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    [A.P.D] Camaz
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    Askim, Norway


  • IGN
    [A.P.D] A.Amunsen

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  1. weekly reward for the best RP record? maybe an Icon on TS like: This weeks RP or sumthing
  2. since i was a part of the clip 10 points!
  3. Caption of the start: Its the Oilfield Keep in mind: everyone is bad the first time... lel
  4. Fortsett med det bra medic arbeidet! :)

  5. It look like you nees some Oil my friend. *gives oil and fly away *

  6. TAKE SOME OIL MAN, it will give you the strenght you need to keep ALTIS safe.

  7. I dont understand so much swedish in text, so I just gonna say this: you didnt bait kos, instead u just RDM'ed here. Sorry for my mistake, but to knock a person down and shot him like that is overkill. And to be fair, you where the one contacting me on TS with a very raging and threatning mood aswell. So as I see it, you didnt understand that RDM is wrong, even tho another person do something wrong, RDM is not a solution or excused.
  8. Name: *[A.P.D] M.Camaz* Offender-Name: *[?] Krayroski* Date: 2015-12-18 - <around 14:00> Reason: Shooting without any engade what so ever, in the middle of RP with his other gang member, im holstering the tazer to take a look at the ID, then knocked and shoot down. If a person should have anything against going off RP take it on a peacly maner, this was just so wrong i could not just let it slip by. Sorry for bad grammer, if anything is left out please just comment it (ADMINS) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKr1hkdrLQI&feature=youtu.be
  9. atleast he wants to live boys. Dont be so hard on the ppl that RP for their life!
  10. Camaz

    [Ban request] RDM

    we got a warning to leave the area, we left the area you where at, landed on another island as the video show. still avalible on TS.... but since some cops dosent care for solving it there, it seems like it must go like this.
  11. Camaz

    [Ban request] RDM

    the reason why I even uploaded this is since you police officers shoot first and think afterwards plenty of times, when we are in a chopper, when we are unarmed, have nothing to do with anything except that cops are 2 trigger happy, had multible talks with officers about it, admins aswell. Now I want to upload the first one, have many more that is in the past that I dont wish to upload since they are talked out, even tho the talk is without meaning since you are still trigger happy, personly I think this is the only way to start making some of you in the police that is to trigger happy to stop shoot before RP. In an RP server, we RP before killing people, ALWAYS. More then welcome in our room even tho I had many conversations with officers before without doing any good about the RDMing issue.
  12. Camaz

    [Ban request] RDM

    When you enter a zone ofc, but the facts is that we left your zone early in the video as you asked us to do, you did NOT say anything about where we landed just the zone you where at, if you think that that zone is not that island but a huge safezone circle, well then i dont agree.
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