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Trym Olstad

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Trym Olstad last won the day on March 20 2019

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About Trym Olstad

  • Birthday 03/06/2002

Contact Methods

  • Teamspeak
    C. Smith
  • Skype
    T. Olstad
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    Trym Olstad

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  • Interests
    Gaming, Cops/Police Officers


  • IGN
    [I.R.A]C. Smith
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  1. My user is back in safe hands ❤️
  2. My steam account was just now stolen, i don't know if steam can help me get it back. So i wont be on the server in some days or maybe never again. -Medic Olstad
  3. If you're adding new cars. I would like to see the Audi RS6 Black edition in https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1648266732&searchtext=
  4. So i'm at my cabin and then i was thinking of something that could be a cool thing to have for us at CvG's arma server. I dont know about you guys, so thats why im making this thread. I was thinking of a Sweden got talent show! Where we have contestants, you sign up here at the forum or in the actual server. Then the audience pays for a ticket. Im thinking maybe 800-1000$ for each ticket. And the show works basically the same as the real one, we have a certain anount of contestants and then we work our way down to top 3 and choose a winner from those 3. The winner wins a price, could be a money price or car/truck price? You can come up with suggestions down below. I think this would be a great thing to have in the server, and also maybe a fun thing to have for the players. -Trym Olstad.
  5. What is Your in-game?: Answer: Trym Olstad What is Forum name?: Answer: Trym Olstad Are you a member of a gang? If so what gang?: Answer: Yes a small one, El Chapos Do you accept the prime time that Medics have? (For the time, check Emergency Patrol on TS) YES/NO: Answer: YES What is Your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to profilesettings, (select your profile) then press Unit, and change the unit to custom. Now you should see a 17dig number. Answer: 76561198214822084 How old are you? Answer: 15, turning 16 in march. Do you speak both swedish and english? Answer: I do speak english, and understand the swedish language almost 100%. Have You read all of the server rules and the Medic rules? Answer: I have. How long have You played on the server(hours)? Answer: Somewhere around 4-500 hours. How long have You played Arma 3 (hours)? Answer: 1084 hours Why do you want to become a medic? (minimum 50 words) Answer: I want to be a medic because i love RP, i want to be able to help people. I love the medic community and i'm really interested in being a medic. And of course serve Altis with grace! Describe what you think that a medic does? (minimum 40 words) Answer: I think that they move out to the scene as quickly as possible to save lifes and i think that they help people who are stuck with flat tires or a broken down vehicle. Also i believe that they cheer up the people of Altis Have You been a Paramedic earlier or played in another faction on CVGaming? Answer: I have not. How often do You play on the server and at what time of the day/night? Answer: After school at 14:00 and 17:00-22:00 on weekdays and in the weekends it could be all day. Why should we pick you as a medic? (minimum 40 words) Answer: You should pick me as a medic because i'm a quick responder. I dont hesitate. I'm a quick thinker which will be in hand if i need to take quick desitions. I'm also very reliable and i am genuinely a very nice guy. with a great sence of humour. + i can roleplay quite well. Have You been banned on this server? If yes what have You been banned for? Answer: Never. What can you bring to the medic force? Answer: I can bring good roleplay aswell as a smile to the medic force:) I take the job as medic very seriously. What qualities do you think a medic should have that fits you, name at least 4 pieces 1: Quick response time 2: I can do good roleplay 3: I can handle stressfull situations and often know how to handle them. 4: Good driving skills for driving at fast speeds, for a quicker response time. Do you have any past experience with role-playing on this or any other server? Answer: On this server only. Can You follow orders from a younger person or higher ranked? Yes/No Answer: Yes If we are going to accept you, are you going to be active? Yes/No Answer: YES What do You think the medic faction should become better with? Answer: Nothing at the moment Can you provide a role-play name and a role-play background for the character applying to the medic force? (Minimum 60 Words): Please type here: My name is Trym Olstad, i grew up in a small house outside of Kavala with my mom and dad who sadly passed a few years back. My dad always told me how important it was to help others in need, and this grew my passion for the medic profession. I have always looked up to the medic personel and admired they're work. I still do to this very day. Seeing the medics put a smile on peoples faces and saving lifes, just makes my passion for this job even stronger. I train hard everyday because a medic has to be strong both mentally and physically. I hope that one day i'll become a medic, that has been my dream ever since my dad passed. His dream was always for me to save and help others in need. I moved into Kavala after some years of my mom and dads passing. And now i'm kind of restarting my life and buliding my reputation to one beautiful day, become a medic. Tell us a little about your self: Please type here: Hey, my name is Trym, i'm from Norway. I'm 15 years old turning 16, 6th March this year. I love training at the gym and i enjoy playing video games alot with friends. When i dont play videogames or train at the gym, im out with friends or with family.
  6. Yes me to but it brings you to the site so it's nothing to worry about i guess
  7. Yes i will do that I did it! xD
  8. Just saw the small text underneath the video hahaha
  9. http://imgur.com/gWzlW1l Mine!
  10. I would like an app on android and apple so it's easier if you want to keep yourself updated on the server and like more organised for a phone so my idea is, can we make an app?
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