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[Ban Appeal] Heatseeker36


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Name: [A.Ma]Heatseeker36 (optional: guid)

            Date: 2016-2-20

            Reason: Hello, So I've been perm banned for harassing behavior. So what happened was that me and my gang were camping the Kavala checkpoint and were in a firefight with some other gang, then unknown drives in and gets out of their vehicle,not knowing who they were I told them to get in their vehicle and drive away or they would die, of course they ran and took cover in the checkpoint so I shot them .After that they start spamming us "COME TEAMSPEAK !","YOU'RE GOING TO GET BANNED!", So already pissed of I jumped into their teamspeak channel and started swearing at them.For the record ,they had been provoking us all day by telling us we would get banned for the exact same incident plus we had been getting killed all day because of that update where you couldn't get tags anymore, besides it was late at night. 

With all that said, My behavior was unacceptable and I can see that. So I'd like to get back on the server and I promise to watch my language in the future.

By the way, I was the only one in the teamspeak harassing so I don't see why [A.Ma]Kebab got banned as well.          

With sincere apologies Heatseeker. 

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I fully agree with Killerscreene's post and strongly believe that he should be unbanned. A permanent ban seems a bit to severe and cruel to adress for something as common as cursing at others. Ofcourse, all players should respect each other but as of today, that is sadly enough not how this server and the internet as a whole works.

I was not involved in the incident that happened but I thought I'd state my opinion anyways, from the information described in Killerscreene's post.

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  On 5/28/2016 at 6:33 PM, Rickebo said:

I fully agree with Killerscreene's post and strongly believe that he should be unbanned. A permanent ban seems a bit to severe and cruel to adress for something as common as cursing at others. Ofcourse, all players should respect each other but as of today, that is sadly enough not how this server and the internet as a whole works.

I was not involved in the incident that happened but I thought I'd state my opinion anyways, from the information described in Killerscreene's post.


The thing is this is not Heatseekers first ban. More like third, whole A.Ma clan was banned earlier for money cheat.

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Im one of the Unknown guys who you harrased. You called me the N word a few times, you called ous retards and other stuff. And on the same day you guys in A.ma tried to VDM ous RDM ous. So we sent it in to a admin who made the choice to ban you all. So in my oppinion i would not recommend this ban req to get through. 

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Im one of the Unknown guys who you harrased. You called me the N word a few times, you called ous retards and other stuff. And on the same day you guys in A.ma tried to VDM ous RDM ous. So we sent it in to a admin who made the choice to ban you all. So in my oppinion i would not recommend this ban req to get through. 

Stop lying, we never called you the N -word, and we never tried to vdm or rdm you , it's just you who haven't ever heard of crossfire.

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