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About Viktorr

  • Birthday 11/04/2002

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    [Cv-D] Joakim
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. What is Your in-game?: Answer: Viktor What is Forum name?: Answer: Viktorr Are you a member of a gang? If so what gang?: Answer: nope What is Your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to profilesettings, (select your profile) then press Unit, and change the unit to custom. Now you should see a 17dig number. Answer: editar in de How old are you? Answer: 16 Do you speak both swedish and english? Answer: ja Have You read all of the server rules and the Medic rules? Answer: ja How long have You played on the server(hours)? Answer: 1400+ i allafall How long have You played Arma 3 (hours)? Answer: 1816h Why do you want to become a medic? (minimum 50 words) Answer: jag känner att jag kan göra mer nytta som ambulans än som något annat och gillar att rpa som ambulans det gör mig hel ^^ Describe what you think that a medic does? (minimum 40 words) Answer: interagerar med folk som bor i staden och håller koll på deras hälsa så ingen dör eller ingen får någon dödlig sjukdom och hjälper folk som är på väg att avlida Have You been a Paramedic earlier or played in another faction on CVGaming? Answer: ja, har varit medic ett j**la bra tag men har även varit poils How often do You play on the server and at what time of the day/night? Answer: oftast efter 17 eftersom skolan jag gå på ligger långt borta och sen till 21-22 och extra mycket på helger Why should we pick you as a medic? (minimum 40 words) Answer: känner att jag kan tillföra saker till kåren så det blir så bra som möjligt! har varit det extremt mycket och vet hur det går till Have You been banned on this server? If yes what have You been banned for? Answer: nope What can you bring to the medic force? Answer: aktiv spelare som tillför mycket erfarenhet och kunskap What qualities do you think a medic should have that fits you, name at least 4 pieces 1: aktiv 2: vilja rpa 3: ska kunna snacka med exakt alla 4: vilja hjälpa till 5: Do you have any past experience with role-playing on this or any other server? Answer: japp denna, ett flertal fivem servrar där jag även varit sjukvårdare chef Can You follow orders from a younger person or higher ranked? Yes/No Answer: ja If we are going to accept you, are you going to be active? Yes/No Answer: ja What do You think the medic faction should become better with? Answer: mer aktiva medics Can you provide a role-play name and a role-play background for the character applying to the medic force? (Minimum 60 Words): Please type here: Viktor Frisk här! är 30 år gammal och har precis flyttat från en annan stad så kallad stenhamra! där var jag polis för några år och hann bli inspektör innan staden dog ut pga, aa jag vet helt ärligt inte, folk bara flyttade och sen flyttade flera o flera efter de. är dock inte intresserad av att bli polis utan skulle vilja bli bilförsäljare men det är en annan diskussion för ett annat tillfälle! jag är ursprungligen född i Sverige på Huddinge sjukhus och har bott i sverige hela mitt liv dock i flera olika städer från norr till söder, jag har tyvärr ingen älskarinna men om ni känner någon får ni mitt nummer att ge till henne! Har inte längre någon fader eller moder de avled tyvärr för bara något år sedan Tell us a little about your self: Please type here: skön kille som lirar med alla och går ettan på gymnasiet i stockholm
  2. Police slots are only available to players who have applied and been accepted for whitelisting. With the added power that comes with the police position. The topics subject MUST be "Police Application (YourForumName) [(YourCurrentIngameName)]". e.g. Police Application Testson [[A.P.D] T. Testson] Requirements to join the Police Department are: Meet the minimum age of 18. Understand basic server rules. MUST have a working microphone! MUST have a good command of the English language. MUST have a decent understanding of how Roleplaying works. In-Game Name? : Charlie Frisk What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) Skickar sen Age? : 15 Do you speak both Swedish and English?: yes Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: ja har varit på denna If yes, what servers?: cvgaming Do you have a working microphone?: ja How long have you played on CvGaming?: ish 1500 timmar Have you been banned before?: nope Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: ja Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: yes Can you follow orders from a younger person?: Absolut What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces 1) Lugn 2) Bra på att RPA 3) klarar av stressiga situationer 4) klarar av att köra olika typer av fordon 5) drar ej vapnet i onödan Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?: var det ett tag och nu sugen på att försöka igen och göra mitt bästa Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: skydda invånarna från personer som vill skada dem, och förminska krimen i staden så gott det går Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?: Någon som håller ens rygg när det behövs och kan ge konstruktiv feedback istället för " du är dålig" What is your input on using lethal force?: använd ej det ifall det ej behövs Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: Bra på att RPA, lyssnar på andra skriker ej i ts What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: utan dessa fungerar inte polisstyrkan, poliserna jobbar utifrån detta Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum): Hej! mitt namn är Charlie Frisk och har haft en ganska tuff barndom. mina föräldrar dog av en terroristattack i Kavala för många år sedan och sen behövt flytta runt i barnhem, vissa av dem var "nice" dock var vissa såklart skit. I ett hem var min fakepappa som sport att slå mig, alltså han tog tid på hur lång tid det tog innan jag tuppade av. jag hade inte riktigt några vänner i skolan så är inte speciellt social av mig och när jag väl säger något blir det fel och någon tar illa upp så försöker prata så lite som möjligt för att bevara personers känslor. men till slut förstod någon vad som hade hänt med mig och ringde polisen vilket jag är tacksam för, annars hade jag nog varit död nu. då fick jag hjälpen som jag behövde och nu försöker jag ge tillbaka och hjälpa de som blivit utsatta för sånt här genom att gå med i poliskåren. Detta var 25-30 år sedan men jag kommer fortfarande ihåg det. Tell us a little about yourself! Jo ska precis sluta nian och är sugen på att börja köra arma 3 igen Hoppas vi ses ingame ifall jag är polis eller inte!
  3. jag som då inte är 18+ tycker att det borde vara 15-16+ för det är väldigt många som är i just den åldern som kör på servern eller som har kört på den (tror jag)
  4. Paramedic slots are only available to players who have applied and been accepted for whitelisting. It is vital that you fulfill the requirements before applying. The topics subject MUST be "Medic Application (YourForumName) [(YourCurrentIngameName)]". e.g. Medic Application WoXXeN [[E.M.S] W. Hutchinsson] Not filling out everything in the medic application, will be AUTO-Declined Requirements for joining the Paramedic Departement are as follows: -MUST meet the minimum age of 15 (exceptions can be made). yes -MUST have knowledge about basic server rules, and paramedic rules. yes -MUST have a working microphone! yes -MUST have a good command of the English language yes ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It is vital that everything inside the green lines are copied and pasted into Your Paramedic Application! What is Your in-game and forum name?: Answer: [LW] Trip What is Your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to profilesettings, (select your profile) then press Unit, and change the unit to custom. Now you should see a 17dig number. Answer: How old are you? Answer: 15 Do you speak both swedish and english? Answer: yes Have You read all of the server rules and the paramedic rules? Answer: yes How long have You played on the server(hours)? Answer: 900 hours How long have You played Arma 3 (hours)? Answer: 1600 hours Why do you want to become a medic? Answer: i played medic before and liked it and now i want to play it again describe what you think that a medic does? Answer: help everyone that needs help even if it’s a flat tire, RP a lot! Have You been a Paramedic earlier or played in another faction on cvgaming? Answer: yes aswell as som cop on this server How often do You play on the server and at what time of the day/night? Answer: i’ll try to play every day mostly like 16-21 Why should we pick you as a medic? (minimum 25 words) Answer: a nice guy who loves to rp and is good at it. Im active and i’ll always help people Have You been banned on this server? If yes what have You been banned for? Answer: nope What can you bring to the medic force? Answer: a nice guy that want’s to help people and doesn’t favourite special gangs What qualities do you think a medic should have that fits you, name at least 4 pieces 1: good at RP 2: know how to drive/fly 3: can take response and give 4: can follow orders 5: Active Do you have any past experience with role-playing on this or any other server? Answer: yes on this one and on publiclir Can You follow orders from a younger person or higher ranked? Answer: of course What do You think the medic faction should become better with? Answer: don’t know how it is now but have like 2 or 3 mr3 and most of the medics should be mr1 or mr2. More active medics Can you fly a heli in arma and drive a fast car? Answer: yes Can you provide a role-play name and a role-play background for the character applying to the medic force? (50-200 Words): Please type here: Hi! My name is Viktor Frisk, I’m born in Sweden but moved to Altis, Greece, when i was 10 years old. After high school and College I started in university where I went medical care. And now after some years when I’m 30 years old I’m seeking to start working as a paramedic in my home town Kavala. Tell us a little about your self: Please type here: jag heter viktor är 15 och går i nian hanger ganska mycket med kompisarna men spelar hellre på cvg ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - AS A MEDIC-TRAINEE, YOU ARE UNDER PROBATION! If You can not follow our regulations You will be removed. Accepted Paramedics will begin at the lowest rank of Medic-Trainee and can be promoted by serving well. Increased rank will open new options and abilities. - DO NOT COME TO TEAMSPEAK OR INGAME TO BOTHER ADMINS OR CHIEFS ABOUT YOUR APPLICATION - DO NOT POST IN THE SHOUTBOX OR TEAMSPEAK AND ASK US TO LOOK AT YOUR APPLICATION. YOU CAN SEE IF IT HAS BEEN WATCHED IN THE FORUM. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THE FORMAT AND RULES GIVEN, WILL RESULT IN YOUR POST BEING DELETED.
  5. nej bara du kommer ihåg vart du placerade den
  6. Du måste köpa en underwater charge för 3500 i gabghideout tips simma så långt du kan innan bomben sprängs risk för att fö annars
  7. Police slots are only available to players who have applied and been accepted for whitelisting. With the added power that comes with the police position. The topics subject MUST be "Police Application (YourForumName) [(YourCurrentIngameName)]". e.g. Police Application Testson [[A.P.D] T. Testson] Requirements to join the Police Department are: Meet the minimum age of 18. Nope Understand basic server rules. Yes MUST have a working microphone! Yes MUST have a good command of the English language. Yes MUST have a decent understanding of how Roleplaying works. Yes In-Game Name? : Tres What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) Age? : 15 Do you speak both Swedish and English?: yes Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: yes If yes, what servers?: this one Do you have a working microphone?: yes How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1000hours Have you been banned before?: no Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: yes Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: yes Can you follow orders from a younger person?: of course What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces different calm stress resistance can follow orders fair Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?: I did it before and I loved it and after my little break at Cvg I wanted to try it out again Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: Keep everyone safe from rebels and criminals and someone you could rely on Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?: Keep your back in fights or arguments and someone you could rely on What is your input on using lethal force?: A big no if you could avoid it Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: I’m an active player and someone you could rely on What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: Without these three you cannot have a good and fair government Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum): My name’s David and last name is from my old man Anders so Andersson. I worked at the bank and one day at the federal bank when we were transporting son gold the rebels came and robbed us on all of the gold but they didn’t see one of the staff that called the police and said that the federal bank were being robbed. They said to him that they would come but when they actually came the rebels were long gone towards the horizon. And that’s why I want to join the police force to stop the rebels from taking the federal bank. Tell us a little about yourself! My name is viktor and I live in Stockholm, when I’m not out planing stuff with Scouterna I’m inside playing csgo, arma and pubg. Merry Christmas everyone AS A RECRUIT, YOU ARE UNDER PROBATION! THE FIRST BIG MESS-UP, IF YOU CANNOT EXPLAIN YOURSELF, YOU'RE GONE! Accepted cops will begin at the lowest rank of cadet and can be promoted by serving well and following the police rules (shown in game on the map menu). Increased rank will open new options and abilities. You must play as a cop until you reach the rank of Officer. DO NOT COME ON TEAMSPEAK AND BOTHER ADMINS/POLICE CHIEF ABOUT YOUR APPLICATION. DO NOT POST IN THE SHOUTBOX AND ASK US TO LOOK AT YOUR APPLICATION. YOU CAN SEE IF IT HAS BEEN WATCHED IN THE FORUM. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THE FORMAT GIVEN AND RULES GIVEN WILL RESULT IN YOUR POST BEING DELETED
  8. När kommer detta event hå av stapeln??? (datum och tid)
  9. vet någon ifall detta är löst??
  10. När bomben som man sätter på ship wreck sprängs så blir man kickad och förlorar alla divingsaker man hade på sig! När man kommer in igen för att försöka ta ship wreck så kan man ej komma in i själva T inventoryt på skeppet Hoppas detta går att lösa! MVH Viktor
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