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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/19 in Posts

  1. 6 points

    Riddarens första montage

    "I'm a drug dealer, marijuana cocaina" -Spelar som polis i varje klipp
  2. 4 points

    Police Application - Vidal Fransisco

    Requirements to join the Police Department are: Meet the minimum age of 18. Understand basic server rules. MUST have a working microphone! MUST have a good command of the English language. MUST have a decent understanding of how Roleplaying works. In-Game Name? : Vidal Fransisco What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198065956148 Age? : 20 Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Yes! Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: I've been a Sgt on this community before, I've also been playing alot of Takistan Life which i was a part of something called TSF (Takistan Security Force) which is essentially a police force. If yes, what servers?: CvGaming and TakistanLife Do you have a working microphone?: Yes! How long have you played on CvGaming?: First time i played on this server was back in 2015, lost intressted in Arma late 2017 and i know feel like starting to play it again Have you been banned before?: 1 time for ''combat logging'' back in 2015 Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Yes, I do! Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: Not in a civ gang, so no problem! Can you follow orders from a younger person?: That's fine by me! What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces 1) Roleplaying would be a good factor 2) Listening to orders 3) Be able to give orders if you get into a higher position in the APD 4) Stay calm 5) be ''professional'' Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?: I've always like to play as an Police Officer, every single community I've tried to play on I've always ended up by joining the police force or the thing that is the closest to resemble a police force. Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: Protecting Civilians doing diffrent kinds of legal buisnisses, stoping people from robbing the innocent gas station owners. patrolling etc. the list just goes on. Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?: I expect them to be fun to play and Roleplay with, that they can have a bit of fun while keeping it ''professional'' What is your input on using lethal force?: Using lethal force's meaning is to use some kind of force that is lethal to the subject involved. Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: Don't really know tbh, I like playing as a police officers, I see myself as a funny person sometimes i guess, like roleplaying, i know some of the people in APD which i enjoyed to play with back in the days. What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: Respect is a must, wouldn't really be that much fun to play on any server unless there were some sort of respect between the players. Otherwise people would just talk shit to each other all day long. Loyalty is good i guess, wouldn't really place my life in someones hands if i knew they weren't loyal. Rule enforcemt is important aswell, you gotta have something to keep the players in check. Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum): My name is Vidal Fransisco, I came to this island with my brother in hopes of finally starting our buisness up as mechanics, the first 2 years went good but later on we started getting robbed more and more by these filthy so called ''gangs''. My brother got shot by these gangs and there were no possible way for me to keep my buisness up after everything that has happend. So after losing my brother and our buisness the only thing i can do to stop this from happening to others is to join the APD in hopes of avenging my brothers death and all the other innocent lives they taken. Tell us a little about yourself! Mitt namn är Albin fast alla kallar mig för Otto, Jobbar som snickare men ska snart gå med i Militären. På min fritid som jag har så går det till mesta till för att träna sen den tid som jag har över brukar jag antigen spela eller hitta på något med min polare. AS A RECRUIT, YOU ARE UNDER PROBATION! THE FIRST BIG MESS-UP, IF YOU CANNOT EXPLAIN YOURSELF, YOU'RE GONE! Accepted cops will begin at the lowest rank of cadet and can be promoted by serving well and following the police rules (shown in game on the map menu). Increased rank will open new options and abilities. You must play as a cop until you reach the rank of Officer.
  3. 2 points

    Ban Request [TDB]

    Tycker det är viktigare att få namnen på några som tydligen skiter i regler än att använda en metod för att veta vilka det är
  4. 1 point

    Riddarens första montage

    Be nice please
  5. 1 point

    Till våra spelare

    Tjena alla CvG'are, vill börja med att säga att detta inte är något jag vill ska bli världens drama eller jidder, vill bara ventilera lite från mig och andra staff medlemmar och att communityt tar till sig det, därför kommer jag låsa denna tråden direkt om det blir tjafs, för det är inte meningen med detta inlägg, vill ni flika in så skriv till mig på forum eller teamspeak. Vad är det som händer? vi har ett klimat just nu som är så sjukt toxic mellan spelare där det är bråk, pajkastning och ban requests precis hela tiden, staff sitter i timmar och löser bråk, bans och andra shitstorms som så enkelt kunde blivit undvikt om vi alla hade lite respekt för varandra. Vi har ett donator system på CvG som går till server upgrades och communityt men det finns INGEN i våran staff som får ett öre för att sitta och refunda era helis när ni blir disconnectade, eller banna Rolfs Dator när han är inne och fuskar eller RDMar, vi får inte ett öre för att sitta kl 2 på natten och lösa bråk mellan gäng som lever på reglernas gränser, inte ETT öre. Vi som sitter i staff är här för att vi älskar CvGaming's community, för att vi har spelat här väldigt länge och vill inte se det gå i botten. Vi sitter här för att NI som spelar på servern ska ha en stabil upplevelse utan dupers, fuskare och annat tråkigt. Vi sitter här för att NI ska ha det roligt, för att vi vill att NI ska kunna ha det lika bra som vi hade det när vi började spela här. Vissa av oss jobbar eller pluggar, vissa har familj och barn etc, detta är inte vårat jobb, så snälla ha överseende och bli inte otrevliga när ni har väntat länge i en kanal för att få hjälp, vi är inte många, och vi kan inte sätta in vem somhelst i staff och ge dom tillgång till databasen, det går inte. Vi ser att ni skriver, vi ser meddelanden på Teamspeak och forumet, men ibland tar saker lite längre tid, allt kan inte hända på en sekund, svarar vi inte så sitter vi förmodligen med något av följande: ett annat ärende, ingame i en situation, sover, äter, jobbar, är afk eller bara vill ha lite egen tid. Admins, Mods, Supports och Devs är inte superhumans, vi är spelare som vem somhelst som valt att lägga ner tid på att hålla detta stället i luften, och vi kan inte göra 5 saker på samma gång eller dra ut en patch på 2 dagar, och vi orkar inte bli bemötta av en dryg attityd när vi väl kommer för att hjälpa er (gratis, på våran fritid). Ja vi har valt att ta en roll i staff här och vi måste inte göra detta, men vi skulle hellre se att ni spelare respekterade varandra/oss nog för att inte bråka var 5e minut så att vi behöver lösa saker mitt i natten när vi vill göra annat. Så snälla snälla spelare, kan ni tänka 2 extra gånger innan ni tar ett beslut som inte är så smart, ha en godare ton i teamspeak mot varandra och försöka att lösa små skitsaker mellan er själva på ett moget sätt, ha respekt för dina medspelare och kom ihåg att bakom varje APD, Rebell, Civ eller Kavalatroll så finns en människa exakt som du som är här för att ha roligt och spela på sin fritid. Detta är inte verkliga livet, ta inte allt på sånt blodigt allvar och slappna av lite, alla är här för att fly verkligheten en stund för att spela ArmA och ha det roligt med vänner, alla med olika anledningar och bakgrunder. Ibland så uppstår situationer som blir hettade och det förstår jag, sånt händer, men snälla försök att vara snälla mot varandra och andra spelare och tänk på att staff inte är robotar så kommer atmosfären på CvGaming bli så mycket bättre!. Love you guys. //William aka Darwin
  6. 1 point

    Medic app J. Persson / Nex

  7. 1 point


  8. 1 point


    Heavy kill på 7 sekunder!!
  9. 1 point

    Ban Appeal - TDB

    Got asked by @luckiiee to look into his case, and i have. This behavior is very serious so dont call anyone trigger happy for playing it safe and banning you until further investigation had been done. As requested by Luckiiee i will lift your ban with serious warning, dont ever get mixed in with people exploiting like this again or you will be a big dot on the staff's radar aswell. Thomthoms case however will have to be looked into by either Luckiiee who banned him, or and Admin. //Darwin
  10. 1 point
    J. Stalin


    snyggt eller
  11. 1 point

    Ban Request [TDB]

    Nice key chain!
  12. 1 point
    Erik Tyrone

    Förslag ifrån B

    Nothing really stops you from putting a DMS on a 6.5 if its in the game
  13. 1 point
    Erik Tyrone

    Förslag ifrån B

    While this is very true, it is always very lowkey routes with a low chance of robbery and a fairly good reward. :=)
  14. 1 point
    Erik Tyrone

    Förslag ifrån B

    Nothing is really rare when there is dupers. Unfortuantly..
  15. 1 point
    Erik Tyrone

    Förslag ifrån B

    Not an admin but I just wanted to share my opinion regarding your post either way. Having logs for every single thing you move out of a container would be an extreme effort to keep track of unless you somehow managed to exclude everyone moving loot out of their own boxes. However, I dont know if buglooting is such a frequent issue that it would be worth making a script dedicated to just this purpose. If it is a script that is easily made and implemented it might be worth it, but I am no coding expert within arma. The kick bug: Good point, not sure if it is serversided or if it is something to do with arma itself. Developers might know better than me here. Farming routes: Legal farming routes has always been a way for new players to make money and are supposed to be "low risk low reward". I agree that they could buff opium and bomb making a little bit, but theyre not too bad actually. If you plan a route and maybe store the processed goods in your house, it might actually be worthwhile. Weed also got introduced this patch, so that will also most likely be a good alternative. Ganghideout: Lets not add more stuff to ganghideout. It is a shop for low end gear, we do not need broken and overpowered gear compared to the rest of the weapons thats already available through killing a highly ranked officers/rebels; in a shop. You can already get this at the crypto blackmarket anyways, just seems like a shortcut if you ask me. Regarding ghilie suit, i think someones mentioned (unsure of who) that they will never come back to CvG. Correct me if I am wrong here! Maybe the trg-21 could go thru though, dont think anyone would have a problem with that.
  16. 1 point
    Erik Tyrone


    And yeah, I kept track, and here is the "spike" youre talking about. Its not really a spike. Its just that the server was inactive over summer and the forum was dead. And when it wiped it kind of shot up because people were actually playing again.. It is just about 5 more reports at wipe month compared to the month before the wipe. Which is not bad at all.
  17. 1 point
    Erik Tyrone


    If youre talking about the first altis wipe I dont think anyone got unbanned, at 2nd and 3rd I know a few selected people got unbanned. And the ban reqs was mainly due to a lot of new players and people with small amounts of gear engaging eachothers at the drugdealers and fields often with wrong tags or failengaging because the wipe was so recent and people was desperate for money..
  18. 1 point
    Erik Tyrone


    If you're going to pick and choose who you are unbanning it is first of not a banwipe at all. You guys are talking about CVGamings Arma server as something that you take so much pride in, and that you need to protect from the naughty naughty players who is DESTROYING the server and is ruining the experience for everyone else that is playing! Wait.. Hold on a sec.. everyone else that is playing? The main problem here is that no one is playing, I could not give a flying f**k if people that I got super mad about in the past that was breaking the server rules come back. That is the entire point of banwiping; getting people back on the server. No one in this community wants to play on a server with 10 other people, or 20-30 for that matter. People miss when the server was f***ing stacked, and you were sitting in the lobby spamclicking the server hoping to get lucky so you could get in and roll down to fed and shoot shit up with the boys. If you actually hold a grudge of people that broke a rule in a video game you do in my opinion take this shit way too serious.
  19. 1 point
    Erik Tyrone


    Wanted this a year ago, still want it. Solid yes from me. Hope something happens, miss the good ol days.
  20. 1 point

    Förslag & Förbättringar

    Du är så söt när du försöker vara seriös
  21. 1 point

    Herring's [A.P.D] "RP" Montage

    Riktigt fint gjort Herring
  22. 1 point

    Ban Req [Cv-D] Kafarov

    Det var jag som engagade och jag har aldrig läst eller hört någonstans att en sån engage inte är tillåten.
  23. 0 points
    Winners: 1st: Thorwald Spjuthuvud 2nd: Aladin 3rd: Aladidas Thanks to everyone who participated on the event.
  24. 0 points

    "Ban request [B] Boston Von Heineken

    Name: [BKG] Stefan Offender-Name: Boston Von Heineken Date: YYYY-MM-DD - 2019-01-13 13:10 Which rule(s) were broken: Combatlogg Additional information: https://gyazo.com/a87b9ce17adb63f290eee9d2a5f340ff
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