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Posts posted by hitem

  1. You need to supply alot more exact information then you did if you want us to be able to help you.

    Which exact dates and who banned you?


    If you are a part of a group that joins, distribute hacked/exploited wealth and then yolo. Then you are most certainly banned for good, no matter what your appeal contains.

    The "he did it" argument never works here, we have social and moral codes and you have a responsibility as a human being and player to know whom you are playing with (when you all join together as new people and you received tonloads of money from any of those friends).



    Please provide the information, if you cant. i will declined this appeal.




    Edit: no info supplyed and the user havent been on the forum since he did the post. locking/declining this thread

  2. Jag ser inget konstigt alls här.
    Och efter jag sett konversationsloggar så är detta inte en VDM.

    Du dog inte när dom körde på dig och det var en solklar desync.


    Vore ju bättre om ni kunde komma överens, det är ett spel i slutändan.

    Dubv har ju tillomed nämnt refound i tråden.


    Låser denna och flyttar den till declined.


    Däremot om man desynkar och sådanthär händer så skall man ju kanske vara vuxen nog att kunna be om ursäkt och lösa det snabbt på plats istället för utdragna konversationer som måste gå genom flera admins. Detta är något som ni kunde löst smidigt på plats genom att ha en konversation.

    Polisen fullföljer sitt arbete (dom får alla möjliga bortförklaringar). Så det är naturligt att man uppsöker dom i efterhand när man renderat bevisen och för en dialog med dem.

  3. This is the wrong place to post about it.

    ill move the thread to bugreport under altis life.

    Join adminassistance on our teamspeak!


    And what is your real username? (as your current UID shows up as a new person and i remember cleaning out a guy yesterday that had played arma for 35 hours and had over 17 million on his account and Vehicles that had been sold).

  4. I was online at this moment so i know what happened.

    I asked stefan to leave the area and he did. They also was online 8+ for a very short period of time.


    There was no fuss about it and they complied.

    Also, they have resolved this internally by releaving Stefan of his dutys, for good.

    (i have also had a conversation with remaining TU on teamspeak).

  5. Hello Okkakar.

    Thanks for your feedback.

    I have personally invested alot of time in that exact processes and its a neverending calibration. 

    If you remove the robbery/hostile actions the ladder would be working great. But during primetimes it get very hard to do anything at all as many people who have 137183998542898987529 millions and all the vehicles are online (just like you say). Some people have also become lazy and used to how stuff work so they try shortcuts! 
    For 4.0 there will be some major changes in structure etc as we are redoing the code from scratch. that could change some variables in the mix and hopefully alter the result!
    Also, a while ago we approved having "escort/protective" service bought from NLA. The rules/documentation hasent been 100% completed tho but i think they have started with some smaller things.

    If you have any other constructive point, then im all ears! 
    Like solutions, alternatives, ideas, new things, anythings.

  6. I have no clue what you are talking about Werner. But that post makes no sense at all.
    What makes sense tho is that something like that dosent belong in banrequest part of the forum, right?
    Freedom of speech is not telling someone they look like a toad and/or posting inputs/starting discussions that is unnecessary/inflammatory. Just saying (w/o knowing what you are talking about).




    back to this topic.

    This robbery could have been accepted if they simply gave you more time (they would find out you werent swedish and would switch to english).
    We could clearly see that you understand the engagment and you are putting your hands up.

    So [R.S] A. Landberg will recive 3 days ban for RDM (with emphases on No English when robbing, To little time given for user to comply and straight up killing you when you have your hands up). 

  7. This is a strange case indeed!

    If that ATM is marked on the map its a SafeZone and all ATM's at hospitals are marked.....


    So, to take this situation from the start:

    1. You are engaging cop from hospital 

    2. Someone sneaks up behind you
    3. You turn (then turn quickly back, remember Netlatency and desync)

    4. Death

    If step 1 or 3 never happened you wouldnt have had this issue.

    I agree that its OK to use hospital like in Federal Reserve engagement (as it becomes a warzone). But then referring to these rules and trying to claim that someone broke them is just childish, you just broke it yourself.
    If you are stationed at the hospital in a firefight like this, then accept if you get engaged there.



    Nothing wrong has been done here so this request is declined

  8. Hello.

    When ive been spectating SC is usally hanging in this specific area.

    So this leads me to belive its more behind this request that meets the eye.


    Alltho its a clear case of RDM, alltho i wish the video was alittle longer so we could see your approach (think of that for next time!).

  9. Hmm, jag kan ju börja med att säga att jag har slutat på servern. Har varit avskedad av T.u sedan länge (personliga anledningar), och kom egentligen in för att sälja lite skit och ge pengar till folk som jag var skyldig. 

    Var vid salt mine när de andra i T.U rånade vid salt process. Åkte då till salt process och blev beskjuten av flera gäng som redan var där. Jag flyger runt några varv och  landar och dödar någon från ISA för att sedan bli sedan dödad själv. 

    Efteråt börjar ett flame-ande från någon från ISA att jag inte får samarbeta med T.U, vilket är lite konstigt med tanke på att de 4 HEMT-boxarna som åkte tillsammans till process var från olika gäng. Efter att alla från de olika gängen flydde till safezone så bad T.U mig att lämna området. Jag agerade på eget initiativ och ville bara flyga runt och vmda folk för att bli av med mina sista prylar, och skriver detta svar som en sista handling åt T.U och tar på mig allt ansvar. 


    TL:DR - det är sånt här gnäll som får mig att sluta på servern. Jag agerade själv och bryr mig inte om konsekvenserna, men säg fan inte att T.U gjorde fel. 


    EDIT: anledningen att jag skrev om de 4 hemt boxarna var för att ISA kom tillbaka för att beskydda CV-D's hemt (eller om det var tvärtom) och har på det sättet gjort sig skyldiga till att samarbeta. 


    Say what?

    That is never the correct thing to do and something i always think its utterly bad behavior and lack of respect. Personally i would like to give you a trainwreck to the scrotum.

    As a precaution i have banned you 5 days so you dont show up killing our community players just for your own giggles.


    And as for TU. This is the second time someone makes a complaint about them playing together with others.

    In a case like this we would ban all of those online/involved but as silver has been their member for a long time and was about to leave for personal reasons, i dont see it as necessary. He already got a precaution ban above that would cover 1 day ban for 5 guys.

    Case Closed

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