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Posts posted by hitem

  1. Kan nästan tro att du bor i Göteborg, oh wait... skövde ^^


    Marple, jag har skickat ett mail till dig eftersom du inte tar emot PM's.

    Har även fått in 1-2 civila (well, regular players, but they play cvis!) som ville testa sin "lycka" :). intresset är uppskattat!


    Nu ska vi se om vi kan snickra ihop något tjusigt och vad det blir för resultat eller om vi behöver något mer!

  2. Hello everyone!

    Im looking for someone who is aware of their soothing voice. After 5-10 hours with text to speech applications and tools ive gotten nowhere!

    I need a recording where you read a few lines of text (which i have ready for you). It will be used in upcoming event (that reoccurs) and its very important you actually have some "reading" knowledge (know which word to emphasizes etc and how to speak "clearly"). The message will be heard in a speakersystem and the nature of the message is information/alarm.


    We dont mind if its a male or female and it has to be in English!

    We want it to be a uniqe sound and not something we found/remixed.

    Please send me a message (PM) with your qualification and subject: "My voice is perfect!"

    Include a link/file with a testspeeach and ill filter through! (incase i dont have time to listen to you on TS at that moment).

    Here is a tool you can use that is free and online: https://twistedwave.com/online/

    Maybe you have a really good text to speech that i havent found yeat, then please link me up!


    I cant promise we will get any payouts, but hopefully Niel Degrasse Tyson or David Attenborough is reading this! ;P

    What you get: Awesomeness status, gratitude and you are contributing to CvGaming content. Might even throw in a pink car if you happen to be the best!

  3. Thanks.

    This person have been banned for 3 days for VDM/Trolling and just bad behavior.

    Incase you meet them again, save the recordings. If they get banned again they risk the double amount of time, then a permanent ban incase they are bad influence overall!



  4. So, ive spoken to some of the admins and it dosent seem like they have the time to solve this one.

    I play for NLA but i play more as a civilian/admin then anything else so lets see.


    Group X is starting a "put your hands up"-scenario with group Y. Group Y have a hidden guy sneaking in the bushes towards the robbery with arms. Group X finish him of as they are already engaged in a hostile situation.


    All according to rules.

    Once you commence a situation like this, you are the aggressor and everyone around you can protect themself, if you are in the same clan/gang its kinda obv your friends will be picked off unless they reveal themself aswell immediately or that you rely this information as you are close to the offenders. Unless you want the risk of your friends being found.


    I will declined this request. 

  5. I belive we had a guy who had the same issue. He solved it by unplugging his gear to resolve a new IP from ISP.

    So try to connect with a vpn? there is free vpn's out there: freevpn.me as an exampel.

    Just to test your connecting.


    One thing you can test if that works:

    Once on the server, try to disconnect the vpn and see if your connecting manage to "get back" before dropping.


    But unplugging gear for awhile for a new ip (like when you go to sleep tonight) is a good option unless u manage to solve it before that.

  6. I just want to add the vital information: 

    You are the responsible person for your steam-account. We ban Accountwise and no matter how many or how few (like only yourself) is playing from the account.

    9 million is to much to achieve in the timeframe you where playing. So please, talk to Rasmus as mention above on how to proceed!

  7. As Scotty has been busy IRL time to time we have chosed NOT to have gangland in our current build as we dont like to promise stuff that takes over a half a year to arrive!

    it might return when Scotty have enough time to finish it! Untill then we will have to do without!

    Gw had a small chat with members who allready owned a gangland when 4.0 was arriving to inform/check what to do with the current once.

  8. No, this is not possible. not manwise or systemwise.

    GUID's are scrambled in a BE database (hashed) and the amount of work required to manually do everything is impossible, we aint a company and we have no intention to have an employee on full time which soulpurpose it making statements on each and every ban that is distributed.

    We, the admins, have a conversation with those involved in specific incidents, we talk about it and find a suiting solution.

    If you play on our server we believe you have enough faith in the adminteam to be competent enough to solve these issues as they are, already, very timeconsuming. If you dont, then im sorry. This is how we work and how our system is built.

    On the otherhand, our banlist (with the BE hashing in place) is posted on pastebin time to time for other serveradmins to take care of or incase they search for scrambled GUID's on google (need to be searched for, not publicly available). Then its up to them if they want to use that information or not (thats all bans realting to cheating in our banlist) and they can see if that scrambled GUID has been banned anywhere else on the internet (like a record). There is also a communitybanlist for altislife that we have considered looking at, saving us tons of time (filtered on cheating only).

    More info here and here

  9. Going to a warzone in your underwear and rook.... then running into the water after you shoot the guy on the cargotower.

    Well Well Well.

    Alvarez, i would like you to repay the lost gear for T.U Holmish to avoid a RDM ban.

    Ppl might think you are a new ATV-riding CIV out exploring, its all about representation and situation awareness.


    In the future, if you are going into a war or large scale battle, bring a more fitting mindset and gear.

    (same warning goes for anyone arriving to a battle that includes NLA/COPS + 2-3 gangs naked or only with a rook).



    Remember, its ONLY a hotzone if its confirmed in sidechat by the involving parties (NLA or COPS need to be in the fight for it to be considered a hotzone together with atleast 2 other major gangs).

  10. The person Mr. Night who is playing under 2 diffrent GUID's have been banned for 3 days on each GUID.

    The reason: Bugglooting and following medics around robbing newly ressed people. thats a behavior that i will never support.


    3 days in farming money is alot so hopefully this ban is sufficient for him to understand the depth of it.


    thanks for all the links, pm's, reports regarding this matter.



    edit: I should add that CVD have resolved the issue internally with this person and he is not a member of CVD (that happened before this request was processed)

    Therefor the "whole gang falls under the same rule" dosent apply here, it was resolved.

  11. Fint! Om dom inte mottar några direkta hot eller kulor så kunde dom ej veta allt som föregick precis i denna situation och vart.

    Så det är lite ett gränsfall (eftersom även sjukhuset är där). Därav så räcker det med en Orca tillbaka. Resterande är svinn och en del av att landa i en warzone! (för innerst inne tror jag att det fanns en vetskap om striden, däremot framgår inte det i någon av videoklippen!)


    Edit: Låser tråden.

    Meddela mig via PM när situationen är löst. inkludera banrequest <vilken request> i subjected! 

  12. Det är ju syftet med warzone då banditområdet var för litet. man skall kunna smyga sig in om man vill och göra taktiska manövrar!

    Capturesystem som triggas har vi ej till 4.0, däremot när vi väl har ett sådant script eller något liknande som kan visa antalet i området så kikar vi vidare på det! gillar iden!

  13. Well, händelseförloppat är sådant att det inte var efter den incident som dom kom och skulle landa där.

    Isf är det inga konstigheter alls, då är dom ju redan delaktiga sedan den andra incidenten.


    Men om du kan ersätta orcan så är det bra så. då behöver det inte bli något mer av detta om samtliga parter lär sig till nästa gång!

  14. Hej,

    Har analyserat följande banrequest: med denna!

    Jag tycker det är väldigt dålig stil att försöka argumentera till hur man magiskt kan få bort handfängelsen! Sedan uttnytja situationen och börja strida.

    Det är en mechanic som gör att restrains kan falla bort efter ett tag så ingen lämnas ute i ödemarken helt åt sitt eget öde eller vs abuse med restrain.

    Men när det släpper och man tar den situationen till sin fördel och börjar panga bevisar ju vilken otroligt dålig nivå RP:n och den personliga karaktären ligger på.


    Om folk håller på såhär så kommer polisen sluta bry sig om restrains och "fixa biffen" på plats, det blir en snöbollseffect.

    Så jag ser detta som en direkt "Lack of RP" och "Douchebaggery". Sedan arrgumentera det till sin fördel och att panga ihjäl någon som inte försöker döda dig ser jag som dålig karaktär.


    Om du betalar tillbaka allt till utsatt polis och ber om ursäkt så har jag översikt i detta, annars blir det 3 dagar RDM/Lack of RP.

    Jag ger er 1-2 dagar att prata, sedan återbesöker jag denna post. (och PM, inkludera banreq i subject).

  15. Hej,

    Denna request är Declined pga att personen har brytit mot game-mechanics.

    Polisen försöker återskapa RP scenariot med dom medel dom har och tyvärr blir det såhär.

    Om du slutar bugga/avbryta rp osv (t.ex att börja kriga när restrain släpper fortare än intended eller liknande).

  16. Hej.
    eftersom detta utspela sig före den andra situationen () så tycker jag det är en RDM.

    Personen har ingen tid att ta sig ut eller se vad som faktiskt händer i de klipp vi har sett.

    Däremot är det som sagt kaos och full strid (validerat av polisen). Då tycker jag han iaf kan få tillbaka sin orca! (idag hellcat).

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