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Posts posted by hitem

  1. I think you have misunderstood something Goliat.

    Yes, we are taking it calmer with the cops when they have much to do so the serverneeds goes before NLA vs Cops needs and vice versa. We keep contact to know more about the workdload and we dont go out to find the cops unless they want to participate or engage us. But when they try to drive away from us in a Hemtt box in middle of nowhere, We will stop it. And as you see in the video, they are doing everything correct to secure and stop the vehicle. After that there is usally good and heavy RP. But instead they get screamed upon and told they shouldnt even consider stoping and RPing with cops.  No, thats not how this game works.

    But you are presuming that everything is leathal - how can they possible RP with that? and how much energy do you think they have to continue doing everything good when they get screamed upon like this? 

    Atm its up to the cops to show they can RP back - which happens alot with the majority of the cops w/o bad behavior and words used. 

  2. It's good that he could leave unharmed. However that was not their intention to start with, hence the screaming. We've discussed many times that we don't want N.L.A to scream stop the car or we will open fire due to that RP. Point is that we don't want our opening with N.L.A to start with death threats, not everything has to resort to violence.

    We have talked alot about it in NLA. And the result you see is CLEAR in this video.

    Everything was made by the book - no matter what. Raising your voice is normal as you want to make sure the guy in the car hears you and it wasent a "im mad at you"-kind of raising the voice. And specially not threatfull as no deaths where mentioned.

    So you will defiantly see this again.


    edit: And no, NLA cant read minds, so when you drive with a hemtt box close to us, we will notice it and ask whats up (as they did in this video).

    But gray was very upset so the boys left him alone. Everything by the book.

  3. When you hit certain buttons when you login you get flagged.

    this is just logging purpose as many cheats uses the same path.


    nothing to worry about:

    [16:52:55 +02:00] [Thread 4232094367] SpyGlass: Name: Konrad || UID: XXXXX || VariablesAlreadySet

    Trying to be helpful here, if you do everything the aggressors ask your life should be spared.

       When you're about to rob someone, you have to give the victim a choice (If the victim fails to comply only then is lethal action allowed)



    • Voice over in direct chat MUST be in english during a robbery if you are not familiar with the person. <-- If you dont follow this misunderstandings will happen




    I want to emphasizes the importance of the above rules for civilians.

    ONLY IF THE VICTIMS FAILS TO COMPLY is lethal action allowed. 

    There are some RP scenarios where it would be OK to execute the player but in this instance i fail to see it.


    HOWEVER your teammate did try to pull a trick off and starting a firefight even tho the RP was very bad (as civs cant execute people for ieather being pro cop, medic or NLA - they still need to follow the regular rules).


    So this request is declined even tho you did comply, your gangmember did not.

  5. Hello.


    1. The whole banrequest is faulty, usally we autodeclined those.


    2. No, this is not illegal. Sure, we dont know what was dropped of and if it would have been of any substantial sum (like 500k or something) it sure is wrong.

    But there is nothing illegal by passing safezone when being hunted. staying there is a total different manner.


    So this request is declined due to both above points.

  6. Hello.

    As mention in earlier bans like this one: 

    When you are the aggressor, the one robbing, the surrounding players in the vicinity that hear your rob have the rights to shoot you to defend themself.


    So if any robbers are reading this, be aware of your surrounding before you commence anything. the victims have a legal right (by serverrules) to defend themself.

    And no, they dont need gangtag to be defending themselfs, remember, YOU are the aggressor starting to rob people. 

    If someone is baiting (it has occured), then those baiting are the aggressors. you get where im getting.

    And remember, shooting your way out a robbery situation may not always be the best choice (for those defending themselfs, you may also put other players life at risk!).


    In this video whoever, sikta is the aggressor and the people defends themselfs.

    So this request is declined.

  7. Hello.

    What an exiting thread.

    Going from "ban lol" to "admins know nothing clothing store" references. Much amused.


    So lets take a look.

    You executed a script that included a known variable from teleportationscripts. It wasent picked up when you logged in, rather later during your session when the script was executed you got kicked/banned in the same instance. I did a deeper search to make sure it wasent something unintentional or something executed in our mission and i found out it wasent. I also found the exact same variable in one of the newer highlighted cheats out there. Coincidence? i think not. 

    Maybe you are the only one executing the exact same code as several previous cheaters? (that ran everything from godmode up to this specific variable)

    A custom thing i usually do to people that legitimately are unaware what happened is that i remote connect to their machine, we locate that variable and source of it by doing some quick searches. But in your case i do not get the feeling you are legitimately unaware of this as your story is not correct. You didnt logg out and then return to be banned. You got kicked and banned in the same instance you executed the code.


    Send me a pm if you are interested in letting me take a look at your machine as we will clearly see if 1. the code is still there 2. if not, intentionally removed 3. the source.

    untill then this case is declined.



    Added for future references:

    Kazes behavior is not OK: (spamming about a ban and that admins should drop everything they are doing to complete it and its repetitive (spamm)).

    http://i.imgur.com/YqPmAXA.jpg (i got fed up after his entries in the thread and the amount of pm's regarding this matter, so this is the last conversation).

    So, bad behavior(spamming about the ban, not respecting the decision) from him. And i should mention that im talking with the guy who where banned since hours previously to this PM.

    Manne on the other hand have been nice, sending good PM's and granted me access to his machine. we will see what we find.


    Edit2: Manne first claims im allowed to remote connect and check, then all of a sudden he changes his mind - very suspicious. then he starts threatening with "server-report" as he has no clue how battleye filters work (automated). So now he is gone for good.

  8. Tiden är möjlig att förändra! 


    Att temporärt stänga av NLR kan jag nog titta på, däremot finns risken av eventet avbryts (admin crashar, vilket jag gjorde denna gång :D) och då återaktiveras det inte korrekt. Så får spara den lite tills resten är löst!


    det vi lärde oss av det första eventet:

    Admin som triggar eventet måste vara online hela eventet (om han crashar så avbryts eventet). Han är game-master (so no speccy specc, spectate = client crash alot). 

    Så bra om det är flera på! kan triggas av en admin som deltar medans någon annan speccar.



    All feedback är uppskattad btw, fortsätt posta i denna tråd!

    Glöm inte att checka huvudposten för datum som vi kör :)

  9. Glöm inte:
    1. Ni döda poliser random, jag sitter där och hör hela situationen, jag valde att inte lägga någon ban utan istället se vad ni gör
    2. Ni flockas runt looten, några nakna, några gearade. Ni springer sedan rakt mot mig.
    3. Jag dödar 1 person av er eftersom ni redan har visat att ni vill kriga (random pangar 2 poliser)
    4. Jag låter resterande personer åka därifrån med deras loot. situation over tänker jag och tillkallar medics
    5. Spelar ingen roll om jag hade shadowplay inställt på 50min, om jag inte har det sparat vid situationen så finns den inte
    Alvarez, dig specifikt har jag pratat med många gånger - eftersom att du inte förstår så testar jag olika konversationstekniker med dig för att få resultat.
    Ni är återkommande när det gäller incidenter i dåligt uppförande. Däremot har det inte med denna situation att göra där jag helt enkelt försvarar mig själv då jag är ensam i busken brevid 2 andra spelare som sin avrättar. Allt enligt serverregler.
  10. Nej, jag har ingen shadowplay sparad från incidenten så det kan du inte få.
    Jag pratade med Darwin och var där som support/moderation så att dom kan ha en roadblock utan rock united och troll som kommer som enbart är ute efter loot (din video talar ju starkt för det btw). Sedan få för sig att jag magiskt spawnar in? well, då kan jag lika gärna ha anlänt i min Spacecarrier 2000x Sepucko edition för allt vi vet.

    När ni sedan bestämmer er för att random avrätta dessa två herrar som står precis brevid mig, ja du, varför skulle ni inte kunna avrätta mig rakt av oxå? säkra före det osäkra så jag följer serverregeln som ger mig rätt att försvara mig när någon rånar/dödar folk i din vicinity (där jag hör allt ni säger i direct). 

    Rånar ni någon (i detta fall går fram och pangar poliser rakt i pannan utan RP) så kommer jag försvara mig om jag sitter i busken brevid. Jag gör samma sak igen.


    Om ni hade rollspelat med poliserna och kört legit istället så hade jag aldrig övervägt att avsluta situationen där. då hade jag vackert stått kvar i min buske faktiskt istället för att försvara mig.

    Låter någon annan admin överväga beslutet då inte jag har något immunitetsrätt.

    Däremot är fighten mot att förbättra dåligt uppförande och trollaktigt beteende inte slut på långa vägar!

  11. Spawnar in?

    Jag satt och rollspela med polisen Darwin i ca 30minuter före ni kom och random dödar polisen och uppför er dåligt som bara den. kan du inte visa hela den sekvensen med?

    Jag som låg i busken brevid känner mig hotad när ni, 3-4 pers springer rakt emot mig så jag skjuter dig.

  12. No. there wont be a loot specific rule as its no rules for 30min basically.

    We want this event to be able to run by itself once it triggered. Automated process.


    We are however trying to change the behavior of naked rook crews soooooo there might be a admin with a high powered rifle/artillery shells shooting naked lootmongers or there might be people setting up traps! who knows ;)



    And yes, cops and medics can go after whoever they wish, as civ's or as faction (incase they have access somewhere to guns). Alltho regular services are suspended.

  13. Changelog 4.0.2
    And we are off with our second patch since the 4.0 release (excluding all the patchfixes inbetween).

    We are starting to reach a stable version where we will presume old habbits of releasing patches and fixes together with patchnotes!

    This update contains many core fixes for the framework and ofcourse some new stuff.
    We also had the 1.44 Arma patch this week and with it came alot of Vehicle fixes, including the Orca (still better then the hellcat, but we are sticking with hellcat due to the possitive feedback from the community). There was also some major updates to battleye, so we had to revisit that! If you want to launch your game w/o needing to activate it, simply start arma3battleye.exe in your directory (unless you go with the launcher, then just activate it when starting!)



    • Added Deposit ALL Button on the ATM - Can now deposit all your current cash to your bank
    • Updated Battleye filters
    • Updated autobanscript with the new cheats
    • Altis Life 4.0 core updated
    • Setvar/getvar replaced with 4.0 framework
    • Removed some of the spyglass spam that has been occurring
    • Temporary fix for money exploit (vehicles)
    • Wanted RPT error fix
    • Fixed the existing Rahim Magazines in player houses
    • Fixed precheck on when you buy a house 
    • Vehicle weights and inventory has been fixed
    • Fixed an issue that wiped your bank if you retrieved submarines
    • The driving license script has been slightly adjusted
    • Added a script that cleans out Snakes locally on client (client performance boost)
    • Added a license check on rebel/cop/medic garages 
    • Added a check so you can't deposit money to yourself
    • Added a script to check how many rebels are online - for future scripts
    • Added No voice in sidechat script - modified and improved since before
    • Added new virtual items
      GPS Tracker + Icon
      Sabotage Evidence + Icon
      Money Bundle + Icon
    • New Keybindings ()
      Pickaxe = Shift + B
      Surrender = Shift + <
    • Added a Event button to the cellphone, can only be seen by rank 3 admins. Used to send out info about Server Events
      Along with this addition we have added a serverevent that will be scheduled to run once a week ().
    • New NPC have arrived in Altis, rumors says hes connected to the Mafia:​​
      The mafia NPC contains a few new and old things and is still work in progress, more and unique things will come.
      Weapon Shop, Item Store and more to come! 
      Aswell as a few jobs:
      Slave Trading, Money Laundry, Sabotage and more to come!

    • Diamond mine outside pyrgos now works again
    • Pyrgos hospital can now heal
    • Pyrgos applefield now grows apples again!
    • Sofia Car garage fixed
    • Fog Fog and Fog, its now set to a high decay rate and hopefully its better!
    • Fixed a few floating objects/npcs
    • A News office was built in Kavala (populated NPC vendor etc)


    • Selling weapons in sidechat/forums is now forbidden, to increase roleplay. ()
    • A rule regarding fed to increase RP and make it more balanced ()
    • A rule regarding house raids to increase RP and make it more balanced ()



    • You can now rob gas stations - 4 of them, marked on the map with a blue house.
    • "The federal reserve is being robbed" message is now only displayed for the police due to balance reasons and rules
    • You can now rob a Local Tax Office that will reward you with Cash and Moneybundles.
    • You can now Sabotage Rebel infrastructure that will be protected by the rebels on their island! You will get rewarded with Sabotage Evidence and Cash
    • CvG Newscrew have been added. Its a whitelisted job with features such as: Own office in kavala, own shops and own cellphone feature (Send msg to all as CvG News). Hopefully we get some good feedback and serversupport for these guys! Remember that Journalism is independent and not linked to any factions! 

    Altis Police Department

    • Wanted system now works (patched in earlier this week, but the wanted list is now populated correctly)
    • Paycheck has been increased - The police had to play as civilians to be able to pay for their families
    • Paycheck based on rank
    • GPS Tracker has been added - Track vehicles
    • Crowbar removed - Replaced by Breach feature
    • Added breach to the vehicle interaction menu - Will work exactly like the crowbar did
    • Added a cop check for the use of boltcutter on Federal reserve (its now 7)
    • Seize Weapons from player feature has been added
    • Raiding houses will now give you access to their storage containers
    • Increased the time for breaching doors
    • Restrain now works on all factions (cop/med/civ)

    Altis Paramedics

    • Paycheck has been slightly increased
    • Medic inventory now saves properly
    • The Airfield/Athira hospital now retrieves medic vehicles correctly
    • Crowbar was replaced with Breach feature (vehicle interaction menu)

    Rebels (N.L.A)

    • Added 1 new uniform
    • Rebel checkpoint got a small rehaul
    • Sabotage Infrastructure added to the map
    • Gold bar buyer has been moved to give space for sabotage
    • Added Restrain for Rebels (it works on all factions - cop/med/civ)
    • Fixed the restrain for putting people in vehicles
    • Rahim magazine in the store has been fixed

     CvG Contributor

    • Hellcat got a new skin (Yakuza (v2 for hellcat, digital version!))

    This post has been promoted to an article


    This event is a reoccurring event that can be triggered by the admins (rank 3 or above).
    Its scheduled to run ONCE a week!

    The idea behind this event is based on the movie The Purge.
    The whole concept is not about killing and more violence, its about doing something together and have something to look forward to. Perhaps you can RP like crazy during the week and save your frustration to this event and then trying to find the person you have a beef with w/o any rules for about 30minutes.  This might highlight the importance of RP and behavior on the server unless you want to be hunted! 
    The movie was interesting and as an event this could work very well or not at all. Lets see how this event progress and its heavily based upon community feedback!
    Hopefully we all have a blast and some good times!
    This is how it works:
    Once triggered there will be a SMS sent to give you an headsup about the commencement of The Purge, you have 5 minutes before the event starts at this point!
    Now you have 2 options: Fight or Flee (Prepare for fight or get to Safezones incase you dont wish to participate).
    When the 5 minutes have passed you receive an SMS letting you know the START of the event and there will be an alarm played on loudspeakers scattered around the map (mainly in cities and checkpoints) to help out identifying the start of the event. After that you will keep getting time updates every 5min via SMS for the remaining 30minutes of the Event! All emergency services are suspended during the event! (such as medic ressing and police services).

    Time: Event last for 30 minutes and it runs once a week (A small post in shoutbox/ingame will be made by the admin who triggers it in advance).
    Where: Everywhere. Safezones are the only safe place where you can escape the event.
    • SafeZones = Safe.
    • RDM is allowed on the map.
    • VDM is not allowed.
    • New Life Rule (NLR) must be respected.
    • Cops Medics and Rebels are allowed to participate in the event.
    • All regular emergency services is offline for the 30minute event (no resses, no sending to jail, no searching vehicles etc).
    • NEW: News-Crew are immune during the Purge and shall not be harmed.
    • Hunters and Ifrits are not allowed during the Purge
    • Once you die, you have to respawn (no medic ress)
    • No personal insults or acts of aggression via vocal means (no bad language!)
    • Gangs are allowed to co-operate (but remember, its The Purge, even your friends might not be trustworthy!)
    • Else there is not much rules.
    Once the event is over normal rules are back into effect and you are once again being flagged down for the crimes you commit.
    There is no glory to be claimed or any cash rewards. This event is purely for server RP/Community purpose!
    2015-05-31th (Sunday) during 19-23 restart - admin: hitem
    2015-06-01   (Monday) During 19-23 restart - admin: Afriel
    2015-06-21   (Sunday) During 19-23 restart - admin: Goatis
    2015-06-23   (Tuesday) During 19-23 restart - admin: Goatis (1 hour)
    2015-07-12   (Sunday) During 19-23 restart - admin: Goatis

    Remember that this event is not a permanent event, just something to get us started and hopefully some good feedback comes out of it and we will bring with us the knowledge for future events!
    Thanks to Demigod for making the base script!
    ​Thanks to Harry for lending us his voice (i, hitem, still accept submitions tho incase you believe you can do better!)
  15. Hello,

    You seem to have issues knowing our rules on our server. Please read up on them under Rules. (in my signature).

    Beacuse this behavior will ALWAYS give you 3days+ ban or even worse if it repeats itself:



    (you are the guy in the go-kart obv)

    Lockpicking and Stealing a helicopter in SAFEZONE (athira) when the guy who owns it is just next to you (thats a clear cut case of douchebaggery and trollass) is not allowed and then VDM the helicopter that is blocking your escapepath while i was called into the matter is NOT ALLOWED.

    No sir, enjoy your ban for lockpicking in safezone and VDM:ing.


    Now you have 3 days to read up on what rules we have.

    You should be glad its just 3 days as several rules where broken and you end up killing 2 people.

    Normaly i would force you to repay the gear they lost but in this matter i might extend your ban as you dont see what you have done wrong (not even after i talked to you on ts).

  16. Hello.

    We need to know more information to process your appeal.

    Such as: time, banmsg and a 5 pages long appology to even consider lifting your ban.

    But i think i recall your name, bugging into houses and stealing items right? happened two times?

    Then my answer to you is no. We need to remove every single person that is capable of doing this.


    declined due to lack of information/effort.

  17. Hello,
    The lack of effort in your banappeals from your side just wiped your chances clean my friend.

    you didnt read the rules and you aint accepting admins decisions.

    I doubt you even read my response to you.



  18. Hello.

    To cover as much audience as possible ill take this in English:

    I fail to see how this you could consider that to be RDM when you are in full motion of robbing someone, threatening him with ending his life and shooting him.


    If you start a situation where you are the aggressor, the people in the vicinity that hears the threats have a chance of protecting themself even if they are not in the same gang. Its not allowed to follow people around to find moments like this on purpose (then the guy following is the aggressor). But as you guys ride up and start robbing/threatening a guy and the remaining people in the area try to shoot their way out i dont see an issue with that and its all inline with our rules.

    You can find out more about it under our

    • Killing someone in an attempt to protect yourself or gangmembers is not RDMing.


    So i will declined this request even tho you guys have already said sorry and such, that is good manners and ++ for that!

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