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Emin reacted to a post in a topic: Medic Groupies!
Emin reacted to a post in a topic: Battle Royale
Emin reacted to a post in a topic: Arma 3 highlights
Emin reacted to a post in a topic: NLA Selfie med Bobbi.R
Emin reacted to a post in a topic: CvG Altis Life: Highlights #9
Rarre reacted to a post in a topic: Battle Royale
Emin reacted to a post in a topic: Amadi | pt-9 "New Soul"
Jag ska inte lita någon efter den här video
Emin reacted to a post in a topic: Slut för El Capitano
Emin reacted to a post in a topic: Thorsten's DH-Stream
Emin reacted to a post in a topic: CvG Altis Life: Highlights #6
LEIF reacted to a post in a topic: [Ban Appeal] [A.V.F] Wazz
Tintin reacted to a post in a topic: [Ban Appeal] [A.V.F] Wazz
Rasse reacted to a post in a topic: [Ban Appeal] [A.V.F] Wazz
Feroz reacted to a post in a topic: [Ban Appeal] [A.V.F] Wazz
Elnour Isak Adam reacted to a post in a topic: [Ban Appeal] [A.V.F] Wazz
Kafarov reacted to a post in a topic: [Ban Appeal] [A.V.F] Wazz
Emin reacted to a post in a topic: DREAMHACK SUMMER 2016
Hej, Emin är Här. Jag vill att prata också om detta problem. Nån säger att emin ville direkt ban ville inte refound. Jag vissade en teamspeak video det var bara en del av problemet. Jag hörde många dåligt sakar och kommer ihåg forfarande. Jag vill att bara säga varför jag sa nej till dina refound request. Jag sa att nej eftersom ni sa inte förlåt. You broke my heart so hard and you did not say sorry. Refound can not fix my broke heart.You just said refound. You can not fix a problem with refound you have to accept your fails. Den dagen var jag jätte arg . Jag sov inte och gick inte till skolan. Whatever. När ni fick perma ban blev inte jag glad. Jag blev ledsen. Perma ban är jätte lång ban. I hope you understand your fail and you are ready for to play because I want to see you again on the Server ! See you soon ! Respekts
Bachne reacted to a post in a topic: KJN (J.Nordqvist) - Moderator
Peter Marple reacted to a post in a topic: KJN (J.Nordqvist) - Moderator
J. Blane reacted to a post in a topic: Come I will say something xD
He was best support on the server for me. I hope he will be admin soon ! Great, congrats !
Du gjorde ditt bästa. Dator är jätte dåligt sak. Lycka till i ditt livet bror !
Adde varför du kommer och skriver här ? Min problemet är med Kauppinen inte med dig. Jag vill ha ingenting av dig. Först vi måste respektera varandra. Ni kommer till mitt rum på teamspeak. Ni är 5 personer och ni pratar fort tillsamans. Jag förstår inte redan svenska. Jag provade att prata med dig det är inte första gång. Ni skrattar ni är inte seriös. Ni driver med mig.
the accused player : A.V.F Kauppinen the accusing player : [D.D] Emin I was fighting with A.V.F Kauppinen. He killed me. Later someone killed him. You can see that on the video. After he died and disconnected . You can see combatlog on video. He died on 0:45 he disconnected on 2.30. When he died he have to wait for 2 minutes. After combat log he came back. He was looting my friend and I said you can not do this. I have a video. He killed me again. He did rdm + combat log + New life rule. He tryed to give me 2 millions or one mx fullkit But I said no. Because this is not first time and he did not say sorry. He just said " I will give you money". If he would give me 10 millions I would say no again. Because They are kidding me for I can not speak swedish and english. Died time 0:45 Disconnect time : 2.30. Come back time : 7:48 I am not a bad person. I am angry for he knew about he did fail but killed me direct. He did not speak with me. Respawn time is 2 minutes : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=539852304
Jag ressade ingen mannen. Jag skulle ressa honom det sant men ni sa ingenting ! Jag har en lång video också. If I would revive him I would upload long video. I am talking about RDM you are talking about fight. Maybe I heart shoots But it does not mean a engage !
the accused player : [A.V.F] BOSS BEARDthe accusing player : EminI was medic. I would revive the man. When I came he did respawn and I got his money. Efter someone tryed to shoot me without engage and I surrender. He saw me But he countiuned to fire and I got rdm. I would speak with them. I went their guest room on the teamspeak. They laughed at me. They was not serious. I was trying to fix this problem on teamspeak but they mocked me. Like this sentence " Ow Emin you are using Youtube How many subscribe do you have ! "
Jag förstår ingenting. Om du vet du gjorde fel varför du säger inte "förlåt" ? Du kan säga detta. Om jag gjörde detta skulle jag säga förlåt för dig. Du säger crossfire och du gör mig arg
When I am looting a cop another cops is shooting and killing me. I lived this problem for so many times. So I learned if someone will loot my friend I can kill him
Det betyder inte att du ska döda mig. Jag Skulle loota en item inte en man. I did not loot any player. If you are fighting with cops you can not kill me ! jag vet inte kanske du kan va 1000 meter lång men du kan inte döda mig. Jag har vapen på mig eftersom kämpade vi med polisen
Name: *[U.F.L] Emin* Offender-Name: *[A.D.S] Pepperoni* Date: 2015/10/10 - <19:00> Reason: We was fighting with cops and he killed me. I was like a civillian and he said crossfire. He is bad player. He is doing rdm allways. He is coming to my room and trolling on the teamspeak. Watch video on 17:30 it is not crossfire. They killed me and my friend intentionall.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlq4bVGja9U&feature=youtu.be Just watch on 25:50. I can not speak so good but I will try to speak. I am not good person and I am not your enemy. Please do not think bad. You are a polis and you are trying to take his weapon. It is loot. For example if you loot one CV-D man his friend can kill you without engage. Because when you are looting you are starting engage allready. You are stilling his weapon.I was there and I wachted you. I waited for to be sure because you are cop.First I thinkt you are not looting him. Beause you know cops is not looting. They do not need civillians weapon. When My friend said he is looting And I saw you got his weapon and I killed you. I dead for a lot of time for I looted gangs member weapon without engage. If you will speak all gangs members they will say its true.When you died and you are coming to my room and I can not focus game and you are speaking in the game about rdm. This is metagaming. When you died you are trying to tell that admins.and before that problem we was fighting in the kavalla checkpoint. And this is another video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBhjSYzEUkI . I am sorry If I break your heart. It is a game I read your text and you writed so good. I can not do that but the videos are telling everyting. Respects Emin