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Posts posted by hitem

  1. Are you allowed to knock a police that is getting close to you if you know he's gonna arrest you, like if you have a Vermin or something, even if its safezone, so you can escape ?


    I would say no, as it would requier more rules to cover allt he scenarios where a policeofficer can be knocked and not knocked (incase he is talking to others, if its your friend knocking, what items you have that you consider "knockworthy", how many cops are online, how is the pressure for the cops atm, etc etc etc. common sense imo).

    Just stay out of safezone if you have illegal stuff on you, being in safezone or travel there needs to be a tactical-planned trip if you have to do it, pay attention to your surroundings etc, problem solved.

  2. You are not ment to have illegal weapons and accessories before you have a house where you can store and hide them.

    Also that house will be an optional spawnpoint.


    The cops are getting closer to our vision on how they are suppose to be in power-ladder. 

    Power ladder on CvGaming looks like this:

    Civilian -> Illegal Civilian -> Legal Cvilian -> Organized Civilian gangs -> Rebels -> Cops.

    And every change we do will strive to keep this order.

    But RP is always important and as you know yourself, everyone have good and bad days,

  3. Hello.

    Cleanup is not working properly for any Altis Life server, including ours (unless they have a full dedicated scripter that talks the code).
    Scotty might be such a guy, but he is not very active so we dont rely on anything coming out of there regarding cleanup (alltho he has started the work. but halted, lets cross fingers?).


    If you find any information you can post it and we will read up on it.

    but we have visit this topic alot and as its broken in Arma3/Altis Life vanilla its hard to get stuff in place when we dont speak fluent arma3 ;P.

    Example: like the whole concept that cops are not lootable, they are for some certain amount of time which is not intended.
    Or as you state, weapons sometimes disappear on weird timers from civilians who have been killed. 

    The effect of weapons disappearing has nothing to do with something we did, it just magically appeared after an Arma update in November last year (maybe variable updates?).
    if you started to notice it recently it must just be some coincides, nothing has been changed regarding this matter or how its handled.

    For Vehicles: they dont have individual cycles for each and every vehicle, it runs a cleanup on all vehicle on the map depending on X variable.
    (incase it triggerd just as you retrieved it, together with the standard arma 3 desync, it could activate like you experienced, this is rare tho, very rare!).

    Thanks for your post, much appreciated!

  4. Hello.

    Before even going deeper into this i would like to see the full Scenario. Do anyone of you have video of this?

    If you where robbing civilians at the trader/processer or at the resourse, you can expect having heavy resistance.


    According to the

    §.4 Random deathmatch (RDM)

    • Killing someone in an attempt to protect yourself or others is not RDMing.


    So in this case i really need to see the whole scenario and hear the conversation. 

    But from the information supplied in your first post there is nothing wrong as you engaged people and robbed them, he was there and shoot back. Thats a risk of going into robbery!

    Its another story completely if you go around and intentionally target robbers and shoot them (with that as a main objective). But if you happened to be at the resource and others are there (trading/grinding etc) you are allowed to defend yourself and the others if someone shows up trying to rob you (hence the "attempt to protect" phrase).


    Abel is farming diamonds at the mine and along comes Ture. Ture is friendly and is also out to farm some diamonds. They both proceed with their intended schedules.
    Along comes Eskil with his quadbike and rifle, starting to ask strange questions. Abel dont like the look of this and have kept his distance.
    All of a sudden Eskil pulls a gun, points it as Ture and screams "put your hands up or i will shoot!", "drop your money now!".
    *Pew pew* 
    two shoots where fired.
    "Abel has killed Eskill (friendly fire)"
    All this time Abel kept an eye out and notice the robbery, shoot to save his own and hopefully Tures life!

    This is a legit scenario!

  5. Normaly i would advice you to this post:


    But as its actually not a real banrequest i will answer it in following way:

    After watching this video i do not see any issues at all. No rules broken and most of all just alot of RP going on.

    Sure, Afriel managed to mention wrong name and tried to RP something. But there are no rules broken here.

    If you engaged him you could have had a real good experience im sure.


    And Luckiiee got a good point above.

    The limitation is not Afriel here, he invites you many times to start something that could have been uberfun or ubersad!

    All up to you how you approach it. In this case you abort.


    We (CvGaming) are currently working with lowering the crimerates (Rob new people/RDM scenarios).

    In CvGaming we include Police, Rebels, Medics and Admins.  

    This is an effort to increase life-time expectancy for all our new community members.

  6. Hello.

    This is an Arma3 script bug and nothing we can solve. The issue is not in our CvGaming missionfile.

    It happens sometimes to some people, so make sure you pay attention to the warnings you get ("low water", "low food", unless u notice that the meters where missing).


    Hopefully you went away from this with a genuine Arma 3 experience ;)



  7. Ja det är väl det jag menar, men enligt en admin var detta okey.

    Tyckte det lät skumt, men då kastar vi upp en ban request för vi blev osäker på vad som egentligen gällde :)


    Nu pratar du i nattluvan min vän!

    Jag förstår inte vad som kunde tolkas så fel med följande information given till dig i följande händelseförlopp (notera vikten av ett händelseförlopp):

    - Ni dödade en spelare som ej var del av er strid och ni skrev i sidechat för alla att se att han fick skylla sig själv, "det var warzone!"

    - Du frågar mig om dom får panga er i ryggen

    - Jag säger att dom får lov att panga i en "warzone" som ni precis announca i sidechat

    - Du säger att dom kom före ni announca det

    - Jag säger att om dom kom före så måste dom rollspela som alla andra 


    Utifrån det så tolkar du det såhär? I find that amusing and amazing.


    Warzone utbryter enbart när flera gäng/polis har clustrat ihop sig i ett område under en längre tid.

    Varje situation döms individuelt, därav ingen specifik regel (isf hade vi vart uppe i 150 a-4 sidor by now med enbart regler om ATV :P).

    Vi hade ju ett gäng som letade upp strider, åkte dit och dog, sedan posta ban-requests (därav lite cherrypicking).

    Common sense och skrivna regler gäller dock för alla!

    (i detta fall common sense = krigszone först om det är en verklig stridzone, rakt utanför kavala safezone är ett riktigt dåligt ställe såvida det inte är ett event!)

  8. Hello

    Same guy got banned 2 days before that for trolling in Kavala.

    With that take into consideration, lets retrace whats happening and what went wrong:


    1. You got into a car with people you dont know, w/o any conversation (expect bad stuff to happen)

    2. You point your weapon around (expect bad stuff to happen)

    3. Karl and his buddies uses NO RP and just simply shoots you (no robbery, no purpose). Clear case RDM+No RP


    I will ban Carl for 2x the time because of his earlier endevours (repeated offence 2/3).

    So results comes out on 6 days ban for Carl, hopefully he learns this time, next time its permanent.



  9. So lets start.
    Trading like this will be lucrative for cheaters and bring them this way we will simply just not allow it.
    Saves alot of hassle for admins who can focus on other things.

    1. We do not allow any 'in-game-money trading' for other items outside CvGaming Altis Life.

    2. And if you read the rulesection large sums of money, from an unknown person, should ring warningbells and contact admin, not idly claim your innocence.

    (Both 1 and 2 will be clarified in rules in our next patch just to make it clear for everyone in the future.)


    Banjokas and Ali-baba was banned aswell. getrekt has almost nothing and same with s1lver.

    But if i find any anomalies in the trade history i will take actions.



    I will not lift your ban!
    But as you are the first case we will discuss this futher and if we find another suitable solution, we will let you know (no use trying to push).

    What makes 2 even more important is that you probably have never seen that guy play on CvGaming and probably never enough to be grinding any millions (then you are in no position to faithfully trust in the system, you have a responsibility to). When you dont know these things, never accept any large sums from anyone you dont trust (even if its a Nigerian king seeking to give away his kingdom).

  10. Hello,

    Your evidence dosent show much alltho i was actually online spectating this specific person at this time (29-01-2015).

    I saw him rob/kill several people at the iron mine and today he did the same thing but at applefield (i took that into my own hands tho).


    Please try to provide us with some sort of video-evidence in the future as screenshoot says very little, thank you very much.


    Ive banned Heatseeker for 3 days RDM. (Random death match and lack of roleplay. He should be glad its just for 1 count of RDM as i will let todays rampage pass (he got a bullet for it)).

    You clearly had no chance to stop the vehicle. And the reason he was standing up again is because VDM is not allowed (so we have disabled the dmg you get from vehicles, it briefly stuns you). You did nothing wrong tho as he basicly jumped infront of your vehicle when i looked at him. But for future references: Never run over anyone at any time.


  11. Sooooo, This Mike Syke.

    Well, his bad behaviour is adding up quick and its everything from Combatlogg to RDM.

    More people have stepped forward and notified us about his behaviour. 


    Here is a little trackrecord:

    We do not wish to have people behaving like this on our glorious server so ive decided to permanently ban Mike Syke.
    Mike, if you read this, feel free to send me an extended PM including a very nice explanation on everything mention here and in the others threads and i might consider putting a timelimit on your ban (still extensive, but thats your only shoot).


  12. Hej.

    Nej - Man ser ju klart och tydligt att du är med på hela visan.

    Du befinner dig i samma område och du initierar en konflikt som sedan skall "legitimera" dina kollegors aggerande.

    Notera även att jag spectata er en hel del, det var dock inte jag som la bannen.


    Men hur som hälst:

    Den visan går inte här.



    And in English:

    No, you can clearly see that you are a part of the whole operation and you are aware of whats happening.

    Ive been spectating you guys and you do these things to get a "legitim" reason to just shoot back w/o RP.


    That story wont work here.



    And when you are in a gang - you have a collective responsibility according to our rules.

    Make sure you re-read them.





  13. Hello.

    Regarding this specific incident:

    There was no warning time at all and he just aimed for the people inside the helicopter (no intention of trying to give warningshoot or disable it).

    When you come driving like that you are in NO possition to try robb someone who is landing. Its called being a douchbag and is, if you read our rules, not a proper robbery.

    IE: This is a clear case of RDM




    And looking through previous bans, this is not Decios first one. (4 bans, excluding this one, just in Januari......)






    So Decidos, you have ranked up to your first permanent ban.



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