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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/19 in Posts

  1. 6 points

    Ban req Riddaren

    Situationen är löst, känns som Riddaren redan fått sitt straff från polischefen. (tack @Fakir/Strand) Admins kan låsa och stänga tråden om ni vill.
  2. 4 points

    Ban request 1% katibia boyus

    Name: [DP] cringekid Offender-Name: [1%] Katibia Boyus Date: 2019-01-15 17 ish Which rule(s) were broken: Oklart exakt men kanske skulle kunna gå under failrp Additional information: Jag snor thorwalds truck och medans jag kör så blir jag kickad när jag spawnar in väntar dom på mig, vet att det gått ganska exakt 24timmar men folkesson tyckte ändå jag skulle lägga upp den på forumet.
  3. 4 points

    Om patch 6.2

    Yo everyone, im just gonna come out with a short message about whats going on with patch 6.2. As everyone noticed it got rollbacked very fast after release, this is because of several bugs needing to be adressed, staff have been fixing these bugs since then and release will be coming VERY soon, like really really really really soon. So get hyped for new bandit, changed shops, new items, farming changes, mapfunctions and much more! Love yall ❤️ //Darwin
  4. 4 points


  5. 3 points

    Ban request 1% katibia boyus

    Kommer att lägga en 2 dagar ban pågrund av lack of RP. Ni förstod att han blev kickad, så ni borde gett honom en chans att fortsätta scenariot ifrån HEMTTen. Accepted /A. Harrisson
  6. 3 points


    Team BlackSam BlackAskel Sam DED
  7. 3 points

    Ban req Riddaren

    lägg inte ban req på mig då eftersom jag inte vdma ändra ban reqen till att jag kalla er äckliga eftersom ni tog illa upp eller nåt
  8. 2 points

    Police application J.Brando

    In-Game Name? : J.Brando What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198209243945 Age? : 17, soon 18 Do you speak both Swedish and English?: yes Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: yeah i have been police on cvg 2 times and police on another server. If yes, what servers?: Cvgaming, MaldenLifeRPG Do you have a working microphone?: yes How long have you played on CvGaming?: since late 2015 about 1700+ hours Have you been banned before?: Yes Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Yes Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: Yes Can you follow orders from a younger person?: yes What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces 1) Respect 2) Loyality 3) Be a good team player 4) Try to RP before shooting 5) Take initiative 6) Take responsibility Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?: I would like to play as a police officer here on Cvgaming because last time i played it was very fun and i love to RP. The RP as a police is very fun and different as a civ. Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: Make as much RP out of the situation as possible, try to keep the bad crimes away from the streets, try to keep the civilians safe. Shoot to kill when necessary. Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?: Be a good teamplayer, have good communication, be respectable. What is your input on using lethal force?: Lethal force should only used if it is no other way to handle situation. If RP or making any other options lethal force is used. Try to make it as real as possible. Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: I have been a police officer here on Cvgaming so i know to be a cop. I am a good team player. I can communicate well both in fight and in RP situations. What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: Respect is earned, Loyalty you must prove and rule enforcement you must have as a police officer. Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum): J.Brando is a seeker. On Tanoa he was known as Brad Fabiano. He started as a medic trainee, a innocent medic trainee. He started helping several gangs around altis and the police and the medical staff did not like it, they tought he was corrupt. Brando kept working as a medic but he had many eyes on him, including police,medic staff and several gangs. He worked as a medic a long time. But after a short while he couldn't keep up as a medic and decided to quit. The most feared gang called The Grim Bastards knew that Brando was good in combat because he was friend with alot of people in the Grim Bastards and he used to be a private security guard for important people. Brando got a offer as being a Grim Bastards, he said yes. He got in a very difficult environment with police and junkies. Brando was caught with the Grim Bastards doing some dirty work and Brando got 11 years in jail for theft and murder. After jail Brando wanted a new life away from Tanoa and now he is hoping for a place to stay here on altis. Tell us a little about yourself! My real name is Lasse. I am from Trondheim,Norway. On my spare time i hang out with friends. AS A RECRUIT, YOU ARE UNDER PROBATION! THE FIRST BIG MESS-UP, IF YOU CANNOT EXPLAIN YOURSELF, YOU'RE GONE! Accepted cops will begin at the lowest rank of cadet and can be promoted by serving well and following the police rules (shown in game on the map menu). Increased rank will open new options and abilities. You must play as a cop until you reach the rank of Officer. DO NOT COME ON TEAMSPEAK AND BOTHER ADMINS/POLICE CHIEF ABOUT YOUR APPLICATION. DO NOT POST IN THE SHOUTBOX AND ASK US TO LOOK AT YOUR APPLICATION. YOU CAN SEE IF IT HAS BEEN WATCHED IN THE FORUM. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THE FORMAT GIVEN AND RULES GIVEN WILL RESULT IN YOUR POST BEING DELETED
  9. 2 points

    Ban Request (NBNC) Don Juan

    Du kör på vänster sida, sen bromsar du och lägger bilen över hela vägen som han redan kör på. Förutom detta så dog ingen och ingenting gick förlorat vad jag kan se, inte ens din bil gick sönder. Onödig tid slösad på en onödig ban request. DENIED. //Darwin
  10. 2 points

    Ban request 1% katibia boyus

    det ser man uppenbart i chatten och att ni smäller mig direkt och sen att du skickar https://gyazo.com/29bd71897d53e178e0675fb2dc7618fe är inte acceptabelt beteende. du är inte villig att ens prata så därav kommer denna ban request även.
  11. 2 points

    Ban req Riddaren

    Request Information Name: *Your in-game name* Alex | Feroz Offender-Name: *Offender's in-game name* Riddaren/ [A.P.D] A.Alanzo Date: YYYY-MM-DD - <Time it happened> 15 Jan, 20.00 ish Which rule(s) were broken: VDM och diverse annat. Additional information: Explain in detail what happened. Kan väl börja med videon, vi hade precis engageat APD, dom flyr från platsen och jag jagar dom. APD lägger en feting VDM på mig så min bil voltar och börjar skjuta direkt på mig, var inte ens jag som sköt första skottet. Video på den: https://plays.tv/video/5c3e52b48e8db34252/snyggiskexet?from=user btw sorry om jag förstörde era öron i videon Absolut att jag dödade båda två som vdmade mig men endå så väljer jag att lägga upp banreq med tanke på detta : Jag skrev någon timme efter till Riddaren då jag inte tänkt lägga en banreq på honom. Och det jag fick ur honom tyckte jag var droppen för mig. Här är hela konversationen från start till slut. Om man inte ens kan erkänna sina fel och börjar direkt kalla alla oss i D för "äckliga personer som exploitar" så anser jag att detta inte är ett okej beteende mot någon på servern. Taggar även Strand i hopp om att han ska se över Riddarens plats i kåren @Fakir/Strand
  12. 1 point

    Ban request 1% katibia boyus

    https://gyazo.com/0c5760d792a93619e206d1c7a4b605ab Vi kampade inte när du blev kickad du spawnar in just när jag hoppar ut
  13. 1 point

    Ban req Riddaren

    Situationen är löst! Bra jobbat att ta hand om det själva! Stänger och flyttar tråden
  14. 1 point

    Om patch 6.2

    Finns att plocka på kartan!
  15. 1 point


    Patrull Dunder cALI -gABRIEL
  16. 1 point

    Thorwald Snygghuvud <3 Montage

  17. 1 point


    Team Klibbpung A.Mohammed Göran
  18. 1 point


    team TOTO ; [[)]Totorina ; [[)] Olsson
  19. 1 point


    Dunder Patrullen ; Unreal ; Screan
  20. 1 point


    Team: ChipspåseN Elias Hanna
  21. 1 point
    Miss H

    Ban Appeal (Darwin)

    Men vi la skott på ditt cargo, och vi sprang även som tokar under cargot så du visste definitivt att vi var där. Och du loggar strax efter det, inte ens 5 minuter hade gått. Så det var fortfarande 10 minuter kvar på kosen. Sen kunde du ha skickat ett snabbt sms och frågat om vi hade några som var kvar i området. Det är väldigt tydligt att du VILLE combatlogga för att komma undan med gearet, och jag tycker att det är ett väldigt omoget beteende, speciellt nu eftersom du nyligen blivit event promoter och har en slags status på servern.
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