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    Rarre got a reaction from Hysteria in CvG Altis Life: Highlights #1   
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    Rarre reacted to Toxiic in Lite frallor med ToxiC   
    Du sa ju att jag skulle ta den juh ^^
  3. Like
    Rarre got a reaction from Toxiic in CvG Altis Life: Highlights #1   
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    Rarre reacted to Toxiic in Lite frallor med ToxiC   
    Alla kills är inte från CvG Vid 0:49 kommer det från CvG  
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    Rarre got a reaction from Kafarov in CvG Altis Life: Highlights #1   
    Movie Maker 
  6. Like
    Rarre reacted to V1RRE in [A.P.D] V. Thorsten   
    In-Game Name? :
    [SC] Fahid. Khaleel
    // Virre
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)
    Age :
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?:
    Yup, I was in the A.P.D some month ago, left because I wanted to play with some friends as civ instead.
    Do you have a working microphone?:
    How long have you played on CvGaming?:
    since september/october, took A break during december.
    Have you been banned before?:
    Once for combatlogg. ( I was new tho, a very long time ago! )
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) being a fun and good role player.
    2) being calm during stressful situations, never panic.
    3) being able to give AND take orders.
    4) Respect fellow police officers and civilians.
    5) Being mature.
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I love to roleplay, and in my opinion I have a pretty fun roleplay.
    I'm tired of robbing people and giving them a hard time, I want to start helping people again and start catching bandits.
    I'm very active ingame and on the forums.
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis.
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
    I have previous experience from being in the A.P.D, as I said before, I love to create roleplay scenarios and I'm very active. What else can I say? I really miss being in the A.P.D, it was a mistake to leave from the first place.
    As a police officer I will be able to take my hidden camera with me to then make news (As I am in the CvG News faction aswell) about the crimes of Altis!
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:
    Have a good time of course! Getting to know the other officers and ofcourse fight for a higher rank
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    Respect and loyalty is very important in a police force, you need to have respect for your fellow officers, the respect needs to be earned as well. Without rules Altis wouldn't be as it is today, it would be an island where bandits, terrorists, and rebels were ruling everything, A society need rules to work properly, that's it, otherwise everything would just be one big disaster.
    Why are the police faction important?
    Since its Altis life a police faction is required to make it work, as I wrote before, without law enforcement the island would have been ruled by bandits etc, in other words a disaster where people could do whatever they want without have having to be afraid of the A.P.D to bust them while driving their trucks with weed for example.
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Not much, more officers to keep a stable police force!
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Tar den här på svenska
    Mitt namn är Jonny, har spelat på servern sedan 12 månader tillbaks ( september förra året, hade dock prövat servern redan i Augusti typ) , varit med i polis-faktionen förut, det var väl för en sådär 5 månader sen, lirat för det mesta civ här på CvG, började spela i SC för 10 månader sedan, och nu har jag varit ledare för gänget i runt 2-3 månader, och chief för faktionen CvG News i kanske 1- 1,5 månad, (Vice chief i 1-2 månader kanske)    Saknar min bricka, att upprätthålla lagen var bra mycket roligare enligt mig, har ändan sen jag slutade varit sugen på att söka till polis igen, men inte orkat, nu när jag såg att ni tar in poliser igen tänkte jag varför inte liksom
    Hoppas ni överväger att låta mig komma tillbaka till den roligaste fraktionen
    MVH Thorsten <3
  7. Like
    Rarre reacted to Dubrovka in [A.P.D] V. Thorsten   
    +1 Vi behöver mer efterblivet folk! <3
  8. Like
    Rarre reacted to Clabbe in VisionPie's MLG Montage   
    ni har ju rooks och skjuter på en med carrier lite, krävs några skott för att han ska dö då...
  9. Like
    Rarre got a reaction from Zacharias in CvG Altis Life: Highlights #1   
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    Rarre got a reaction from Lavoshkin in CvG Altis Life: Highlights #1   
  11. Like
    Rarre got a reaction from Barre in CvG Altis Life: Highlights #1   
  12. Like
    Rarre got a reaction from G. Kasper in CvG Altis Life: Highlights #1   
  13. Like
    Rarre got a reaction from Charlie in CvG Altis Life: Highlights #1   
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    Rarre got a reaction from Eurozze in CvG Altis Life: Highlights #1   
  15. Like
    Rarre reacted to NorreN in NorreN app   
    What is your in-game name?
    Have you read all of the rules on the forum?
    Ja det har jag.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel?
    Självklart. Alltid gjort som medic, rebel, polisen.
    How long have you played on the server?
    1300+h spelat som medic, medic chief, rebel,polisen sen rebel igen.
    How long have you played Arma 3?
    How often do you play on the server?
    senaste inte så mycket, sugen på att spela igen. när jag väl spelade var de runt 8 timmar per dag.
    Tell us a little about yourself! (Where in the world do you live? What time zone do you live in? Age? etc.)
    Tror många vet vem jag är, kortinfo 20 år. pluggar T4. just nu Ark admin.
  16. Like
    Rarre got a reaction from Feroz in C. Smith fick åka / Fak u Yoshi !!   
  17. Like
    Rarre got a reaction from Lagster in C. Smith fick åka / Fak u Yoshi !!   
  18. Like
    Rarre reacted to Br0ze in [A.P.D] S. Olsson, Mack-rån, Purge och Rarre leker James Bond   
    De i slutet händer mig alltid om min toshiba i1 skit dator e på i mer än 4 timmar..
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    Rarre got a reaction from Ludwig in [A.P.D] S. Olsson, Mack-rån, Purge och Rarre leker James Bond   
    Blir deprimerad när det händer... ):
    Händer alltid på fel tillfälle...
  21. Like
  22. Like
    Rarre reacted to Barre in [A.P.D] S. Olsson, Mack-rån, Purge och Rarre leker James Bond   
    Jahapp du dödade konstapel Olsson också ;<
  23. Like
    Rarre reacted to V1RRE in [ban request][SC] Ted Bundy   
    Vafan @Miss H 00:46, Vadå dem är dumma i huve't ?
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