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Erik Tyrone

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  1. Like
    Erik Tyrone got a reaction from A.Almkvist in Ban req on [Cv-d][Thug] Jokes   
    If you had a 15 minute video you would have a video of 3 counts of VDM and the video is clipped so you can not hear your trashtalking and etc. 
    Here is a full vod of his stream. Thanks for recording yourself lying to the admins mate. https://www.twitch.tv/ruffsarn/v/110850246
    Also, we know knocking in safezone is not allowed. It will not happen again. But when they try stealing our cars and etc. Thats what we had to do. (we felt like)
    Sorry for the salt in the video, but things like this makes me angry!
  2. Like
    Erik Tyrone got a reaction from bobin in Ban req on [Cv-d][Thug] Jokes   
    If you had a 15 minute video you would have a video of 3 counts of VDM and the video is clipped so you can not hear your trashtalking and etc. 
    Here is a full vod of his stream. Thanks for recording yourself lying to the admins mate. https://www.twitch.tv/ruffsarn/v/110850246
    Also, we know knocking in safezone is not allowed. It will not happen again. But when they try stealing our cars and etc. Thats what we had to do. (we felt like)
    Sorry for the salt in the video, but things like this makes me angry!
  3. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to Fish in Ban req on [Cv-d][Thug] Jokes   
    Tjena Arne, anledningen att jag körde på din bil och K.O:ade dig är för att du vdm:a vår gängmedlem [Cv-D] Lil.smokey flera gånger. pga att du körde på han flera gånger så blev jag triggerd och körde på din bil och sedan för att du skulle känna det han kände så knockade jag dig. Jag vet själv att det är ''trolling'' men jag tycker inte att du har rätt att köra över våran medlem flera gånger. We have video of this happening and it will be posted soon
  4. Like
    Erik Tyrone got a reaction from Fish in Ban req on [Cv-d][Thug] Jokes   
    If you had a 15 minute video you would have a video of 3 counts of VDM and the video is clipped so you can not hear your trashtalking and etc. 
    Here is a full vod of his stream. Thanks for recording yourself lying to the admins mate. https://www.twitch.tv/ruffsarn/v/110850246
    Also, we know knocking in safezone is not allowed. It will not happen again. But when they try stealing our cars and etc. Thats what we had to do. (we felt like)
    Sorry for the salt in the video, but things like this makes me angry!
  5. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to Miss H in 3:dje part engage   
    Vi i APD är utanför safezone 98% av tiden vi spelar, dock prioriterar vi rp mer än kos. Vi har inte tid att komma till tax office som konstant blir rånat av EC för att kriga med er i 2 h. Nu när det väl är hög popp prioriterar vi att rpa med de nya civsen för att fortsätta ha hög popp. Det blir roligare för alla. Självklart ska vi ha hög prioritering på att åka på tax office, men ibland blir det lite mycket då det bara är EC som tar det och vi VET vad ni är ute efter, KOS. Dem andra civsen på servern undrar ju vart APD har tagit vägen, ingen polis kommer och hjälper till FÖR ATT vi spenderar våran tid att kriga mot EC. 
    Det skulle vara kul att se en förändring, kanske att utvägen inte alltid är KOS?
    Nu blev detta riktigt mot EC, men om tredjeparts engageregeln kommer tillbaka, kommer det bli ännu mer kos än vad det i nuläget är. Självklart är det inte meningen att det inte ska finnas nå krig på servern, men tanken är att RP är högsta prioritet, för både civs och fraktioner. 
  6. Like
    Erik Tyrone got a reaction from Bachne in 33333   
    This is post nr 33333
    In case you were wondering.
  7. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to Kebre in 33333   
    actually it is post 42599 as you can see in the url if you copy the direct link to the post.
    But its 33333 of those who are visible to everyone
    Make sure to get post 44'444 also
  8. Like
    Erik Tyrone got a reaction from Escobab in 33333   
    This is post nr 33333
    In case you were wondering.
  9. Like
    Erik Tyrone got a reaction from A.Almkvist in GIVEAWAY <3   
    Congratulations Feroz, you have won 1 million in game cash!
    Feel free to cantact me on teamspeak whenever you can
    I also want to give away a tröstpris to PeTTePeTTe, here you go buddy;

    Hope you all had an awesome christmas, and i wish you all a happy new year!
    Cheers, Erik tyrone 
  10. Like
    Erik Tyrone got a reaction from Castle in GIVEAWAY <3   
    Lmao I do this in all the videos I post on CVG I swear 
  11. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to anden in GIVEAWAY <3   
  12. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to Charlie in GIVEAWAY <3   
  13. Like
    Erik Tyrone got a reaction from Treos in GIVEAWAY <3   
    Merry christmas CVG!
    I thought I would do a little giveaway for you guys, so I will be giving away 1 million in game cash!
    If you want to enter just write a comment on this thread, and I will put everyone who enters in a pot and pick a random winner. Everyone will have an equal chance to win!
    Good luck, merry christmas and I hope you have a happy new year!
    Sincerely, Erik Tyrone.
  14. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to Br0ze in Definitionen av IQ-Fiskmås   
    OBS! Contains Strong Language OBS!
  15. Like
    Erik Tyrone got a reaction from Xymz in GIVEAWAY <3   
    Merry christmas CVG!
    I thought I would do a little giveaway for you guys, so I will be giving away 1 million in game cash!
    If you want to enter just write a comment on this thread, and I will put everyone who enters in a pot and pick a random winner. Everyone will have an equal chance to win!
    Good luck, merry christmas and I hope you have a happy new year!
    Sincerely, Erik Tyrone.
  16. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to Johanees in GIVEAWAY <3   
    varför inte....
    Volvo 142?
  17. Like
    Erik Tyrone got a reaction from Bachne in GIVEAWAY <3   
    Merry christmas CVG!
    I thought I would do a little giveaway for you guys, so I will be giving away 1 million in game cash!
    If you want to enter just write a comment on this thread, and I will put everyone who enters in a pot and pick a random winner. Everyone will have an equal chance to win!
    Good luck, merry christmas and I hope you have a happy new year!
    Sincerely, Erik Tyrone.
  18. Like
    Erik Tyrone got a reaction from Storkatt92 in GIVEAWAY <3   
    Merry christmas CVG!
    I thought I would do a little giveaway for you guys, so I will be giving away 1 million in game cash!
    If you want to enter just write a comment on this thread, and I will put everyone who enters in a pot and pick a random winner. Everyone will have an equal chance to win!
    Good luck, merry christmas and I hope you have a happy new year!
    Sincerely, Erik Tyrone.
  19. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to A.Almkvist in [Cv-D] A.Almkvist MAR-10 Montage   
    Förlåt #NotCrigne
    Illmeister as Arg Gotlänning
    Kafarov as Stridspilot
    Vitx as Påläst regel kille
    Admins as Admins <3
  20. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to Sam in K. Hasan Highlights #2   
  21. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to Rarre in CvG Highlights #18   
  22. Like
    Erik Tyrone reacted to Darwin in Sanningen om Afriel   
    ''Hur började allt?'' Är frågan man får ställd dagligen, så nu kommer sanningen för alla er som undrat.

    Allting började 1983 i staden Vladivostok i Ryssland, lilla Afriel hade precis anlänt från den nordkoreanska kusten för att bo hos sin morbror Kryznak i Ryssland, Kryznak var en snäll och givmild man som jobbade som gruvarbetare, men på hans fritid så drev han eget, han drev glassförsäljning från en bil.
    lilla Afriel nappade direkt på det och ville vara med, morbror Kryznak behövde lite extra hjälp så det var väldigt välkommet. Afriel njöt i stora drag av att sälja glass, och Kryznak tyckte att Afriel gjorde ett såpass bra jobb så att han erbjöd Afriel ett jobb i glassbilen, han tänkte och tänkte.. sedan tog han ett av de svåraste besluten hittils i sitt liv, han skulle bryta sig loss från rysslands järnhand, tacka nej till jobbet och resa till sverige där han skulle kontakta sin kusin Lasse.

    Afriel anlände i Sverige en snöig julimorgon i augusti, avdankad, trött och sliten efter den långa tågresan från ryssland, han sprang till närmaste telefon automat där han kontaktade sin kusin, Lasse, som var väldigt glad över att få höra Afriels röst, Lasse ville att Afriel skulle komma och jobba för honom, Lasse jobbade på Hemglass och körde glassbil, och detta kunde Afriel allt om, så han tog det med storm!.

    Han tog det bokstavligen med storm, första dagen så fick den nu 18 åriga Afriel sladd på glassbilen och välte på motorvägen. Han klarade sig med några få mindre skador och fick lämna sjukhuset redan samma dag, Lasse och Afriel fick sedan sitta i enrum och förklara för chefen vad som hade hänt, Afriel skämdes och var mycket upprörd över händelsen. Det hela slutade med att Afriel blev återbetalningsskyldig för glassbilen samt fick sparken, vilket kom som en chockerande och sorglig nyhet för honom.
    Hur ska då Afriel få tag på pengar för att ersätta hemglass?
    Jo, på det sättet han alltit har tjänat sitt levebröd, genom att köra den legendariska blåa bilen.
    2 månader efter olyckan så träffade Afriel en speciell människa, nämligen en partner som kom att bli hans eviga kärlek, Riccardo. Afriel och Riccardo tog det i sina egna händer att lösa skulden för den trasiga glassbilen, då startade de sitt egna företag, Riccardo's Glass.

    Och vad vi vet, så hörs fortfarande brummandet av Afriel & Riccardos glassbil på sveriges gator långt efter skulden var avbetalad, hade detta blivit hans liv? hans passion?
  23. Like
    Erik Tyrone got a reaction from DompaN in hej alla cvgaming medlemmar!   
    I quit CVG about 2 months ago or so, and here I can explain to you why:
    It is not alot of deep issues that will take ages to adjust that made me quit this server, the main reason for why I quit this server is because I am Norwegian. I felt as regardles of my skill in this game I would not be apriciated for who I am because of where I am from. I am not saying that the server has a problem with racism or what ever you want to tcall it but the police force as an example consists moslty of the swedish people that play on the server. Same goes for the rebel factions. However, this makes sense, afterall it is a swedish server. But when I spent 100-200 hours every 2nd week on this server, Roleplaying (Played as medic, roleplayed ith police, roleplayed with gangs, roleplayed with new people and civs), fighting, showing skill, comunicating with the forum (see my posts where I talked about what the server needed for example; around 30-50% of what I suggested with help of others got added in the server the same patch), talking with admins, and TONS of other things. I still got the coldest shoulder you could imagine when I tried to comunicate with the leader of the police force. I never got accepted, and neither did I get to know why. I had close to I believe 1000 hours, and I wiped entire gangs out at once in some cases. I spent alot of my time roleplaying, and helping the community. I had what it requirted I thought, but I never got the answer for what I missed.
    How you guys can "fix" the server (Please notice quotationmarks, the server itself is really good);
    -Right now, playing as a new person on the server is really hard.
    -Players that is not swedish that Ive played with had a shitty time, harrasment from others and etc..
    Please keep in mind that theese are my thoughts and opinions, and this is critique, not anger or flame.
    I am open to critique as well, but I am not going to take the dead arguments and shit that I took for so long.
    Hope it works out for you guys at CVG in the end.
    Best regards
    -Erik Tyrone
  24. Like
    Erik Tyrone got a reaction from Philips in hej alla cvgaming medlemmar!   
    I quit CVG about 2 months ago or so, and here I can explain to you why:
    It is not alot of deep issues that will take ages to adjust that made me quit this server, the main reason for why I quit this server is because I am Norwegian. I felt as regardles of my skill in this game I would not be apriciated for who I am because of where I am from. I am not saying that the server has a problem with racism or what ever you want to tcall it but the police force as an example consists moslty of the swedish people that play on the server. Same goes for the rebel factions. However, this makes sense, afterall it is a swedish server. But when I spent 100-200 hours every 2nd week on this server, Roleplaying (Played as medic, roleplayed ith police, roleplayed with gangs, roleplayed with new people and civs), fighting, showing skill, comunicating with the forum (see my posts where I talked about what the server needed for example; around 30-50% of what I suggested with help of others got added in the server the same patch), talking with admins, and TONS of other things. I still got the coldest shoulder you could imagine when I tried to comunicate with the leader of the police force. I never got accepted, and neither did I get to know why. I had close to I believe 1000 hours, and I wiped entire gangs out at once in some cases. I spent alot of my time roleplaying, and helping the community. I had what it requirted I thought, but I never got the answer for what I missed.
    How you guys can "fix" the server (Please notice quotationmarks, the server itself is really good);
    -Right now, playing as a new person on the server is really hard.
    -Players that is not swedish that Ive played with had a shitty time, harrasment from others and etc..
    Please keep in mind that theese are my thoughts and opinions, and this is critique, not anger or flame.
    I am open to critique as well, but I am not going to take the dead arguments and shit that I took for so long.
    Hope it works out for you guys at CVG in the end.
    Best regards
    -Erik Tyrone
  25. Like
    Erik Tyrone got a reaction from kooben in hej alla cvgaming medlemmar!   
    I quit CVG about 2 months ago or so, and here I can explain to you why:
    It is not alot of deep issues that will take ages to adjust that made me quit this server, the main reason for why I quit this server is because I am Norwegian. I felt as regardles of my skill in this game I would not be apriciated for who I am because of where I am from. I am not saying that the server has a problem with racism or what ever you want to tcall it but the police force as an example consists moslty of the swedish people that play on the server. Same goes for the rebel factions. However, this makes sense, afterall it is a swedish server. But when I spent 100-200 hours every 2nd week on this server, Roleplaying (Played as medic, roleplayed ith police, roleplayed with gangs, roleplayed with new people and civs), fighting, showing skill, comunicating with the forum (see my posts where I talked about what the server needed for example; around 30-50% of what I suggested with help of others got added in the server the same patch), talking with admins, and TONS of other things. I still got the coldest shoulder you could imagine when I tried to comunicate with the leader of the police force. I never got accepted, and neither did I get to know why. I had close to I believe 1000 hours, and I wiped entire gangs out at once in some cases. I spent alot of my time roleplaying, and helping the community. I had what it requirted I thought, but I never got the answer for what I missed.
    How you guys can "fix" the server (Please notice quotationmarks, the server itself is really good);
    -Right now, playing as a new person on the server is really hard.
    -Players that is not swedish that Ive played with had a shitty time, harrasment from others and etc..
    Please keep in mind that theese are my thoughts and opinions, and this is critique, not anger or flame.
    I am open to critique as well, but I am not going to take the dead arguments and shit that I took for so long.
    Hope it works out for you guys at CVG in the end.
    Best regards
    -Erik Tyrone
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