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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/19 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Clip of the Week: Round 1 winner!!! We can start this by announcing the winner of this round! And we can announce that @Elnour Isak Adam has won this round!!! Congratulations! Here is the winning clip: Now on the the next round! And for this round you have until friday 1st of February to send me your clips. and on the 3rd we will announce a winner. Now I know I said videos should be between 1-3 minutes, but we will scratch that rule and the video can be any length you want. But of course, you cannot enter with the same clip you entered this time. with that being said, we wish you good luck! // The Entire Event Promoter Team
  2. 3 points

    Ban rec

    Name: J. Wallenbergare Offender-Name: adib shishakli Date: YYYY-MM-DD -2019-01-20 Which rule(s) were broken: forcing me to withraw cash from the atm Additional information: The Gang U engegaed on me and forced me to withdraw cash from the atm Video:
  3. 3 points
    G. Kasper

    CvGaming's Biktnings tråd

    Haha, många som inte är så oskyldiga Jag tog emot typ 66 miljoner dupade pengar, denna snubbe jag fick dessa 66 miljoner av såg jag enbart en gång på servern. Berättade självklart inte för någon om detta, så levde livet på cvg. De andra man gjort, behöver man ju inte ens säga något om, då de flesta redan vet om de. Kan ge en ledtråd, C4 + Hemtt. (Kul kombo och jag blev iofs bannad för de.... ) Så oskyldig är jag....
  4. 1 point

    CvGaming's Biktnings tråd

    Tänkte testa en kul grej! I denna tråden kan man bikta sig och berätta om fula saker man har gjort på CvGaming / regelbrott och vara immune mot att få ban för just det. RULES: Det ni berättar om måste ha hänt för 1 år eller mer sedan. Give me your darkest secrets Edit: man får inte berätta saker som man redan blivit bannad för!
  5. 1 point

    Police application [Medic] John C

    Requirements to join the Police Department are: Meet the minimum age of 18. Understand basic server rules. MUST have a working microphone! MUST have a good command of the English language. MUST have a decent understanding of how Roleplaying works. In-Game Name? : [Medic] John C What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561197990866848 Age? : 22yo. Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Yes. Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: Yes. If yes, what servers?: This server. Do you have a working microphone?: Yes. How long have you played on CvGaming?: About 1000hr. Have you been banned before?: Not what i can remember. Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Yes Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: Yes. Can you follow orders from a younger person?: Yes. What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces 1)Good at RP. 2)Good at listening, both in game and in TS. 3)Know how to use a weapon. 4)Understand the basic of Arma. 5)Be active on the server. Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?: I wanna get into more RP situations than medic/civ. And also be able to fight a little Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: Some of the tasks can be defending our poor gas stations from robberys. Stopping the illegal bussiness like drugs and gunsmuggling. And help new tourists on our island. Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?: Take their time to RP with players. Be calm both in game and TS. And protect my back in various situations. What is your input on using lethal force?: ONLY to protect our lives! Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: I will RP with our players, and i will do my best in all fights we might end up in. And im a good teamplayer. What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: Show respect to get respect. loyalty got to be earnt, same as respect. Rules are made to follow. Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum): My name is John C. Born and raised on the island of Altis in a town called Athira. As a young Athirian i wanted to be a helicopter pilot. I used to spend long days at the airfield to look at all the planes and helicopters. But when i got to my teens, i wanted to be a police, but didnt manage to get into the police school. So i became a medic instead. Now with more experience ive now made it into the police school and made it out of there with really good grades. Now i am looking for an job at a policestation and i hope to be stationed at Kavala or Athira. Tell us a little about yourself! My name is Eric and i am 22 years old. In the days, im working as an electrician, and like once/twice a week i play icehockey on the evenings. And the other time i often play Arma. AS A RECRUIT, YOU ARE UNDER PROBATION! THE FIRST BIG MESS-UP, IF YOU CANNOT EXPLAIN YOURSELF, YOU'RE GONE! Accepted cops will begin at the lowest rank of cadet and can be promoted by serving well and following the police rules (shown in game on the map menu). Increased rank will open new options and abilities. You must play as a cop until you reach the rank of Officer. DO NOT COME ON TEAMSPEAK AND BOTHER ADMINS/POLICE CHIEF ABOUT YOUR APPLICATION. DO NOT POST IN THE SHOUTBOX AND ASK US TO LOOK AT YOUR APPLICATION. YOU CAN SEE IF IT HAS BEEN WATCHED IN THE FORUM. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THE FORMAT GIVEN AND RULES GIVEN WILL RESULT IN YOUR POST BEING DELETED.
  6. 1 point

    Police application J.Brando

    In-Game Name? : J.Brando What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198209243945 Age? : 17, soon 18 Do you speak both Swedish and English?: yes Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: yeah i have been police on cvg 2 times and police on another server. If yes, what servers?: Cvgaming, MaldenLifeRPG Do you have a working microphone?: yes How long have you played on CvGaming?: since late 2015 about 1700+ hours Have you been banned before?: Yes Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Yes Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: Yes Can you follow orders from a younger person?: yes What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces 1) Respect 2) Loyality 3) Be a good team player 4) Try to RP before shooting 5) Take initiative 6) Take responsibility Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?: I would like to play as a police officer here on Cvgaming because last time i played it was very fun and i love to RP. The RP as a police is very fun and different as a civ. Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: Make as much RP out of the situation as possible, try to keep the bad crimes away from the streets, try to keep the civilians safe. Shoot to kill when necessary. Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?: Be a good teamplayer, have good communication, be respectable. What is your input on using lethal force?: Lethal force should only used if it is no other way to handle situation. If RP or making any other options lethal force is used. Try to make it as real as possible. Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: I have been a police officer here on Cvgaming so i know to be a cop. I am a good team player. I can communicate well both in fight and in RP situations. What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: Respect is earned, Loyalty you must prove and rule enforcement you must have as a police officer. Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum): J.Brando is a seeker. On Tanoa he was known as Brad Fabiano. He started as a medic trainee, a innocent medic trainee. He started helping several gangs around altis and the police and the medical staff did not like it, they tought he was corrupt. Brando kept working as a medic but he had many eyes on him, including police,medic staff and several gangs. He worked as a medic a long time. But after a short while he couldn't keep up as a medic and decided to quit. The most feared gang called The Grim Bastards knew that Brando was good in combat because he was friend with alot of people in the Grim Bastards and he used to be a private security guard for important people. Brando got a offer as being a Grim Bastards, he said yes. He got in a very difficult environment with police and junkies. Brando was caught with the Grim Bastards doing some dirty work and Brando got 11 years in jail for theft and murder. After jail Brando wanted a new life away from Tanoa and now he is hoping for a place to stay here on altis. Tell us a little about yourself! My real name is Lasse. I am from Trondheim,Norway. On my spare time i hang out with friends. AS A RECRUIT, YOU ARE UNDER PROBATION! THE FIRST BIG MESS-UP, IF YOU CANNOT EXPLAIN YOURSELF, YOU'RE GONE! Accepted cops will begin at the lowest rank of cadet and can be promoted by serving well and following the police rules (shown in game on the map menu). Increased rank will open new options and abilities. You must play as a cop until you reach the rank of Officer. DO NOT COME ON TEAMSPEAK AND BOTHER ADMINS/POLICE CHIEF ABOUT YOUR APPLICATION. DO NOT POST IN THE SHOUTBOX AND ASK US TO LOOK AT YOUR APPLICATION. YOU CAN SEE IF IT HAS BEEN WATCHED IN THE FORUM. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THE FORMAT GIVEN AND RULES GIVEN WILL RESULT IN YOUR POST BEING DELETED
  7. 1 point

    Ban appeal [Mr.Chang]

    Name: *Your in-game name* : Mr.Chang Date: YYYY-MM-DD - <Time it happened> : tror de va ''2018-12-18'' Reason: Explain your point of view as much as in-depth as possible. If you have any proof of the users guilt in form of links, post them here. Jag hade precis börjat spela nu på cv när de öppna igen med gänget [JWK], och samma dag så blir alla i gänget bannade pga att ''Medlemskap i gänget JWK innebär ban på cvg!'' . Jag hade inte gjort något fel alls eller brutit mot några av servens regler. Tycker detta är fel och skulle gärna vilja komma tillbaka igen o spela eftersom jag saknar Arma o RP. Jag vet att av olika skäl så är vi som va med i detta gäng inte så omtyckta av vissa och de förstår jag, men jag anser att jag alltid haft en bra attityd och inte gjort några fel eller betett mig dåligt mot varken spelare eller någon i 'STAFF' gänget, och om någon tycker det eller fått en dålig uppfattning av mig så ber jag om ursäkt men jag är bara en glad kille som vill lira Arma. Så jag önskar att Admin teamet vill ge mig en chans o komma tillbaka på Cvg med glädje o aktivitet? Tack för mig MWH Mr.Chang (M.Coley, XtreeaM)❤️
  8. 1 point

    Medic Application Aladidas

    Kontakta mig (Nilssen) och Linus på ts! ON HOLD!
  9. 1 point

    CvGaming's Biktnings tråd

    Sprängde 5 medics med en suicide vest. Självklart var det inte jag som sprängde mig själv utan gav någon annan jobbet.
  10. 1 point

    CvGaming's Biktnings tråd

    Kul tråd! Många Admins vet ju redan allt man gjort då man berättat allt skit genom åren. Skapade ett Gang A.D.L (Altis Duplicate leage) där jag lärde Dimitri mm hur man gör för att dupa mycket och snabbt och att de hamnar under radarn för Admins, detta funkade någon/några månader tills någon (Dimitri) blev ivrig och gick över min satta gräns och där då blev taggen. Hade redan på hum att detta skulle hämta så slutade göra stora parti (40-50 full Katibas) och sålde skiten innan Admins tog kontakt med mig, kommer fortfarande ihåg att man skett på sig lite när GW teleporterade sig in i mitt hus och sa BUSTED! Nu har jag dig din jävel! Och sedan sa oj sorry måste vara fel kille. Vi sålde ungefär kanske 30-40 Katbias per gång för 70% av rebellernas pris under en lång tid, tror till och med att de fanns kvar på servern i något/några år innan första Whipe då rebellerna slutade sälja de för länge, länge sen. Tror att jag kan ha dupat 200-300 sätt av olika vapen med full utrustning. Kom till en tid där jag fick ge bort pengar till randoms för att inte synas för mycket för Admins. Sedan har jag gjorde något som förstört spelet för många, jag hittade en D-sync bug som jag ofta använde, jag förstörde städer genom att bugga så byggnader gick sönder och dödade folk samt att åkte man bakom mig i en bil kunde jag lätt döda personerna genom denna bug. Tänker dock aldrig berätta hur man gör denna bugg då de verkligen förstör spelet för alla. Här kan man se det, jag är personen som kör Medic bilen. Sedan har man flippat många bilar, När man var medic och hade tråkigt så brukar jag och Dimman flippa bilar (innan de blev känt hur man gör) och förstöra för poliserna, detta blev då lite jobbigt då Afriel var ofta på oss som en hök och speccade oss och blev då taggen utan staff. Har varit support under en längre tid på cv, och ja.. självkärt klart har gjort lite ändringar på sina hus eller CIV gubbe ibland. Under en tid hittade jag också en bugg som gjort att jag kunde loota andras lådor i hus, så brukade tömma folks hus och lägga i mitt egna, försökte göra detta på Afriels hus men vågade inte ta mycket där ifrån, så har iaf rånat en admin ? Samt så försökte vi lagga ner servern några gånger genom att göra detta tidigt under cvgamigns livs tid. tack före detta började vi spela lite med Kebre (host) och han spawnade in jet-flyg till oss och kan ha råkade skjuta lite missiler in i Kavala och döda folk haha ? De ända jag ångrar att jag gjort var dupping då de förstörde ekonomin och spelet på servern, allt annat var mer jävelstygg och roligt ?
  11. 1 point

    CvGaming's Biktnings tråd

    Kul tråd! Jag och Norren (A.D.L) Altis dupling league höll på ett j**la tag innan JAG blev tagen.. Norren spelade dum och kom undan men han gjorde säkert mer än mig. Vi båda blev supports trots detta och då behövde vi inte dupa längre.. kunde bara spara koden och lägga in den på sig själv när man dog. Detta höll vi också på ett bra tag tills bannen kom igen :C
  12. 1 point

    CvGaming's Biktnings tråd

    Skulle det inte hänt för 1år sen??
  13. 1 point

    CvGaming's Biktnings tråd

    Kan ha hänt att jag var i samma gäng som illmeister och kan råkat lära resten i gänget att dupa, sen när han var taskig mot mig snitchade jag när han dupade och än idag är han permad
  14. 1 point

    CvGaming's Biktnings tråd

    Batman var 11år och bugglootade mitt hus 2015.
  15. 1 point

    CvGaming's Biktnings tråd

    samma här!
  16. 1 point
    K.F Carl Mark

    CvGaming's Biktnings tråd

    det får inte plats i denna tråd.
  17. 1 point

    CvGaming's Biktnings tråd

    Engång dödade jag en kille som sjöng för fult!
  18. 1 point

    Ban request [1%] Benim becksvart

    Vi kommer ge Benim ban för sitt beteende. Men Stefan du är just nu bannad, är det någon i ditt gäng som uppfattar nåt regelbrott så kan dom lägga upp en ban req.
  19. 1 point

    R. Castle police app

    Requirements to join the Police Department are: Meet the minimum age of 18. Understand basic server rules. MUST have a working microphone! MUST have a good command of the English language. MUST have a decent understanding of how Roleplaying works. In-Game Name? : R. Castle What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198039990702 Age? :19 Do you speak both Swedish and English?: i speak eglish but understand swedish 100% Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: Yes I was R4 about a year ago. If yes, what servers?: Cvgaming Do you have a working microphone?: Yes How long have you played on CvGaming?: 2400h Have you been banned before?: No Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: I do. Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: I will. Can you follow orders from a younger person?: Yes. What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces 1)Not be stressed durring fights/robberies. 2)Good RP 3)Good teamwork 4)Know how to drive/fly 5)Show respect for civilians and other Officers. Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?: I whould like to play as a police officer becouse i like the RP scenarios. and from keeping the civilians safe from the rebels. Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?:Protect the Pharmasy/Federal bank. stop civilians doing drugs and robbing gas stations Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?: I expect to be shown respect to as I show them. What is your input on using lethal force?: Should allways be the last option to consider using. Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: Becouse i have experience as police officer on this server. What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: They are all very important for a working police force Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum): R. Castle came to Altis again after another deployment on stratis in the military. he worked as a combat medic. he have been working as medic now on altis since he came back. on the few days he have seen how the gangs operate and now as there have come a rebells aswell he have found out he want to be a part of the force that is goiing to fight them back to where they came from! Tell us a little about yourself! I live in Norway, work 8 hours a day and spend the rest of the day on gaming. In the weekends I spend most of my time on gaming aswell.
  20. 1 point

    Ban appeal Galonis

    Name: Galonis Date: 2019-01-03 Reason: Jag blev bannad för att jag sa ett rasistiskt ord, fyra dagars ban för ett ord kan jag tycka ät lite överdrivet. Jag vet att det är fel att använda sånna ord men jag tänkte mig inte för då jag var väldigt arg för att jag lagt alla mina pengar på en helikopter som dom tog bra 5 min tidigare. Sedan sa han också ¨horunge¨ till mig vilket också är kränkande, har video om det behövs. Tack
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