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Posts posted by Kafarov

  1. Denna snubben ska tillbaks, enligt videon så var det ju Adde som häll på att härma och håna hur Emin snackade. Men Wazz och Kauppinen var ju inte rasistiska. Hade dom snackat om det dom snackade om mot en svensk hade den svensken varit dum. Men dom tyckte ju att det var dumt att Emin ville banna istället för att få refund. 

    Enligt vad jag hörde i ban requesten så var det en av dom som uttalade sig idiotiskt, och som Wazz säger, så drog ni alla över en kamm. Rätt ska väl ändå vara rätt.

  2. 9 hours ago, luckan said:

    men du började ju skuta mot oss vi försvarade bara oss

    Insert other media

    Men ladda upp det då? Luckan varför säger du saker som inte är sanna? Mitt mag var fullt hela incidenten och jag ville inte skjuta tillbaks, istället ville jag recorda så att jag kunde få refund för den där engagen. Men har jag skjutit tillbaks så får du väl bevisa det då, blir dock svårt då det aldrig hänt.


    6 hours ago, BjeNw0w said:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPlYzm9wEKw <-- inte första gången de fail engagear/avrättar

    Ahahahahaha jag säger ju det. Dom måste ta en extra titt på reglerna.

  3. 6 hours ago, luckan said:

    ok länka då 


    Här är bevis på vem det var som dödade mig under händelsen. Kräver admin video på att det var Luckan som dödade mig så finns det. Det var dock min polare som spelade in från sin POV men man hör vad jag säger, på filmen jag hade så säger dom precis samma saker som i hans. Så det är ingen scamming så sätt. Hursomhelst, här är screenshot på att du dödade mig. Dessutom stämmer videons datum som min polare gjorde med datumet på ban requesten så inget lurendrejeri där heller.


  4. 10 hours ago, luckan said:

    varför har du inte med när du stannar bilen och skjuter mot oss 



    Jag sköt aldrig mot er, vill du bevisa det så släng upp videon här. För både du och jag vet ju att du ljuger nu.


    9 minutes ago, luckan said:

    Vart ser   du mig någon stans

    I busken precis innan Svedin engagar mig så ser jag dig.

  5.         Name: [T.W.C.B] Sgt. K. Tacos

            Offender-Name: [WL] LuckaN & [WL] Svedin

            Date: 2015-11-30 - 20:05

            Reason: I was driving through Agios, i saw someone shoot an SDAR, so i turned around. Then i got engaged while driving in 100km/h+. You can also see them shoot at me, i didn't catch the situation of when they killed me, my teammate has a video of who kills me, i also decided not to shoot back because i thought it was more worth not taking the fight and getting a refund instead. I showed my gear on the video just to show what i had in case i would get RDMed. And so was the case. After i captured the video, i crashed into a tree, then i got out and tried to get back into my vehicle, but my game was too laggy. Then i got killed. I know it's not alot of gear, but i would accept a refund instead of these guys getting banned.

    •  If you plan to rob a by passing car, you may not randomly fire at the vehicle to make it stop (Only Roadblocks and spike trips is allowed during this situation)

    The incident begins at 4:20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRZ3KeXP-TA&feature=youtu.be

    Here you see who killed me (if you need a video from my friends POV then contact me, he was not there but they say the exact things in TeamSpeak and the date is the same as my video aswell.  https://gyazo.com/a434bfb775374ef92d6a9fd82adfc255

    OBS!!! Måste medge att klippet jag la upp verkar väldigt kort, men så fort som dom sköt ett skott tryckte jag på Alt + F10 vilket sparar dom sista 5 minutrarna, men man ser engagen medans jag kör och skottet som avfyras mot min bil.


  6. I will do this application in English because i want to prove that i can speak it fluently, i am fully Swedish.

    • In-Game Name? : [T.W.C.B] Sgt. K. Tacos & [Medic] KayTac
    • What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)
    • Age : Born in Sweden with an age of 14 y/o
    • Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes, contact me via PM if interested of where
    • Do you have a working microphone?: I do have a fully working microphone
    • How long have you played on CvGaming?: I've been with CvGaming for 1200h
    • Have you been banned before?: Yes, i was banned for moneyduping in June, but helped hitem patch it after regretting my actions
    • Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: I do promise to act in-character at all times
    • What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
      1) Being loyal and treat your colleagues fully with respect
      2) Have a decent aim and good overlook of vehicles and equipment
      3) Being able to control vehicles (Hatchback Sport & Helicopters) without making a fiasco
      4) Staying in-character and roleplaying
      5) Being able to communicate and not to give unnecessary information
    • In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer: The reason of why i would fit as a police officer is because ever since i was a little 6 year old, i've wanted to be a police officer in real life. It is also my favourite faction on Altis Life, because i don't think it's tough to be a rebel/terrorist. I think it's more tough to be a police officer. For the last paragraph i would fit as a police officer because i have discipline.

    • In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?: My task as a police officer is to prevent all the gangs, cartels, terrorists and rebel organisations from turning Altis to a place not safe to live in. I want to make sure every single civilian of this island are able to walk from their house, to the other side of the island and back safe and sound. I also want to minimalize the criminality on Altis as much as possible, by signaling to those who are drug-trafficing that it is extremely wrong.

    • Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?: There is no reason of WHY to pick me as a police officer. But as i would see it, i think it would be because i am not that bad at shooting and i would therefor be able to do what i do best at the fields.

    • What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?: If i would become a police officer, i hope i get to know my colleagues and having a very good time with them aswell! But that is not my only goal, my other goal is also to doing society a favor, by using my skills i will

    • What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: I think that respecting everyone is a #1 priority. Without respect comes hate, and with hate comes bad times. Loyalty is a big priority in the police faction aswell. Not only towards police officers, but also to fellow civilians.

    • Why are the police faction important?: The police faction is important in many ways, not only for decreasing drug-trafficing, but also to prevent the Rebel and Terrorist factions from putting fear into Altis and it's population. The other Civilian Cartels and Gangs are also as dangerous as the ones mentioned above.

    • What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?: I don't acctualy think the police faction needs a change. But there could be some small things added or deleted from the faction, but nothing that i know.

    • Tell us a little about yourself!: My name is Konrad, i was born on the West Coast of Sweden in 2001. I've been gaming since 2007/2008 where my first game was Medal of Honor: Rising Sun, i used to play that alot on Xbox. In March this year i bought Arma 3, logged onto CvGaming and had a wonderful time. I decided that this game and this server was going to be my favourite game and server ever. I've always liked roleplaying, as much as i've always liked making money. This server was the first server i ever played on in Arma, and i've been playing on it ever since. 
  7. Dom sprang dessutom in i fighten mitt mellan kulorna för att baita kos. Sen går dom bakom min polare och förvandlar allt till att det är deras engage. Att dom sedan inte ger honom tid gör att dom gör en fel engage, alltså att dom accepterar fighten. Vilket inte kan bli en ursäkt. Så att dom sprang mellan kulorna utan att bli träffad (körde dessutom runt i polisbil när vi hade fight med A.P.D) är inte längre något att skylla på. Kan också tillägga att ingen av oss såg dom och ingen av oss sköt några kulor mot dom. Men eftersom dom stulit bilen från A.P.D så var det A.P.D som sköt. Inte vi.

  8. 22 hours ago, Ludwig said:

    Men om nu rpt ska öka så kanske du borde rpa också? :) 

    Man vet ju dock att går man fram till polisen och rpar, så tar dom en för ''olagligt gear'' även fast han är ensam och 8 pers omringat han utan engage. Har varit med om att polisen restrainat mig sedan insta seizat mina vapen, på så sätt förtjänade han ett skott i huvudet.

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