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    Castle reacted to Angryherring in Polisen och deras beteende!   
    @bobin I’m not sure why you are pulling up random things such as that in this disgussion, but I guess you’re out of arguements...
    Yes, in fights it would be a lot more rewarding to get a mx instead of a sting, but remember; cops bring their weapon of choice. They don’t always need mx’s, and a sting can prove quite lethal in close range with it’s high rate of fire and devestating damage output.
    Just because the cop is using a ‘bad’ weapon doesnt mean that its because their afraid of losing better gear. 
    Also, just because you want more 6.5 on the server, does not mean that you should make a post where you say cop is the reason behind everything. They are not wrong. They use good gear, they do rp, you just have to rp back!
  2. Like
    Castle reacted to Bachne in A. Harrisson/Nehr - Support   
    A. Harrisson/Nehr - Support
    I want to inform you all that @NEHR has now been granted the rank of support! 
    Congratulations Nehr!

    Here are a few examples of what he will help us with.
    General Questions Rules Vehicle Lost Items lost
  3. Like
    Castle reacted to walter yellow in Polisen och deras beteende!   
    Sorry to tell you this bobin. But this is an RP server. The cops are allowed to use whatever they feel is fit for the situation. 
    If the cops uses a sting etc. Its either because it isnt too big of an threat or that they know that they are at the disadvantage in the situation.
    YOU should not complain about what arms they use in a fight. Just because you are an loot goblin. If you want to have a MX/SPAR. TRY TO RP YOUR WAY INTO GETTING IT. Forexample a hostage situation.
    I do not really see your point here other than that you are hungry for loot.
    Best regards
    John Smith
  4. Like
    Castle reacted to Bachne in Polisen och deras beteende!   
    Hej Bobin!
    Kul och få lite feedback!
    Angående just Polisen, har jag faktiskt fått till mig att de har blivit bättre på att just RP:a. För att 2 personer ska kunna RP:a, måste ju båda parter bjuda upp till "dans".

    Angående att fördela gear till servern stämmer på nå vis. Man kan ju antingen helt enkelt bara öppna en shop med alla vapen, vestar mm. Problematiken med det sättet är ju att varken vi admins eller ni som vi antingen har pratat med eller fått feedback från vill ha det så. Istället har vi valt olika distributions led. Där polisen är en av dem. Ifall du nu tycker att de funkar mindre bra vore det bra att höra hur du tror vi skulle kunna lösa detta? @bobin
  5. Like
    Castle reacted to illmeister in Auktions Event 10/11   
    Efter en jobbig höst är det dags för polisens kvartals rensning av Bevis, Hittegods och Stöldgods - Valven. Det här innebär att en auktion kommer hållas i Airfield HQ på preskriberat material samt fordon och tillhörande delar. För att göra allt enklare har polisen lastat över allt material till olika containrar som kommer att auktioneras ut.
    Var och när hålls auktionen?!
    Auktionen kommer att hållas Fredagen den tionde november (2017-11-10) vid Polis HQ på Airfield klockan efter det första eventet!
    Vad kan containrarna inne hålla?!
    Containrarna kan innehålla allt möjligt  Vapen, Kläder, Västar, Nycklar, Mat , Kemiska vätskor och Mycket mer!
  6. Like
    Castle reacted to Kafarov in Kafarovskij Måntaje 19   
    Liek and subscrieb plez
  7. Like
    Castle reacted to A.Almkvist in [G.L.A] A.Almkvist | Montage 8 :D   
    Har tydligen fått lite för mycket kills så det kommer mest visas klipp från i början av denna wipe
  8. Like
    Castle reacted to Legacy™ in Medic App - Legacy   
    What is Your in-game and forum name?:
    Answer: Spelar inte aktivt just nu, hittar ni inte mitt forum-namn så kan ja inte hjälpa till. 
    What is Your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to profilesettings, (select your profile) then press Unit, and change the unit to custom. Now you should see a 17dig number.
    Answer: Tror de står på min profil.
    Have You read all of the server rules?
    Answer: 1 eller 2 gånger 
    Have You read all of the paramedic rules?
    Answer: Jo
    Do You promise to always act in-character and never abuse Your power while playing as a Paramedic?
    Answer: Yes
    How long have You played on the server(hours)?
    Answer: 2000 timmar+
    How long have You played Arma 3 (hours)?
    Answer: 2200 timmar tror jag
    Have You been a Paramedic earlier?
    Answer: Ja
    How often do You play on the server and at what time of the day/night?
    Answer: Spelar när jag har tid. Nån gång i veckan kanske. 
    Why should we picked you as a medic? (minimum 50 words)
    Answer: Tror en polack skrev frågan. Jag är rätt trevlig och kan höger och vänster, anser mig vara kvalificerad
    Have You been banned on this server or any other servers? If yes what have You been banned for?
    Answer: Ja, men vet fortfarande inte varför. Inte den som bannade mig heller:) 
    What can you bring to the medic force?
    Answer: Edgy memes, Mad RP-skills och så är jag rätt skoj i ts
    Do you have any past experience with role-playing on this or any other server?
    Answer: Haha ja.
    Can You follow orders from a younger person or higher ranked ?
    Answer: Sålänge de är en vettig order spelar de ingen roll vem som yttrar den. 
    What do You think the medic faction would become better with?
    Answer: Mindre frågor på ansökningen vore bättre så att folk kanske faktiskt orkar ansöka. Annars tycker jag medics alltid varit helt ok här.
    Can you fly a heli in arma ?
    Answer: Jo.
    Can you provide a role-play name and a role-play background for the character applying to the medic force? (50-150 Words):
    Please type here:
    Dr. Jack Hoff har länge jobbat på ett sjukhus där han många gånger genom åren stött på folk med cancer, mestadels har det varit bl.a lungcancer och detta har traumatiserat honom eftersom båda hans föräldrar var rökare och gick bort under ett tidigt skede utav hans liv, vilket har lämnat honom med ett brinnande hat mot folk som röker. På fritiden tycker han om att hänga på liseberg och åka deras Nyhet åkatraktion Loke, provsmaka godis på ica maxi hönö och såklart även ta hand om katten Saphi. 
    Tell us a little about your self:
    Please type here:
    Jag heter Legacy, Ex. Admin här. Dsvdv. 
  9. Like
    Castle reacted to Goatis in Medic App - Legacy   
  10. Like
    Castle reacted to Kafarov in Kafarov Montage 18   
  11. Like
    Castle reacted to illmeister in Event: Ifrit Demolition Derby! TONIGHT 21:00   
    Ifrit Demolition Derby!
    Ikväll 03/11 klockan 21:00 kommer vi köra ett ifrit derby i ägget ovanför Gun smuggling. 
    Hur tar man sig dit?
    Har man eget fordon får man gärna ta det till derbyt. Om man mot förmodan inte har ett fordon eller bara inte orkar köra kommer en Huron vara placerad vid Kavala airgarage som lyfter emot event området 20:30.
    Debyt går ut på att du skall försöka krocka och förstöra dina motståndares ifrits eller köra ut dom ur ägget. lämnar man området är man diskvalificerad.
    Hur kommer eventet gå till?
    Hur många omgångar det blir får vi se, detta beror på hur många personer som dyker upp! Målet är iallafall att det ska köras ett par omgångar där det är 6 personer som kör samtidigt.
    Ifrån varje omgång går 3 spelare vidare.
    Om 2 spelare i finalen skulle vara kvar utan däck kommer man att köra en duell mellan dom 2 kvarvarande om priset!
    Event området!
    Vi event promoters tycker pengar är ett tråkig pris. Kom gärna med förslag vilka priser ni vill ha!
  12. Like
    Castle reacted to illmeister in Event: Flytten 01/11 20:00   
    Den stora rebell flytten
    Efter det att rebellerna blivit utkastade ur sin stad (Nuvarande Bandit) så måste alla Föremål och Supplies flyttas ifrån staden till deras nya Ö . Där av kommer rebellerna imorgon (20:00) Att transportera sitt material med hjälpa av 1 Hemtt och 2 Ifrits. ARA kommer att köra ifrån Staden och följa mainroad till Airfield där dom kommer att ha en toa paus i 10Min sen kommer man att följa vägen ner till deras Ö.
    Ni vinner eventet genom att ta Hemtten till en säker position (Safe Zone). ATM eller Airfield räknas inte som en säker position.
    KOS 1km around the convoy.
    1 revive/Person. This applies to ARA aswell.
    ARA are allowed to hire 1 medic. 
    1 Life rule
    Bandit District is closed  this restart!
    After the event the ifrits shall be returned!
    Good Luck and Have Fun
  13. Like
    Castle reacted to Öberg in Patch 5.3   
    Patch 5.3
    Added: Rebel armory depot  Added: 6.5 Silencers to bandit! Added: .45 silencer! Added: Sights to bandit! (Erco, ARCO Black etc.) Added: 9mm Silencer to Gang Hideout! Added: Taxi System (You can now work as a taxi driver and earn money) ALT + T Removed: Weapon sway Moved: Bandit to ghost hotel Moved: Opium, spice field and spice processing Buffed: XP system Removed: Rule about third party engage Lowered: Price on black market license and bandit license Lowered: Prices for every house Updated filters  
    Added: Ghost hawk armed Added: Hunters skins Added: Van skins Rebels
    Added: New HQ and Checkpoint Added: Van Added: New clothing Added: 50cal offroad Removed: Hex clothing Removed: Rebel Town Medic
    Fixed: Heli prices Added: XP when reviving
  14. Like
    Castle reacted to Mirrors in Police Application Mirrors [Kvicke]   
    In-Game Name?: Kvicke
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198071426165
    Age?: 18
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: I do.
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: Yes.
    If yes, what servers?: I played as an officer on CvG when it first launched in the fall of 2014.
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes.
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: I have no idea since I’ve played been active and inactive several times.
    Have you been banned before?: I have not.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: I do.
    Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: Yes.
    Can you follow orders from a younger person?: Age is merely a number.
    What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces
    1)      Patience
    2)      Ability to handle stress
    3)      Good understanding of how the weapons and vehicles in Arma works
    4)      The ability to roleplay
    5)      Being able to cooperate well
    6)      Taking action without being told what to do when needed
    7)      An understanding of the rules 
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?:
    I have been serving as a police officer before and I recall those times as some of the best gaming memories I’ve had. Now that I’ve been medic for a while, I want to give the police career another shot.
    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?:
    You start your day conversing with the fellow kavalians in the market, maybe stopping a suicide or two. After a while you get a call about a gas station robbery which you try to end peacefully. On the way back to the station you happen to see a convoy of trucks leaving the spice processing facility, so you and your colleagues make an ambush at the trader. Before you end your shift you might have to fend off a robbery against the federal reserve. These are are some of the tasks an officer might have to deal with…
    Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?:
    Good communication and cooperation. Although fun is most important part.
    What is your input on using lethal force?:
    With such deadly gangs roaming the roads of Altis, it is a mandatory part of our job. But of course, avoid it as long as you can.
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?:
    I have been a police officer before, reaching the highest rank prior to being a chief. I have recently been a medic, being a v-chief and chief for a short period of time. Also, I have spent a majority of my hours on Arma playing modes like Wasteland, KotH and Domination which is all about tactics and getting involved in firefights. In addition to that, I’m a good roleplayer (In my opinion :P).
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    The three pillars on which the police department rest upon.
    Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum):
    A few years back, Kvicke worked as a mercenary combat medic during the war of Stratis. He would run like the wind behind enemy lines saving the lives of his injured friends, hence the name Kvicke. When the war ended, he had no choice but to seek a civilian career, and so he got the job as a police officer. After serving as an officer for a while, the hospital was in dire need of good medics, so he changed his career and started working at the Kavala hospital where he saved many lives. But he never forgot what it was like to be an officer, so he decided to give it another chance.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    My name is Michael. I’m 18 and currently doing my last year in high school in the nature-science programme. During my free time, I procrastinate homeworks and play games like Arma 3 and Rocket League. I work night shifts at a bakery every other week-end and I’m a badminton coach, so I wont always available.
  15. Like
    Castle reacted to Angryherring in Herring's [A.P.D] "RP" Montage   
    I've been having a blast in the APD force. Loads of funny "RP" scenarios and a lot of KOSKOSKOSKOS. Why not put some of it in the montage?
    Thank you for an awesome time in the force, hope i'll meet you guys out in the field! // A.Herring out!
    Like this post and you will win every engage there is!
  16. Like
    Castle reacted to C.Tev in C.tev police app   
    Requirements to join the Police Department are:
    Meet the minimum age of 18.
    Understand basic server rules.
    MUST have a working microphone!
    MUST have a good command of the English language.
    MUST have a decent understanding of how Roleplaying works.
    In-Game Name? : C.tev
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) : 76561197995903397
    Age? : 22
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Yes
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: Yes
    If yes, what servers?: Cvgaming
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: about 1200 hours
    Have you been banned before?: Yes
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Yes 
    Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: Yes
    Can you follow orders from a younger person?: Yes
    What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces
    1) Good RP
    2) Don't be stressed up in a "hot situation"
    3) Respect other people 
    4) Listen to orders from higher ranked police officers.
    5) problem solving
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?: since i love to RP i would love to be a police officer. Since as civ you got minumin rp. I's basicly "Surrender or die". And as a medic you ress a person and after that they run away.
    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: Make altis safe is the biggest task as the A.P.D. 
    Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?: I expect to be respected around other police officers 
    What is your input on using lethal force?: If it's nessesary. But always the last option.
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: I have a good teamwork ability. And also very respectful
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: #1 as a police officer 
    Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum):
    C.tev born in a small town on the island tanoa. there he were abused by his father and mother. And at the age of 16 he moved to Altis to a support family. He have always want to be a police officer since he was a kid. But he was rejected to get to that goal because his father hate the cops.  But when he finally moved to Altis he had the opportunity to serch to the police academy. He was accepted at the age of 20. And now at the age of 25 he trying to get in to A.P.D
    Tell us a little about yourself! Im 22 years old. and live in a small town of blekinge called karlskrona. Currently working with old people and help then whatever they need help with. 
  17. Like
    Castle reacted to NilsseN in Lämnar sjukvårdarteamet!   
    Som dom flesta redan kanske vet så har jag idag lämnat medic chief! 
    Nu kommer Kvicke, J.Brando och Amos Moses ta över jobbet!
    Jag vill tacka för förtroendet som medic chief! Men vill även säga lycka till till dom nya cheiferna!
    Men man kommer nu hitta mig patrullerades på altis gator.
    - NilsseN
    Fredde har också lämnat.
  18. Like
    Castle reacted to Legacy™ in Destiny 2 Clan!   
    Ifall de är några som redan lirar D2 eller funderar på att skaffa det så kan ni alltid hoppa in i våran clan ifall ni behöver folk att lira med eller bara vill hjälpa till att bidra till att levla upp clanen
    Ni kan gå med i claner genom att logga in med erat Battle.net ID på www.bungie.net och clanen hittar ni här https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=2749613
    Ha de gött
  19. Like
    Castle reacted to J.Brando in Medics on Cvgaming   
    Hello all players on Cvgaming!
    As you guys probably know the medics has been often been quite inactive and it has been few medics online. Me, Kvicke and Amos Moses has taken over the role as medic chiefs and will be starting to plan how we are gonna make this work. We are currently working to plan this on how to get more medics active and create a good medic core! If any of you players are looking for a faction to play in, the medic core are currently looking for players.Make a medic application and we will take a look at that soon as possible. We think that players that want to play in a faction, medic is a good start.  I hope you guys give us some time to make this work. Have a good day!
    Medic chiefs J.Brando,Amos Moses & Kvicke
  20. Like
    Castle reacted to Kafarov in Kafadog's Montage 16 & 17   
    Inte laddat upp på ett tag nu, har man tråkigt så har man
    Gilla gärna så slipper jag ta livet av mig
  21. Like
    Castle reacted to Bachne in Bracket - Suppork   
    Bracket - Support
    I want to inform you all that Bracket has now returned home from his Train journey and once again granted the rank of support! 
    Congratulations @Halffinger Pete!

    Here are a few examples of what he will help us with.
    General Questions Rules Vehicle Lost
  22. Like
    Castle reacted to WoXXeN in Event: Battle Royale 27/10 21:00   
    Battle Royale
    Battle Royale is back. Become the last man standing and win huge.
    The event:
    Meetup at the hunting ground (COME UNGEARED/NAKED) where Event promoters will give out one bag to every participant, the content may vary.
    Everyone will be given bags with guns and gear, and some First Aid Kits. The content of the bags could be different and its your luck that determines what you will start with. It could be either only a Rook or if you are lucky you will get a Mk20.
    When every participants have a bag you have 10 minutes to spread out inside the zone and get ready. After 10 minutes there will be a Admin Message that starts the event, and each 10 minutes the circle will get smaller and smaller, If you are outside the circle when it shrinks, you will get shot at and killed. We start in the BLACK Circle, after 10 minutes we move the event to inside the RED circle, after yet another 10 minutes we move inside the BLUE circle as shown in the image below.
    And now its every man for themselfs, and the last man standing will win.
    A base amount of $1.000.000 and for every participant the price goes up with $100,000. So for example if there are 10 people participating the price will be $2,000,000.
    One life rule
    No teamwork.
    No shooting before the Admin Message.
    APD/ARA/Medics are allowed to participate.
    No Revive. You have to respawn.

    Meetup at hunting ground, everyone participating sits in Event promoters Public in TeamSpeak (ts.cvgaming.net) during the event.
    Hosted by WoXXeN & Illmeister.
    And as always: If you continuously break Event rules just to grief, there will be consequences. 
  23. Like
    Castle reacted to Erik Tyrone in [G.L.A] Gangland Application!   
    Hello CvGaming.
    Global Liberation Army has been spending quite some time to overcome the other gangs. We want to stand out, we believe that we are ready to finally conquer one piece of the altis island and make sure that every single civilian, police, and rebel on the island know who we are. G.L.A has now come together with the sum of 50.000.000$ which will be used to take complete control over the town that is; "Neochori ".
    The Global Liberation Army now consists of the following members:
    -Erik Tyrone
    -Amos Moses
    We expect the gang to be growing in the future, and keeping these members that are already in the gang loyal to this gang, and only this for as long as we own the land around Neochori with as few as possible making other decisions. We hope to conquer the land as soon as possible, and we hope to see you all on the island.
  24. Like
    Castle reacted to Adam Folkesson in farthinder   
    Farthinderna i kavala hjälper just nu inte så mycket för men kan lätt köra över 200 och ännu mer med en hatchback sport. så tror dom behöver höjas som dom var innan då inte jag haft problem att köra över dom med nått fordon då jag har kört över dom i ca 10-30 km/t
  25. Like
    Castle reacted to Kafarov in Bug Reporting från A.P.D   
    - Health Bar fungerar inte korrekt
    - Poliser får ''kicked off'' helt random
    - FPS sjunker så fort någon börjar ta över Bandit District och återställs efter restart
    Punkterna ovan gäller tills dom är överstrukna
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