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K.F Carl Mark

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K.F Carl Mark last won the day on August 4 2019

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About K.F Carl Mark

  • Birthday June 13

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    Carl Mark

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    Carl Mark
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K.F Carl Mark's Achievements

  1. ACCEPTED! Contact me or Öberg on TS! //Darwin "If you’re absent during my struggle, don’t expect to be present during my success.” – Will Smith
  2. Police slots are only available to players who have applied and been accepted for whitelisting. With the added power that comes with the police position. The topics subject MUST be "Police Application (YourForumName) [(YourCurrentIngameName)]". e.g. Police Application Testson [[A.P.D] T. Testson] Requirements to join the Police Department are: Meet the minimum age of 18. Understand basic server rules. MUST have a working microphone! MUST have a good command of the English language. MUST have a decent understanding of how Roleplaying works. In-Game Name? : Carl Mark What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) Age? : 17 Do you speak both Swedish and English?: yes Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?:If yes, what servers?: nope Do you have a working microphone?: yes How long have you played on CvGaming?: för länge Have you been banned before?: yes Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: yes Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: yes Can you follow orders from a younger person?: yes What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces 1)Good rp 2) Not getting pissed 3)Following orders 4) 5) Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?: Något nytt att testa på då jag har varit både civ och medic Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: Kunna hålla rpet på en hög nivå. och vara mogen Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?: Vara roliga och allmänt tevliga What is your input on using lethal force?: Bara när det behövs annars ska man försöka rpa utan kos. Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: Viktigt Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum): Jag heter Carl Mark och har jobbat som Mekaniker Märker att det rullar in många kärror med skotthål lite överallt så undersökte detta och det visade sig att brottsligheten på Altis har ökat med 50% det senaste året så jag valde att göra något åt detta och därför sökte in till polis kåren. Tell us a little about yourself! Heter Carl har spelat här rätt så länge så dom flesta vet vem jag är. AS A RECRUIT, YOU ARE UNDER PROBATION! THE FIRST BIG MESS-UP, IF YOU CANNOT EXPLAIN YOURSELF, YOU'RE GONE! Accepted cops will begin at the lowest rank of cadet and can be promoted by serving well and following the police rules (shown in game on the map menu). Increased rank will open new options and abilities. You must play as a cop until you reach the rank of Officer. DO NOT COME ON TEAMSPEAK AND BOTHER ADMINS/POLICE CHIEF ABOUT YOUR APPLICATION. DO NOT POST IN THE SHOUTBOX AND ASK US TO LOOK AT YOUR APPLICATION. YOU CAN SEE IF IT HAS BEEN WATCHED IN THE FORUM. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THE FORMAT GIVEN AND RULES GIVEN WILL RESULT IN YOUR POST BEING DELETED.
  3. Stridspilot Peter Marple fuskar på minecraft
  4. de har varit jätte aktiva vad har du rökt?
  5. Paramedic slots are only available to players who have applied and been accepted for whitelisting. It is vital that you fulfill the requirements before applying. The topics subject MUST be "Medic Application (YourForumName) [(YourCurrentIngameName)]". e.g. Medic Application Linus Not filling out everything in the medic application, will be AUTO-Declined Requirements for joining the Emergency Medical Services are as follows: -MUST meet the minimum age of 15 (exceptions can be made). -MUST have knowledge about basic server rules, and Medic rules. -MUST have a working microphone! -MUST have Teamspeak 3 -MUST have a good command of the English language ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It is vital that everything inside the green lines are copied and pasted into Your Medic Application! What is Your in-game?: Answer: Carl Markblyat What is Forum name?: Answer: Öhm det står när jag lägger upp denna Are you a member of a gang? If so what gang?: Answer: Russian Federation Do you accept the prime time that Medics have? (For the time, check Emergency Patrol on TS) YES/NO: Answer: yes What is Your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to profilesettings, (select your profile) then press Unit, and change the unit to custom. Now you should see a 17dig number. Answer: 76561198070752217 How old are you? Answer: 18 Do you speak both swedish and english? Answer: yes Have You read all of the server rules and the Medic rules? Answer: yes How long have You played on the server(hours)? Answer: 3500 How long have You played Arma 3 (hours)? Answer: 3744 Why do you want to become a medic? (minimum 50 words) Answer: I have been medic before and i enjoy it Describe what you think that a medic does? (minimum 40 words) Answer: ress and rp Have You been a Paramedic earlier or played in another faction on CVGaming? Answer: yes How often do You play on the server and at what time of the day/night? Answer: after 16:00 most days Why should we pick you as a medic? (minimum 40 words) Answer: I have a lot of experience before Have You been banned on this server? If yes what have You been banned for? Answer: rdm What can you bring to the medic force? Answer: Good laughs and a fun experience What qualities do you think a medic should have that fits you, name at least 4 pieces 1: Good rp 2: having fun 3: not being greedy 4: friendly Do you have any past experience with role-playing on this or any other server? Answer: Yes Can You follow orders from a younger person or higher ranked? Yes/No Answer: yes If we are going to accept you, are you going to be active? Yes/No Answer: yes What do You think the medic faction should become better with? Answer: More medics online and faster ress Can you provide a role-play name and a role-play background for the character applying to the medic force? (Minimum 60 Words): Please type here: Carl Markblyat was born in china moved to russia and joined the Russian federation after years of plundering and killing people he had enough and decided to help out so he moved far away from his problems but the russian federation is not easy to get away from so they moved to altis also and Wong decided that he would be a medic and help out instead of bringing chaos. Tell us a little about your self: Please type here: my name is carl im 18 played on cvg for a while ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - AS A MEDIC-TRAINEE, YOU ARE UNDER PROBATION! If You can not follow our regulations You will be removed. Accepted Paramedics will begin at the lowest rank of Medic-Trainee and can be promoted by serving well. Increased rank will open new options and abilities. - DO NOT COME TO TEAMSPEAK OR INGAME TO BOTHER ADMINS OR CHIEFS ABOUT YOUR APPLICATION - DO NOT POST IN THE SHOUTBOX OR TEAMSPEAK AND ASK US TO LOOK AT YOUR APPLICATION. YOU CAN SEE IF IT HAS BEEN WATCHED IN THE FORUM. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THE FORMAT AND RULES GIVEN, WILL RESULT IN YOUR POST BEING DELETED.
  6. It is vital that everything inside the green lines are copied and pasted into Your Paramedic Application! What is Your in-game and forum name?: Answer: Wong Markblyat What is Your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to profilesettings, (select your profile) then press Unit, and change the unit to custom. Now you should see a 17dig number. Answer: Have You read all of the server rules? Answer: ja Have You read all of the paramedic rules? Answer: ja Do You promise to always act in-character and never abuse Your power while playing as a Paramedic? Answer: ja How long have You played on the server(hours)? Answer: 3300 How long have You played Arma 3 (hours)? Answer: 3522 Have You been a Paramedic earlier? Answer: yes many time very nice How often do You play on the server and at what time of the day/night? Answer: when i can Why should we picked you as a medic? (minimum 50 words) Answer: Har varit medic flertalet ågnger och vet hur det går till Have You been banned on this server or any other servers? If yes what have You been banned for? Answer: yes What can you bring to the medic force? Answer: happiness and good time Do you have any past experience with role-playing on this or any other server? Answer: yes Can You follow orders from a younger person or higher ranked ? Answer: yes What do You think the medic faction would become better with? Answer: activity Can you fly a heli in arma ? Answer: yes Can you provide a role-play name and a role-play background for the character applying to the medic force? (50-150 Words): Please type here: Wong Markblyat was born in china moved to russia and joined the Russian federation after years of plundering and killing people he had enough and decided to help out so he moved far away from his problems but the russian federation is not easy to get away from so they moved to altis also and Wong decided that he would be a medic and help out instead of bringing chaos. Tell us a little about your self: Please type here: hej jag heter carl och är glad
  7. Hej! Du kan ansöka igen om 2 veckor! DECLINED!
  8. K.F Carl Mark

    APD app

    Hej! Vill tyvärr meddela att din ansökan är nekad då vi vill se dig mer aktiv på servern först. Har du fler frågor finns jag på Teamspeak!
  9. Police slots are only available to players who have applied and been accepted for whitelisting. With the added power that comes with the police position. The topics subject MUST be "Police Application (YourForumName) [(YourCurrentIngameName)]". e.g. Police Application Testson [[A.P.D] T. Testson] Requirements to join the Police Department are: Meet the minimum age of 18. Understand basic server rules. MUST have a working microphone! MUST have a good command of the English language. MUST have a decent understanding of how Roleplaying works. In-Game Name? : Carl Mark What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) Age? : 17 Do you speak both Swedish and English?: yes Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?:If yes, what servers?: nope Do you have a working microphone?: yes How long have you played on CvGaming?: för länge Have you been banned before?: yes Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: yes Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: yes Can you follow orders from a younger person?: yes What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces 1)Good rp 2) Not getting pissed 3)Following orders 4) 5) Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?: Något nytt att testa på då jag har varit både civ och medic Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: Kunna hålla rpet på en hög nivå. och vara mogen Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?: Vara roliga och allmänt tevliga What is your input on using lethal force?: Bara när det behövs annars ska man försöka rpa utan kos. Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: Viktigt Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum): Jag heter Carl Mark och har jobbat som Mekaniker Märker att det rullar in många kärror med skotthål lite överallt så undersökte detta och det visade sig att brottsligheten på Altis har ökat med 50% det senaste året så jag valde att göra något åt detta och därför sökte in till polis kåren. Tell us a little about yourself! Heter Carl har spelat här rätt så länge så dom flesta vet vem jag är. AS A RECRUIT, YOU ARE UNDER PROBATION! THE FIRST BIG MESS-UP, IF YOU CANNOT EXPLAIN YOURSELF, YOU'RE GONE! Accepted cops will begin at the lowest rank of cadet and can be promoted by serving well and following the police rules (shown in game on the map menu). Increased rank will open new options and abilities. You must play as a cop until you reach the rank of Officer. DO NOT COME ON TEAMSPEAK AND BOTHER ADMINS/POLICE CHIEF ABOUT YOUR APPLICATION. DO NOT POST IN THE SHOUTBOX AND ASK US TO LOOK AT YOUR APPLICATION. YOU CAN SEE IF IT HAS BEEN WATCHED IN THE FORUM. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THE FORMAT GIVEN AND RULES GIVEN WILL RESULT IN YOUR POST BEING DELETED.
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