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    Viktorr reacted to Kafarov in Police Application - Kafarov   
    In-Game Name?: [Cv-D] Kafarov
    What is your Player ID?:
    Age?: 15 men fyller 16 i December.
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Ja.
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: Ja.
    If yes, what servers?: Publiclir där jag var R3.
    Do you have a working microphone?: Ja.
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: Antagligen ungefär 3000 timmar totalt.
    Have you been banned before?: Ja, tyvär.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Ja, det lovar jag.
    Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: Ja.
    Can you follow orders from a younger person?: Absolut, så länge personen har en högre rank än mig själv.
    What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces
    1) Att man är skötsam
    2) Att man kan RPa
    3) Att man är relativt träffsäker
    4) Att man kan köra bil/flyga helikopter
    5) Att man kan följa order och samarbeta med andra
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?: Jag har spelat på servern i snart 3 år och nu när servern äntligen vaknat till liv igen så vill jag vara med och se till att den inte dör ut igen, därför tror jag att jag gör mer nytta i en faktion än vad jag gör i ett civ gäng. Dessutom tycker jag det är en rolig faktion att spela i.
    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: Det är ganska självklart varför polisen finns på Altis, utan dom så skulle en olaglig rebellisk grupp kallad A.R.A tagit makten och med dom i makten skulle ön vara ett paradis för gängkriminella och ett helvete för ärliga civs som lever på ön. Polisens uppgifter är att se till att folket på Altis kan leva ett tryggt liv borta från allt krig och våld. Det gör dom genom att ingripa vid rån, fortkörning, illegal aktivitet osv.
    Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?: Förväntar mig bra samarbetsvilja och trevliga människor.
    What is your input on using lethal force?: Verkanseld bör användas vid situationer där ditt eller andras liv är i fara.
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: För att jag har tidigare erfarenhet av att spela polis och för att jag är bra på att samarbeta med andra för att uppnå till exempel ett mål.
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: Alla dessa är en av de viktigaste punkterna för en lyckad poliskår.
    Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum): Mitt namn är Kafarov, jag växte upp i östra Europa under extrem fattigdom. Min mor jobbade i hemmet och skötte det medans min far var en byggarbetare. Staten hade precis påbörjat ett nytt arbete på en bro där han var tvungen att jobba för 30kr per dag. En dag skedde en olycka och min far dog. Jag blev extremt deprimerad och gav mig ut på gatorna där jag fann nya vänner. Det gick inte särskilt bra för mig då vi knarkade och begick ett flertal brott. Jag hoppade skolan och hade ingen framtid. Jag läste tidningen en morgon och kunde läsa att det behövdes volontärer på Altis där gängkriminalitet var en vardag och inbördeskrig var bakom krönet, där fanns en chans att vända på mitt liv. Jag flög ner till Altis och gjorde dom fysiska och mentala prover som krävdes, just nu sitter jag på ett hotellrum där jag väntar på besked från polismyndigheten angående min ansökan.
    Tell us a little about yourself!: Jag heter Konrad och är snart 16 år gammal. Jag går första året på gymnasiet där jag går Teknikprogrammet. På fritiden spelar jag mycket dator men jag pillar även lite på mopeden och ibland är jag ute och kör med kompisar. Jag har spelat på CvGaming sedan första halvan av 2015 och jag planerar inte att sluta ännu.
  2. Like
    Viktorr got a reaction from WoXXeN in iron 5 plats   
    när man kör järn tar det 5 plats i inventoryt men man kan få rubys/sapphires och de är bara 4 så man ha fullt förutom 4 så får man en ruby eftersom man ej kan få upp en järn.
    hoppas detta fixas snabbt och ingen (utnytjar) så man tjänar multi!
    MVH Frisk
  3. Like
    Viktorr reacted to Wajk in Police Application (Magzenmax1998) [Junioren]   
  4. Confused
    Viktorr reacted to NilsseN in medic app C.tev   
    Accepted contact me NilsseN on ts!
  5. Thanks
    Viktorr reacted to Darwin in Vad händer nu?   
    Efter Patch 5.1 releasen så har vi fått in massor av feedback, positiv och negativ, samt tips på hur vi kan göra upplevelsen ännu bättre för er spelare. Så vi vill informera er om att vi har tagit till oss av eran feedback och jobbar redan nu med att få ut nästa patch till er så fort vi kan. Stay tuned! its going to be awesome  
  6. Like
    Viktorr reacted to Wajk in Ayman gör comeback!   
    ACCEPTED! Välkommen!
  7. Like
    Viktorr reacted to Ayman in Ayman gör comeback!   
    What is Your in-game and forum name?:
    Answer: Ayman
        What is Your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to profilesettings, (select your profile) then press Unit, and change the unit to custom. Now you should see a 17dig number.
    Answer: 76561198194356245
        Have You read all of the server rules?
    Answer: Ja
        Have You read all of the paramedic rules?
    Answer: Ja
        Do You promise to always act in-character and never abuse Your power while playing as a Paramedic?
    Answer: Ja
        How long have You played on the server(hours)?
    Answer: Vet inte exakt hur många timmar men har spelat på denna server sen början av 2016
        How long have You played Arma 3 (hours)?
    Answer: mellan 1200-1300 timmar
        Have You been a Paramedic earlier?
    Answer: Ja det har jag varit ett par gånger
        How often do You play on the server and at what time of the day/night?
    Answer: Så fort jag kommer hem från skolan,Så brukar oftast bli på eftermiddagarna
        Why should we picked you as a medic? (minimum 50 words)
    Answer: För jag har spelat medic många gånger och vet hur det går till
        Have You been banned on this server or any other servers? If yes what have You been banned for?
    Answer: nej
    What can you bring to the medic force?
    Answer:Ett bra rp och en aktiv spelare
        Do you have any past experience with role-playing on this or any other server?
    Answer:Ja jag har ju spelat på denna och andra rp serverar
    Can You follow orders from a younger person or higher ranked ?
    Answer: Självklart
    What do You think the medic faction would become better with?
    Answer: Kom nyss tillbaks till arma så vet inte riktigt men man kan alltid förbättra något
        Can you fly a heli in arma ?
    Answer: Ja
    Can you provide a role-play name and a role-play background for the character applying to the medic force? (50-150 Words):
    Please type here: Mitt namn är Ayman och är född och uppvuxen i storstaden Kavala. Redan som liten så hamnade jag i fel grupp med vänner. Vi lärde oss det mesta som var kriminellt och hur man gjorde snabba pengar. Polisen var alltid ett problem för oss,så när vi såg dom så kastade vi bland annat stenar,vi brände ner deras bilar, vi öppnade eld mot dom. Vi gjorde allt för att visa vårt hat mot dom. Efter ett tag så vi fick rebellerna på altis upp ögonen för mig och ville att jag skulle stå vid deras sida medans dom skulle ta över altis. Ung och dum som jag var så gick jag med och vi började kriga mot allt och alla. Var det nån som gick emot oss så var det bara eld vi svarade med. Vi låg i krig med regeringen i flera år men till slut så var regeringen för stark och vi var tvungna att fly landet. Jag har nu kommit tillbaks till altis igen och känner att jag är skyldig alla medborgare en tjänst efter allt jag förstört. Så därför söker jag till läkare så jag kan få jobba med regeringen för engångs skull och inte emot.
        Tell us a little about your self: Heter Philip och är 17. Går andra året på gymnasiet där jag läser Bygg och anläggning. På min fritid så gillar jag bland annat att ta drog.. Nej skoja bara jag gillar att gymma och umgås med vänner helst gärris<3
  8. Like
    Viktorr reacted to Clabbe in Police Apply   
    Requirements to join the Police Department are:
    Meet the minimum age of 18. soon 23
    Understand basic server rules. yes
    MUST have a working microphone! yes
    MUST have a good command of the English language. yes
    MUST have a decent understanding of how Roleplaying works. yes
    In-Game Name? :
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)
    Age? : 22, soon 23
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Yes
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: on this and 1 more
    If yes, what servers?: CVG and Publiclir
    Do you have a working microphone?: yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: since it started, late summer 2014
    Have you been banned before?: yes
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: of course
    Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: yes
    Can you follow orders from a younger person?: yes
    What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces
    1) Good Communication
    2) Be a teamplayer
    3) Respect the other officers
    4) Always stay in RP, no matter what. 
    5) Be a rolemodel for the other players
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?: i want to play as a police officer because i love to roleplay, and u get more roleplay situations as a police.
    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: Help the civs from the criminal gangs, make sure the streets is 'clean'.
    Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?: Good teamwork and people that i can trust.
    What is your input on using lethal force?: always try to use the tazer over lethal.
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: Because im a positive guy that everyone loves.
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: give respect to earn it, same with loyalty, and rules must exist.
    Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum): Carmelo Diaz grew up in Paros, he had a good childhood. His dad died when Carmelo still was not born yet, so it have always been Carmelo and his mother. Carmelos dad was a police officer, his name was Jonathan Diaz. His mother is the famous acter Cameron Diaz. Now Carmelo have turned 18 and here is his first Police Apply, because he want to go in his fathers steps.
    Tell us a little about yourself! Jonathan, snart 23 år från Skåne. Gymmar och spelar dator på fritiden. Spelat här sedan start ungefär så de flesta vet vem jag är!
  9. Haha
    Viktorr reacted to Sjörövaren in Police Application - Puma   
    Requirements to join the Police Department are:
    In-Game Name? : Puma
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)
    Player id : 76561198124105955
    Age? : 16. Mogen för min ålder. Omtyckt som snut på både publiclir och secretone.
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Ja det gör jag.
    Understand basic server rules : Ja
    MUST have a decent understanding of how Roleplaying works : Ja
    MUST have a good command of the English language : Ja
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: Ja
    If yes, what servers?: Jag har spelat som polis på Secretone och spelar just nu som polis på publiclir. 
    Do you have a working microphone?: Ja
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: Om jag kommer ihåg rätt så har jag spelat några hundra timmar här. 
    Have you been banned before?: Nej, jag har aldrig blivit bannad tidigare.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Ja självklart.
    Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: Ja självklart. 
    Can you follow orders from a younger person?: Ja det kan jag. Jag har inga problem med att ta order från yngre personer. 
    What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces
    1) Jag har en stor erfarenhet som polis sen tidigare.
    2) Jag har runt 2500 timmar på spelet vilket gör att jag kan det mesta.
    3) Jag har runt 2000 timmar på svenska altis life servers vilket gör att jag utvecklat min role-play.
    4) Jag är en skarp skytte vilket gör att jag kan rädda ännu fler civila i nöd.
    5) Jag är en allmänt trevlig och schyst person. Är omtänksam och ödmjuk vilket är viktigt när man jobbar i grupp.
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?:
    Jag älskar alla typer av rp men efter att ha testat polis, rebell och sjukvårdare så tycker jag att polisens rp passar mig bäst. Jag vill bli polis främst för att jag tycker att det är sjukt roligt men också för att kunna rädda andra civila och bidra med ett bra rp.
    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?:
    Som polis ska jag arrestera tjuvar och brottslingar genom att ge dom straff beroende på vad dom har gjort. Jag ska stoppa allt illegalt på altis och stoppa brott mot andra oskyldiga civila. En av mina största jobb är att vara en trevlig person och bidra med ett så bra rp som möjligt på servern. Om alla fraktioner bidrar med så bra rp som möjligt så blir det mycket trevligare och roligare att spela. Jag bryr mig inte om att förstöra för andra till exempel ge dom böter så fort det är något. Vi alla spelar för att det är kul och då tycker jag att bra rp ska gynnas och i många situationer slippa undan straff. Vi ska fortfarande göra vårt jobb men bra rp scenarios ska gynnas och därför sänka straffet eller så ska personen inte ha något straff alls. Tråkigt med poliser som söker igenom kroppen och hittar illegala saker och sen fullständigt skiter i rp scenario osv.
    Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?:
    Jag förväntar mig att alla är trevliga och att ingen bryter mot serverns regler. 
    What is your input on using lethal force?:
    Om vi bevittnar ett mord har vi rätt att ingripa med skarp eld. Vi har rätt att ingripa med skarp eld när vi blivit hotade med döden. Jag ser helst att vi använder oss utav tazer så att vi kan ge ett straff till personen. Ett straff kan också göra att personen i framtiden slutar med liknande brott.
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?:
    Jag är en skarp skytt, jag är omtänksam och trevlig, jag är duktig på rp och vill alltid bidra med en bättre stämning till servern, Jag har spelat som polis sen tidigare på två stora servrar vilket gör att jag kan ta med mig erfarenhet till poliskåren. Jag kommer även vara väldigt aktiv då jag har rätt mycket tid efter gymnasiet.
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    Man ska alltid vara lojal och respektera de andra på servern. Regler finns för en anledning och är inte till för att brytas. Om jag skulle se någon bryta mot en server regel så spelar jag in detta och skickar till admin. Om folk slutar respektera varandra så blir det en tråkig stämning på servern och det är inget man vill ha.
    Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum):
    När jag föddes fick jag namnet Puma och sen dess har jag alltid strävat efter att göra skillnad. I tidig ålder förstod jag att polislinjen var den rätta utbildningen för mig. Jag har nu pluggat i 8 år på polishögskolan och mer än redo för att börja min hårdträning. Min starkhet, kunskap och uthållighet gör mig mer än redo för att gå ut och göra skillnad. Hoppas jag får chansen att visa vad jag går för.
    Tell us a little about yourself! Heter Simon och kommer från Skåne. ja SVERIGE. På fritiden spenderar jag tid framför datorn och umgås med kompisar. Tro det eller ej så har jag faktiskt fiber vilket gör att jag kan panga tjuvar snabbare än aldrig förr. Det enda som är dåligt med där jag bor är att jag inte har tillgång till hungrig.se vilket är ganska dåligt om man är hungrig. 
  10. Like
    Viktorr reacted to Darwin in Polis app Wazz (b. muskulande)   
    Contact me or Öberg on TS!
  11. Like
    Viktorr reacted to Leothol in car repairing   
    Uncommon on plenty of popular Life servers, so yes, it is quite uncommon to do it.
    -Project Life
    -Nostalgic RP
    -Evolution Gaming RP
    -Arma Roleplay
    (gråt goatis ägd)
  12. Haha
    Viktorr got a reaction from Obbe in car repairing   
    a bug that is quite nice but a bug is that, a car that's been wrecked and not been repaired. and then it's restart they will automatically be repaired after the restart
    i don't know if that's a future of just a bug so i hoped that'll helped and
  13. Like
    Viktorr got a reaction from WoXXeN in police application Ducky Hero [CSA] Viktor   
    Police slots are only available to players who have applied and been accepted for whitelisting.  With the added power that comes with the police position.
    The topics subject MUST be "Police Application (YourForumName) [(YourCurrentIngameName)]". e.g. Police Application Testson [[A.P.D] T. Testson]
    Requirements to join the Police Department are:
    Meet the minimum age of 18. Nope im soon 15
    Understand basic server rules. Of course
    MUST have a working microphone! Of course
    MUST have a good command of the English language. Yes of course
    MUST have a decent understanding of how Roleplaying works. Rp 4 life
    In-Game Name? : Viktor
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number): 76561198165767823
    Age? : soon 15
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: yes both very well
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: nope but been a highly ranked medic for several months
    If yes, what servers?: cvg and some trainee on publiclir but not any more
    Do you have a working microphone?: yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: maybe around 700 hours
    Have you been banned before?: nope
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: yes of course
    Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: yes of course
    Can you follow orders from a younger person?: if he’s having higher ranking than me and he gives me orders that’s relevant then of course
    What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces
    1) Could keep it calm during stressful situations
    2) I can take and give orders if necessary
    3) I like to rp with the other players on the server rather than use my lethal
    4) Being online so civs can feel safe instead of being terrified that someone will rob them any second
    5) always trying to follow the rules and orders that im given
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?:
    My dad were a police officer for quite some time and he really loved it but, then one time on his duty he got shot from a gang called L.Z and he almost died and i just wanted some revenge on them for shooting my dad so that’s why i want to join the police department
    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?:
     Keeping every innocent civilian safe from all the gangs and trying to put a stop of all the criminality on this island so that every innocent person in this country is safe.
    Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?:
     That they’re not freaking out if someone starts shooting at us because that wouldn’t help anyone except the one’s that shooting of course. And in my free time we could have a nice laugh together.
    What is your input on using lethal force?:
     That it should not be used if it isn’t an emergency situation because a lot things could be fixed just with some words.
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?:
     I’m a funny guy that’s really calm in stressful situations and i really enjoy to play with others
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    If the police don’t respect the players on the server the players on the server won’t respect the police either so it’s mutually. You need loyalty to the higher ranked officers in the police department if they don’t have loyalty no one in the police department would listen to them least follow their orders. And if there wasn’t any rule enforcement then there wouldn’t have been a police force just guys in uniform that walk’s around just doing nothing.
    Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum):
    hello my name is Viktor Frisk and im coming from the island Altis. In my youth I lived in a small town called Neochori. My father’s name is Lars and he’s a quite highly ranked officer in the Altis Police Force. But the year i turned 15 my father got in a firefight with a gang called L.Z and got shoot in the chest by a MK20 5.56 mm and almost died but thanks to god he survived that gunfight because his colleagues could keep steady and knew exactly what to do in that situation. I think that if he would had have different colleagues with him right there he wouldn’t make it. So now 35 years old with a degree of engineering and license to fly Helicopter, drive a boat and drive a car. Im highly motivated to stop all crimes in this island so no other 15 year old boy should know how it feels to get his father shot. I think that the police officers that’s on duty for the moment should maybe take overtime so every civilian can feel safe all around the island even up at sofia. So that’s a little about my history and experience on this beautiful island of altis.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
     Hello! My name is Viktor and i live in Stockholm, Sweden. I’m currently going in the ninth class and likes to plan stuff and have control over the things that i can.  
     I really hope that you’ve had a lovely summer as I had!
    Accepted cops will begin at the lowest rank of cadet and can be promoted by serving well and following the police rules (shown in game on the map menu). Increased rank will open new options and abilities.
    You must play as a cop until you reach the rank of Officer.
  14. Like
    Viktorr reacted to Darwin in The police force   
    Thanks! well the goal is not to taze everyone and take their gear, the server will be flooded with gear regardless so i dont see the point. I literally would have no problem letting someone drive straight out of fed with all the gold if they RP themselves out of the situation good enough. Im not saying everyone keeps their gear or that everyone will get free fed gold, what im trying to say is that Altis Life is not real life, we are all here to have fun, and destroying other peoples game experience is not my idea of fun
  15. Like
    Viktorr reacted to walter yellow in The police force   
    In the midst of everyone nagging at the cops about being offline i thought i´d share some positive vibes. When i was online yesterday and met the cops they were actually willing to rp with me and the rest of the gang which has never been as good as it is now. They believed what i said about needing money for my familiy. I have never seen the cops accept that. Also they dont want to take away your guns and vests. They might seize one of the two if you have killed anyone or they will just tell you to put it in the backpack. This is a great change to the police force So keep it up guys!
    I will give a special thanks to Darwin the cheif! And also the main admin of the server Afriel!
    Best regards John Smith
  16. Like
    Viktorr got a reaction from Kafarov in police application Ducky Hero [CSA] Viktor   
    Police slots are only available to players who have applied and been accepted for whitelisting.  With the added power that comes with the police position.
    The topics subject MUST be "Police Application (YourForumName) [(YourCurrentIngameName)]". e.g. Police Application Testson [[A.P.D] T. Testson]
    Requirements to join the Police Department are:
    Meet the minimum age of 18. Nope im soon 15
    Understand basic server rules. Of course
    MUST have a working microphone! Of course
    MUST have a good command of the English language. Yes of course
    MUST have a decent understanding of how Roleplaying works. Rp 4 life
    In-Game Name? : Viktor
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number): 76561198165767823
    Age? : soon 15
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: yes both very well
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: nope but been a highly ranked medic for several months
    If yes, what servers?: cvg and some trainee on publiclir but not any more
    Do you have a working microphone?: yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: maybe around 700 hours
    Have you been banned before?: nope
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: yes of course
    Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: yes of course
    Can you follow orders from a younger person?: if he’s having higher ranking than me and he gives me orders that’s relevant then of course
    What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces
    1) Could keep it calm during stressful situations
    2) I can take and give orders if necessary
    3) I like to rp with the other players on the server rather than use my lethal
    4) Being online so civs can feel safe instead of being terrified that someone will rob them any second
    5) always trying to follow the rules and orders that im given
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?:
    My dad were a police officer for quite some time and he really loved it but, then one time on his duty he got shot from a gang called L.Z and he almost died and i just wanted some revenge on them for shooting my dad so that’s why i want to join the police department
    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?:
     Keeping every innocent civilian safe from all the gangs and trying to put a stop of all the criminality on this island so that every innocent person in this country is safe.
    Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?:
     That they’re not freaking out if someone starts shooting at us because that wouldn’t help anyone except the one’s that shooting of course. And in my free time we could have a nice laugh together.
    What is your input on using lethal force?:
     That it should not be used if it isn’t an emergency situation because a lot things could be fixed just with some words.
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?:
     I’m a funny guy that’s really calm in stressful situations and i really enjoy to play with others
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    If the police don’t respect the players on the server the players on the server won’t respect the police either so it’s mutually. You need loyalty to the higher ranked officers in the police department if they don’t have loyalty no one in the police department would listen to them least follow their orders. And if there wasn’t any rule enforcement then there wouldn’t have been a police force just guys in uniform that walk’s around just doing nothing.
    Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum):
    hello my name is Viktor Frisk and im coming from the island Altis. In my youth I lived in a small town called Neochori. My father’s name is Lars and he’s a quite highly ranked officer in the Altis Police Force. But the year i turned 15 my father got in a firefight with a gang called L.Z and got shoot in the chest by a MK20 5.56 mm and almost died but thanks to god he survived that gunfight because his colleagues could keep steady and knew exactly what to do in that situation. I think that if he would had have different colleagues with him right there he wouldn’t make it. So now 35 years old with a degree of engineering and license to fly Helicopter, drive a boat and drive a car. Im highly motivated to stop all crimes in this island so no other 15 year old boy should know how it feels to get his father shot. I think that the police officers that’s on duty for the moment should maybe take overtime so every civilian can feel safe all around the island even up at sofia. So that’s a little about my history and experience on this beautiful island of altis.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
     Hello! My name is Viktor and i live in Stockholm, Sweden. I’m currently going in the ninth class and likes to plan stuff and have control over the things that i can.  
     I really hope that you’ve had a lovely summer as I had!
    Accepted cops will begin at the lowest rank of cadet and can be promoted by serving well and following the police rules (shown in game on the map menu). Increased rank will open new options and abilities.
    You must play as a cop until you reach the rank of Officer.
  17. Like
    Viktorr got a reaction from Mackan. in police application Ducky Hero [CSA] Viktor   
    Police slots are only available to players who have applied and been accepted for whitelisting.  With the added power that comes with the police position.
    The topics subject MUST be "Police Application (YourForumName) [(YourCurrentIngameName)]". e.g. Police Application Testson [[A.P.D] T. Testson]
    Requirements to join the Police Department are:
    Meet the minimum age of 18. Nope im soon 15
    Understand basic server rules. Of course
    MUST have a working microphone! Of course
    MUST have a good command of the English language. Yes of course
    MUST have a decent understanding of how Roleplaying works. Rp 4 life
    In-Game Name? : Viktor
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number): 76561198165767823
    Age? : soon 15
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: yes both very well
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: nope but been a highly ranked medic for several months
    If yes, what servers?: cvg and some trainee on publiclir but not any more
    Do you have a working microphone?: yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: maybe around 700 hours
    Have you been banned before?: nope
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: yes of course
    Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: yes of course
    Can you follow orders from a younger person?: if he’s having higher ranking than me and he gives me orders that’s relevant then of course
    What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces
    1) Could keep it calm during stressful situations
    2) I can take and give orders if necessary
    3) I like to rp with the other players on the server rather than use my lethal
    4) Being online so civs can feel safe instead of being terrified that someone will rob them any second
    5) always trying to follow the rules and orders that im given
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?:
    My dad were a police officer for quite some time and he really loved it but, then one time on his duty he got shot from a gang called L.Z and he almost died and i just wanted some revenge on them for shooting my dad so that’s why i want to join the police department
    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?:
     Keeping every innocent civilian safe from all the gangs and trying to put a stop of all the criminality on this island so that every innocent person in this country is safe.
    Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?:
     That they’re not freaking out if someone starts shooting at us because that wouldn’t help anyone except the one’s that shooting of course. And in my free time we could have a nice laugh together.
    What is your input on using lethal force?:
     That it should not be used if it isn’t an emergency situation because a lot things could be fixed just with some words.
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?:
     I’m a funny guy that’s really calm in stressful situations and i really enjoy to play with others
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    If the police don’t respect the players on the server the players on the server won’t respect the police either so it’s mutually. You need loyalty to the higher ranked officers in the police department if they don’t have loyalty no one in the police department would listen to them least follow their orders. And if there wasn’t any rule enforcement then there wouldn’t have been a police force just guys in uniform that walk’s around just doing nothing.
    Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum):
    hello my name is Viktor Frisk and im coming from the island Altis. In my youth I lived in a small town called Neochori. My father’s name is Lars and he’s a quite highly ranked officer in the Altis Police Force. But the year i turned 15 my father got in a firefight with a gang called L.Z and got shoot in the chest by a MK20 5.56 mm and almost died but thanks to god he survived that gunfight because his colleagues could keep steady and knew exactly what to do in that situation. I think that if he would had have different colleagues with him right there he wouldn’t make it. So now 35 years old with a degree of engineering and license to fly Helicopter, drive a boat and drive a car. Im highly motivated to stop all crimes in this island so no other 15 year old boy should know how it feels to get his father shot. I think that the police officers that’s on duty for the moment should maybe take overtime so every civilian can feel safe all around the island even up at sofia. So that’s a little about my history and experience on this beautiful island of altis.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
     Hello! My name is Viktor and i live in Stockholm, Sweden. I’m currently going in the ninth class and likes to plan stuff and have control over the things that i can.  
     I really hope that you’ve had a lovely summer as I had!
    Accepted cops will begin at the lowest rank of cadet and can be promoted by serving well and following the police rules (shown in game on the map menu). Increased rank will open new options and abilities.
    You must play as a cop until you reach the rank of Officer.
  18. Like
    Viktorr reacted to Quincy in Quincy Medic Application   
    What is Your in-game name:
    Answer: Quincy

    What is Your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to profilesettings, (select your profile) then press Unit, and change the unit to custom. Now you should see a 17dig number.
    Answer:  76561198194148602

    Have You read all of the server rules?
    Answer: Yes.

    Have You read all of the paramedic rules?
    Answer: Yes.

    Do You promise to always act in-character and never abuse Your power while playing as a Paramedic?
    Answer: Yes

    How long have You played on the server(hours)?
    Answer: Around 2000 hours maybe

    How long have You played Arma 3 (hours)?
    Answer: Around  5000 hours

    Have You been a Paramedic earlier?
    Answer: Yes 

    How often do You play on the server and at what time of the day/night? 
    Answer: i usually play after school on the after noon on work days and on weekends I will probably come on every now and then.

    Why should we picked you as a medic?
    Answer: Because i have a lot of past experience in the role as a paramedic

    Have You been banned before? If yes what have You been banned for?
    Answer: I have been banned for duping and for rdm

    Can You follow orders from a younger person or higher ranked?
    Answer: Of course

    What do You think the medic faction would become better with?
    Answer: I can't come up with something right now.

    Can you fly a helli in arma ?
    Answer: Yes 
    Please provide name and background story for Your character applying to the medic (50-100 Words):
    My name is Quincy and i grow up here on Altis and i have been living here my whole life and i have started a family with my wife and 3 kids here on Altis. I did go to medical school because i love to help people with the problems and give every human a chance to live a healthy life.

    Tell us a little about your self:
    Please type here:  My name is Linus I am in  high school right now on an electricity and energy program, and on my spare time  I usually play computer and hang out with friends or my girlfriend
  19. Like
    Viktorr reacted to Adam Folkesson in Medic Application - Erik Tyrone   
    Accepted contact me Folkesson or R.Castle on ts
  20. Like
    Viktorr reacted to Erik Tyrone in Medic Application - Erik Tyrone   
    What is Your in-game and forum name?:
    Answer: Erik Tyrone
        What is Your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to profilesettings, (select your profile) then press Unit, and change the unit to custom. Now you should see a 17dig number.
    Answer: 76561198082196496
        Have You read all of the server rules?
    Answer: Yes
        Have You read all of the paramedic rules?
    Answer: Yes.
        Do You promise to always act in-character and never abuse Your power while playing as a Paramedic?
    Answer: Of course!
        How long have You played on the server(hours)?
    Answer: Played since 2014, about 1500 hours on CvGaming.
        How long have You played Arma 3 (hours)?
    Answer: 2000~
        Have You been a Paramedic earlier?
    Answer: Yes I have been Medic Specialist before I got my rank as police before Tanoa.
        How often do You play on the server and at what time of the day/night?
    Answer: I play as often as I have time in weekdays, depending on if I have any tests comming up. But I will always be very active in the weekends.
        Why should we picked you as a medic? (minimum 50 words)
    Answer: I have a lot of experience around arma 3 in general with 2000 hours on the game. I love to roleplay, and I think joining the medic force could help me getting into more roleplaying situations. I also have knowledge of all the vehicles that are used within the medic force, and training me will not be a problem as I have been climbing the medic ranks before, making me very experienced.
        Have You been banned on this server or any other servers? If yes what have You been banned for?
    Answer: I have never been banned from the server.
    What can you bring to the medic force?
    Answer: I can bring yet another experienced player who only wants the best for the medic force, as well as tons of positive energy!
        Do you have any past experience with role-playing on this or any other server?
    Answer: Yes, I have played as both police and medic before and I am experienced within the aspect of role playing.
    Can You follow orders from a younger person or higher ranked ?
    Answer: That would never be a problem.
    What do You think the medic faction would become better with?
    Answer: I think the medic force could need more active and fast responding medics!
        Can you fly a heli in arma ?
    Answer: Yes, without any problems.
    Can you provide a role-play name and a role-play background for the character applying to the medic force? (50-150 Words):
    Please type here: My name is Erik Tyrone, I have lived all my life on the Island that is Altis. Ever since tha war broke out on the Island me and my family has been hiding away from the action. We have been lucky so far, but I have also witnessed several people who has not been as lucky as me. Gruesome war crimes gets commited all the time, and there has been a long time where helping has been hopeles. I have finnaly decided that I want to be a part of the medic  force, helping everyone that has been affected by the violence that spreads all around Altis.
        Tell us a little about your self:
    Please type here: My name is Erik, I am 17 years old and I am from Norway. I spend a lot of my time in front of the computer, and also a lot of time working out. I have been playing on CvG since 2014 and am planning to play as long as posible!
  21. Like
    Viktorr reacted to Bachne in Ban Request [G.A] Slave1   
    Efter en konversation med honom på teamspeak så inser jag hur han resonerar och tänker på diverse grejer som saknar allt från verklighetsuppfattning till konsekvenser kring eget agerande.
    "Slave1" blir bannad både ingame och på TS i 2 dagar för hans agerande.
    Ta detta som en knuff i rumpan att faktiskt tänka på saker och ting innan man både talar och agerar.
  22. Haha
    Viktorr reacted to Björne Magasin in Police Application Björne Magasin [[A.P.D] K.Kaya]   
    In-Game Name? : Kon Kaya
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)
    Age? :24
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?:Yes
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: Yes
    If yes, what servers?: This one
    Do you have a working microphone?: Always
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: Cant remember.
    Have you been banned before?: Never
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Always
    Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: I have no gang atm.
    Can you follow orders from a younger person?: så länge den är högre rankad
    What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces
    1) Fun
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?:
    To clean the streets from all the dangerous people.
    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?:
    Being on patrol and answering calls. Helping people in need with whatever it could be.
    Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?:
    To protect me as i would protect them, and loyalty
    What is your input on using lethal force?:
     each aproach can end in both ways but ill try keeping it non lethal if possible
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?:
    Im calm and collected, i communicate
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    Very important
    Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum):
    Tell us a little about yourself!
  23. Like
    Viktorr reacted to Wajk in Side effects of spice.   
    @Darwin hoppas du är stolt över din poliskår 
  24. Like
    Viktorr reacted to Goliat in Side effects of spice.   
  25. Like
    Viktorr reacted to WoXXeN in [T.S] Fail engage   
    Finns ingen anledning till att följa deras regler om de ändå gjort fel? Hade de kunnat reglerna hade situationen aldrig uppstått.
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