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Posts posted by Kafarov

  1. Två av era killar hade inte ens hoppat in i bilarna när jag engagade. Sen fick jag ett SMS från NoCoolName där han frågade om jag engagat. Eftersom jag var död så skrev jag ett vanligt Ja i side och trodde du skulle fatta. Sen hotar ni mig när jag scoutar er "kör runt som en 10 åring" och det hör man också i videon att ni gjort. Vi snackade sedan i Athira och väl där betedde ni er som svin, svor, kallade oss för saker som inte ens är tillåtna att nämna osv. Fattar verkligen inte varför ni lägger upp en ban request.

  2. This application will be in English, be aware that i am from Sweden

    In-Game Name?: * [T.W.C.B] Sgt. K. Tacos * [Cv-D] [Pros] KayTac/Xonrad/D. Bambino * [K.F] D. Bambino/S. Tigris * [FM] S. Tigris & [Medic] KayTac/S. Tigris
    What is your Player ID?: 76561198056872384
    Age: I am 14 y/o
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes, on some old swedish Altis Life servers, a few british servers and one Arma 3 Life server aswell.
    Do you have a working microphone?: I do have a fully working microphone
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: I've been with CvGaming for 1500 hours.
    Have you been banned before?: Yes, i was banned for moneyduping in late May, but confessed and were unbanned 1 month later.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: I do promise to act in-character at all times
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Being loyal and treat your colleagues fully with respect
    2) Staying in-character and roleplaying
    3) Being able to control vehicles such as Hatchback Sport & Helicopters
    4) Have a decent aim and good overlook of vehicles and equipment
    5) Being able to communicate and not to give unnecessary information in fights
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer: The reason of why i would fit as a police officer is because ever since i was a little 6 year old, i've wanted to be a police officer in real life. It is also my favourite faction on Altis Life, because i don't think it's tough to be a rebel/terrorist. I think it's more tough to be a police officer. For the last paragraph i would fit as a police officer because i have discipline.

    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?: My task as a police officer is to prevent all the gangs, cartels, terrorists and rebel organisations from turning Altis to a place not safe to live in. I want to make sure every single civilian of this island are able to walk from their house, to the other side of the island and back safe and sound. I also want to minimalize the criminality on Altis as much as possible, by signaling to those who are drug-trafficing that it is extremely wrong.

    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?: There is no reason of WHY to pick me as a police officer. But as i would see it, i think it would be because i am not that bad at shooting and i would therefor be able to do what i do best at the fields.

    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?: If i would become a police officer, i hope i get to know my colleagues and having a very good time with them aswell! But that is not my only goal, my other goal is also to doing society a favor, by using my skills i will

    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: I think that respecting everyone is a #1 priority. Without respect comes hate, and with hate comes bad times. Loyalty is a big priority in the police faction aswell. Not only towards police officers, but also to fellow civilians.

    Why are the police faction important?: The police faction is important in many ways, not only for decreasing drug-trafficing, but also to prevent the Rebel and Terrorist factions from putting fear into Altis and it's population. The other Civilian Cartels and Gangs are also as dangerous as the ones mentioned above.

    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?: I don't acctualy think the police faction needs a change. But there could be some small things added or deleted from the faction, but nothing that i know.

    Tell us a little about yourself!: My name is Konrad, i was born on the West Coast of Sweden in 2001. I've been gaming since 2007/2008 where my first game was Medal of Honor: Rising Sun, i used to play that alot on Xbox. In March this year i bought Arma 3, logged onto CvGaming and had a wonderful time. I decided that this game and this server was going to be my favourite game and server ever. I've always liked roleplaying, as much as i've always liked making money. This server was the first server i ever played on in Arma, and i've been playing on it ever since. 
    I've also been a medic since late August.

    Best Regards // [T.U] Xonrad [Lt], [SC] KayTac & [Cv-D] [Capo] Xonrad!

  3. Just now, HedmaN said:

    nä då är det ju hans fel han som blev engagad. för vi tog aldrig kominikationen av honom,  då är det ju inte mitt fel. "(förlåt för dålig svenska)"

    Men eftersom Hejsan sa till honom att vi i hans gang skulle tagga ifrån området ''annars avrättar vi dig'' och jag gjorde precis som ni sa och ändå så skjuter du mig så är det visst både ditt fel för att du sköt och Hejsans fel för att han inte gav er information i TeamSpeak, har jag rätt?

  4.         Name: [Cv-D] [Pros] Xonrad

            Offender-Name: [TR] HedmaN ([?] HedmaN)

            Date: 2015-12-13 - <18:15>

            Reason: As you can hear in TeamSpeak. Ramirez says that The Renegades told him that if his teammates (us) doesn't get out of there, they would execute him. So i holstered my gun, and tried to run behind the sand bags. But i got pinched on the way there and i did comply to their demands. I talked to [TR] Hejsan ([?] Hejsan) who engaged Ramirez and [TR] HedmaN ([?] HedmaN) who killed me and they claim they were allowed me because i was running towards the cargo tower, but i started to run up to the tower as soon as i started taking fire. So he had no actual reason to kill me.

            Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32O4g2L0vNs *DON'T FORGET TO TURN THE VOLUME DOWN UNLESS YOU WANT YOUR EARS TO BLEED IN THE END*

  5. Men hörni, fraktionerna är endast där för att höja rp:et på servern. Dom är inte där för att folk ska kunna köpa billigt gear och slåss med det. Utan för att få folk att trivas på servern genom att bjuda på rp. Men allt jag ser är att fraktionerna är där och rp:ar med varandra medans civsen kommer och bara engagar för att få tag i deras saker.

  6. 28 minutes ago, PeTTePeTTe said:

    asså tror alla på cv att de är Faze eller? xD


    Nae absolut inte men kan ju vara roligt att dela med sig utav sina moments. Har man inga, vill man inte, då behöver man ju inte det heller :)

    Sen tycker jag att det var rätt onödig feedback att ge, antingen gillar du den, då kan du valfritt skriva något positivt, eller så gillar du den inte, då behöver du inte skriva något alls. Just sayin'

  7. Själv tycker jag att man ska kunna loota osv. Men tycker att det finns saker som vi alla borde tänka på tillsammans. Till exempel om ett gäng träffar på ett annat gäng och ett av gängen tänkt engaga behöver man inte dra en engage direkt. Man kan gå fram och typ säga ''Jaså, vad gör ni här era svin?'' och ha en konversation. Sen helt plötsligt kan man t.ex. säga ''Ja men du och dina grabbar kan ju ta upp händerna för det här är nämnligen ETT RÅN!''

    Men ni fattar vad jag menar, tänker alla på detta blir nog servern ett trevligare ställe!

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