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Everything posted by hitem

  1. Hej Hej Gimly! Lycka till och hoppas du har många äventyr på vår Altis server! Hett tips: Gäng och andra spelare hänger ofta på TS, det finns även en sektion för Civila som vill spela ihop!
  2. @Teron I know what you mean mister ^^, you have heard my music here and most ppl think im on LSD all the time. Beats are always nice in that genre and that would be an enough reason to listen to it imo. But while we are getting into hiphop/rap i had to drop this one (from my childhood): usually i never listen to anything containing "bitches and hoes" (due to my values). but this one is earcandy if you ignore the text ^^ And ofc something that i found very relaxing (its one of those tracks that gets better everytime you listen through it and like all psytrance, you cant skip parts! ;P)
  3. hitem

    [Ban Appeal]

    Hello, I could be completely emotionless and refer you to the rules: If rejected do not make another ban appeal. Respect the admins decision. But im not. So lets talk about your ban: Even if your ban will ever be lifted you have -35.000.000 on your account including a complete wipe (as we do with all dupers, even if the ban is not permanent). I declined your last request and i would gladly declined it again (as i was the one watching you dupe and ive been the one collecting all the data to support this). Frankly, unless someone steps forward BEFORE getting caught and confess these things and asks for forgiveness, i take it as a personal insult of a high magnitude and i will remain loyal to my core believes and values. -"You simply dont mess with my 'data' when i invest countless of hours trying to provide you the best possible game experience this mod can offer" Thats my view/take on your second ban-appeal, But due to my professional curtsey i will ask my following admin colleagues if they have any other input (might take some time). Until then, ban remains as it is for now.
  4. Im not following you here. Is there a thread linking to this banrequest? if so, supply the link and/or the conversation leading up to where you start your sentence cheers
  5. I saw you online today Arre so i believe this topic is resolved.
  6. Hello, Please read following thread before posting a banappeal:
  7. Hello Skilly. Im glad that you did submit a banappeal so i could display my findings. Do you mind explaining to me how you managed to get items that do not exist on our server? Weapons with full kitted loadouts and rocket launchers. Just for the show i will display the weapons here including the logs: 15.01.2015 20:57:05: Skilly (your ip adress) 497x - #92 "srifle_DMR_01_SOS_F" 15.01.2015 21:12:09: Skilly (your ip adress) 497x - #1 "5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag" 15.01.2015 21:12:09: Skilly (your ip adress) 497x - #1 "5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag" 15.01.2015 21:12:09: Skilly (your ip adress) 497x - #1 "5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag" 15.01.2015 21:12:09: Skilly (your ip adress) 497x - #1 "5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag" 15.01.2015 21:12:09: Skilly (your ip adress) 497x - #1 "5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag" 15.01.2015 21:12:09: Skilly (your ip adress) 497x - #1 "5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag" 15.01.2015 21:12:09: Skilly (your ip adress) 497x - #1 "5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag" 15.01.2015 21:12:09: Skilly (your ip adress) 497x - #1 "5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag" 15.01.2015 21:12:09: Skilly (your ip adress) 497x - #1 "5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag" 15.01.2015 21:12:09: Skilly (your ip adress) 497x - #19 "Titan_AA" I will reject your request to have the ban lifted. If you however believe that you are still innocent, explain it to me in one simple PM here on the boards.
  8. I guess this appeal is not valid anymore as it has expired, right?
  9. Hello, I always take these matters in English so hope you can understand what im pitching here. Anyways, i caught you guys red handed and even spoke to you ingame, it was an obvious case and together with your confession its sealed. It wasent a fancy amount of duping going on but it was enough to wield the mighty banhammer so i took the necessary actions together with compiling all the evidence. But as your case just grew alittle more interesting with the information supplied above. Can you enlighten me through a PM here on the boards about where you learned this and from whom. As much details as possible please and we take it from there. And hey, if the information is good ill let the fact that you didnt follow our template for submitting a banappeal slip through the cracks.
  10. Hello Crumble. Im the one who banned you and im one of those that dont ban easily. I need 100% proof. I do not like when you lie to me. On the evidence collected you are clearly standing by your box and doing this intentionally, there is no crash or bugs involved. (i will supply this video to all the admins who requests it - dont want to post how you did here - but it would be funny beacuse its very obvious and would show what a douche move you did). When i recorded this its a standard proceedure to investigate your house several days backwards and i quickly notice how your house have been a dupegalore. The amount of items duped is maybe 5-6 FULL backpacks. Like the one you had when you duped yesterday and got banned: "[`U_B_Wetsuit`,`V_RebreatherB`,`B_Carryall_oli`,`G_Bandanna_sport`,``,[`ItemMap`,`ItemCompass`,`ItemWatch`,`NVGoggles`],`arifle_MXC_Black_F`,``,[],[`30Rnd_556x45_Stanag`,`30Rnd_556x45_Stanag`,`30Rnd_556x45_Stanag`,`30Rnd_556x45_Stanag`,`30Rnd_556x45_Stanag`,`30Rnd_556x45_Stanag`,`30Rnd_556x45_Stanag`,`30Rnd_556x45_Stanag`,`30Rnd_556x45_Stanag`,`optic_DMS`],[`muzzle_snds_H`,`arifle_MXC_Black_F`,`arifle_MXC_Black_F`,`arifle_MXC_Black_F`,`arifle_TRG21_F`],[`30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag`],[],[],[`muzzle_snds_H`,``,`optic_DMS`],[],[]]" But maybe you have an explenation for that to ? Anyhow, the results of what was duped in your house: 20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag 35 (total:78) 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag 11 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag 21 30Rnd_9x21_Mag 4 9Rnd_45ACP_Mag 2 B_Carryall_oli 4 G_Diving 5 G_Bandanna_sport 1 NVGoggles 5 ToolKit 4 U_B_Wetsuit 1 V_RebreatherB 1 arifle_MXC_Black_F 8 arifle_TRG21_F 7 hgun_ACPC2_F 1 muzzle_snds_H 9 optic_DMS 10 optic_Hamr 7 So you tell me, was it really worth it? The ban remains permanent and we might revisit in the future when wounds are mended. But as a standard for every duper we always wipe their whole character (houses, money, licenses, vehicles and give you a nice -35.000.000 balance).
  11. On the other hand im more curious on who voted this thread 3 stars? SMTP = HELL = Give the guy some cookies
  12. hitem

    [Ban Appeal]

    Hello Fearless. We have 0 tolerance against duping and I will take this in English, hope you dont mind. I have told you several times on TS that we will have a chat with everyone involved (from MOB) when all of you are online on TS in this clearcut case. But as you have grown inpatient and as we havent had time to have the meeting yeat and all havent been online, lets take it here. As always when i do dupe bans its information accumulated over an extended period of time. You guys (Fearless, LEIF and ToBz) had an industry going with duped items. We are not talking about a single item here and there, we are talking about industrialised numbers. So this punctures your version that you only did it once. Sure, you might have told him it was bad but you clearly didnt hold those values to high as you went down the same path. And the reason why you guys never reported/said/did anything to prevent this makes me more flabbergasted (if its now true that you are a good guy). So the bann remains permanent and we might revisit in the future when wounds are mended. But as a standard for every duper we always wipe their whole character (houses, money, licenses, vehicles and give you a nice -35.000.000 balance). And i want to add the information that if you are duping on our Server, come clean before you get caught and you have a higher chance of remaining on this server, starting to apologize after its done and you are caught has a backwards effect.
  13. Hello Simon. To start of this discussion i want to add: We have 0 tolerance against duping. I have been watching you and your friends for many weeks now, this wasent the first occasion but the first time i cough it on video. The fact that you requested the evidence and then made a banappeal looks bad in my eyes, thats like viewing the evidence and then go to court. But as ive been wathcing you for weeks, this is final. And its a standard procedure to include the whole gang and calculate the total items they have together (just incase some items just switches boxes) over an extended timeperiod. And in this research i would ban more of you guys as you have clearly been duping (most worrying is the increase of items you shouldnt be able to get in the first place). As a result i chosed to permanent ban you and see if they others (Sten etc) got the message i was sending them. If not the gangland will be removed and denied aswell as a few more bans being distributed. So in all its glory you guys came away from this with a very light punishment (only you, Roger, banned). But the fact that you are lying in this banappeal and you have encounters with Afriel just a few days before i will not lift this bann. So the bann remains permanent and we might revisit in the future when wounds are mended. But as a standard for every duper we always wipe their whole character (houses, money, licenses, vehicles and give you a nice -35.000.000 balance). And i want to add the information that if you are duping on our Server, come clean before you get caught and you have a higher chance of remaining on this server, starting to apologize after its done and you are caught has a backwards effect.
  14. Hello Lars. To kick this discussion of ill start with: We have a 0 tolerance against duping Any form of "testing", "trying", "was just gonna look" will never hold up in a case @ our jury. I also want to tell you that what you did wasent even related to "testing" anyhow as you clearly had intend to dupe. We can clearly see that on the items you where wearing: "[`U_OG_leader`,`V_TacVest_blk_POLICE`,`B_Carryall_oli`,`G_Balaclava_combat`,`H_ShemagOpen_tan`,[`ItemMap`,`ItemCompass`,`ItemWatch`,`ItemGPS`,`NVGoggles`,`Binocular`],`arifle_Katiba_F`,`hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F`,[],[`30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag`,`30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag`,`30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag`,`30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag`],[`muzzle_snds_L`,`acc_flashlight`,`acc_flashlight`,`optic_Aco`,`optic_Holosight`,`muzzle_snds_L`,`muzzle_snds_L`,`muzzle_snds_L`,`optic_ACO_grn_smg`,`H_Cap_police`,`arifle_MXC_Black_F`,`Binocular`,`hgun_PDW2000_F`,`hgun_PDW2000_F`,`hgun_PDW2000_F`],[`30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag`,`30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag`,`30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag`,`30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag`,`30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag`,`30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green`],[`H_ShemagOpen_tan`,`H_ShemagOpen_tan`,`H_ShemagOpen_tan`,`H_ShemagOpen_tan`,`muzzle_snds_H`,`muzzle_snds_H`,`muzzle_snds_H`,`muzzle_snds_H`,`muzzle_snds_H`],[`6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder`,`6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder`,`30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag`],[``,``,`optic_LRPS`],[``,``,``],[]]" Thats not a "test" -loadout. I also have the video when im watching you but i will not post that publicly as it shows what you are doing to dupe but every admin have watched it and you clearly ALT-F4 in the end. Anyhow. When i ban someone for duping its something ive been watching for an extended timeperiod. that means this incident was just the final drop that made me ban you permanently. The whole concept that people confess once they are caught just makes the ban more valid. Ive watch you done it before and now i caught it on tape/loggs. Your house is also showing fluxuating numbers the last couple of weeks. So the bann remains permanent and we might revisit in the future when wounds are mended. But as a standard for every duper we always wipe their whole character (houses, money, licenses, vehicles and give you a nice -35.000.000 balance). And i want to add the information that if you are duping on our Server, come clean before you get caught and you have a higher chance of remaining on this server, starting to apologize after its done and you are caught has a backwards effect.
  15. Yes, as legacy is stating above. This is battleye related and you have cheated there aswell apparently. GameHack #38 banns you locally and you get submitted with the BEC reporting options. So your case is in Battleye's hands but thanks for confirming my suspicions!
  16. I want to add that this is true. We have about xx (almost 3 figuers) of bodies laying around on the map. always bad for performance! I have done some heavy spectating the last couple of weeks and i have/will delete corpses and remove the money (15k$)/gear from their account when im going around checking (if not ressable). And as you mention, this is a investigation type of case so keep them screenshoots flowing! Might take awhile before we get to them all tho!
  17. hitem


    We havent goten any futher in this case so im denying and closing this incident. The user claims to know nothing, the loggs says he was executing lines which contained a known cheatname,
  18. Hello James. We can never know if it was you, your brother, your dog or even your mother (yes, we have had a few ppl blaiming their parents). You where banned using only GUID's so trying to switch your IP-adress wouldnt help. Let me tell you why: Drangel connected with GUID #1 and GUID #2 and cheated (loggs below). 2 banns was placed on the 2 GUID's used. Case closed! Or so i tough atleast. Then you connect yesterday with another username but its still GUID #1 and GUID #2......... (sounds like a start of a sherlockholmes roman!) Then i notice you tried a GUID #3 when the 2 above GUID's didnt work and i took the decision to manually ban and add the IPadresses incase you had several accounts to do this with. We will never know if it was you or anyone else. What we do know is that your steam account was used for it and therefor you have to pay for the consequence. So what now? If any admin wants to talk with you and try to resolve this, feel free (they will reply on this thread so dont poke them). Because in my world, this is a clear cut case and the bans will remain! 27.11.2014 20:57:45: Drangel (83.xxxxxx) 47xxxxx - #18 "Cheatname") s_godmode_t 27.11.2014 21:08:24: Drangel (46.xxxxxx) cfxxxxx - #18 "Cheatname") s_godmode_t (been shorten to not show the command/names of the cheat but to show you godmode was the intended goal) We, admins, will never know who is actually behind the screen so we deal with accounts/GUID's as they are unique nominator. I cant stress it enough but you are the only one who is responsible for your own GUID/CDkey/Steamaccount.
  19. Ravendesign ftw, i actually know that guy IRL. Well done tho! pretty stuff
  20. Hello. First of all, the incident where you got banned for 1 day was the incident when i was spectating you today (at bandit). But then after i banned you i got notifications from cARPEN about this thread: cARPEN is fixing that ban today he said but wanted me to add a few more days already as we just banned you 1 day. (subjected to change depending on cARPENS results). So you got a total of 3 days for combatlogg and gearwipe. And yes, the ingame menu states you can face those charges, but the serverrules (found here) says you will be banned and depending on situation more actions will be taken. Make sure you read up on all our rules before even engaging in combat/taking over bandit and/or something similar. If you like playing here alot, i would highly recommend proceeding to rule sections straight away! Also, repeated offence will result in a permabann so you have gotten away with a considerable light punishment for your actions. Cu in a few days and goodluck with your studies!
  21. Ja, du kan inte ha båda addonen aktiva samtidigt. Personligen hade jag tagit bort den @epoch och laddat ner från deras sida: http://epochmod.com/ Sedan gjort det manuellt (lägga den under arma3 katalogen @epoch sedan starta spelet och aktivera det, restarta och sedan logga in på servern). Nekar den dig då, så är det servern som kanske kör en äldre version (men isf ser du en röd indikering på servern, tror den är den senaste dock!).
  22. Im very sure about the judgement of our ingame admins and if you where banned for trolling it sure must have been something intentional. Maybe you have a shadowplay from this incident to claim your innocent? And btw, liking your own post is a little worrying! And ofc: This thread is declined as you didnt even bother to read up on how to post a banappeal:
  23. hitem


    Hello Olle. Sorry for taking this in English, but its good incase someone else wants to review or look at this incident. Anyhow: You where kicked (not banned) for following: 31.12.2014 16:12:37: Olle (xxxxx ip) xxxx guid - #11 "sServer) then { (ask me for details) = (createGroup sideLogic) createUnit ["logic", [1,1,1], [], 0, "FORM"]; publicVariable "(ask me for details)" 'Ask me for details' = Known cheat name. Then i manually banned you permanently due to the cheatengines name being in the commands you where executing. Alltho the action is nothing strange the part that you are creating a sidelogic/unit and then with a common cheatname in the line is very strange indeed. Please contact me on teamspeak to talk futher about this. (export regedit for me to investigate, check your machine, etc etc). Cheers
  24. Är det en epochserver du ansluter till? Om jag skall tro på meddelandena du får så är det något av följande fel: 1. Du ansluter till en Altis eller annan server än Epoch 2. Servern du ansluter till har en annan version/utgåva av Epoch Kan du validera dom två punkterna och även ladda upp din RPT om ovanstående inte var felet?
  25. Congrats you to! darkside gets stronker!
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