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Erik Tyrone

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Everything posted by Erik Tyrone

  1. I did not want to take action without leaving some kind of message, and as you probably have figured out by the title; I am leaving CvGaming today. I have played in the community since late 2014, and I have spent hundreds of hours in this community, and I have to say: I have never stumbled upon a better community than CvGaming. The reasoning behind my decision is just that I have grown tired of gaming in general. I am not having as fun as I used to to, and it is consuming a huge chunk of my life that I no longer want to spend on gaming. I have had a great time in this community and I am really thankful for all the admins, who have done such an amazing job in creating this community. I am sure you guys will come a long way, and I wish you all the best. At last but not least, I would like to thank; Amos Moses - For being a good fellow Norskjävel, and bringing great memes into my life. J.Brando - Same as above, and also for drinking orange juice at parties. R. Castle - For rejecting to talk Swedish at any cost. Bachne - It was hard to think of something you have not done for the community, great work, keep it up Macke - For being some of the most positive, and energetic persons on the server. APD - I want to thank the APD for the chance I got to play there and the good time I had there! Goodbye! -Erik Tyrone
  2. The script is really bugged, and we have been killed inside safezone the entire weekend by people who join to troll :/
  3. +1 for having me in there with the car lmao
  4. I dont see how there could be any other way to explain it, the bullet is set to travel 300 meters so it will shoot slightly upwards and then fall a little til it hits the 300 mark. Here is an AWESOME* drawing of how I THINK it works *Not so awesome to be perfectly honest.. Persons marked with "A" and "B". Length inbetween is aprox 180m 300m mark is marked behind person b. The shot is marked with a bent line over person b which is drawn as a dotted line.
  5. Youre missing the shots at 2:10 because the RCO scope is zeroed at 300 meters, which means you will shoot over him at that close range.
  6. The clip of Cain (I think) chasing me towards the explosive with a spike.. +1
  7. I am going to disagree with the argument to let players build bigger buildings and monuments overall. I have a feeling that this might affect peoples experience with the server performing-wise (fps). If it does not, then it might be something to think of adding. However, I find it kind of overkill to let people build garages.
  8. Enjoy the cringe, sorry for bad music. I could not bother searching for anything special.
  9. APPROVED by KineserNorskJävelKadetten
  10. It is sad to see that people start to argue about stuff like this. If there happens something in the game and there is something wrong, why would you start to bring that up in a montage, and not take it in private with the people that it concerns? This montage is put up on the forum for entertaining purposes, not so people can come whine about others playstyle and preferanses. This is really disappointing, please you guys who this message is ment for, watch this video that I have attached a couple of times.
  11. Great montage! For me the video is really weird though, its like wobbly.
  12. http://prntscr.com/dubzns FINAL BUILD STATUS: BOUGHT changes I did: -Replaced the RAM with a cheaper and better version. -Replaced HDD to a more suitable HDD for gaming. -Changed the cooler. I made a guy from the site I bought everything from inspect all the components, and it should work. Hope thats the case! Thanks for making with good suggestions!
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