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Erik Tyrone

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  1. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to Legacy™ in GPU eller CPU   
    I have the 6700 and it is working just fine imo. 
  2. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to Kebre in Kebre   
    Hi, my nick is Kebre/Kebre001 and I am  a (sys)admin on the server(s).
    I am currently studdying and trying to do my best to develop and make the server(s) better.
    I usually do the stuff you the players never see or know that we are doing but for example I setup this website and at the moment trying to make a more appropriate skin for the forum.
    I have studied computer science which includes programming and different types of network communication for some years and on my hobby I am having this server and some more where I am developing stuff and testing some stuff.
    More stuff I am doing on my free time (Do I have free time?) is studying different it-security related stuff which is really exciting.
    I have alot of experience in computers both hardware, software, networking and other stuff that runs on electricity.
    If im slow on anwering on teamspeak its because im working on something and probably has high volume
    edit 2014-09-03
    This is my teamspeak after just some minutes. Please send messages on the forum so I can save the conversation.

    Tweet me
  3. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to Angryherring in Arma 3 - Highlight (#3)    
    Highlight (#3) 
    Another chill arma 3 highlight on this server. (Some wasteland/exile footage, to keep it's length).
                    103% pure skills.
    Enjoy grabbar!
  4. Like
    Erik Tyrone got a reaction from Rarre in CvG Highlights #20 civ lajf 2   
    +1 for allahu akbar
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  6. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to Rarre in CvG Highlights #20 civ lajf 2   
  7. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to [TSAR] Waldo in Ban Req for [T.R.S] Rambo   
    Request Information
            Name: [T.U] Mr. V
            Offender-Name: [T.R.S] Rambo
            Date: 2017-01-07 - <Ca 02:30> 
            Which rule(s) were broken: Vdm, fail engage
            Additional information: We where going to copper, then we se 2 cars approching, they try to lock me down, when one of them, The Prowler smashes in my side and i takes a barrelroll. 

  8. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to Afriel in Ban Appeal P. Escobar   
    @Escobab First of all, this appeal threw me out the fucking window. Good job! 
    2nd, give me your player id for the "main" account and i'll allow you to comeback. 
    Remember, really take care of this new chance. Cause there wont be a new one if u fuck this up! 
  9. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to Escobab in Ban Appeal P. Escobar   
    Name: P. Escobar
    Time: September 2016
    Reason: Duping and playing on another account.
    It is with great shame that I P. Escobar write a Ban Appeal for the second time, I will stay humble and receive the criticism that I deserve. A while has gone by now since I got the message from Goatis that I have been permanently banned. I still regret to this day that I made the choices that I made, but mistakes can rarely be undone. I had never duped anything else than the day that I was caught, and where unlucky to find myself caught up in this situation. My intensions where not to sell or use any of the equipment that i duplicated, and that I mean, I never used the equipment, they just layed there in my storage box rotting away. After several months of doing almost nothing I concluded that playing Arma is my call. I miss the server and the community so much, everyone is very nice to eachother and behave properly. I feel that I have become a more mature person and can take more responsibility and answer to my actions. What I did was stupid and idiotic and should never under any circumstances be tolerated, and I respect that now, because people like me or the old me, ruins the aspect and experience for the other players that put their blood, sweat and tears into this server. While I where permanently banned I had another old account with a copy of Arma on. With that account did I illegitimately play on CvGaming's server for about a hundred hours. A week after I quit playing on that account did a recieve a message from Sajmon and later talked to him about something serious, They had noticed that I was playing on another account. They asked me why and I could not say anything else than that I really missed playing on the server and the interaction with the other players on the server. It has now been three to four months and I surely regret what I did, but there is no turning back. Since it is a new year this will probably not be the only "New Year, New Me" Ban Appeal, but I have put a lot of things into consideration and concluded that I will make another try to make a return to the community and the server to interact with the players that make this game so enjoyable. Recently I have engaged in a lot Stream viewing on twitch of those who play on the server on a regular basis and I think it is great to see that there are som many people that play on the server and that the server is full almost every day I think is great! Seeing this makes me want to come back on the server even though that I am not welcome there now, but I will write a Ban Appeal for the second time and hope for the best, because the server is right now the best Altis Life server at the momement. I have tried to play on other servers like SecretOne, but it is not as welcome and serious as CvGaming. So I really hope the administrators sees through my darkest times and see the engagment and will in me to let me have a second chance and let me prosper once more. 
    While I write this Ban Appeal I also want to write a Ban Appeal for TeamSpeak (my friend got confirmation from Kooben that it was okay to write TS appeal with game appeal together) as I where banned from TS aswell. I feel confused and misunderstood to as why I got a Permanently Ban on TeamSpeak. I think it is weird that players with more Permanently Bans than me still has access to the TeamSpeak server and not me? Well, it would be greatly appreciated if I could get unbanned from the TeamSpeak server as many of my friends that play here regurarely sit in the TeamSpeak and I would love to sit there and have a chat with the old boys. I am not sure if it was that I had log in with different names on TeamSpeak but since I did get a Ban I was proffesional about it and accepted it, but it would be really great to get back on TeamSpeak and be social.
    I greatly regret what I have done and what damage I applied to the community! I hope someone sees the light in me and gives me a second shot at redemption. Take your time in reading this appeal and think wisely over your choice. I believe that I could redeem myself if I would get another chance at playing. I appologize if someone feels offended by me, but hopefully you will give me a second chance.
    Thanks to staff and players for reading this and taking every aspect into the picture!
    Best Regards!
    - Pablo Escobar.
  10. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to Eroma in Timelapse   
    Hola Forumet!
    Gjorde för några veckor sen min absolut första timelapse. Har för ca en månadsen köpt en GoPro Hero 5 så var tvungen att prov filma. 
    Kommer försöka göra flera GoPro klipp, måste bara hitta saker att filma. 
    Gjorde tidigare idag liten inspelning med polaren som driftade lite i snön.
    Några tips på vad man kan filma här hemma i Sverige?
  11. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to semi.s in [Ban Appeal] Hejsan   
    Name: Hejsan
    Date: 2016-03-22

    Jag har fått många chanser på denna server och jag visste att om jag skulle göra något mer skit så skulle jag få perm.. men så dum som jag var så combat logga jag och jag ber om ursäkt till admin och andra i detta community för det jag gjorde. Jag skulle så gärna vilja få en absolut sista chans. Jag vill verkligen visa att jag kan sköta mig.
    (Jag gör ban appeal härifrån eftersom Hejsans konto är bannat.)

  12. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to A.Almkvist in [Cv-D] [Boss] A.Almkvist | Montage 4!!   
    Äsch, vi klarar ju bandit varje dag
  13. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to A.Almkvist in [Cv-D] [Boss] A.Almkvist | Montage 4!!   
    Första seriösa montaget på 2 månader, därför blev det lite längre!
    Satsade lite mer på denna då jag satt i 4 timmar o redigera samt vegas krashade 12 gånger...
    Hoppas ni gillade det!
  14. Like
    Erik Tyrone got a reaction from Treos in johansson montageäeäeäeä 7   
    andra låten Kreygasm
  15. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to A.Almkvist in johansson montageäeäeäeä 7   
    -1 första låten var inte så bra, men den andra låten var helt okej!
  16. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to Treos in johansson montageäeäeäeä 7   
  17. Like
    Erik Tyrone got a reaction from Wajk in Wajk - Support   
    Congratulations @Wajk!! 
  18. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to Peter Marple in Ban req [N] Hasan Akbar   
    Efter att jag, Bachne och Kooben har diskuterat så har vi kommit fram till detta:
    Vi kommer att banna [N] Hasan Akbar 1 dag för VDM.
    Jo, därför att under de 4,49 minuterna som videon är så åker du majoriteten av dessa runt och följer efter UFA och tutar och har dig, ENBART för att kunna få till en engage.
    Vi anser att detta inte är ett acceptabelt beteende och den sista droppen för oss blev när du frontade Quilinen.

  19. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to Zetas in 2016 Moments   
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    Erik Tyrone reacted to Escobab in 2016 Moments   
  21. Like
    Erik Tyrone got a reaction from Escobab in 2016 Moments   
    Sums up 2016 if you ask me.
  22. Like
    Erik Tyrone got a reaction from A. Savage in 2016 Moments   
    Sums up 2016 if you ask me.
  23. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to CasperEbbesen in 2016 Moments   
  24. Like
    Erik Tyrone got a reaction from Fish in Ban req on [Cv-d][Thug] Jokes   
    That is you and your friend in that car. Driving over my gangmember 3 times. Admins can check the vod theirself. Personally I am not going to waste more time on this, you are obviously trolling.
  25. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to Rarre in CvG Highlights #19 civ lajf   
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