan vad roligt! Skippa rooks och pdw's bara så blir nog detta ett krig to remember
  14. Like
    Darwin reacted to Rasmus in [Ban request] RDM   
    Ban-Request declined

    The A.P.D was in a firefight with SC when T.U approached.

    •If you are killed in the crossfire of a firefight, it is not RDM.

    You even recieved a warning to leave the area.

  15. Like
    Darwin reacted to M. Gray in N.L.A challenge (anti-air week)   
    Som tidigare talare så har vi ju ett ansvar vid fed till exempel.. Är det bättre då att vi låter er ta fed och det blir inflation på servern (mer än vad det redan är) när så mycket pengar kommer ut på marknaden....
    Sen är Altislife tänkt att det ska vara "vanliga" civ som gör VANLIGA saker och det finns en polis som är VANLIG polis. Men det har vi passerat för länge sedan.. Där av tyngre vapen. Tyngre bilar..
    Men heay!!! Jag kan gå med på ta bort alla tyngre vapen och kör bara med pistoler. Även Polisen. Och börjar BETE er som vanliga civ.. Men det är det ju ingen som vill.. Utan det ska pangas och skjutas helt vilt..
    Jag hade med en nära vän nyligen på servern. han var lite intresserad att börja som Polis. Vi åkte runt och skulle patrolera lite.. Vi han nog 1km utanför athira då kom LZ med dragna vapen och det vanliga händer.. - Hoppa ur bilen annars skjuter vi.. Tycker ni det är RP??? Nej den killen får vi aldrig mer se på denna servern för NI klarade inte av att visa upp er goda sida..
    Sen Är jag jävligt trött på att ALLA använder sig av serverregler och vrider dem till sin egna fördel. Vart är vanlig sunt förnuft? Vart är den förståelsen som man borde ha när man vistas bland andra människor?
    Nej Polisen Kommer inte ställa upp på detta event då det är omöjligt för oss att göra det och det ligger faktiskt i ert ansvar att ta tag i ert spelande så vi INTE måste ha hunters och tunga vapen ute.
    Jag röstar på att öppna upp 2 platser som Publika poliser så folk får se hur det är att spela polis. Jävlit lätt att gnälla och säga att vi gör fel. Vi är dåliga. Vi RP:ar inget.. Prova själv om DU tror du klarar det..
  16. Like
    Darwin reacted to luckiiee in N.L.A challenge (anti-air week)   
    Var hittar du dubbelmoralen?
  17. Like
    Darwin got a reaction from Takó in Ban Req [N.L.A] Hitem   
    Några få tazer skott avfyrades av thure, jag kunde ha smällt däcken och börjat spraya med lethal  och gå full ''put your hands up'' när ni gled runt med stora vapen, men jag valde att sänka vapnet och gå långsamt tillbaks till roadblocken då vi endast hade RP intentioner på plats (därför roadblocken med fartkontroll som väldigt sällan händer), därför tycker jag att deta va helt sjukt dålig stil att komma tillbaks och utnyttja det. jag quotar al sahim nu: ''ja det var riktigt svinigt gjort av oss men jag vill fortfarande ha looten''. i rest my case
  18. Like
    Darwin reacted to hitem in Reoccurring Event: The Purge (inspired by the movie)   
    This event is a reoccurring event that can be triggered by the admins (rank 3 or above). Its scheduled to run ONCE a week!

    The idea behind this event is based on the movie The Purge.
    The whole concept is not about killing and more violence, its about doing something together and have something to look forward to. Perhaps you can RP like crazy during the week and save your frustration to this event and then trying to find the person you have a beef with w/o any rules for about 30minutes.  This might highlight the importance of RP and behavior on the server unless you want to be hunted!  The movie was interesting and as an event this could work very well or not at all. Lets see how this event progress and its heavily based upon community feedback!
    Hopefully we all have a blast and some good times!         This is how it works: Once triggered there will be a SMS sent to give you an headsup about the commencement of The Purge, you have 5 minutes before the event starts at this point!
    Now you have 2 options: Fight or Flee (Prepare for fight or get to Safezones incase you dont wish to participate). When the 5 minutes have passed you receive an SMS letting you know the START of the event and there will be an alarm played on loudspeakers scattered around the map (mainly in cities and checkpoints) to help out identifying the start of the event. After that you will keep getting time updates every 5min via SMS for the remaining 30minutes of the Event! All emergency services are suspended during the event! (such as medic ressing and police services).

    Rules/Details: Time: Event last for 30 minutes and it runs once a week (A small post in shoutbox/ingame will be made by the admin who triggers it in advance). Where: Everywhere. Safezones are the only safe place where you can escape the event. Rules: SafeZones = Safe. RDM is allowed on the map. VDM is not allowed. New Life Rule (NLR) must be respected. Cops Medics and Rebels are allowed to participate in the event. All regular emergency services is offline for the 30minute event (no resses, no sending to jail, no searching vehicles etc). NEW: News-Crew are immune during the Purge and shall not be harmed. Hunters and Ifrits are not allowed during the Purge Once you die, you have to respawn (no medic ress) No personal insults or acts of aggression via vocal means (no bad language!) Gangs are allowed to co-operate (but remember, its The Purge, even your friends might not be trustworthy!) Else there is not much rules.   Once the event is over normal rules are back into effect and you are once again being flagged down for the crimes you commit. There is no glory to be claimed or any cash rewards. This event is purely for server RP/Community purpose!       SCHEDULE:
    2015-05-31th (Sunday) during 19-23 restart - admin: hitem 2015-06-01   (Monday) During 19-23 restart - admin: Afriel
    2015-06-21   (Sunday) During 19-23 restart - admin: Goatis
    2015-06-23   (Tuesday) During 19-23 restart - admin: Goatis (1 hour) 2015-07-12   (Sunday) During 19-23 restart - admin: Goatis

    Remember that this event is not a permanent event, just something to get us started and hopefully some good feedback comes out of it and we will bring with us the knowledge for future events!
    Thanks to Demigod for making the base script!
    ​Thanks to Harry for lending us his voice (i, hitem, still accept submitions tho incase you believe you can do better!)
  19. Like
    Darwin reacted to Halffinger Pete in Ban på Ratz-boss A.Barkley   
    Name: [MedicCheif] P. Bracket
    Offender-Name: [Ratz-Boss] A. Barkley
    Date: 2015-05-14 - 22:00
    Reason: Jag blev skjuten när jag hade spanat in på sjukhuset i atira (flygplatsen) när en medic kom för att ressa mig så sköt han även denna
    Båda blev skjutna innom 50meter fårn atm på sjukhuset som är uppmäkt
  20. Like
    Darwin reacted to Isak Härdin in A.P.D application - I. Härdin   
    Meet the minimum age of 17. Understand basic server rules. MUST have a working microphone! MUST have a good command of the English language.  
    In-Game Name? : I. Härdin What is your Player ID #? 76561198048850314 Age : 17 Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes i do, been playing as a member of the A.P.D police force most of the time ive been on this server. Do you have a working microphone?: Yes i do. How long have you played on CvGaming?: around 500hours Have you been banned before?: No Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? I will always act in character and i will never abuse my powers as a member of the police force.     What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer? 1) Respect for your fellow police officers and the civilians.
    2) Be able to make everyone on the server have a good time when roleplaying.
    3) Be able to handle difficult situations and have somewhat good thinking when it comes to tactics.
    4) Be able to command and make orders.
    5) Be calm so you don't get stressed or easily angered.
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:           I believe that im good at roleplaying, im able to take and make commands and i always respect my fellow police members.
              Im both playfull and serious. I always act in character and i strive to become better at everything i do.
              I love tactics, and i think i can give you all in the policeforce a change or a helpfull hand when it comes to it.
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?: Your task as a police officer is to protect and serve the altis inhabitants. You need to protect those who are in need and be able to act when someone is braking the law. Your also obliged to act in character so that everyone on the server has a great rp scenario when they meet you.
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer? I love tactics, im loyal and i love rp'ing with people.
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?: I hope to make people smile and think ''Man, that police officer was really fun to talk to.'' and i hope i'll help protect civilians from harm and to deal with lawless people.
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: Respect is something you earn. But to earn respect you also need to give. As a police officer you need to be loyal to the force and to follow all the rules youve signed yourself on.  
    Why are the police faction important? The police faction helps civilians on the server and it's a great way to roleplay since CVG altis life is a roleplay server.  
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better at? I believe that the policeforce is evolving into something larger and better at the moment. It has had a ruff time lately butt it's now shining as a faction on the server. What they need to become better at right now is to help more civilians in need.
    Tell us a little about yourself! Well, im a 17 year old boy turning 18 this summer. Ive always liked to play games and i love tactics. I love to talk to people and make someones day a bit better. I currently live in Gävle witch is a town a bit north of Stockholm sweden. As to say the timezone is GMT+1 and that's it for me.
  21. Like
    Darwin got a reaction from Rarre in Vinnar låten från kareoke kvällen igår på CvG!   
    sjukt roligt att folk kom och bjöd på sig själv! och cred till bobbi för ett legit framträdande samt förstapris, vackert
  22. Like
    Darwin reacted to luckiiee in Polisen på FED.   
    Polisen och rebellerna har redan grejer som inte civilia har, de här skulle höja RP:t och skulle nog ge en "wow" känsla, få bort fokusen på looten. Så noga är det inte att få loot, finns annat skoj också
  23. Like
    Darwin reacted to NorreN in NorreN & Melantha Rose´s wedding   
    Tack för alla som kom! riktigt skönt att ha hela familjen samlad. Just nu sitter jag och Melantha på flyget till stratis och ska ha smekmånad   
    Video : 
    Ett stort tack till Bobbi.R (Jonas) för ett riktigt fint tal!  
  24. Like
    Darwin got a reaction from WoXXeN in Ganglands?   
    I want to start with an apology if this have already Been brought up, and i Will write this post in english out of respect for our non-swedish mates.

    So, i have heard diffrent stories about what's gonna happen with ganglands, some say/think that it wont come back and some think that it will.
    So, Will you bring back ganglands in the future or will it fall into the history books? And if it wont come back, do you have any plans for the gangs with large amounts of money in the gangfunds (or any plans for gangfunds in general)?

    Best Regards.

  25. Like
    Darwin reacted to A.Karlsson in Missions?   
    Det du nämner om warzone. När bandit fanns så stog det om folk tog över det så man drog dit för man visste om att det fanns folk där. Om du kan göra något liknande på warzone? Tex det står warzone och (6 enemies) 
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