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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/19 in Posts

  1. 5 points

    Förslag ifrån B

    Hello admins, players and members of cvgaming. Here is some suggestions that me fellow members of B has been thinking of. Stuff we want to see change. 1. Fix buglooting. What is buglooting? Buglooting is when you bug yourself in to someones house and steal all the loot in the chest(s). This means all of your loot gets lost and most of the times you can't get a refund unless you have your loot on record. The fix? I (Humle) suggest logs as the fix for this. How would this logs work? Let's say i bugloot someones house. The logs would record me opening the box and i would get banned as soon as the player in the house notices that someting is missing. The logs would record and save my name, id and perhaps ip. 2. Fix kick bug. This bug kicks you randomly from the server which leads to loss of gear and can lead to loss of a vehicle (heli, airplane etc). 3. Balance the farming and fix the worthless farm. As Devious previously stated Right now everybody either does cocaine with airplane or guns with helicopter. Perhaps make farming with truck such ass HEMTT or ZAMAK more profitable since it takes more commitment compared to airplane or heli. 4. Create a casino! This would be a fun option to making money and would give some more option to just farming or robbing. I would suggest Blackjack or roulette since i know there is already made up scripts. 5. Add more stuff to ganghideout. Someting fun that would make a difference ingame in playstyles (sniping, cqb etc) and would be new guns, clothing and attachments to guns. some suggestions i have: DMS (sight). Ghillie suit (expensive asf ofc) TRG-21? SPAR-16?
  2. 5 points

    Ban req, [S.M] Ordningsvakten

    Skulle gärna vilja höra vad som sägs i [S.M]'s teamspeak. Detta är ju bara jättekonstigt? SM skjuter på D's heli varpå D inte bryr sig så mycket och välja o dra, sen när D gör samma sak så börjar SM skjuta?. Ni skjuter på varandras helis, och D skjuter på SM's heli när det inte ens är någon i den, det är inte en engage, och ingen engage = RDM. [S.M] Har 24h på sig att refunda eventuella förluster (gear/heli), händer inte det så öppnar vi upp denna tråden igen, tack o hej. //Darwin
  3. 4 points

    Ban req, [S.M] Ordningsvakten

    Request Information Name: *Your in-game name* [[)] Alex [[)] Karlsson (Barre) Offender-Name: *Offender's in-game name* [S.M] Ordningsvakten Date: YYYY-MM-DD - <Time it happened> 2019-01-08, 11.00 Which rule(s) were broken: Både att de engagear via cellphone och RDM x3 Additional information: Explain in detail what happened. https://gyazo.com/871f61a5338403d06e0e5fe6a1e97d38 Situationen började med att jag åker till NLA ön utanför pyrgos för att se vad barre gör där. Då skjuter S.M sönder barres heli. Tror inget säger något i reglerna om man får eller inte. Så vi gör exakt samma sak mot deras helikopter som står parkerad och efter det plockar jag upp barre för att vi ska dra därifrån, barre blir rdmad. Vi kommer tillbaka senare för att hämta barres heli, vi blir rdmade igen. Han säger anledning i ts till det var "Jag tyckte ni förtjänade det pga vad ni gjorde mot min heli.". Och först ville han refunda vårat gear men han VÄGRAR att refunda helin. Vet väl om darwins tidigare post om att vi ej ska kasta banreqs och det respekterar jag. jag lägger upp den här bara med tanke på hur vilken otroligt äcklig attityd han hade mot oss i ts så känner att det här är inget jag kommer låta honom slinka iväg utan att åka på någon ban eller ge refund. Tack mvh Devious Feroz och Barre
  4. 2 points
    Erik Tyrone

    Police Application - Erik Tyrone

    Requirements to join the Police Department are: Meet the minimum age of 18. ✔ Understand basic server rules. ✔ MUST have a working microphone! ✔ MUST have a good command of the English language. ✔ MUST have a decent understanding of how Roleplaying works. ✔ In-Game Name? : [K] Erik Tyrone, was MK20BOI and ROOKBOI earlier. What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198082196496 Age? : 18 Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Yes Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: Yes If yes, what servers?: CvGaming Do you have a working microphone?: Yes How long have you played on CvGaming?: 2250+ hrs Have you been banned before?: One day in 2016 or something. Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Yes Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: Yes Can you follow orders from a younger person?: Yes What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces 1) Good RP 2) Good management of vehicles 3) Able to shoot properly 4) Able to move around tactically 5) The ability to communicate Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?: I had a bunch of fun last time I was in the police force on the server, and I would like to get back into the same thing. Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: Keeping the citizens on the Island of Altis safe through the law. Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?: From fellow officers I expect a group of people that is more experienced in Arma as well as a good time. What is your input on using lethal force?: Only when verbally engaged by a civilian or rebel will lethal force be justified in my eyes. Only exception is if my life is in danger and lethal force can help me. Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: I feel like I would be a good addition to the police force as I am an experienced player who knows what CvGaming is about. What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: Treat others like you would like to be treated yourself. Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum): My name is Erik Tyone, I have always been a citizen of Altis. I was born and raised on this island. I have, since I was a little kid, looked up the police officers roaming the island. A big factor in this might have been the fact that my father was a police officer once, however he was gunned down in an ambush by some scummy lowlife gangsters. I have always sought justice for my father, and this drives my desire to join the force. Tell us a little about yourself! My name is Erik, I am Norwegian and have played on this server for over 4 years now. On free time I usually spend my time on school and working out.
  5. 2 points
    Vincent D

    Ban Req BKG

    Request Information Name: [FMA] Zenji Offender-Name: [BKG] Sven och [BKG] Ryssen (?) Date: 2018-01-08 - 18:00 Which rule(s) were broken: RDM Additional information: Jag och min kompis [FMA] Ken Rebell rånade en gas station då vi såg att BKG anlände. Vi valde att lämna området då vi bara hade rooks och de kom med full kits. När vi sätter oss i bilen och åker iväg kanske 50 meter blir först jag (Zenji) dödad. Vi skriver då i side och frågar vad de håller på med och kort därefter blir även min kompis dödad. De påstår att de har engageat oss men det hörde varken jag eller min kompis. Detta har vi på video. Då jag blev ressad några minuter senare och lyckades plocka upp allt gear (kläder, väska och rook 40) så fick vi båda tillbaka alla grejer. Men eftersom att detta inte är första gången BKG gör något liknande mot oss ser jag hellre att en ban uträttas än att en ynka refound sker.
  6. 1 point
    M. Carter

    Patch 6.1

    Patch 6.1 General: - Reworked: You now only need 2 areas(Data Center & Power) to start earning CvCoins. Other Points are optional but give higher amount of CvCoins Map Updates: - Added: Pyrgos Rebel Town - Added: Rebel Outpost in Molos Airfield - Added: Rebel Outpost close to Gun Smuggling - Added: Weed Field, Weed Processing Rebel: - ADDED Police: - Added: Now earns money taking areas on Warzone
  7. 1 point

    Förslag ifrån B

    Well, right now the only good illegal routes are cocaine, spice and bombs are far worse than olives and iron... (I havent tried weed runs, perhaps they are good.) It will end up just like the ghillies last year, even if a cop dies with one, there will be civs that dupe them untill they are casual gear. Perhaps make CVcoins better instead of putting more things in hideouts as well.
  8. 1 point

    Ban req, [S.M] Ordningsvakten

    Refundat och klart. Closed. //Darwin
  9. 1 point

    Ban Request - [FMA] Ken Rebell

    Name: ThomThomL Offender-Name: [FMA] Ken Rebell Date: 2019-07-01 - 8:10PM Which rule(s) were broken: RDM Additional information: RDM and Fail Engage Explain in detail what happened. Okay so there is this gang called FML they engaged me and i was about to say "i will lay down my weapon then i go out" and then he shot me. https://plays.tv/s/M2DZumAiImJQ
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Erik Tyrone

    Patch 6.1

  12. 1 point

    A.Almkvist - Event Promoter

    @A.Almkvist - Event Promoter I would like to inform you that Almkvist has now joined me and the rest of the Event Promoters! He is going to help us with planning and setting up server events, he also has permission to plan official server events! Congratulations!
  13. 1 point

    Till våra spelare

    kom till mig om ni ska veva, benim e redo med glocken. prank åsido, men väldigt bra post darwajn!! ❤️
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