kappr Posted June 1, 2015 Report Share Posted June 1, 2015 Oh man! u can´t nerf me, i will train with the rook-40 from now on! Jokes aside, I am a Rebel on the server and i agree on most part of your content. I definitely think that the Civilians/Gangs should be able to do more on the server, They should for instance be able to buy bigger guns, Armor vests - what this would give is a lot more RP since people won´t be out hunting for gear since everything you have on you (except for the M320 which isn´t loot able) is something they actually can buy if they just farm - I believe this would solve some easy gear hunting issues probably right away.. Since there is no reason to make bad RP since you will be able to get the "loot" from somewhere else.. Sadly admins don´t think this way and they want to have the stack ranking above: COPS, REBELS, MEDICS, CIVILIANS in that order. What they often forget is that COPS already are on top of the food chain with the amount of players allowed in game, the amount of vehicles, the amount of weapons they got running around with, just to give you guys an example, we in the rebels barely play 7.62 guns except for fed (and usually we don´t even use it on federal reserve anymore, we mainly stick to the 6.5 mm guns that the civilians can get a hold off) So... this was basically the first post about weapons (oh dear god, i already know people in the admin force will say; WEAPONS IS NOT THE WAY TO GO!) Well, what i say to them is that they should play more on the server and ask the civilians (gangs included) and ask them why they decide to go with bad rp against the police mainly - what they will tell you is: It is easy to get their gear that´s why we do it. And the fact that you cant buy Vests from any place.. It isn´t us the players that made this environment, it is YOU the admins that decided this and there for we have already tried your way, Now let’s try the players side?? *rofl* this will never happen anyways. I will stop there since this is just my point of view on the matter regarding guns and i think everyone should be able to get the same gear (And the edge that factions have is Vehicles and amount of players in game at the same time) Regarding Farming (WEED) i think this is quite easy to fix... What the server needs at the moment is a New Faction that is a real threat against the N.L.A a solid group of 8 players that have played in factions before, are skilled as fucked and has the passion for the game, since today it looks like this: Almost every civilian farms Weed since they can buy protection from the Rebels, and since they can buy protection (worst example ever, but there can be 15 NLA + 8 civilians) and then u have a gang on 8 who tries to take this, good luck... or you might have 17 APD (but they can´t all be on the same place so let’s say they are 8 on the place) the odds are not in favor for neither the Gang or the APD. Of course this is an extreme example, in most cases there is about 10-12 NLA online, and 10-12 APD – so they don´t have the manpower to actively work against the rebels since they are getting attacked all over the map (anyone looking for gear maybe? *rofl*) and the balance this would give for the server is that the Rebels would have someone to look after for, since the new faction would be a pain in the ass for them (this would also bring some ease to being in the APD since there is someone who actively disturbs the work of the rebels) And people wouldn´t feel safe about doing weed 24-7. Regarding the legal farming it should go faster to earn money(No you shouldn´t bring up the price) but you should rework the map, and make it easier to do legal stuff – This is for the civilians and for the big Gangs which would allow them to actually be a pain in the ass for the rebels as well since today they can’t really do anything about the rebels – then they might get hunted down, Denied entry to farm Weed/ gun shop for an example so most people take the easy way to have a good relationship with the rebels instead ( being on the rebels negative side could cost a lot of money, Weapons wise and cash wise since you aren´t allowed entry) These are just some easy way that would in my opinion and in a lot of others players opinions easy ways to fix the “balance” issue, All in all what this would give to the server is More role-play, People wouldn´t hunt for gear, People would actually take the time to appreciate a good role-play scenario no matter the outcome, since it wouldn´t Mather as much as today if they die or not, and for the cash flow for the players this would open the server up like it used to be, today it feels like everyone is doing weed and the only ones we in the Rebels fight with are against the APD or some gang who cruises into one of our roadblocks and get squashed... But i have to say, CVgaming aren´t losing people.. The reason why the server has a low at the moment(i came home from a business trip to London at Thursday morning, and its been low since then, before my trip we were 90 most of the time) Its because people have graduations, Party trips before exams and so on. So if everyone just take a chill pill this will get sorted out, This doesn´t mean that we dont have to do anything about this issues above they still need to be sorted. But to attract new players we need to have more fun content on the server, i will post some examples below that would increase the fun on the server. *Bring back Checkpoints – This has always been appreciated by the civilians, it’s a little mini event to take a checkpoint and have a fight towards the APD, The Rebels also need real checkpoints to be able to make a checkpoint for their cause like it used to be.. *Suicide run on the NLA Island, a place where the Rebels can bring naughty Police Officers, Civilians (gang members included) *Racetrack somewhere around Sofia (where there isn´t any activity anyways, so the map isn´t populated there why not bring us a cool track where we can have races?) *Shooting range (make this a safe zone, a place for Civilians to train, Show their skills, Challenge other people) *More Moves - some cool dance moves maybe? I’m quite good at entertaining and i would love to see someone dancing in front of me? *rofl* *Big checkpoint at the NLA islands entry – It should be a cool experience for the civilians to enter the island, and if they are new it’s important that it looks massive, people should be afraid of the rebels instantly and show them respect without knowing anything about them (this makes sense in real life as well) These are just some examples, but at the moment it feels like we are taking away all the fun parts to make the server run better (higher fps performance wise) on the cost of having fun, and at least i don´t think this is the right way to go, it hurts more then it gives.. I have no problem with 5 fps less if it could bring us some more toys to work with. I’ve stated in a post on our hidden forum part that i wouldn´t bring anymore suggestions or feedback since I’m just fed up with it, people don´t want to make changes - At least they aren´t interested in discussing the Mather with us at least. But since GW went in to our channel yesterday and told us to really do this since he would like to change the server from where it is now, I’m going to give it one more try. Oh.. i forgot. *Ganglands Thanks for that! We invested so much money in to ganglands which was announced like what... September -2014? ATM there isn’t any ganglands located on the map even if you have purchased it, u can still not do anything with it? It´s just a simple pole that we bought for 50 million in game. (The fun fact is that it doesn´t appear on the map atm, so people bought it for 50 million, for what exactly..?) Just a little tip going forward, Never announce anything without it being finished- it will bring excitement for the time being, but it will also sucker punch everyone in the face when it doesn´t happen since you look like a bunch of liars who couldn´t deliver.. And shit like this hurts Cvgamings reputation, Playerbase and so on. This is not a hate post- but seriously let’s make it right from now on going forward and i love the fact that you actually going out actively asking for the players ideas, i just hope this time you might actually listen to some of our ideas. +1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
luckiiee Posted June 1, 2015 Report Share Posted June 1, 2015 Yes a big reason why people have alot of gear is farming APD, those goes hand in hand, but It hasnt stopped and wont stop either, put vests in shops would then do the trick since u can buy good rifles at ghost. Hehe no It wouldnt since people like to fight, It would be maybe not exactly as much but still much fighting anyways. And I'll stick to what I Said, getting gear as a civ is not hard at all, ambushing APD is one way to get It Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
luckiiee Posted June 1, 2015 Report Share Posted June 1, 2015 But as I said, Im open to a new approach and see the how the outcome plays out Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harry Posted June 5, 2015 Report Share Posted June 5, 2015 Majority of the stuff posted here is clever and could be a way towards a more balanced server. However, i think the "damage" is too big to fix with minor fixes. The problem is major, so should the solution be. I propose resetting the server. Completely. Put it to 0, analyze what happened this time and make sure you activly work to prevent it. I would also propose to maby once every teo weeks check with regulars about what they think about certain things. I know this "path" is disliked by many, but i believe it is the only way to fix it. It'll take time but i'll get better. With the help of some suggestions above ofcourse. Eurozze 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted June 5, 2015 Report Share Posted June 5, 2015 Putting the server to 0 will not help with anything it will only piss players off, and it will be very hard comming back from, so it won´t help the server nor the community. Rebuilding the map/prices will fix the balance and the factions that will make an impact. + i know for a fact that cv has a couple of things planned that will make an huge impact on the server as a civilian, so hold on, get into your seats because its gonna be one hell of a ride! And trust me, i talk by experience in this one regarding the reset. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harry Posted June 5, 2015 Report Share Posted June 5, 2015 Majority of the regulars have a 10+ million + house - vehicle and gear. Any fixes implemented will not affect them nor their playstyle. To change the behaviour I believe you have to do it from scratch, as the saying; It's hard to learn an old dog new tricks. Same thing goes to this, if someone has 40 million cash and full houses with gear and vehicles, whatever you do will not affect their luxurous playstyle. We will then still remain with the same core problem; It is to much resources spread around, money is too easy to come by and the focus will still be on the wrong things. I also disagree about your previous statement, atleast if it's "my suggestion" we're looking at. Sure, your suggestion is great if we want to make gear unrelevant, make it able so people stop focusing on it, however. my way suggests the opposit. Start over and make it alot harder (police weapons despawn etc) Ofcourse the reset will make us loose players, atleast for a while but I think the one i suggested is more appropiate for the long run. There's pro's and con's to all suggestions but I think this one is atleast one to consider. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted June 5, 2015 Report Share Posted June 5, 2015 Majority of the regulars don´t have 10+million +house - vehicle and gear. And the fixes will affect their playstyle. To change the behaviour we need to get the map balanced, and we need to rework the factions. I wonder where u get this information that tells you that people got all of this 10mil^unlimited weapons^idea from, since its far away from the truth, I do agree on the fact that it has been easy to farm the apd for civilians if they wanted - now the police has been officiers for a while together so hopefully we will see a big change on this which will knock down that "apd is easy to farm- so lets do it evryone mentality" The majority of the players mainly behave bad towards NEW players, and its sad to say but your former gang when u were in it called (scrubclub) is one of the big reasons why new people cant get shit done on the map since u just had to mess with them trying to establish themselves on the server, so again no i totally disagree on your statement. The map needs rework so gangs can´t bully around new civilians, and the civilians needs work that is allowing them to do stuff that aint robbing/killing new civs. And like i said before, trust me the cv team is working on some great stuff i believe will make this all easier and hopefully more fun to evryone! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HardmanCummings Posted June 12, 2015 Report Share Posted June 12, 2015 Another idea. Seen it on other servers before. Speed cameras, if you drive to fast you get a ticket in your wanted list, and next time police take you they can give you a ticket for the amount thats due. Cameras should be places like just outside safe zones to larger cities. Gives the police some extra to do in their RP instead of always needing to use their tazer and clock people. luckiiee and Darkiller 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Molnet Posted August 6, 2015 Report Share Posted August 6, 2015 Hi its been a long time since Ive been an active member of this community but Altis Life recently caught my intrest again. I have followed some of the progression on this server but further more Ive been involved with whats happened on a well known competitor Secretone. Let me tell you what happened over there after they pushed the reset button, well people left.. They pushed it and hoped it would solve everything with no plan to follow up with. It took them awhile but now they are back up with a full server, after a few months of close to no players, but they had alot of help from the remaining community doing so. The most active members left due to lack of sympathy from the leaders and with them all the understanding of what makes this kind of RP gameplay really work. I would not be surprised if they soon start loosing players again. What Im saying is, DONT PUSH THE BUTTON, until we really have a solid backup plan. My thoughts on some aspects in need of consideration: I agree though that a reset will be necessary for the balance to really come into affect due to heavy inflation but alot of things has to be taken into account beforehand. There has to be a well formed path of progrssion in the beginning for all new players and in particular for players that only just started up to prehaps a day ot two. My thoughts here are that some of the starting activeties could be coverd in a green safezone safe from robbers to make it possible for newcommers to be able to farm enough to gear up and protect themselves. The amount of farming versus the toll of death should also be well balanced since this, in my opinion, is what makes all players "respect" combat, that everything has its price. Prehaps a symbolic burial-fee that takes a toll from the bankaccount. The most important decision regarding balance tho is how hardcore/casual the goal is set to. We can devide the gameplay into two parts, first we have the progression part where you climb the ladder to afford bigger and bigger veichles and earn more money. Then comes the endgame where your goal can be whatever but farming will be more risky and the gain higher. These two parts I feel should be balanced separately because the goal for the players are different. A player in the beginning of its career up to the point where its able to afford better gear to get into combat is not intrested in the risk of loosing hours/days of progression just to be reset by a gang of robbers. Its just not fun and promotes more players to adapt to this destructive playstyle. That money in the beginning is worth more than any kind of money you earn later on because if you are to efficiently climb the ladder, you save just enough money to buy the next veichle that you need to transport more. Veichles are then copped and gone.. Prehaps this could be solved by offering some kind of insurence for veichels, the progression system could then be compared more to EVE if any of you are acustomed to that. Endgame is where you have all the money that you need to be able to afford loosing your gear and get back into combat. You might fight for territory or just rob the bank or whatever. Ofcource there sitll is the need to farm and this is where the market can get inflated (players earn alot of cash risk free when no players are online). You can solve this with quite a few restrictions/changes. Make it harder in the form of different steps to produce and sell illegal goods. Make it more about teamwork and planning ahead rather than just the booring runs of cocain that is just a chore that you have to do to get to the fun part. Ive alot more to write about theese things but I´ll have to caome back to that. Goatis and Sajm0n 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted August 6, 2015 Report Share Posted August 6, 2015 Hi its been a long time since Ive been an active member of this community but Altis Life recently caught my intrest again. I have followed some of the progression on this server but further more Ive been involved with whats happened on a well known competitor Secretone. Let me tell you what happened over there after they pushed the reset button, well people left.. They pushed it and hoped it would solve everything with no plan to follow up with. It took them awhile but now they are back up with a full server, after a few months of close to no players, but they had alot of help from the remaining community doing so. The most active members left due to lack of sympathy from the leaders and with them all the understanding of what makes this kind of RP gameplay really work. I would not be surprised if they soon start loosing players again. What Im saying is, DONT PUSH THE BUTTON, until we really have a solid backup plan. My thoughts on some aspects in need of consideration: I agree though that a reset will be necessary for the balance to really come into affect due to heavy inflation but alot of things has to be taken into account beforehand. There has to be a well formed path of progrssion in the beginning for all new players and in particular for players that only just started up to prehaps a day ot two. My thoughts here are that some of the starting activeties could be coverd in a green safezone safe from robbers to make it possible for newcommers to be able to farm enough to gear up and protect themselves. The amount of farming versus the toll of death should also be well balanced since this, in my opinion, is what makes all players "respect" combat, that everything has its price. Prehaps a symbolic burial-fee that takes a toll from the bankaccount. The most important decision regarding balance tho is how hardcore/casual the goal is set to. We can devide the gameplay into two parts, first we have the progression part where you climb the ladder to afford bigger and bigger veichles and earn more money. Then comes the endgame where your goal can be whatever but farming will be more risky and the gain higher. These two parts I feel should be balanced separately because the goal for the players are different. A player in the beginning of its career up to the point where its able to afford better gear to get into combat is not intrested in the risk of loosing hours/days of progression just to be reset by a gang of robbers. Its just not fun and promotes more players to adapt to this destructive playstyle. That money in the beginning is worth more than any kind of money you earn later on because if you are to efficiently climb the ladder, you save just enough money to buy the next veichle that you need to transport more. Veichles are then copped and gone.. Prehaps this could be solved by offering some kind of insurence for veichels, the progression system could then be compared more to EVE if any of you are acustomed to that. Endgame is where you have all the money that you need to be able to afford loosing your gear and get back into combat. You might fight for territory or just rob the bank or whatever. Ofcource there sitll is the need to farm and this is where the market can get inflated (players earn alot of cash risk free when no players are online). You can solve this with quite a few restrictions/changes. Make it harder in the form of different steps to produce and sell illegal goods. Make it more about teamwork and planning ahead rather than just the booring runs of cocain that is just a chore that you have to do to get to the fun part. Ive alot more to write about theese things but I´ll have to caome back to that. Great post, would love to hear about the other things. The problem we have today is that we have some gangs that are in this game only to get gear, and to kill - they mainly see it like an Wasteland with housing. I remember back in the days when you took your whole gang out farming primetime and fighting for your survival :-) /Bobbi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Molnet Posted August 6, 2015 Report Share Posted August 6, 2015 "Great post, would love to hear about the other things. The problem we have today is that we have some gangs that are in this game only to get gear, and to kill - they mainly see it like an Wasteland with housing. I remember back in the days when you took your whole gang out farming primetime and fighting for your survival :-)" Thanks! Yes I feel that this problem is an issue with the low standard RP. Balance regarding gameplay mechanics is one thing, one other aspect I would like to address is a bit more complex. Its about the factions and how they are essential for the RP to maintain a high standard. I believe that the one true function for the factions to exist is for the purpose of engaging the civs in exciting RP events. The factions require whitelisting and therefore demands more in terms of maturity/understanding for those players. The role for the police for example is to uphold the different laws and in a bigger picture maintain the control towards the rebels. The laws are frequently broken by civs and so the connection between civs-police is without question. I cant say the same regarding the rebels however, correct me here because I dont know the practice concerning this server. In my experience the rebels have always had a problem finding its general purpose though. As a possible solution to this I think that the idea of having a president/governor might partly be whats needed. I have also always felt that there is a natural splitting in Altis, one landmass in the east and one in the west. Why not make it so that the rebels and the police control one side each? And if the police can be considered the orderly ones, let there be only legal activities on that side and let the rebels deal with everything illegal. Put a huge checkpoint in the middle for each faction to fight about and there you go, some of the endgame has been balanced. I imagine the following: Police is given a set of laws that is absolutely necessary for everything to not fall into complete chaos. Beyond that, the governor/president could be given the power of enacting a few changes regarding for example what activities are deemed illegal and various kinds of fees/level of taxation. The civs vote for a president and may do so once a restart or something. This would in some aspects make the civs more powerful than the police force since they must answer to the winning party(president/governor). Lastly I think that the relationship between the police and the rebels is really important. To remember that the goal is to work for better RP for everyone. That is why I think rebels and police should have all the resources they need from the beginning. They should not have to focus on money but instead trying to find good engagements. An idéa I got was, what if the police and rebels didnt get money from arresting/doing rebel stuff?(sorry Ive never been a rebel so Im actually oblivious to what it is you guys do >.<), but instead gaining points for doing classpecific stuff. Points that might actually do cool "other stuff" or just for showing off. Im sorry I havent been able to perhaps present any constructive feedback on the rebels but I hope that you at least understand my meaning and can fill in your opinions in this matter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magikern Posted May 9, 2016 Report Share Posted May 9, 2016 On 2015-06-01 at 1:54 PM, Darwin said: +1 Jonas, något MÅSTE göras åt gearet, om man vill ha en vanlig tactical vest så måste man antingen köpa den av andra players, och stora gäng säljer oftast bara till andra stora gäng eller till sina egna members, folk som inte är kopplade till stora gäng borde också ha en chans att få tag på saker. Till exempel om man gjorde players eller iallafall factions un-lootable, men att man la in något bandit liknande där man kunde köpa tactical vests och diverse vapen (det ska fortfarande svida i plånkan såklart). jag tror detta instantly skulle improva RP'n vi har på servern idag samt ge nya players lite hopp om att de också kan lyckas och se coola ut utan att campa polisen, eran checkpoint, lägga ut spikes på vägen eller koppla sig till stora gäng. // I feel like that would be a great idea cause then there would be alot of more gear and people could roleplay with it instead of just robbing people who has it. And for new players it would be a fun experience to be able to roleplay with other people instead of robbing them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trym Olstad Posted May 21, 2016 Report Share Posted May 21, 2016 I would like an app on android and apple so it's easier if you want to keep yourself updated on the server and like more organised for a phone so my idea is, can we make an app? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goatis Posted May 22, 2016 Report Share Posted May 22, 2016 12 hours ago, Trym Olstad said: I would like an app on android and apple so it's easier if you want to keep yourself updated on the server and like more organised for a phone so my idea is, can we make an app? Just save a bookmark to your menu. I think its overkill to make an app that will do exactly the same thing as your phones browser Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trym Olstad Posted May 22, 2016 Report Share Posted May 22, 2016 1 minute ago, Goatis said: Just save a bookmark to your menu. I think its overkill to make an app that will do exactly the same thing as your phones browser True hahaha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kafarov Posted May 23, 2016 Report Share Posted May 23, 2016 19 hours ago, Trym Olstad said: True hahaha Jag får bara en bild på hur forumet ser ut när jag sparade hemsidan på hemskärmen. Hur fick du CvG loggan? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goatis Posted May 23, 2016 Report Share Posted May 23, 2016 28 minutes ago, Abdikafa said: Jag får bara en bild på hur forumet ser ut när jag sparade hemsidan på hemskärmen. Hur fick du CvG loggan? Gjorde det där för typ 1 1/2 år sen och har för mig att det vart så automatiskt, ska kolla med Kebre om vi kan få det att funka igen Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trym Olstad Posted May 23, 2016 Report Share Posted May 23, 2016 4 hours ago, Abdikafa said: Jag får bara en bild på hur forumet ser ut när jag sparade hemsidan på hemskärmen. Hur fick du CvG loggan? Yes me to but it brings you to the site so it's nothing to worry about i guess Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goatis Posted May 24, 2016 Report Share Posted May 24, 2016 On 23 maj 2016 at 9:51 AM, Abdikafa said: Jag får bara en bild på hur forumet ser ut när jag sparade hemsidan på hemskärmen. Hur fick du CvG loggan? @Kebre ska nu ha fixat detta, så om ni testar att spara en ny bookmark så borde ikonen följa med! Svedin, Kafarov and Abdi Ali /Limpano 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ludwig Posted May 24, 2016 Report Share Posted May 24, 2016 25 minutes ago, Goatis said: @Kebre ska nu ha fixat detta, så om ni testar att spara en ny bookmark så borde ikonen följa med! Borde endast fungera på Iphone dock! Funkar! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WoXXeN Posted May 25, 2016 Report Share Posted May 25, 2016 Funkar på min galaxy också! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goatis Posted May 25, 2016 Report Share Posted May 25, 2016 Fan så trevligt då! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jackson Posted May 25, 2016 Report Share Posted May 25, 2016 (edited) A non-official faction is a group of players that have self-proclaimed an area of the map to be their own and have the amount of active players to actually "patrol" around that area stopping vehicles that trespass, examples are: Scrub Club, Cv-Droghandel, The Underdogs and Los Zetas. These groups of players have come as close to rebels as they can get without actually joining the official rebel faction. They have the money to buy the big guns and the big vehicles. They have the amount of players to for the most part safely farm all the high paying activitys they desire. But most importantly, they are frequently very hostile against other players. skrivet av hysteria tänkte att min ide här under kunde tona ner fientligheten mot de andra civila spelarna. tycker själv att så länge APD inte ser några gråzoner i sina lagar så kommer inget sammarbete eller fred att vara värd förlusten av gear inkomsten som en fejd med APD ger. (menar inte att jag vill bedriva mitt spelande som wasteland men jo lite så ändå mot just APD) Jag tycker att gängens kontrollerande av vissa områden på kartan var vad som gjorde det kul att spela när jag var en "vanilla civ" (när dom inte tog din truck) men nu för tiden känns det bara som att man åker från ställe till ställe o tar av alla den skit dom har bara för att man är rastlös och känner att "PRa" bara är en onödig risk vilket gör det hela så tråkigt.... jag har skrivit en post om detta till adminsen också så tänker inte tjata om det särskilt eftersom det står så mycket bra om det här . men det jag skulle vilja ha är att man slänger in lite mer grejer som gör att man vill vara på andra ställen än kavala. när jag spelade i T.U under arre för längesedan så var det många mindre gäng som farmade i pyrgos vilket ledde till att vi tog kontroll över det området och styrde det med järnhand man följde reglerna vi satte upp och blev det problem åkte man bara till T.Us gängstad där det då alltid fanns någon medlem i närheten. ledde också till en skit rolig fientlighet /fejd med The Ruby Ratz. saknar detta och det vore skit kul om de större gängen kunde sätta sig i en kanal till sammans och själva dela upp hela kartan mellan varandra. och därifrån leda handel med varandra ingame detta skulle öka Rpet och även göra så att gäng vågade Rpa mer med varandra för att man kan ju inte råna sina grannar för då kommer ju grannarna gå ihop och fucka upp en! tog iden ifrån serien Sons of anarchy. Edited May 25, 2016 by Jackson Kurreman 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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