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  1. Like
    bobin reacted to A.Karlsson in Cvgaming presents A:Karlsson/Kirlss0n   
  2. Like
    bobin reacted to L.Marshall in My way of "Free-Loot"   
    Just because I'm alone now, doesn't mean I'm not a dangerous man.

  3. Like
    bobin reacted to Dubrovka in Karaoke i ts med 47pers   
  4. Like
    bobin reacted to L.Marshall in Tackar Zeds och bjuder på en tutorial hur man snor en Hunter!   
    Får börja med att tacka Zed's för en rolig tid.Tyvärr kom det fram att vissa personer inte riktigt har samma åsikter som mig när det gäller att stå för vem man är och vad man tycker och tänker. Jag personligen kände att jag inte riktigt hörde hemma där nu i efterhand efter vissa händelser. Men tack för en grym tid fram tills nu iaf. Vi va ju ganska bra på att sno ifrits och hunters iaf.

    Här är ett av alla tillfällen vi snott bepansrade fordon idag!

    Marshall is now riding solo, Peace!

  5. Like
    bobin reacted to K.F Carl Mark in Pajj heli 2 km upp i luften inga problem chefen fixar!   
  6. Like
    bobin reacted to K.F Carl Mark in [K.F] Carl Mark Medic application   
    Meet the minimum age of 18. 15 år
    Understand basic server rules. jag förstår reglerna
    MUST have a working microphone! ja jag har en fungerande mic
    MUST have a good command of the English language. jag kan prata engelska
    What is your in-game name? [K.F] Carl Mark
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198070752217
    Have you read all of the rules on the forum? ja flera gånger
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel? jag lovar att jag ska hålla mig till ingame rollen hela tiden
    How long have you played on the server? runt 660 timmar
    How long have you played Arma 3? 819 timmar
    How often do you play on the server? körde mycket innan och har blivit sugen på att börja lira igen
    Tell us a little about your self! (Where in the world do you live? What time zone do you live in? Age? etc.) Jag heter Carl kommer från stockholm lirar mycket data och e ute och härjar då och då finns inte så mycket att säga om mig själv men jag är 15 sommrar gammal glad pöjk som gillar att lira data som jag antagligen har nämt redan
  7. Like
    bobin reacted to Daniel Macáres in A.V.F Kauppinen Ban Request 2015/10/22 21:50 RDM+ COMBATLOG + NEW LIFE RULE   
    Jiddrar ni med Emin jiddrar ni med hela APD! Seriöst asså, ha lite respekt för helvete? 
  8. Like
    bobin reacted to Nordqvist in A.V.F Kauppinen Ban Request 2015/10/22 21:50 RDM+ COMBATLOG + NEW LIFE RULE   
    Inte för att man ska kommentera andras ban requests men fyfan det här är fan bland det värsta jag har hört under min tid på CvG, varför ens bete sig sådär? Folk har varit grova mot varandra osv men det här tar fan priset.
    Hoppas ni skäms och att ni får ett straff som ni förtjänar.
    ps. Emin jag får be om ursäkt för att du blivit behandlad på detta sätt.. 
  9. Like
    bobin reacted to Emin in A.V.F Kauppinen Ban Request 2015/10/22 21:50 RDM+ COMBATLOG + NEW LIFE RULE   
    Adde varför du kommer och skriver här ? Min problemet är med Kauppinen inte med dig. Jag vill ha ingenting av dig. Först vi måste respektera varandra. Ni kommer till mitt rum på teamspeak. Ni är 5 personer och ni pratar fort tillsamans. Jag förstår inte redan svenska. Jag provade att prata med dig  det är inte första gång. Ni skrattar ni är inte seriös. Ni driver med mig. 
  10. Like
    bobin reacted to Br0ze in Cv-G - Amadi - pt6 "Let Me Ohh"   
  11. Like
    bobin reacted to Toxiic in min tur   
    Ja, då var det min tur att sluta spela/spela mindre på grund av nya ändringarna på servern som jag inte gillar och jag kommer vara online lite då och då men inte så ofta.

    Sist jag skrev detta så var jag fly förbannad så jag kan ha skrivit saker som jag inte menade riktigt, Men som det är så kommer jag spela mindre på cvgaming. 

    Jag kommer själv klart komma tbx nån gång, har man spelat arma 1600 timmar sedan december så börjar det bli nån sorts beroende. 

    Men iallafall så kommer jag spela mindre jag ber om ursäkt om jag skrev konstigt förra gången och gjorde så att folk misstog det jag menade!
  12. Like
    bobin reacted to Olsson in Vem behöver en Katiba när man har SDAR:en!   
  13. Like
    bobin reacted to Dimitri in Talanglös på att kasta flash part 2   

  14. Like
    bobin reacted to v.pUTIN in Anton changed name to Antonio   
    Le transformation
  15. Like
    bobin reacted to Orre in Emil stridspilot   
    Emil ska visa H.R.A och A.P.D hur man flyger. hahahaha
  16. Like
    bobin reacted to v.pUTIN in TRANSPORT EVENT 29/9 KLOCKAN 20:00   
    Ja det är såhär att rebellerna och poliserna skall göra ett ledar byte, vilket betyder att Stanford skall bli rebell ledare och Putin skall bli polis chief!
    Bytet kommer ske norr om Athira i ett ställe som heter Cap Agrios, där polisen kommer ta med sig Putin till Kavala via olika checkpoints som är utmärkerade på kartan nedanför,
    och rebellerna skall föra Stanford till Pyrgos via olika checkpoints. Eran uppgift är att få tag i dessa ledarna. Ledarna skall vara levande för att ni ska kunna få eran belöning!
    Och så klart så finns det olika REGLER!
    Kill on sight (KOS) 1KM runt konvojerna, alla får skjuta alla.. Men ser ni någon som bara glider förbi i sin truck så behöver ni inte ta hans liv!
    När konvojerna är inne i diverse checkpoints och det är som en safezone vilket innebär ingen KOS när dom är där inne. dom kommer stanna i olika checkpoints i ca 2-5 minuter. 
    Alla fordon som folk får tag på under eventen skall återlämnas på Airfield efter eventet.
    KOS börjar gälla efter att bytet är klart och båda parterna rör på sig mot checkpointsen
    Polisen och rebellerna kommer välja sina egna vägar men dom kommer gå till diverse checkpoints i rätt ordning!!!!!
    Så det ni skall göra är att ni ska försöka kidnappa dessa ledare och föra dom till en ATM där dom kommer ge er 5MILJONER. Sen om en grupp individer ser T.EX. Olof som har lyckats ta med sig Stanford, så får gruppen ta Stanford från Olof med våld!
    Eventet är inte över förens båda ledarna är antingen kidnappade eller i Pyrgos/Kavala!

  17. Like
    bobin reacted to v.pUTIN in Roliga tråden   
  18. Like
    bobin reacted to Zacharias in Streaming!   
    Tjena allihopa!
    J.Falk Här! Nu är det så att jag kommer börja Streama, har lagt ner en massa tid på att bli av med allt lagg jag hade förr men nu är det hyfsat bra! I min stream kommer ni få se allt från livet som medic till den hårdaste banditen i SC (och en finnig finne). Det som någon gärna skulle få hjälpa mig med är att göra en snygg owerlay åt mig. Men här kommer länken: http://www.twitch.tv/klotten http://www.twitch.tv/klotten http://www.twitch.tv/klotten http://www.twitch.tv/klotten
    Ni är hjärtligt välkommna in och mysa med mig när jag går online!
    Mvh: J.Falk
  19. Like
    bobin reacted to Dubrovka in Amadis första rp!   
    Håll i er nu folket och njut för detta är nog första och ända gången som Amadi faktiskt rpar med någon   
  20. Like
    bobin reacted to HardmanCummings in CvGs egna superhjälte Darwin Duck   
  21. Like
    bobin reacted to Mirre in [Ban appeal] [KT] Julius   
    Name: [KT]Julius
    Date: September 2014
    GUID: 76561197988458619
    Hej! Mitt namn är Julius och jag blev bannad för att jag glitchade in i hus på eran server.
    Jag såg en glitch på youtube och tänkte att jag skulle testa den glitchen och titta om den funkade.
    Jag använde den runt 2 gånger, och sedan så blev jag "caught" och då blev jag bannad av rasmus.
    Ban msg: Kom in på teamspeak / Rasmus
    Jag vill verkligen komma tillbaka till cvgaming då jag körde på en annan svensk server innan och de admins är sämst då dem bannar fel personer och är helt enkelt pajas.
    Jag gillade verkligen att köra på den här servern då det var det enda jag körde på dagarna och var skit sur och ledsen över att jag blev bannad då senare jag inte hade något annat att spela.
    Just nu så har jag slutat på den servern jag körde på förut som jag sa där uppe så är dem pajas alltså.
    Jag kommer inte att göra om detta och jag kommer aldrig mer bryta några regler ifall ni kunde ge mig en chans att visa mig att jag har förbättrat mig själv, och ifall jag gör nåt fel kan ni lägga bannen igen då jag verkligen förbättrat mig och gör aldrig något fel eller bryter reglerna.
    Ifall ni vill att jag ska skriva något mer så kan ni skriva i inlägget så skriver jag in det!! Vad som helst!!
  22. Like
    bobin reacted to V1RRE in Thorsten Cv.N application =)   
    What's your in-game name? Thorsten
    What's your age? 16
    What's your ArmA 3 ID (17 digit number)? 76561198136970136
    Working microphone? Yup
    Recording software (not necessary)? Yup 
    Have you been part of any faction on the server before, if yes, which? I've been in the A.P.D, left because I wanted to play civ again.

    :::IF YES ON THE LAST QUESTION::: Where you kicked out of that faction, and if yes, what did you do? 

    Why should I choose you as a journalist? Because I am a person that loves to roleplay, and lately I've been tired of robbing, shooting etc.. haven't played much lately really, I've been bored of Altis life, but I feel like this would make me play so much more! it just seems really fun to roleplay as something else than civ/medic, I roleplayed as "Matvagn" // food wagon.. before, where I basically sold food and water to people in need, had some really good roleplay moments as "matvagn", Being  a journalist seems really fun! to interview ( Spelling ? ) police officers , rebels , etc ! Keep Altis Population updated quite easily!You should choose me as a journalist because I would be very active and I would do my best to fill dem frontpages! =) 
    Tell me about your self (origin, interests, spare time, other) Tar denna på svenska  Mitt namn är Jonny, har spelat på servern sedan setember, har varit A.P.D på servern förut,
    Har börjat tycka det är sjukt tråkigt att spela civil, Är sjukt sugen på att pröva på att spela som en journalist, Har nog inte så mycket mer att säga, hoppas ni tar in mig, Jag tror jag skulle kunna erbjuda servern mycket som journalist =)
  23. Like
    bobin reacted to V1RRE in V. Thorsten Police Apllication   
    In-Game Name? :
    V. Thorsten
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)
    Age :
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?:
    Yup, I was in the A.P.D some month ago, left because I wanted to play with some friends as civ instead.
    Do you have a working microphone?:
    How long have you played on CvGaming?:
    since september/october, took A break during december.
    Have you been banned before?:
    Once for combatlogg. ( I was new tho, a very long time ago! )
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?

    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) being a fun and good role player.
    2) being calm during stressful situations, never panic.
    3) being able to give AND take orders.
    4) Respect fellow police officers and civilians.
    5) Being mature.

    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I love to roleplay, and in my opinion I have a pretty fun roleplay.
    I'm tired of robbing people and giving them a hard time, I want to start helping people again and start catching bandits.
    I'm very active ingame and on the forums.

    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis.

    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
    I have previous experience from being in the A.P.D, as I said before, I love to create roleplay scenarios and I'm very active. What else can I say? I really miss being in the A.P.D, it was a mistake to leave from the first place.

    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:
    Have a good time of course! Getting to know the other officers and ofcourse fight for a higher rank

    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    Respect and loyalty is very important in a police force, you need to have respect for your fellow officers, the respect needs to be earned as well. Without rules Altis wouldn't be as it is today, it would be an island where bandits, terrorists, and rebels were ruling everything, A society need rules to work properly, that's it, otherwise everything would just be one big disaster.

    Why are the police faction important?
    Since its Altis life a police faction is required to make it work, as I wrote before, without law enforcement the island would have been ruled by bandits etc, in other words a disaster where people could do whatever they want without have having to be afraid of the A.P.D to bust them while driving their trucks with weed for example.

    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Not much, as it looks now the police force is pretty good, the only thing would probably be to be more open for roleplay.

    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Tar den här på svenska

    Mitt namn är Jonny, har spelat på servern sedan setember typ somsagt, har varit A.P.D på servern förut, dock har de flesta som jag spelade med slutat, men ett par känner nog mig redan
    Har börjat tycka det är sjukt tråkigt att spela civil, särkilt nu när mitt gäng SC börjat kriga med Ratz då det inte blir något rollspel överhuvudtaget, saknar min bricka, att upprätthålla lagen var bra mycket roligare enligt mig, har ändan sen jag slutade varit sugen på att söka till polis igen, men inte orkat, nu när jag såg att ni tar in poliser igen tänkte jag varför inte liksom

    Hoppas ni överväger att låta mig komma tillbaka till den roligaste fraktionen

    MVH Thorsten <3
  24. Like
    bobin reacted to Dubrovka in Mr.Gray Sur eller bara misstolkad?   
    Gray är en av de bästa

  25. Like
    bobin reacted to Goatis in Gang/Civilian Rules   
    Gang and Civilian rules
    After reading this post make sure to read General Rules some rules are related to Gang and Civ rules.
    1. Gangs
    2. Robbery
    3. New Life Rule
    4. Vehicles
    5. Kidnapping
    6. Kidnapping/Negotiation Scenarios
    7. Safezone
    8. Aviation
    9. Weapons/Items/Accessories
    10. Bandit District
    11. Federal Reserve/House Raids
    12. Scamming IS NOT ALLOWED.
    13. Looting
    14. Engage
    15. Prison Break
    16. Tempest Device & Orca
    17. Restrain / Taze / Knocking someone down
    18. Auction House
    1. Gangs
    A gang can at max have 9 members online at the same time. (Because of balance ,is subject to change)
    A gang must share the same tag for example:    [123]-Name
    A gang will be judged for its actions as a group. (This applies for example if the gang leader of your gang declares war)
    You're not allowed to change your name and join to an other gang just to perform a task together and then switch back to their other gang again.
    You may only cooperate with one another gang when robbing Federal reserve  (other times you are not allowed to)
    If you want to create a war against other gangs you have to talk to the leader from the opposite gang (Make a thread on the forum). If the war is accepted by both parts, an admin will then decide to approve it or not.
    You are not allowed to rob the Federal reserve at the same time as your gang are trying to capture the bandit district.
    2. Robbery
    When you're about to rob someone, you have to give the victim a choice (If the victim fails to comply only then is lethal action allowed)
    If you plan to rob a by passing car, you may not randomly fire at the vehicle to make it stop (Only Roadblocks and spike trips is allowed during this situation)
    If an occuring robbery is already happening and another vehicle is passing by, you have to signal to the driver that you want him to stop, if the victim fails to comply only then are you allowed to  shoot at the "wheels" (Not 2 mags spray. No lethal action is allowed untill the victim fails to comply)
    Driving over someone is not allowed under any circumstances.
    Voice over in direct chat MUST be used during a robbery when giving the victim an ultimatum (Failing to do so is considered meta gaming)
    Maximum players robbing the federal reserve is 16.
    You are not allowed to rob a medic and/or steal his vehicles (Tempest/Taru, this is a bannable offense)
    Voice over in direct chat MUST be in english during a robbery if you are not familiar with the person.
    3. New Life Rule
    The New Life Rule applies to all factions!
    Items on this list may result in your removal from the server and/or ban, based on the admins discretion.
    If you are killed you must wait 15 minutes before returning to the scene of your death.
    When you are killed and have the New life timer, you are NOT allowed to come back in to the fight, even if the fight has moved 1KM.
    If you die during roleplay your past crimes are forgotten, but you also cannot seek revenge.
    If you are RDM'd, it is not a new life.
    If you manually respawn, it is not a new life.
    If you purposefully kill yourself to avoid roleplay, it is not a new life.
    It's not a new life if you get revived by a medic
    4. Vehicles
    You may not use a vehicle as a weapon (For an example driving over somebody, see General rules -> RDM/VDM)
    A stolen vehicle may not be destroyed, but can be sold.
    You are not allowed to lockpick vehicles in safezones (see safezones)
    You are not allowed to steal Medic vehicles (see robbery)
    Tempest Device is not allowed during the event "purge", Tempest Device is only allowed to use while farming, using this vehicle in an attempt like hunter/ifrit while not farming is banable.
    5. Kidnapping
    If you're being taking hostage, you may not flee without a good reason and obvious reason. (Breaking this rule is failing to RP and is bannable)
    Ransom amount/demand should be within reason (People DO pay out of their own pockets).
    No voluntary/buddy hostages is allowed
    You have to do as your being told
    6. Kidnapping/Negotiation Scenarios
    You can't take the negotiator as a hostage or harm him in any way before he is armed again.
    When the kidnappers/robbers has asked to negotiate under no circumstances can nobody be harmed from both sides, untill the negotiaters is out of sight
    The negotation has to go through face to face and not through texting.
    7. Safezone
    Bombing (bombing can be intentionally exploding a vehicle), robbing, or killing occurs around these or in these areas it is punishable by ban.
    Any vehicle spawn
    Any weapon shop
    All shops
    Donator Shops
    All ATMs up to 50 meters in radious around it (If they are marked on the map )
    Safe Zone rules does not apply if you're trying to escape from a gunfight that you were a part of and the opposing part is chasing you.
    You may not use Kavala/Athira as an escape zone it's a safe zone ONLY for those people that are innocent.
    You are not allowed to loot dead bodies in a Safezone
    ·         You are not allowed to Rob within 500m from a safezone (you are not allowed to put spike strips / roadblocks to rob people) For an example: https://gyazo.com/b2f1a183961e37b13df1b928003638f3
    (Ofcourse you are allowed to engage at the drug dealer Kavala even though it might be within 500m, keep in mind, Robbing the gas stations near Kavala & Athira are also allowed, but you are NOT allowed to use spikestrips if u decide to rob them)
    A.P.D have taze on sight in all safezones aswell as red marked areas, with an exception: In pyrgos they are only allowed to tell the civilian to leave the area, if they don´t comply the A.P.D are allowed to take action on this (taze,strip them, Jail etc.) With that said. Pyrgos is like a "safezone with gear allowed until told by the police to leave" and in all the others the A.P.D are allowed to taze you without no warning (always been this way, and it will stay this way)
    8. Aviation
    Players may not purposefully ram a helicopter into anything (other helicopters, vehicles, buildings, etc.).
    No helicopter can land within city limits without authorization from the Commanding Officer of the Police Faction, except the following:
    Marked Helipads, Garages
    Small towns: An appropriate location may be chosen. This is to be judged by officers on a case by case basis
    (Medic) Authorized medical personnel do NOT need authorization to land and may land wherever necessary when responding to emergencies. The landing area must not endanger police, civilians or medical personnel.
    Helicopters may not land on roads, except in accordance with (Medic)
    Police may temporarily forbid landing at any area but it cannot remain closed for a long period of time.
    Helicopters may not fly below 150m over any major city without authorization from the Commanding Officer of
    the Police Faction.
    Civilian helicopters cannot hover over the city. Police helicopters may only hover over the city during active
    police operations.
    You may shoot from a heli to “disable”. Two warning texts must be sent to pull over with at least 30 secs of time between the two unless a pre-RP situation is in progress.
    You may not use Kavala/Athira as an escape zone it's a safe zone ONLY for those people that are innocent.
    You must send atleast two warning texts to the driver to pull over with at least 30 secs of time between the two sms unless a pre-RP situation is in progress. That's the only scenarios when you are allowed to fire from a flying vehicle to disable anything.
    9. Weapons/Items/Accessories
    Legal Weapons is everything you can find in the 'Gun Store'
    Legal Clothing is everything you can find in 'Bruce Outback Store'
    Legal Accessories is everything you can find in 'General Store' and 'Gun Store' (+some crafting items like NVG & Aidkit)
    Illegal weapon/clothing/accessories will and can be seized by the police, this will result in jail/ticket
    Wearing Rebel outfit may seriously harm your health (Rebels are allowed to use force to reclaim their property)
    Selling weapons/items in sidechat/forums is not allowed anymore (due to the lack of RP)
    Remember: Selling/trading other game-items for ingame money/gear (such as CS:GO skins for Altis Life money @ General rules -> bannable offense
    10. Bandit District
    The Bandit District is a Kill On Sight Area
    You are only allowed to kill inside the AREA
    It isn´t allowed to be in the Bandit District Area shooting at other people if you are only wearing a Pistol like Rook-40, If you want to be in the bandit district without a chance of getting a ban, you must have gear on you, atleast a Vermin/trg if u decide to not follow, dont be suprised if we take action against your behaviour it might be classified as trolling depending on the situation.
    Required gear to participate on bandit is: Cloth/vests/TRG or Vermin.. NO SDAR, If you have a vest in your house, you need to use it on bandit, Not doing so will result in hard punishment. The only players who are allowed to use only TRG/vermin are new players that not yet have obtained a single vest.
    You are allowed to come back to bandit after your 15 minutes of New Life Rule ends
    Are only allowed to capture 1 time each day per Gang
    If there is an ongoing Federal Reserve event you are not allowed to start the Bandit Event. It is your own responsibility to make sure that the Federal event has ended before you can start the Bandit event.
    The gang that capture Bandit District has 1 hour and 30 minutes on from the minute they start capturing, to leave the area and secure their loot.
    You are now not allowed to capture bandit district unless there is 2hours to restart, this means, Capturing bandit when there is 1hour to restart is forbidden.
    11. Federal Reserve / House Raids
             Federal Reserve
    When a robbery is going down at the Federal Reserve, everyone on the server is allowed to participate. This means you are allowed as a gang to role play your way in to the situation (If you do this in an threatful way this is okey, but doing so with for an example, a rook-40 in your hand will be classified as trolling and it will result in an punishment for your gang.
    1 life rule at FED ( if the APD are 8 or less online, they are allowed to use 2 lifes with no NLR )
    If federal reserve is taken by the rebels N.L.A rules are: 1 life at federal reserve, 1 life at N.L.A Island
    If the gang(s) robbing the federal reserve succeeds to kill an officer then that loot belongs to those gangs only. Looting an officer that the robbing gang(s) has killed will result in a temporary suspension of the player deciding to loot.
    2 Gangs are allowed to Co-Operate when robbing Federal Reserve, They must inform the APD when they start which 2 gangs are co-operating
    When the Federal Reserve goes down, The APD has KOS around the federal (proximitly 1km around fed buildings - please use your common knowledge here, if you see someone passing around in an truck box/offroad new players, making 0 threats towards your operation... doing 0 damage dont just shoot them, this will still be classified as an RDM)
    Same rules apply to the Gang(s) robbing the Federal Reserve, If you feel threaten you are allowed to shoot, but please use your common knowledge.. if they don´t make a threat towards you, why shoot them?
    ·         1 life rule at FED ( if the APD are 8 or less online, they are allowed to use 2 lifes with no NLR )
    Federal Reserve consists of 2 events, Federal Reserve and Federal Transport.
    The transport event starts when a vehicle leaves fed - anything from a Quadbike, Hemmtt box or even a Mohawk. The ones who have died at the first Event (Fighting for the federal area) can join the Transport Event. The ones who have died have to be 2km away from Federal Reserve and can only go towards the area as soon the second event has started. (Keep in mind, New Life Rule Applies)
    ·         1 life on federal reserve, 1 life on the transportation event  (if you manage to survive the Federal Robery Event, you will have 2 lives on the Transportation Event)
    ·         You are only allowed to take Federal Reserve every second day (For an example, Your gang takes Federal Reserve on Monday, then they can´t take federal until wednesday)
    If you are the robbers on federal reserve and you leave a vehicle after the robbery, the police have full authority to start an impound lot event on you and or your gang, This will happen in Safezone (until we fix impound lots on the map) And the maximum price allowed for the police to take out is 60% of the vehicles original cost, If the person who owns the vehicle doesn´t pay up they are allowed to blow it up in the sky
    (if you manage to survive the Federal Event, you will have 2 lives on the Transportation Event) Keep in mind, New Life Rule still applies.
    The gangs that take the Fed has 1 hour on from there they start cutting the door to them must get away
     If you get disconnected during a take over of Federal Reserve (Ping to high, game crash etc.) you are able to get back to Federal Reserve by contacting the A.P.D and make up a solution for you to get back to Fed (for ex. landing a hummingbird inside Fed). Coming back to Fed without contacting the A.P.D about a solution is banable.
    If the NLA (National Liberation Army) have sucessfully started a Federal Reserve event you are not allowed to initiate the Bandit District event. Once Federal reserve event is over you may once again start other events. It is your own responsibility to make sure who started the Federal Reserve event and when it has come to an end.
    House Raids
    NLA are allowed to help when a house raid takes place.  (posted under faction rules, but to make it easier to find)
    NLA will only be allowed to bring 1 ifrit and they will only be allowed to help customers that have a weekpass, and if they are payed enough. (posted under faction rules, but to make it easier to find)
    NLA has to inform the police that they are on the way to help the civilian. (posted under faction rules, but to make it easier to find)
    The transport containing the illegal items that has been confiscated can only be attacked by the gang that has been raided (N.L.A are not allowed to help during the transport)
    Noone except for the civilian who is getting raided and his gang, are allowed to participate on the Raid, exceptions are the faction N.L.A who can get payed to help the civilian who is getting raided.
    When the A.P.D starts a raid, they are allowed to open all the doors, but when the first message comes out they must wait 20 minutes before searching the house and before opening the storage boxes to give the civilian who is getting raided a fair chance to defend and reclaim his stuff.
    During a house raid the A.P.D have kill on sight towards the one they are raiding and his Gang (this applies 1,5 km) from the actual house (Ofcourse they are allowed to shoot N.L.A if they have done their part in house raids and informed the A.P.D that they are on their way to help the civilian and his gang)
    Logging out and spawn into your house to get there faster while the raid is in progress is forbidden, and will result in a ban
    Fast-traveling in order to move Gear from one house to another will be judged as Lack of RP. In order to move gear in a legitimate way from point A to point B you must use your backpack or a vehicle.
    12. Scamming
    Scamming someone is not allowed when selling GEAR, for an example, if you make a deal you are going to buy a weapon from someone for lets say 1,1 mil and you just take the gun and then leave - This is banable
    13. Looting
    Going in to a "warzone" and going for other peoples loot is now banable(your gear will be wiped and you will recive a punishment all from 3-7 days depending on situation)
    This is to prevent people going in naked/fully geared and taking other peoples loot, it will be much more fun for everyone.
    If you are trying to take other peoples loot, the people who are fighting have the right to shoot you on sight, you and your gang does not have the right to answer the fire, you should leave the area asap so you don´t die, If you die the rule above applies, you do not have KOS on the ones killing you.
    If there are 2 gangs vs APD for an example, both gangs have the right to loot, you are not allowed to kill each other without role play.
    Just to clearify. The A.P.D are always allowed to loot (this means, if someone dies infront of them they most likely will jump out and take his stuff if it is illegal, if the A.P.D Loot, you do not have kill on sight, however.. you are allowed to engage them.
    You are only allowed to loot people that you or your gang have killed, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LOOT PEOPLE WHO CRASH WITH THEIR VEHICLES.
    14. Engage
    If you are in a gang you must start your robbery with "THIS IS THE GANGNAME" For an example: This is the NLF, put your hands up or we open fire.
    15. Prison Break
    The A.P.D have KOS inside the jail, if u are in this area the police are allowed to shoot you without no warning.
    If a civilian is wearing gear (read, Tactical vest) and he gets killed inside the jail area when he is about to start an breakout, this gives KOS for his gang, if he dies in the area without gear, they are not allowed to shoot back. Doing so will result in an RDM ban and probably a longer punishment depending on the outcome.
    When the civilians start an breakout they get KOS on the A.P.D inside Jail, this means, you are not allowed to shoot the police outside of prison (they must enter the gates) then the game begins, The A.P.D on the other hand, are allowed to start shooting towards Jail from outside, but keep in mind when they do so, the civilians get KOS on the A.P.D
    16. Tempest Device & Orca
    ·         Tempest Device / Orca is not allowed during the event "purge"
    ·         Tempest Device / Orca is only allowed to use while farming
    ·         Using this vehicle in an attempt like hunter/ifrit while not farming is banable.
    17. Restrain / Taze
    If you get restrained, this does not give your gang KOS.
    If you get tazed, this does not give your gang KOS.
    With that said, we hope this can bring back more roleplay instead of just killings everywhere - If you get restrained, and for an example: you have 2 cops or rebels infront of you, you have to say "If you do not let me go within a reasonable time my friends will open fire! 
    (Reasonable time is, giving them enough time so that they can choose if they want to fight or unrestrain you)
     Knocking someone down does not give them kos, however, if you do this towards an Police officer, you can bet your ass they will do something about it
    18. Auction House
    The police are not allowed to camp the Auction House waiting for someone to come there to buy or sell illigal gear. But they are allowed to follow a suspect inside the Auction House area, but as soon as that situation is over the police must leave the area.
    Keep in mind these rules are always subject to be changed and additional rules may be added.
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