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Posts posted by hitem

  1. Hello.

    We have a rule that mention the responsibility of you as a player. And if you have played here before you know about them.

    It clearly states under Rules -> General rules -> first section:

    "Duping items and/or money. If someone you dont know sends you an unobtainable amount of money, report to an admin IMMEDIATELY, you have a responsibility to as you are the one receiving the money. Do this or an admin will ban you permanently if they see that much on you without question."


    You guys where playing together with Jesper who brought in 60 million:



    So im declining this request, maybe we can revisit it in the future but atm its to early for any excuses and/or apologies.

    I can not forgive what you did and you have a responsibility to know whom you are getting money from.

    No one gives away that much money (it have happened, but then it comes from well known grinders on the server and thats a different story, if you play and show some interest in the community you will know who those are. in this case you guys where knew and got millions from another new guy - warningbelsl?).

    If i didnt ban you, you guys would have put hacked money in the circulation and that messes up the data/mapbalance!

    Goodluck, maybe we will see you within a few months, but for now this case is closed!

  2. I found an old harddrive with some photos of my previous owned beasts and as i never did any introduction posts i thought i might introduce you, the community, to my computerlife!
    So, instead of posting my blings ill post my old retro machines! hipster style!



    Here is a picture of my first own computer back in 1997-1999: This was a Pentium 2 600hz!!!!

    Note the awesome microsoft keyboard, they where ahead of their time with extra buttons!

    Check that crazy lamp out, i was a untameable rebel riding for freedom!
    And that spider, i remember his name 'Gosu'. We had much fun together, just watch this picture. containing more details and nostalgic items then a 90's music video.

    I remember the game of the day was being Quake and Counterstrike 0.0.7 (also known as 7.1 beta).

    And look, i knew those mcdonalds coca cola glas was an old thing! Also, this beast logged roughly 40.000 hours of EverQuest ^^).

    Anyhow, later in the 2002 we went hardcore with a 2.0 ghz Pentium 2 (or was it 3? cant recall). And flatscreen (that shit cost me 500 euro back then).
    Thats the age when you first realize that flowers dont belong in your gamecave.
    And yes, thats a Samsung n500 and ICQ you see there kids. Gosu is still around that bugger hitting it up with that p*ssycat, no shame! 
    and THAT lamp with the supposedly alien (now when i think of it it actually looks like a human fetus). O.O


    Well well well, after 2002 comes ofc 2004 and world of wuuurcraft release, dualboxing style, 3.0 ghz Pentium 4 and an acient relic with keys on it!

    And once again, no kids! thats not a cellphone, thats a actually hardline telephone, wireless! ^^



    2005-2006ish and i got myself a Pentium Duo 2 core at 2.8ghz i think it was together with WIDESCREEN!:

    This particular machine was moved with me overseas on a airplane, memories..... who had a laptop in early 2000 right? ^^

    And thats a Samsung Z600 or U500, i dont remember! :P And note that there is allways phones in pictures, i guess it takes the new generation awhile to figure out how i took the pictures. (yeey, old guy joke...).



    So thats a short story how i ended up the geek i am today, excluding all my NES games and passion for that. Thats enough for another thread someday ;)

    My first ever machine (family) was a Pentium 486 so i didnt include that one here. hrhr. Hope you didnt die of boredom reading this!



    Noterade dock att det måste vara frustrerande att antingen ha massa kuddar/täcke eller sängen som ryggstöd?

    but: bigger pics needed!


    and why have 1 jellysiliconwristpad when you can have 3! i like the way you think sir

  4. Glöm inte att Poliser, rebeler och medics är CvGaming "anställda" och har "arbetsuppgifter".

    Det verkar som detta alltid glöms bort. Ratz har ju vart väldigt aktiva rånare/mördare och det ligger ju i NLA's intresse att ni slutar råna/döda folk vid drogfält som är deras agenda (arbetsuppgift) edit: detta "betalas" tillbaka genom att vanliga civ's större chans att lyckas dra hem lite pengar istället för att bli mördade av ett organiserat gäng.

    Organiserade mördare och rånare kommer ju alltid ha rebeler eller poliser efter sig beroende på vad man gjort. Spelar du som en vanlig civ med eller utan dina kompisar så har du inget att vara orolig över, som colaboration för detta har jag ett dokument med 139 possitiva feedback och 31 negativa (inkl denna post) från allmänheten om just vår rebelstyrka.

    Vissa har tillochmed sagt att det har vart "bästa RP:et dom upplevt i altis life". 

    Men iaf: Arbetsuppgifter är en dynamisk variable (möten varje vecka) och om dom inte klarar av sina arbetsuppgifter så justerar vi (cvgaming) efter det (t.ex genom weapon access för polisen i olika ranks).


    Alla priser och accesser är en del av en stor algorithm (mapbalance). Det ligger otroligt många timmar bakom det och jag blir faktiskt lite ledsen när folk inte inser djupet i det. Ett exempel: Höjjer vi priset i cop/rebel/medic stores till samma som civ's så kommer nästan alla priser fördubblas. Det skulle även stoppa både polis och rebeler från att investera något i deras uppdrag, dom kommer fastna i sina respektive baser och när som skall ut så är dom helt nakna. Detta stoppar då civilians helt från att någonsin komma över polis/rebel accessories och vapen. Detta är ju som sagt baserat på en mega algorithm men 3 av tusen faktorer är tex hur mycket vapen som finns i circulation och hur myket pengar populationen har samt speltid.


    Oavsett, högre kaliber är aldrig svaret. Mer vapen har aldrig löst något och vi har bantat polis/rebel HÅRT dom senaste 6 månaderna.


    Som svar på femman: Kom med lite konstruktiv feedback om du ska inkludera så tunga ord som "löjligt" på strukturer du ej verkar förstå.

    För att kunna ha en community med ett team som fungerar så måste ditt team ha vissa förmåner för att kunna prioritera RP och arbetsuppgifter.
    Men om du nu har ett bra förslag på hur man kan ha ett team som uppfyller dessa krav och kan investera sin privata tid till denna agenda, im all ears!

  5. hej.

    "ta tillbaka militär"

    du får gärna vidareutveckla hur detta skulle vara möjligt att strukturera regelvis, mapbalancevis och accessvis. Om nu Civ's ska få tillgång till militär utrustning, hur skall vi filtrera detta och ha koll på spridningen av dessa vapen så det inte påverkar andra resurs/vapen priser etc? (total mapbalance).

    varför inte bara ha en gruppering inom polisen som är mer strategiskt lagda? då har vi ju strukturer som funkar och är på plats redan!
    Samma ang rebeller, dom får ju ge protectionservice och andra saker redan så.


    tror det är bättre att lägga krut på 3 befintlga fraktioner (cop/reb/med) och göra klart dessa 3 helt och hållet innan vi funderar på en fjärde!

  6. Dom väggarna går inte alls skjuta igenom, bara Lynxen och uppåt kan skjuta igenom väggarna. Om inte ni har ändrat på cvg.


    Arma 1.38 och Arma 1.40 skedde det några uppdateringar som har med coalisition and velocity (pre-patch for marksman and the intended mussle speeds etc).

    After those 2 updates we did some extensive testing in our base which have 2 of those towers. We manage to penetrate it easly with MX and weapons with 6.5 caliber. Np at all. The bullets didnt go straight inside it, but if u are close to the edges like the guy on the video, he will get damaged 2-25 per bullet unless it strikes his head.


    edit: i notice my swe -> english switch in mid sentence, my brain needs coffee  ;)

  7. Det går att skjuta igenom dom väggarna med dom vapen ni har, så även om ni såg han utanför så betyder det inte att ni träffade honom utanför.

    Däremot är det inte snyggt gjort nej, lite på gränsen till bugexploit ;p men det finns scenarion när folk hackar till runt hörnen och blivit skjutna även fast dom var bakom hörnet. Omöjligt att alltid se vad som sker, här var det ganska obvious dock ;P 


    Norren, PLZ STAHP!


  8. Hello.

    Its only a 2 days ban and it should be running out today/tonight if your estimations are correct.

    And please, in the future. Follow the ban-appeal-forms and read the FAQ.

    Normaly this banappeal would be autodeclined beacuse of it and by the time you made a new appeal and admins checking through logs the ban would have run out.

    So declining this request as you are soon able to enter anyways!

  9. Hello again.

    Yes, as mentioned in the earlier thread i asked you to format C: and everything else to solve your issue before you ever connected again.

    You had over 25 kicks for "Corrupted Memory #10" (not 1 or 2, 25!!! attempts after i asked you not to).

    I specificly said: If you return again and get kicked MULTIPLE times by the same error, i will have to let the ban stay until further notice.


    So ieather you are just ignoring what im saying or you dont want to listen.

    Please format your machine atleast before you come back asking for us to lift this ban, dont just remake a banappeal.



  10. Hello.

    This was an automated ban made by battleye locally on our server. This was not manually added.

    We can never know the truth behind the agenda with your cheat-engine and therefor we never accept these cases.
    Sure, there might be some cases where you have 100% proof and a videorecording when all of this was happening. But the chances someone records playing a singleplayergame using a "diablo-trainer" are very slim. If you on the otherhand have it, then please provide it to me and i will revisit your banappeal.


    So untill then, this appeal is declined and i can highly advice you not to run any sort of dodgy engine at all on your system.

    It should be "ok, arma 3 gametime! but first turn of cheategines".

    They shouldnt be there in the first place ;)

  11. BattlEye works like this, Its always looking for players that have stuff running that they shouldn't, and you had Cheatengine running in the background so BattlEye detected that and the kicked you from the server and then flagged you as a Suspected cheater, after that a Admin Perm banned you.




    That is not true.

    When you are kicked 2 or 3 times for Gamehack BE will permanently ban you on the server you are trying to do this on to protect it.

    Also BEC (battleye extended controls) have a built in feature for this.

    But anyhow, thats why you can connect elsewhere.


    On the other hand, this specific ban i added because i saw it happen in rcon and chose to add the ban directly yesterday night.

    You used a cheat-engine just like you said and in my eyes it dosent even matter if you do it for mspaint, or in this case, pinball8. Its the moral of it all.

    Cheat-Engine is Cheat-Engine and never something i will accept, even if its for your schoolproject or something you do for the lulz. We will never know what your real purpose was unless you recorded the whole episode, which is something no one does so i can not request that form you.

    So to put it simply: Never cheat and you will never have any problems.

  12. Tråkigt att höra att du tycker så mahone.
    Denna feature är dock för att underlätta för servern och alla våra nya spelare upp till mid-range spelare (annars har man ju flygfordon och annat!).
    Så enligt min utsago är det en mycket trevlig feature istället för att behöva bryta RP och relogga till lobby om man valde fel stad eller sina vänner finns på annan ord. Så det underlättar för alla nya spelare och server performance. Samtliga spelare slipper logga ut för att byta stad för en så trival sak som att sammlas med sina vänner :). Även nya spelare kan lättare byta stad/område om det visar sig vara "hett" i knutarna. Du sparar även tid gentimot vad det tar att relogga!

    Så win-win?


    MEN, det jag igentligen skulle svara på: 4.0 kommer "snart" ;)

    (Forum posts being written/updates + stresstest + small bugfix)


    Och jag kan säga såhär: Denna video spoilar massor med saker (indirekt), så det gäller att ha keen eyes ;D

    Och nu lite humor för dom som analyserat videon:

    GW i full fart efter att ha funnit något av värde i sanden:


  13. Hello

    1. Follow banappeal form

    But ill save you some time and answer straight away:


    No, i will not unban you for this atrocity. Even if you apologize the damage and time invested to trace it down and close the case is already done.
    This is a moral standpoint for me, with the "möla på" attitude im pretty sure you have done it elsewhere and will continue doing it wherever you get the opportunity to do so.


     To further protect our community this banappeal is Declined.

  14. Hello.

    1. Follow the ban-appeal form

    2. Provide more useful information as who you spoke to, times, crashlogs, videos, your phonenumber and even your shoesize!

    Ill save you some time tho:

    You have over 25 connections to the server where you get the same error.
    I asked you to format C:\ or try on another machine before you ever connected again and if you connected and got the same error, then there was nothing i could do for you as i trust Battleye. Wild guess: you didnt and you got banned for it.

    So the ban will remain as you clearly dont follow my advice when we spoke on teamspeak and you had a vacban that was 8 days old ;). I smell fishy correlation.



    Corrupted Memory #X
    : BattlEye detects that your game's memory is not what it is supposed to be. 

  15. Tänkte se om han kommenterade denna tråd då han är ganska aktiv på servern.

    Ser ju inte så lovande ut för killen, även om huset nu ligger i riskzonen för "första huset man springer på". Detta är dock inget fall av en nybörjare som är på fel ställe!

    Ger han en sväng till att skriva sin version, annars får jag tala med han på TS vid ett tillfälle!

  16. Ja, fel på scriptet kan jag inte hitta. Den flaggar dig för combatlogg när du bryter mot just den regeln. Även om du disconnectar efter en bugg eller krig.

    Har du dött skall du vackert vara kvar tills du relogga. Är det en bugg i jail så är det ibland den enda vägen eftersom disconnect gråas ut.


    Så i detta fall vet vi ej om detta är det exakta tillfället som du nämner Harry.

    Däremot så kan vi ju se denna tråd som en inledning på en överenskomelse att ser jag det igen, så bannar vi för det.

    Att föra en dialog och förstå att allt inte är svart och vitt är ganska viktigt! :)


    stänger tråden och flyttar till accepted (för future referens, om det nu dyker upp, så hittar jag denna tråd snabbt).


    Så skärpning nu, sluta fula med saker och kör legit :) Finns alltid nån som sitter med videokamera i busken!

  17. I sent you all the details in PM and those are not linked to the community banlist!



    There is cases where something can be executed towards someone but in this particular case and with this specific line of code, its not!

    In this specific line (i Xxxxx:ed out all the details as mention earlier) its something that you actively clicked (menu).

    Keep me posted on how it goes with your talks (via PM) and ill lock this thread and move it to declined.

    I will revisit it and bring it back out here depending on the information :)

  18. Hello,

    Any official Addons will never ban you, it might kick you untill addon is disabled, but it wont ban you. And any decent BE-admin knows how to read those logs.

    After investigating this matter i have to ask you to come back with information (including transcript) of how it went with the Asylum ban as that is the source of your GUID being on Altis community banlists and post.

    Also, you are on two of my friends Altis servers with following being triggered by you:

    Bacca (xxxxxxx) 6caecba1c5c6df799XXXXXXXX - #X " DP_XXXXXXX 'while{true} XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [] spawn BIS_fnc_endMission; "

    X:ing out the stuff that the public dont need to know.

    Do you mind explaining that part? As thats why i chosed to add you to our banlist and not exclude it.

    its not an addon or anything like that. thats a true code for trying to end the mission for all the players. a script that is actively being triggerd by the client/user (addons kick you when you are logging in).



    Edit: oh, i forgot to add the servers you triggerd this command on, ill send them in a PM to you (so it dosent look like PR ;P).

  19. Så sades det inte igår Keen! Kan ju inte ge mig bilder och bevis på situationer som redan är lösta!

    Då har vi 2 situationer som folk rapporterat som nu är lösta mellan Harry / vederbörande.


    Då kan vi ju undra istället:
    Varför postar du denna request Fisk? Visste du inte om att situationen var löst? eller tog du bara ett random screenshoot när du såg harry combatlogga i side?

  20. Hello,



    And as ive mention everywhere else. I need more information / evidence from you from this specific incident that can claim your innocent.

    Because there is nothing in our system that tells us otherwise.

    that you have your own responsibility and you have to decline/report to admins when you receive big sums of money when you are a new.
    Blaming a third part when you are in the group is not holding up in a case like this. Hopefully you dont blindly obliged other peoples commands in other online games sir.


    So, please respect my decision, i will not lift your ban until im proven wrong in this case.

    Its to much money, to fishy behavior (ingame) and to much loggs to support the oposit version of what you are stating.

    Anyhow, as this is your third banappeal since it happened in Januari i will let this topic be open for a few hours more to see if any other admins have an input to make.

  21. Hello Reed93 or shall call you Ben10 or Alexander?

    If you read the message its due to a banrequest. 

    It can be found here: 

    When we check that day and time along with the IP/GUID used by alexander:

    20:26:23 : Player #40 alexander (X.X.X.X:x) connected
    20:26:24 : Player #40 alexander - GUID: 7c75ca4f9d125b5XXXXXXXXXXX (unverified)
    20:26:24 : Verified GUID (7c75ca4f9d125b5XXXXXXXXXXX) of player #40 alexander
    This is the person who got banned for killing a medic the 24th! The ban was placed yesterday(and whats stopping you atm) so its 2 days left of it atleast (3days in total).
    So if its not you, then it might be your brother or someone in your family incase it kicks you for the IP rather then GUID.
    We do not lift bans like this unless you can get hold of the familymember that did this and tell him to get on TS and appologies to Blueman once you see him.
    Also reimburse whatever was lost for Blueman and leave the conversation where all parts agrees.
    Then show me the transcript and i will validate it with Blueman.
    Thats the only way to get this lifted myfriend.
    (locking the thread meenwhile, feel free to PM me the transcript once you have talked to Blueman).
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