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Mr.Gray Sur eller bara misstolkad?


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Igår kväll så stötte vi på denna underbara Herre, tyvärr hade han vaknat på fel sida.......... (video nedan)


Eftersom vi tyckte situationen blev så tråkig när han vart så arg på oss så tänkte vi att vi vill sprida lite glädje istället här kommer våran musik remix på hela situationen, hoppas ni garvar lika mycket som oss  :D  :D  :D


*obs dom hade inte startat någon raid, dom började några minuter senare*




Remix- music-video 

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:lttd: Gray bestämmer det märks iaf  :lttd:  :police:   Dagens skratt iaf!

nja skulle våga påstå att han bevisade hur pass okunnig han är kring raid reglerna med tanke på att ingen regel bryts överhuvudtaget, dock när vi märkte att det var en förberedelse till raid och klockan var cirka halv 2 på natten så kände vi att han kunde få åka vidare även fast han inte uppvisade någon rolig attityd =) Alla har vi dåliga dagar - we are only humans

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nja skulle våga påstå att han bevisade hur pass okunnig han är kring raid reglerna med tanke på att ingen regel bryts överhuvudtaget, dock när vi märkte att det var en förberedelse till raid och klockan var cirka halv 2 på natten så kände vi att han kunde få åka vidare även fast han inte uppvisade någon rolig attityd =) Alla har vi dåliga dagar - we are only humans

Då får ni ta och bevisa motsatsen för just nu är ni hans små chihuahuaor ;) <3

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Då får ni ta och bevisa motsatsen för just nu är ni hans små chihuahuaor ;) <3

Den dagen jag blir hans chihuahua så äre nog dags o klappa igen butiken  :ph34r: (framförallt då jag är rebel och han är polis)


Har flertalet andra roliga klipp som du kan få se den dagen jag orkar klippa ihop allt^^ Gray är vanligtvis väldigt rolig att rpa med

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Den dagen jag blir hans chihuahua så äre nog dags o klappa igen butiken  :ph34r: (framförallt då jag är rebel och han är polis)


Har flertalet andra roliga klipp som du kan få se den dagen jag orkar klippa ihop allt^^ Gray är vanligtvis väldigt rolig att rpa med

Gray är en av de bästa :)


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nja skulle våga påstå att han bevisade hur pass okunnig han är kring raid reglerna med tanke på att ingen regel bryts överhuvudtaget, dock när vi märkte att det var en förberedelse till raid och klockan var cirka halv 2 på natten så kände vi att han kunde få åka vidare även fast han inte uppvisade någon rolig attityd =) Alla har vi dåliga dagar - we are only humans


Okunning med regler? Skulle inte tro det, hans poäng här är just med hur ni öppnar upp, och speciellt mot oss poliser. Det har diskuterats och det har kommit fram till av Afriel att ni ska inte hålla på med såna här scenarion. Afriel har upplyst maximal RP och detta är inte ett sånt scenario.


Anledningen till att han skriker som han gör är förmodligen för att klockan är 2 på morgonen och att vi har diskuterat detta engange med N.L.A ett flertal gånger.


Gör om, gör rätt.

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Wow, that attitude.

And no Goliat. I dont see anything wrong in this scenario. Just a cop screaming bad words and having a stressfull moment and then NLA being good chaps leaving him.


If NLA didnt accept and just shoot gray it would be a different story.


It's good that he could leave unharmed. However that was not their intention to start with, hence the screaming. We've discussed many times that we don't want N.L.A to scream stop the car or we will open fire due to that RP. Point is that we don't want our opening with N.L.A to start with death threats, not everything has to resort to violence.


I don't like to open with threats, I prefer to end with threats if deemed neccessary.

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It would seem unnessescary never the less to engegea on a cop in a hemmt (hmm wonder what his up to, right?).. Anyways the situation became a non-situation and thats good since we were going to do another raid! :)

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It's good that he could leave unharmed. However that was not their intention to start with, hence the screaming. We've discussed many times that we don't want N.L.A to scream stop the car or we will open fire due to that RP. Point is that we don't want our opening with N.L.A to start with death threats, not everything has to resort to violence.

We have talked alot about it in NLA. And the result you see is CLEAR in this video.

Everything was made by the book - no matter what. Raising your voice is normal as you want to make sure the guy in the car hears you and it wasent a "im mad at you"-kind of raising the voice. And specially not threatfull as no deaths where mentioned.

So you will defiantly see this again.


edit: And no, NLA cant read minds, so when you drive with a hemtt box close to us, we will notice it and ask whats up (as they did in this video).

But gray was very upset so the boys left him alone. Everything by the book.

Edited by hitem
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We have talked alot about it in NLA. And the result you see is CLEAR in this video.

Everything was made by the book - no matter what. Raising your voice is normal as you want to make sure the guy in the car hears you and it wasent a "im mad at you"-kind of raising the voice. And specially not threatfull as no deaths where mentioned.

So you will defiantly see this again.


edit: And no, NLA cant read minds, so when you drive with a hemtt box close to us, we will notice it and ask whats up (as they did in this video).

But gray was very upset so the boys left him alone. Everything by the book.


Okay, no death threats but we all know what their game is. They open with "Get out of the car" and if he does not comply he will most likely get killed. Sure, everything was made by the book, no rulebreaks but from faction to faction we've discussed that when we enounter N.L.A we want maximum RP involved, not these kind of scenarios, and reason to that is because it has become very tiresome to almost always encounter the same engangement, if not the death phrase it will lead to a death due to police not complying which is only stretching the lines.

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I think you have misunderstood something Goliat.

Yes, we are taking it calmer with the cops when they have much to do so the serverneeds goes before NLA vs Cops needs and vice versa. We keep contact to know more about the workdload and we dont go out to find the cops unless they want to participate or engage us. But when they try to drive away from us in a Hemtt box in middle of nowhere, We will stop it. And as you see in the video, they are doing everything correct to secure and stop the vehicle. After that there is usally good and heavy RP. But instead they get screamed upon and told they shouldnt even consider stoping and RPing with cops.  No, thats not how this game works.

But you are presuming that everything is leathal - how can they possible RP with that? and how much energy do you think they have to continue doing everything good when they get screamed upon like this? 

Atm its up to the cops to show they can RP back - which happens alot with the majority of the cops w/o bad behavior and words used. 

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Why so much anger? I dont understand the problem here. Can someone explain the deal between apd and nla cuz this seems like real douchebaggery in my eyes right now. They only said get out of the car, no death threats involved at all? They where about to start a RP but never got a chance before gray started shouting.


But i dont know the whole backround story of deals and raiding rules ofc so please someone fill me in :)

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I think you have misunderstood something Goliat.

Yes, we are taking it calmer with the cops when they have much to do so the serverneeds goes before NLA vs Cops needs and vice versa. We keep contact to know more about the workdload and we dont go out to find the cops unless they want to participate or engage us. But when they try to drive away from us in a Hemtt box in middle of nowhere, We will stop it. And as you see in the video, they are doing everything correct to secure and stop the vehicle. After that there is usally good and heavy RP. But instead they get screamed upon and told they shouldnt even consider stoping and RPing with cops.  No, thats not how this game works.

But you are presuming that everything is leathal - how can they possible RP with that? and how much energy do you think they have to continue doing everything good when they get screamed upon like this? 


Atm its up to the cops to show they can RP back - which happens alot with the majority of the cops w/o bad behavior and words used. 


I feel quite confident. This engagement is no suprise for me, not for any other cop either, its something we've been through alot. And yes, it is as you say, it has been calmer with N.L.A engagement against the cops (which is awesome by the way), however there's nothing stopping them from RPing in any different way and since they chose the most usual engage against us it felt only natural I would assume to react towards this in a irritated manner. I don't presume everything to be lethal but considering how it has been it's been a very high death rate when encoutering N.L.A. due to this opening.


But you're right, they did nothing wrong, but to encounter a engage such as this from N.L.A is no newsflash and just because of that I think it was annoying. But that's just my opinion.

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Okay, no death threats but we all know what their game is. They open with "Get out of the car" and if he does not comply he will most likely get killed.

Förmodar att jag har all rätt till att ställa frågar i denna diskussion? Jag bara undrar hur man ska kunna öppna ett RP scenario ifall inte polisen hoppar ut ur fordonet? Ja självklart blir man skjuten om man inte hoppar ut, men risken minskar ifall man hoppar ut fordonet. Jag kanske missuppfattade vad du menade, men låter i mina öron väldigt konstigt att ifall man ber någon hoppa ut, och dom inte gör det så skjuter man dom. Vad har man för andra val? Ska man bara: Aja, han hoppade inte ut. Vi skiter i honom då... Ser inget fel i att stoppa någon och be dom hoppa ut. Och problemet är ofta att om man ber några snällt att hopa ur, kommer de inte hoppa ur, och därför är man tvungen att dödshota dom. Hoppa ut istället och RPa i sådana fall, så att man slipper dödshota er hela tiden.


Men om jag missuppfattade vad du menade får du gärna rätta mig. Och jag undrar för jag som civ vill ju också ha sånt bra RP som möjligt. Sen vet jag självklart inte vad ni har bestämt för regler med varandra, men eftersom ni skriver detta så "officiellt" så är det ju klart att man börjar undra. Men jag tycker det vore väldigt konstigt om ni har bestämt regler om att man inte får börja ett RP med att be den andra parten hoppa ur fordonet så att man sedan kan RPa...

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I think you have misunderstood something Goliat.

Yes, we are taking it calmer with the cops when they have much to do so the serverneeds goes before NLA vs Cops needs and vice versa. We keep contact to know more about the workdload and we dont go out to find the cops unless they want to participate or engage us. But when they try to drive away from us in a Hemtt box in middle of nowhere, We will stop it. And as you see in the video, they are doing everything correct to secure and stop the vehicle. After that there is usally good and heavy RP. But instead they get screamed upon and told they shouldnt even consider stoping and RPing with cops.  No, thats not how this game works.

But you are presuming that everything is leathal - how can they possible RP with that? and how much energy do you think they have to continue doing everything good when they get screamed upon like this? 


Atm its up to the cops to show they can RP back - which happens alot with the majority of the cops w/o bad behavior and words used. 

I think it's up to EVERYONE, APD, NLA and Civ Gangs included, it would be unfair to say that any of these parts is perfect already, i ensure you that everyone of these parts has much to work on. Peaceful RP is a rarity still and it's not far fetched to think of people shouting at you as someone about to engage.

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PGA bytet mellan engelska och svenska lite hur som helst i diskussionen så hoppar jag in i diskussionen med lite "google-translate-albanska"


E gjithë situata mendoj se është vetëm aq i sëmurë komik, së pari, nuk ka asnjë arsye që të jetë aq i zemëruar apo të thartë si bëhet MR.Gray. Ai u bë aq i zemëruar vetëm bërë gjërat më të fun, atëherë ne u situata "gabuar", sipas MR.Gray më bën të fillojnë të mendojnë për mënyrën se si ata na duan për të hapur PR me ta ISF, sepse asgjë nuk duket për të punuar në të gjitha, për të thënë " dorëzohen apo vdesin ", unë plotësisht pajtohem se kjo nuk është një alternativë e mirë, dhe sipas meje ai është pothuajse i ndaluar në mënyrë të konsiderueshme për shkak të" Mungesa e PR ", pa bërë një pak më të gjatë, në këtë situatë, ne nuk do as të vdekur apo diçka, por ishte më e të interesuar në atë që bëri MR.Gray atje me një HEMMT dhe do të PR pak më shumë argëtim atje, ai do të ishte vetëm i qetë dhe i tha se ai ishte drejtuar për një bastisje etj dhe bëri një PR të vogël, sepse ai duhej të ngutemi për të arritur atje, apo si mënyrë kjo do të mjaftonte për mua. Atëherë unë mendoj se është aq e trishtuar se ne në të Ushtrisë Çlirimtare Kombëtare ka marrë vulën e APD që ne duhet vetëm xhiruar ato, kur ne herë më duhet PR me ta, dhe që angazhohen ne e bëmë tani ishte, pa ultimatume, etj, për të PR.

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