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Reputation Activity

  1. Like
    luckiiee got a reaction from Viktorr in [G.L.A] Gangland Application!   
    We haven't forgot you, I will bump this up with the Admins!
  2. Like
    luckiiee reacted to Afriel in Angånde hex   
    Detta gäller så länge  antalet hexkläder inte ökar magiskt i folks hus, märker jag att det händer. Då försvinner hex för alla =( 
  3. Like
    luckiiee reacted to Bachne in Bracket - Suppork   
    Bracket - Support
    I want to inform you all that Bracket has now returned home from his Train journey and once again granted the rank of support! 
    Congratulations @Halffinger Pete!

    Here are a few examples of what he will help us with.
    General Questions Rules Vehicle Lost
  4. Thanks
    luckiiee got a reaction from Ramo in Ban Request [M.S]   
    I have talked to Ramo and he wants to go on with the ban request. 
    I will review the material provided with other mods/admins and get back with a decision asap! 
  5. Like
    luckiiee reacted to Öberg in Angånde hex   
    Det har varit ganska mycket diskussioner angånde våra hex kläder nu på senaste tid. Hex kläderna kommer att försvinna i nästa patch som kommer men tills dess har vi i rebellerna bestämt att vi inte kommer spela med hex.
    Kommer ni med andra ideér eller förslag så hör gärna av er!
  6. Like
    luckiiee reacted to Bachne in Öberg - Junior Admin   
    Öberg - Junior Admin
    I want to inform you all that @Öberg has now been granted the role as Junior Admin! 
    Congratulations, Öberg!
  7. Like
    luckiiee reacted to Bachne in Goliat - Moderator   
    Goliat - Moderator
    I want to inform you that Goliat has stepped up to Moderator role here at CvGaming!
    Welcome, @Goliat!
    Here are a few examples of what he will help you with:
    General Questions Rules Items Loss Vehicle Loss Bans Forum
  8. Like
    luckiiee got a reaction from Harrisson in Vad tycker ni?   
    Vi hänger verkligen inte bara i outposten, vi är där ibland javisst. Men oftast är vi ute och åker, ingen som har tåladmod i rebellerna att stå still där i flera timmar.  
    Meningen är ju att outposten ska vara svår att ta över, annars fyller den ju ingen funktion för oss mer än som en spawn, väljer man att ta en fight där så får man ju ta att det blir en svårare svårighetsgrad. Senaste dagarna när jag spelat har vi varit minimalt i outpost, mest ute och åkt på kartan! 
  9. Like
    luckiiee reacted to Goliat in Vad tycker ni?   
    Under tiden vi har haft problem med no message recieved on DDos så har rebellerna gjort ett mycket bra jobb på att vara aktiva. Jag kan desvärre inte säga samma sak om vissa andra, därför tycker jag att vi har lite mer koll på vad vi håller på med än de uttalanden som skrivs här. Så känner jag iallafall.
  10. Like
    luckiiee reacted to Goliat in Vad tycker ni?   
    Vi har koll på det vi själva håller på med. Att folk säger att vi inte RP'ar med civs är falsk information. Jag tycker inte att vissa ska uttala sig när man inte ens spelar på servern aktivt.
  11. Like
    luckiiee reacted to Goliat in Vad tycker ni?   
    Det är lite svårt att vara aktiv och göra det när servern har haft problem och blivit DDosad och det inte finns civila att interacta med. Vi hjälper civs så fort vi får chans. Och vi gömmer oss verkligen inte i outposten för att ta betalt..
  12. Like
    luckiiee reacted to Goliat in Vad tycker ni?   
    Vi spawnar in i Outpost för att den ligger nära centrum där många civila befinner sig. Vi har nära anknytning till diverse olagligheter så det är bra för oss. Det är inte så konstigt om ni ser oss där då det är våran huvud hub för tillfället. Vi åker runt som Luckiiee säger och vi åkter tillbaka till outpost också för att refilla supplies osv. eller för att köra ut truckar så om ni förväntar er att våran outpost ska vara "tom" kommer inte hända.

    I annat fall kan jag personligen tycka att det är bra att det är folk där eftersom då vet man att det är aktivitet. Att ni inte hittar oss på kartan är väl inte vårat problem, vi åker runt och om ni inte hittar oss ska vi väl inte få skit för.
  13. Like
    luckiiee got a reaction from Goliat in Vad tycker ni?   
    Vi hänger verkligen inte bara i outposten, vi är där ibland javisst. Men oftast är vi ute och åker, ingen som har tåladmod i rebellerna att stå still där i flera timmar.  
    Meningen är ju att outposten ska vara svår att ta över, annars fyller den ju ingen funktion för oss mer än som en spawn, väljer man att ta en fight där så får man ju ta att det blir en svårare svårighetsgrad. Senaste dagarna när jag spelat har vi varit minimalt i outpost, mest ute och åkt på kartan! 
  14. Like
    luckiiee reacted to Goatis in Hotfixes 5.2   
    Såg det och kikar på det.
  15. Like
    luckiiee reacted to Afriel in Goliat - Support   
    Goliat - Support
    I want to inform you all that @Goliat has now been granted the rank of support! 
    Congratulations  Goliat!

    Here are a few examples of what he will help us with.
    General Questions Rules Vehicle Lost Items lost
  16. Sad
    luckiiee reacted to NilsseN in Medic Application Viktorr   
    Declined  You are welcome to apply in 1 week again.
    Question contact me NilsseN on ts.
  17. Haha
    luckiiee reacted to Afriel in Police Application   
    wow.. really? 
  18. Like
    luckiiee got a reaction from Kafarov in Police application Luckiiee   
    In-Game Name? : J.Lopéz
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)
    Age? : 27
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Si
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: Yes
    If yes, what servers?: This and this, and another one
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 3500 hours
    Have you been banned before?: yes, my proudest moment (fu afriel)
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Ofc!
    Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: Its gonna be tough on the guys but I think they will manage without me carry them.
    Can you follow orders from a younger person?: Yes sir, Im old so basically everyone is younger and me.
    What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces
    1) Teamwork
    2) Serious
    3) Mature 
    4) Able to give and take critisism
    5) Being able to handle tough situations
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?:
    I feel like I have alot of experience from it that would help and gain the current police force and also my ArmA feeling went thru the roof the other day so Im ready!
    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?:
    Help civs with everything from giving directions to help them out when they get robbed, making sure everyone is safe In the harsh world that we live in.
    Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?:
    Seriousity, teamwork, being helpful to both eachother as the people we serve to protect.
    What is your input on using lethal force?:
    Only when you absolutly have to!
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?:
    My long experience as police is in it self enough if you ask me, but addition to that I would say my abilities to help other people, able to handle rough situations and Im an excellent driver (no joke)
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:

    All required if you want a police force to not crash and burn.
    Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum):

    My name is Jesus Lopéz, was a long serving officer of the law in Altis before I moved to korfu where I found what I thought was the love of my life (it wasn't.. crazy bitch).
    So after wasting 6 long years of my life on that evil creation of satan I finally moved out and lived in Switzerland for 2 years where I worked as a watchmaker, the most boring time of my life. 
    I did find a nice lady named Helga, she was 2.10 high and strong as an oxe, we had some great times but I felt the urge to come back to altis as I read the news about the criminality rising again. 
    I wanted to come back and help my fellow citizens to what altis was when I left 8 years ago, Im in my best shape I've ever been, and couldn't feel more ready to fight crime again.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Nu j**lar kom jag på att man kan svara på svenska, nåja.. Simon heter jag rutinerad cvg spelare som gör comeback, har ca 4k timmar ArmA III i bagaget, många vet nog redan vem jag är och vad jag är (en gammal gnällröv, förhoppningsvis på bättringsvägen ). Men ifall någon här kanske inte vet så är jag 27 år UNG, bor i norra Sverige och är allmänt nice!

    Tack och Hej!
  19. Like
    luckiiee got a reaction from Goliat in Police application Luckiiee   
    In-Game Name? : J.Lopéz
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)
    Age? : 27
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Si
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: Yes
    If yes, what servers?: This and this, and another one
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 3500 hours
    Have you been banned before?: yes, my proudest moment (fu afriel)
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Ofc!
    Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: Its gonna be tough on the guys but I think they will manage without me carry them.
    Can you follow orders from a younger person?: Yes sir, Im old so basically everyone is younger and me.
    What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces
    1) Teamwork
    2) Serious
    3) Mature 
    4) Able to give and take critisism
    5) Being able to handle tough situations
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?:
    I feel like I have alot of experience from it that would help and gain the current police force and also my ArmA feeling went thru the roof the other day so Im ready!
    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?:
    Help civs with everything from giving directions to help them out when they get robbed, making sure everyone is safe In the harsh world that we live in.
    Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?:
    Seriousity, teamwork, being helpful to both eachother as the people we serve to protect.
    What is your input on using lethal force?:
    Only when you absolutly have to!
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?:
    My long experience as police is in it self enough if you ask me, but addition to that I would say my abilities to help other people, able to handle rough situations and Im an excellent driver (no joke)
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:

    All required if you want a police force to not crash and burn.
    Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum):

    My name is Jesus Lopéz, was a long serving officer of the law in Altis before I moved to korfu where I found what I thought was the love of my life (it wasn't.. crazy bitch).
    So after wasting 6 long years of my life on that evil creation of satan I finally moved out and lived in Switzerland for 2 years where I worked as a watchmaker, the most boring time of my life. 
    I did find a nice lady named Helga, she was 2.10 high and strong as an oxe, we had some great times but I felt the urge to come back to altis as I read the news about the criminality rising again. 
    I wanted to come back and help my fellow citizens to what altis was when I left 8 years ago, Im in my best shape I've ever been, and couldn't feel more ready to fight crime again.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Nu j**lar kom jag på att man kan svara på svenska, nåja.. Simon heter jag rutinerad cvg spelare som gör comeback, har ca 4k timmar ArmA III i bagaget, många vet nog redan vem jag är och vad jag är (en gammal gnällröv, förhoppningsvis på bättringsvägen ). Men ifall någon här kanske inte vet så är jag 27 år UNG, bor i norra Sverige och är allmänt nice!

    Tack och Hej!
  20. Thanks
    luckiiee reacted to Darwin in Police application Luckiiee   
    Contact me or Öberg on TS!
  21. Sad
    luckiiee got a reaction from v.pUTIN in Police application Luckiiee   
    In-Game Name? : J.Lopéz
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)
    Age? : 27
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Si
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: Yes
    If yes, what servers?: This and this, and another one
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 3500 hours
    Have you been banned before?: yes, my proudest moment (fu afriel)
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Ofc!
    Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: Its gonna be tough on the guys but I think they will manage without me carry them.
    Can you follow orders from a younger person?: Yes sir, Im old so basically everyone is younger and me.
    What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces
    1) Teamwork
    2) Serious
    3) Mature 
    4) Able to give and take critisism
    5) Being able to handle tough situations
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?:
    I feel like I have alot of experience from it that would help and gain the current police force and also my ArmA feeling went thru the roof the other day so Im ready!
    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?:
    Help civs with everything from giving directions to help them out when they get robbed, making sure everyone is safe In the harsh world that we live in.
    Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?:
    Seriousity, teamwork, being helpful to both eachother as the people we serve to protect.
    What is your input on using lethal force?:
    Only when you absolutly have to!
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?:
    My long experience as police is in it self enough if you ask me, but addition to that I would say my abilities to help other people, able to handle rough situations and Im an excellent driver (no joke)
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:

    All required if you want a police force to not crash and burn.
    Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum):

    My name is Jesus Lopéz, was a long serving officer of the law in Altis before I moved to korfu where I found what I thought was the love of my life (it wasn't.. crazy bitch).
    So after wasting 6 long years of my life on that evil creation of satan I finally moved out and lived in Switzerland for 2 years where I worked as a watchmaker, the most boring time of my life. 
    I did find a nice lady named Helga, she was 2.10 high and strong as an oxe, we had some great times but I felt the urge to come back to altis as I read the news about the criminality rising again. 
    I wanted to come back and help my fellow citizens to what altis was when I left 8 years ago, Im in my best shape I've ever been, and couldn't feel more ready to fight crime again.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Nu j**lar kom jag på att man kan svara på svenska, nåja.. Simon heter jag rutinerad cvg spelare som gör comeback, har ca 4k timmar ArmA III i bagaget, många vet nog redan vem jag är och vad jag är (en gammal gnällröv, förhoppningsvis på bättringsvägen ). Men ifall någon här kanske inte vet så är jag 27 år UNG, bor i norra Sverige och är allmänt nice!

    Tack och Hej!
  22. Like
    luckiiee got a reaction from Rarre in Police application Luckiiee   
    In-Game Name? : J.Lopéz
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)
    Age? : 27
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Si
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: Yes
    If yes, what servers?: This and this, and another one
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 3500 hours
    Have you been banned before?: yes, my proudest moment (fu afriel)
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Ofc!
    Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: Its gonna be tough on the guys but I think they will manage without me carry them.
    Can you follow orders from a younger person?: Yes sir, Im old so basically everyone is younger and me.
    What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces
    1) Teamwork
    2) Serious
    3) Mature 
    4) Able to give and take critisism
    5) Being able to handle tough situations
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?:
    I feel like I have alot of experience from it that would help and gain the current police force and also my ArmA feeling went thru the roof the other day so Im ready!
    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?:
    Help civs with everything from giving directions to help them out when they get robbed, making sure everyone is safe In the harsh world that we live in.
    Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?:
    Seriousity, teamwork, being helpful to both eachother as the people we serve to protect.
    What is your input on using lethal force?:
    Only when you absolutly have to!
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?:
    My long experience as police is in it self enough if you ask me, but addition to that I would say my abilities to help other people, able to handle rough situations and Im an excellent driver (no joke)
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:

    All required if you want a police force to not crash and burn.
    Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum):

    My name is Jesus Lopéz, was a long serving officer of the law in Altis before I moved to korfu where I found what I thought was the love of my life (it wasn't.. crazy bitch).
    So after wasting 6 long years of my life on that evil creation of satan I finally moved out and lived in Switzerland for 2 years where I worked as a watchmaker, the most boring time of my life. 
    I did find a nice lady named Helga, she was 2.10 high and strong as an oxe, we had some great times but I felt the urge to come back to altis as I read the news about the criminality rising again. 
    I wanted to come back and help my fellow citizens to what altis was when I left 8 years ago, Im in my best shape I've ever been, and couldn't feel more ready to fight crime again.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Nu j**lar kom jag på att man kan svara på svenska, nåja.. Simon heter jag rutinerad cvg spelare som gör comeback, har ca 4k timmar ArmA III i bagaget, många vet nog redan vem jag är och vad jag är (en gammal gnällröv, förhoppningsvis på bättringsvägen ). Men ifall någon här kanske inte vet så är jag 27 år UNG, bor i norra Sverige och är allmänt nice!

    Tack och Hej!
  23. Like
    luckiiee reacted to Goatis in Police application Luckiiee   
    I am Goatis and I approve this message.
    Jk <3
  24. Like
    luckiiee got a reaction from Goatis in Police application Luckiiee   
    In-Game Name? : J.Lopéz
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)
    Age? : 27
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Si
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: Yes
    If yes, what servers?: This and this, and another one
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 3500 hours
    Have you been banned before?: yes, my proudest moment (fu afriel)
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Ofc!
    Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: Its gonna be tough on the guys but I think they will manage without me carry them.
    Can you follow orders from a younger person?: Yes sir, Im old so basically everyone is younger and me.
    What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces
    1) Teamwork
    2) Serious
    3) Mature 
    4) Able to give and take critisism
    5) Being able to handle tough situations
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?:
    I feel like I have alot of experience from it that would help and gain the current police force and also my ArmA feeling went thru the roof the other day so Im ready!
    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?:
    Help civs with everything from giving directions to help them out when they get robbed, making sure everyone is safe In the harsh world that we live in.
    Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?:
    Seriousity, teamwork, being helpful to both eachother as the people we serve to protect.
    What is your input on using lethal force?:
    Only when you absolutly have to!
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?:
    My long experience as police is in it self enough if you ask me, but addition to that I would say my abilities to help other people, able to handle rough situations and Im an excellent driver (no joke)
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:

    All required if you want a police force to not crash and burn.
    Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum):

    My name is Jesus Lopéz, was a long serving officer of the law in Altis before I moved to korfu where I found what I thought was the love of my life (it wasn't.. crazy bitch).
    So after wasting 6 long years of my life on that evil creation of satan I finally moved out and lived in Switzerland for 2 years where I worked as a watchmaker, the most boring time of my life. 
    I did find a nice lady named Helga, she was 2.10 high and strong as an oxe, we had some great times but I felt the urge to come back to altis as I read the news about the criminality rising again. 
    I wanted to come back and help my fellow citizens to what altis was when I left 8 years ago, Im in my best shape I've ever been, and couldn't feel more ready to fight crime again.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Nu j**lar kom jag på att man kan svara på svenska, nåja.. Simon heter jag rutinerad cvg spelare som gör comeback, har ca 4k timmar ArmA III i bagaget, många vet nog redan vem jag är och vad jag är (en gammal gnällröv, förhoppningsvis på bättringsvägen ). Men ifall någon här kanske inte vet så är jag 27 år UNG, bor i norra Sverige och är allmänt nice!

    Tack och Hej!
  25. Like
    luckiiee got a reaction from Legacy™ in Police application Luckiiee   
    In-Game Name? : J.Lopéz
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)
    Age? : 27
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Si
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: Yes
    If yes, what servers?: This and this, and another one
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 3500 hours
    Have you been banned before?: yes, my proudest moment (fu afriel)
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Ofc!
    Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: Its gonna be tough on the guys but I think they will manage without me carry them.
    Can you follow orders from a younger person?: Yes sir, Im old so basically everyone is younger and me.
    What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces
    1) Teamwork
    2) Serious
    3) Mature 
    4) Able to give and take critisism
    5) Being able to handle tough situations
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?:
    I feel like I have alot of experience from it that would help and gain the current police force and also my ArmA feeling went thru the roof the other day so Im ready!
    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?:
    Help civs with everything from giving directions to help them out when they get robbed, making sure everyone is safe In the harsh world that we live in.
    Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?:
    Seriousity, teamwork, being helpful to both eachother as the people we serve to protect.
    What is your input on using lethal force?:
    Only when you absolutly have to!
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?:
    My long experience as police is in it self enough if you ask me, but addition to that I would say my abilities to help other people, able to handle rough situations and Im an excellent driver (no joke)
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:

    All required if you want a police force to not crash and burn.
    Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum):

    My name is Jesus Lopéz, was a long serving officer of the law in Altis before I moved to korfu where I found what I thought was the love of my life (it wasn't.. crazy bitch).
    So after wasting 6 long years of my life on that evil creation of satan I finally moved out and lived in Switzerland for 2 years where I worked as a watchmaker, the most boring time of my life. 
    I did find a nice lady named Helga, she was 2.10 high and strong as an oxe, we had some great times but I felt the urge to come back to altis as I read the news about the criminality rising again. 
    I wanted to come back and help my fellow citizens to what altis was when I left 8 years ago, Im in my best shape I've ever been, and couldn't feel more ready to fight crime again.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Nu j**lar kom jag på att man kan svara på svenska, nåja.. Simon heter jag rutinerad cvg spelare som gör comeback, har ca 4k timmar ArmA III i bagaget, många vet nog redan vem jag är och vad jag är (en gammal gnällröv, förhoppningsvis på bättringsvägen ). Men ifall någon här kanske inte vet så är jag 27 år UNG, bor i norra Sverige och är allmänt nice!

    Tack och Hej!
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