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Posts posted by Kafarov

  1. Meet the minimum age of 17.
    Understand basic server rules.
    MUST have a working microphone!
    MUST have a good command of the English language.

    In-Game Name?: My name in the A.P.D would probably by K. Brooks. But it is currently [T.W.C.B-R] KayTac, my story of names are huge. It started with Konrad, then Xonrad, then i switched to CheyTac and Zielinsky.
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)
    Age : 14 y/o (15 in 2k16)
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes, I'm a Senior Officer on an Arma 3 Life server, i am also a police officer on a PvP server and i've been a police officer on two altis life servers, i do not want to advertise, but if Stanford wants to know more. We'll talk about it on TeamSpeak instead.
    Do you have a working microphone?: I do indeed have a fully working microphone.
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: Since March 2015. About 900+ hours. 1100 total hours of gameplay.
    Have you been banned before?: I were banned for moneyduping in early June this year. But were un-banned in late July. And i showed the admins what kind of exploit i was using and they patched it.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Indeed i do!
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Being calm and understanding to others.
    2) Being able to roleplay.
    3) Have a good look on what weapons, gear and vehicles are in the game.
    4) Be mature in-game.
    5) Have respect to your higher-ups and always be loyal to all of your colleagues, even lower-ranked.
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer: In my opinion, i'm not the best always the best roleplayer, letting me play in a faction would improve it alot. But i can still fly, drive and aim perfectly. I am also able to be calm and to handle situations that others may find hard to deal with. And finally, i am very good at English and i have an A in English at school, Trust me, i am not using Google Translate or anything like that.

    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?: My task as a police officer is mostly to deal with situations calmly and having a good grip onto it. Not losing my mind and to have a good knowing of what could happen in the situation and being ready for anything.

    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?: There is no reason to pick just ME as a police officer, even though i would evolve alot and enjoying playing on the server even more than before. But i guess i could be better than some of the appliers at both shooting, driving and flying. But my roleplaying may not be my strongest point.

    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?: I hope to learn the CvGaming community even more and to enjoy playing on the server alot more than before. I have had my breaks, but i think being in this faction would cause me a huge change because it helps me to increase my roleplaying and every other skill, such as driving, flying and aiming.

    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: To respect the higher-ups, Being loyal to your colleagues (and fellow civilians) and to protect and serve for the better of Altis.

    Why are the police faction important?: The police faction is important mostly because without the A.P.D i believe there would be chaos on Altis. It just makes so much sence that they're there.

    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?: I think it is acctualy good as it is at the moment. And have no plans of changing the A.P.D in any way.

    Tell us a little about yourself!: I'm a 14 y/o boy from Sweden, and i've been gaming since 2005. The first game i played was Medal of Honor: Rising Sun on XBox at an age of 4 y/o. Even though i do not meet the requirements of meeting the minimum age of 17, i do think it's worth to create this application. I mean, age shouldn't always matter. Sometimes, people who are 14 can acctualy be ALOT more mature than people who are older. I am also a Medic (Medic Rank 1) and have been since somewhere in September. Hope you think i am qualified even though i do not meet the age requirement and that i get the chance to prove me right about maturity. Good day ;)

  2. Tactical Beginners Guide

    New on the server? Or new on Altis Life overall? This guide will help you get on your feet and earn big cash in no time!

    My goal is to get you your first house, that is the most important item that you can ever get.

    Chapter 1: Basic Controls

    Windows Key - Farming (picking up items from the ground) | T - Access vehicle inventory | Left Shift + P - Earplugs (lowers the sound) | Left Shift + < - Taking your hands up | Left Shift + H - Holster your gun | Left Ctrl + H - Unholster your gun

    Chapter 2: Beginning (Farming Fruits, Copper, Iron or Sand)

    You've got some cash to spend! (if you do not have the amount that the server have promised you, contact and admin at ts.cvgaming.net) and the first thing you're gonna wanna do with the money is to buy a backpack (preferebly the Carryal Backpack) a Truck License (from the DMW) and a small truck (preferebly the Truck Boxer) and go to either Apple Field or Peaches Field to farm your first rounds ever, just to get the hang of it. When you feel ready go to the Market to get yourself a pickaxe. Before you leave, pick yourself up 20-50k to afford the processing license of which material you feel like farming. And then be on the way to either Copper Mine, Iron Mine or Sand Mine (preferebly the Sand Mine). When you're at one of the mines, fill your backpack and transfer it to your truck, and repeat that until your Backpack AND Truck are filled with the materials you're farming you need to drive to the processor of which material you chose to farm. Either Iron Processing, Copper Processing or Glass Processing (which is for sand). Whilst there, use the money you brought to buy a license. Then just keep on processing until every unprocessed item is processed. And then go to either Iron Trader, Copper Trader or Glass Trader. You should've now earnt your first 100k!

    Chapter 3: Continuing (Farming Drugs, Cocaine, Heroin or Weed)

    When you have been farming Iron, Copper or Glass for quite some time, and earnt yourself some money. Make sure you're safe. Go to the Gun Store and get yourself a Pistol License and a Pistol of your choice. It is also time to upgrade your truck (preferebly to the Zamak Transport or Zamak Transport (Covered) at the Truck Shop) to fit in more items into the trunk space. And chose either the Cocaine Field, Heroin Field or Weed Field (preferebly the Cocaine or Weed fields, and note that you do not need any tools to farm). When you reach your destination, make sure that no one you know would hurt you are currently at the Drug Field, then you can start picking some drugs. If you see people coming that are not coming with a heli or truck, you should get out of there as fast as you can, and return some other time. When you picked your drugs, move towards the processor of the drug you chose. While on the way, grab 150-200k by the nearest ATM to buy a Processing license. When processing, have your weapon ready for anything, bandits are robbing there all the time. Make sure every drug gets processed! Then go to the closest Drug Dealer, sell all your drugs and then quickly go to a safe area where you can deposit the money you earnt.

    Chapter 4: Professional

    You should now have a million dollars! But you're still not ready to get into the Rebel bussiness. Now i recommend you to go to Altis Aiport to buy your first helicopter. Either M-900 or MH-9 Hummingbird (preferebly the MH-9 Hummingbird because you get 4 more extra seats). You might not get as much money as while farming with a truck per round, but because it moves ALOT faster, you earn 1,2 million on 4 rounds, which takes as long as 1 round for a Zamak. Where you get 500k+. And you should also go to the H.R.A Checkpoint to buy yourself a TRG-20 or TRG-21 (TRG-20 is 100k cheaper but is a Carbine). This is for protection and can be very handy. Keep on farming with your helicopter.

    Chapter 5: Ready for a gang!

    You probably have a million or two in your bank right now, so it is time to create or join a gang! Remember, it is recommended to join a gang that has come as far as you. Then work yourselves up as a gang. Then consider joining a bigger gang with the intention to fight and get themselves their own gangland. Also, do not buy a bigger truck or bigger helicopter yet. We want 3,7 million before we do that, so that we can get ourselves a house first. Keep on farming with your helicopter. If you lose it, get a new one. Because doing 2 rounds with that helicopter gives you enough money to get a new one. Just keep on going until you have 3.7 million dollars. It is also extremely important to have protection with you, never forget that.

    Chapter 6: Buying a house!

    When you've reached 3.7 million dollars, it is finally time to buy your first house! The house we're looking for is the smaller ones seen in the cities. Not the small wooden ones out on the island. You need a Home Owners License, and 2 Large Storage Boxes. This will cost 375k. So make sure to have that extra after you can afford a house. Do not have your house in a safezone! The A.P.D will find it easier and if they've got enough evidence that you have illegal items in that house. EVERYTHING will be raided and they will take everything you've decided to store in that specific house. So if you have it somewhere random outside of a safezone. It will be less chance that someone will caught you.

    Chapter 7: Earning bigger money faster!

    You have a house, but you do not have a big truck! Keep on farming until you can afford either a HEMTT Box or a Tempest Device. There trucks move quick AND have VERY high capacity. And it is extremely important to have one of these in posession. Farming Cocaine with them are easier and safer since H.R.A are guarding the whole route constantly. And you will therefor provide protection from them if you ask nice.

    Edit 1: Added Chapter 7



  3. Men say what? När polisen raidat pyrgos så är alltid dom civila fler än poliserna är på platsen, Jag har varit med o gått in i pyrgos när det varit 9 hra inne kontra 3 varit inne, antalet HRA har aldrig haft någon betydelse när polisen raidat pyrgos, uppgiften var att få bort vapen ifrån servern med tanke på att folk dupeat mängder med vapen, Sen om det är fullgearade Cv-d eller SC spelar inte så stor roll, syftet är att få bort vapen, västar, poliskläder etc. Så om HRA är där eller inte spelar ingen roll det är endå inte dom som var "target" ni har fått det där om bakfoten... Förövrigt så tyckte majoriteten av civila att det var skit roligt att polisen gick in i pyrgos, självklart finns det som i allt en mindre grupp(i detta fall ditt gäng Takó) som inte uppskattar det, men när det är 100pop och 5 personer säger nej och 80 säger Jaaa kom in till pyrgos, hur tror du prioriteringen ligger då? Har förmodligen förekommit att polisen åkt in i pyrgos för att panga för det var lika kul för polisen som för civila att åka in i pyrgos :)


    Free loot though

  4. Det är rätt vanligt att vi skriver om regler som inte funkar, vet inte specifikt vad/vilken regel du syftar på men vid en ban request så går man alltid efter den regeln som finns vid det tillfället som ban requesten är upplagd.

    Det var en oskriven regel vid tillfället och därför bröt dom den innan den var skriven.

  5. Altis (Lymnos) & Stratis (Agios Efstratios) are acctualy in real life! They have simply copied the whole map seen on Google Earth (which is called Lymnos or Lemnos) into Arma 3 and Altis. The same goes from Stratis, which has been copied from Agios Efstratios and become Stratis in Arma 3! There is only one small city in Stratis though and no airport. In Altis there are alot of more houses in real life than in Altis. And Kavala is acctualy called Myrina. The main road is copied as well and alot of the small and minor roads of Altis has also been copied. Who'd like to go there someday? :D

    Here is Agios and the curve of death! https://gyazo.com/2a11e05e2253c5cbb01bb515583c5a24

    Edit 1: Added Agios Dionysios and the Curve of Death!

  6. Jag impoundar varenda bil jag ser, dock när man kommer en bit utanför pyrgos och impoundar så blir man engagad och inte hinner impounda klart... Men ska jobba hårdare på det ;)

    Vore bra om du fick dina kollegor att göra detsamma. Finns en massa Offroads, SUVs och Hatchbacks mellan Kavala Checkpoint och Kavala. Som medic måste man alltid sakta ner eller helt och hållet stanna för att flytta på bilarna.

  7. Jag vet att admin kollar eller iaf har kollat om det går att fixa så medics ska kunna inpounda och även hra men det är inte så lätt att fixa.

    Självklart men har sett massa Altis Life servrar som knappast är custom scriptade där man kan impounda bilar som medic.

  8. Name: [TN] Zielinsky & Co

            Offender-Name: Hela F.D.M

            Date: 2015-10-26

            Reason: Vi skulle diskutera en RDM i Field Hospital (Safezone) som ni dessutom ser nedan. Och sedan när vi snackar om den inne i Field Hospital börjar dom plötsligt avrätta oss. Detta är inte ok någonstans och behöver inte diskuteras.


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