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Everything posted by Kupa
AI's ändras knappt i någon skill setting(Beror på script dock) Vill du ha action emot dom, ta av silencer och ligg inte på avstånd. AI's har knappt förmågan och lokalisera skotten (dom skall kunna, men osannolikt att dom lyckas) bara på näravstånd(Ifall dom känner vart skotten kommer ifrån, har dom otroligt bra pricksäkerhet på långt avstånd) Annars måste dom ha en Game Master som pekar ut eller en Scout högre upp. Quote There's no additional behavior or skill changes, they just react in the same way as if they heard you shoot a few meters behind them.
Different altitudes and angles on our dear armored vehicles
Kupa replied to Kupa's topic in Media Lounge / Entertainment
I'm not, that's what I'm trying to put forward. -
Different altitudes and angles on our dear armored vehicles
Kupa replied to Kupa's topic in Media Lounge / Entertainment
If youre being engaged by a gang/faction that are in unknown positions, it's quite hard to not let yourself be caught. But I agree with you, it's bad to drive a hunter unless you have backups on hills, etc. But bad things happen, and it's a great loss. Therefore I think that we shouldn't use these vehicles. They give a civ too many opportunities on other Civs. That's my opinion, since it happend time to time. -
Different altitudes and angles on our dear armored vehicles
Kupa replied to Kupa's topic in Media Lounge / Entertainment
Svar : I did a example. As I mentioned. No, that's not the situation. Civilians pictures hunters and ifrits unbeatable. As I used to do as well, until I tryed these methods in editor against Al. And as you said, it's a big different on Editor and CvG's server. Indeed. But it's not too big, from the video you can obviously achive some experience about these 2 "cars" That's all I wanted, not a discussion outside these 2. As i added: That's why I made this video, showing of different angles and heights on both our vehicles. <Bara lärde ut varför jag tycker dom är värdelösa. -
As many may know, I'm not a fan of either Hunters or Ifrit's. Using a hunter/ifrit is stupid, for example. (No offense should be taken here, I'm not criticizing nothing towards anyone, just want to explain why hunter/ifrit is useless) If we suddendly facing N.L.A on the road with their Ifrit, they throws an engage on us. In this point, we're trying to avoid the fight (ordinarily) But N.L.A has one person on the hill we're using as a escape on. He's flanking our nose with his Mk18 or Mk1 (7.62) He only need 1 bullet, to penetrate our window (Hunter) Same with Ifrit, you only need a different angle or height. That's why I made this video, showing of different angles and heights on both our vehicles. Conclusion? Well, both vehicles may be able to handle 1 or 2 mags from behind. But it's all about your position, if our opponent has a good one. We're dead within a second.. (Mostly aimed @A.P.D) (Video will be 720p60fps, still processesing) Your welcome to say your own opinion about this // [A.P.D] R. Kupa
ÅH vad sexigt. Fina vin flaskor också.. Alkis
Grym. Tunga texter i båda, där dom är värda och lyssna på
Duktig du är Stian
Det är ju så:/ med whipeouten kan du landa i ungefär 350 och planet blir lite svängig. Men Neophrone är väl 2ton tyngre
It's okay, I figured it out
Förstår verkligen ingenting, men önskar dej en varm välkomnande hälsning! Hoppas du kommer trivas
Välförtjänt broder, du kommer passa som denna roll! <3
Shit ASSÅ! :*
Uppdatering på bygget av bordet Sedan https://gyazo.com/13782b94645a34785b3ac542c8545016 (går ej ladda upp fler bilder)
MDF-Skiva 19x1,20x50tror jag måtten var @Kebre tror detta är rätta
Nu har jag tagit min tid att bygga ett skrivbord och slutat slöat i soffan, efter datorn var färdigbyggd. Fick tyvärr inga bilder på det, men men. Specs i nya datorn: GTX 780, Intel i7 4790 3.6ghz, 6GB Ram.Bilderna är tagna med min Iphone 5c <- piss kamera. ->) Billig skit stol på Ikea. NZXT Guardian 921RB - Red Chassi Kabeldragningen, inget speciellt. Borra ett hål rakt igenom dator bordet(I efterhand vart datorn skulle stå) Ännu en på kabeldragningen Gammal monitor (packard bell) för ca. 2k. Mus: Steelseries Rival - Tangentbord: Cyborn Keyboard (någon slags gaming + musik) Kommer ej ihåg alla detaljer tyvärr. Sådär, tack för mej! Hoppas ni gillar det en gnutta.
Fabriks fel? Fick min nuvarande TV för 2000 tusen billigare medvetande, pga. av pixelfelen. Lämna in den igen och få kompensation.
Konkreta bevis? som tex. Film / Screenshot(s) ?
Absolut inte. Dette ær et event
@Kebre Noticed a problem since you started to run with https" Im using my IPhone 5c, with Safari. And 8/10 links doesn't work. Error message says: Safari cannot open the page because too many redirects occurred I can entry the topic trough the profile of the publisher. works perfectly on Google Chrome app. \\ Kupa