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    LEIF got a reaction from V1RRE in WCRUM Ban Appeal   
    Hello, so i got Banned for duping in January at the same time as Zacharias. I havent wanted to play Arma in the time after this but im wanting to get back into it now so thats why im appealing. I think what i did was bad and of course i regret everything that i did and i absolutely wont do it again. I think i deserve a second chance to play on this server and im already looking forward to it. If you want to talk further you can send me a private message or post here and we can talk on teamspeak.
    Have a nice day!
  2. Like
    LEIF got a reaction from Zacharias in WCRUM Ban Appeal   
    Hello, so i got Banned for duping in January at the same time as Zacharias. I havent wanted to play Arma in the time after this but im wanting to get back into it now so thats why im appealing. I think what i did was bad and of course i regret everything that i did and i absolutely wont do it again. I think i deserve a second chance to play on this server and im already looking forward to it. If you want to talk further you can send me a private message or post here and we can talk on teamspeak.
    Have a nice day!
  3. Like
    LEIF reacted to hassanov in Ban appeal [C.N] Giovanni Lorenzo   
    Banned for lack of role play because you used third person view to peak around the wall and you didn't stop when they told you to! Kappa
  4. Like
    LEIF reacted to Discornia in ban request [IS-B]MRMarin   
    Name: [C.N] Giovanni Lorenzo
    Offender-Name: [iS-B]MRMarin
    Date: 2014-12-27
    Reason: Was chasing a guy and he just drove to safezone and stored his hemmt even after we told him in messages that it is agains the server rules.
    Video proof 1:

    Video proof 2:

  5. Like
    LEIF reacted to cARPEN in En stilla önskan angående en regel   
    Jag är helt inne på Mahones spår. Flyr du inte från en eldstrid du själv har varit med i eller att du har rånat någon så 15min regeln gäller (15min regeln är att har du varit utanför combat i 15min har du rätt att göra vad du vill i princip - inte bryta mot några andra regler såklart) så tycker jag att man har rätt att fly till en safezone. Det innebär också att de som sitter i en heli får fan i mig komma ner på backen och våga möta folk öga mot öga istället för att sitta tryggt i sin egna safezone uppe i luften. 
  6. Like
    LEIF reacted to VisionPie in Attempted RDM   
    Farligt nära att du fick dem på quadbiken
  7. Like
    LEIF reacted to VisionPie in C.D.F Otto+gang   
    I think you should post all the videos right away!
  8. Like
    LEIF reacted to Legacy™ in Your backgrounds!   
  9. Like
    LEIF reacted to hitem in CN balance stuff & opinions   
    1. Maximum police online
    This has been in the talk in our admin meetings and already solved.
    2. NVG/Thermal/Silencer
    This has also been talked about alot and i mean alot. 
    We have finally reached a balance that we like when it comes to the police current position on the server aswell as the rebels (changes we made 8-12 weeks ago are showing up the last few weeks).
    There are rules regarding these vehicles and they need to sacrifice 2 persons to even use the nightvision/heat feature and its administrated by a ruleset available. But the cop's have been very active on using UAV which have all these features and is alot more silent and only reserve 1 person (which we always favor). As for silencers, it was a collective decision among factions and admins to make our regulars/representatives have more tools that are usually widely available in their arsenal. NVG's wont be removed ieather, they where limited once upon a time but it created more work then it solved. And for everyones enjoyment we allow everyone to use them instead.
    3. Medics
    This have been talked about alot in admin meetings and we have reached a conclusion many weeks ago.
    Medics are here to save life, they ress first and ask questions later if NO info supplied or obv warzones. So its up to the people in the area to supply that information, if they shouldnt ress or any other instructions. Medics wont ress you several times ieather but if you feel they are breaking rules, we need evidence of it and you know where to post them!
    4. Co/OP NLA/Police.
    There where 1 incident earlier when NLA and new Copforce was created when we had a good standing (as factions take time to build).
    This was however addressed the same day and solved. 
    5. Text
    You post got so wide because you copied it from a rich-text-format
    Hope the information helps
    Have fun!
  10. Like
    LEIF reacted to Oddjob in CN balance stuff & opinions   
    from the medics.
    We never leave the server without medic if we help police. 
    Our focus is all the players.

    We have a rule that medics must not revive during combat. (its not always we know there is combat tho)
    We always had the rule that we cant revive in firefight zones. we must go away if there is. (so the medic that does that is breaking the medic rules)

    There u have our handbok. Read it. 
  11. Like
    LEIF reacted to Öberg in Combatlog ban request   
    Name: [sC] Aariz Ahldin
    Offender-Name: [s.S.B] Kalle
    Date: 2014-12-21
    Reason: Very clear combatlog
  12. Like
    LEIF reacted to Dimitri in Faction bannad~~ :( Dimitri rascalov / Englund   
    Name: Dimitri rascalov
    Date: 12/21/2014
    Reason: Jag ber om att få gå vidare ifrån Medic då jag har spelat som Medic ett bra tag..  Börjar ledsna helt seriöst på att inte kunna söka vidare. Jag gjorde fel innan och det har gått 2 månader sedan dess. Jag har kämpat & kämpat varje dag sedan dess för att ressa ER.. spelarna på servern & nu har jag setat och hjälp folk i Support dessutom, (Gör så gott jag kan då jag är rank 1 inom supporten). 
    Just nu har jag ingen lust alls att lira längre och det borde vara förstårligt.. Ger ni mig bara chansen kommer ni inte bli besvikna
    Har jag någon chans eller kan jag lika gärna lämna servern? Ge mig ett rakt svar. 
  13. Like
    LEIF reacted to hitem in [Ban appeal] Richard   
    Hello Richard.
    You where banned beacuse you where the second newest player on the server and with 2.9 million on your account + several vehicles and guns.
    I checked our loggs and investigation lead me into a dark alley of combined asshating! I found that you where online at the same time and playing with the third newest player, and he had xx million on his account. So my investagtion lead me futher,  you both were friends, played from same country and even friends on steam and you were communicating in game. So according to the sherlockholmes inside me and the serverloggs and public information found about you the conclusion that you indeed had ill intents on our server!
    if You or Juliano Luciano (Fruchtfisch) wants to prove somehow that you managed to make xx millions in less then 20 minutes the legit way you are more then welcome to speak to me on teamspeak!
  14. Like
    LEIF reacted to Paatero in z' vs [C.N]   
    First of all, Ebolasso isn't even the gang leader...

    Second of all, we don't consider you guys competition. Personally, I'm not sure if I even heard of you guys before. Third, we treat you guys as any other minor gang. Worth mentioning you had the chance to buy them back.

    We don't really have anything against you, and for that and reasons above, we don't accept this war.
  15. Like
    LEIF reacted to Eurozze in z' vs [C.N]   
    Gang 1: Zeds (z') (Leader: z' Eurozze)
    Gang 2: [C.N] (Leader: Someone named Lorenzo)
    Date: 20/12 -2014
    Reason of war: C.N gjorde misstaget att råna oss och ta våra HEMMT's, dom valde senare att Chop-choppa HEMMT'sarna och det ser vi som ett agerande till krig.
    Dom är även den största konkurrenten vi har just nu och det kan inte kvarstå.
  16. Like
    LEIF reacted to A. Mahone in Server wipe?   
    Skräms inte sådär Musse, jag fick nästan en hjärtattack.
  17. Like
    LEIF reacted to hitem in Police Application   
    /rp on

    When you post here you represent something else then N.L.A Legacy, keep the applications free from your Romeo litter!

    /rp off
  18. Like
    LEIF reacted to Rasmus in Police Application   
    I think that you are a little too young to join the police but you could always try to apply later or show more present in-game.
    P.S I think Legacy would want you to join NLA so you could always try to contact them! 
  19. Like
    LEIF reacted to Emmaah in Police Application   
    What is your in-game name? Daiwa Gonzales What is your Player ID #?76561198145772699 Have you read all of the rules on the forum? Yes Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel? Yes How long have you played on the server? About 380 hours How long have you played Arma 3? 400 hours. 2 months maybe How often do you play on the server? Every day Tell us a little about yourself! (Where in the world do you live? What time zone do you live in? Age? etc.): Tare på svenska Jag bor i karlstad, sverige. Är 15 år och spelar dator väääldigt mycket på min fritid. Annars på sommaren brukar jag köra en hel del gokart (kommer fortfarande vara aktiv på servern) Man kanske inte tror att jag är en gamertjej, men det är jag verkligen. Trycker det är otroligt kul att spela dator. 

    Ingame¨: Startade för ett par  veckor sen "Altis Taxi" ganget som jag har jobbat hårt med, tycker det är mycket rolig rp men det blir tråkigt efter ett tag, då vi inte har så mycket att göra.
    Jag vill  bli Polis för det finns verkligen inga tjejer i Poliskåren, och jag tycker det ska ändras. Sen verkar det vara riktigt kul att vara Polis, mer rp osv. Jag kommer försöka roleplaya så bra jag kan! Mvh Emma
  20. Like
    LEIF reacted to storken in What is that flying up there? APD!   
  21. Like
    LEIF reacted to Fakir/Strand in Polis ansökan - Fakir Ahldin   
    What is your in-game name?    Fakir Ahldin   What is your Player ID #?    76561198135140126   Have you read all of the rules on the forum?    ja, och jag kommer uppdatera min läsning av regler oftare.   Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel    ja, jag kommer hit för att jag tycker det är kul och rpa och om jag skulle ha ett litet triggerfinger som tickar så blir de att gå in på wasteland/king of the hill och rasta av mig tills jag tröttnat.   How long have you played on the server?   2.5 månader (950) timmar    How long have you played Arma 3?   2.5 Månader (973) timmar    How often do you play on the server?    varje dag cirka 6-12 timmar    Tell us a little about yourself! (Where in the world do you live? What time zone do you live in? Age? etc.)   jag är 16 år och bor i en liten stad som heter skövde och jag är en väldigt social person som gillar att binda nya kontakter, Jag går under svenska tidzonen, på fritiden så brukar jag träna handboll och gym men för det mesta så sitter jag och spelar arma 
  22. Like
    LEIF reacted to Scotty in Mah Crib   
    Nice poop shack.
  23. Like
    LEIF reacted to Vogelturken in [Ban request] A.R.F   
    Name: [N.L.F] Dimitri Chertok
    Offender-Name: A.R.F Mr. Aiko och A.R.F Emil
    Date: 2014-12-13 
    Reason: Under hela dagen har grabbarna ifrån A.R.F combattloggat när det passat dom vilket har gjort både mig och övriga på servern frustrerade över detta beteende. Nedan följer ett par bilder på ett par combatloggs men kan även skicka mer bevis om det behövs.
  24. Like
    LEIF reacted to Afriel in Alexander Mahone saying hi!   
  25. Like
    LEIF reacted to Kebre in Medic bil i Kavala market   
    Har det blivit något achievement att få in bilar i marketplace? xD
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