Afriel Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 CvGaming Altis Life Rules General Rules 1. Safe Zone 2. RDM/VDM 3. NLR (New Life Rule) 4. Exploits 5. Bannable offences 6. Red Marked areas ( illegal areas ) 7. Boats 8. Cop interaction 9. Rebel interaction 10. Bans 11. Compensation 12. Valuing your life Gang and Civilian rules After reading this post make sure to read General Rules some rules are related to Gang and Civ rules. 1. Gangs 2. Robbery 3. New Life Rule 4. Vehicles 5. Kidnapping 6. Kidnapping/Negotiation Scenarios 7. Safezone 8. Aviation 9. Weapons/Items/Accessories 10. Federal Reserve/House Raids 11. Scamming IS NOT ALLOWED. 12. Looting 13. Engage 14. Prison Break 15. Tempest Covered/Transport/Device & Orca 16. Restrain / Taze / Knocking someone down 17. Bandit District 18. Warzone General Rules §.1 Safe Zones If bombing (bombing can be intentionally exploding a vehicle), robbing, or killing occurs around these or in these areas it is punishable by ban. Any weapon shop Any vehicle spawn Donator Shops ATMs up to 50 meters in radius around it. This only affects all the ATMs that are marked on the map. (Exception below) You may not use Safe zones as an escape zone You are not allowed to loot dead bodies in a Safezone You are not allowed to lockpick vehicles in a Safezone When The Medics Take Out Their Bloodbus (this can only occur 1 time per 4 hour restart) it Automatically gives a safe zone perimeter of 500 meters (This Means That you are not allowed to engage anyone in That safe zone, this is a friendly RP situation, Breaking the rules will come with Consequences) You are not allowed to Rob with Spikes or roadblock within 500m from a safezone ((For an example: ). Although you are allowed to rob someone without spikes or roadblock within 500 m. §.2 Random DeathMatch / Vehicle DeathMatch (RDM / VDM) You are not allowed to engage via the cellphone, it must be done in direct voice chat. Killing anyone without a roleplay cause is against the rules. Declaring a rebellion is not a cause to kill anyone, even cops. If you are killed in the crossfire of a firefight, it is not RDM. Killing someone in an attempt to protect yourself or gang members is not RDMing. Remember, you always need to engage before shooting, no matter what. Shooting a player without giving reasonable time to follow demands is considered RDM. Driving over/ramming someone is never allowed under any circumstances (VDM) Ifrit and Hunter are allowed to battle it out as long as one of the vehicles have a driver. (ramming each other ONLY). You are never allowed to ram any other vehicles if you are driving an ifrit or hunter. These are judged by admins on a case by case basis. §.3 New life rule The New Life Rule applies to police and civilians If you die during roleplay your past crimes are forgotten, but you also cannot seek revenge. If you are RDM'd, it is not a new life. If you manually respawn, it is not a new life. If you purposefully kill yourself to avoid roleplay, it is not a new life. It's not a new life if you get revived by a medic You may not return to the location where you got killed for 15 minutes. ( Script should prevent this ) These 15 minutes start when you press "RESPAWN", for example, if you wait 3 minutes you will still have to wait 15 minutes after respawning. ( But not if your gang is still in a fight ) §.4 Exploits These are considered exploits, and you will not be kicked, but banned. Killing yourself to get out of roleplay. Getting out of being put in a vehicle, tazed, restrained, arrested, jail, etc. If the log shows you got arrested, then you died, you will be banned. Do not pay bail and kill yourself for an easy ride home. Duping items and/or money. If someone you don't know sends you an unobtainable amount of money, report to an admin IMMEDIATELY, you have a responsibility to as you are the one receiving the money. Do this or an admin will ban you permanently if they see that much on you without question. Using clearly hacked items. If a hacker comes in and spawns unobtainable items, you could be banned for using these items. Report the items to the admins immediately and stay away from them. Abusing bugs or game mechanics for gain. If there is a replicating gun somewhere, report it and leave it alone. If an admin catches you abusing the glitch, you will be banned permanently. Running down to the water in an attempt to swim from a fight since you can´t take any damage Swimming from one place to another in KOS zones or when you are in combat is bannable, however, it is okay to briefly enter the water in order to for example access ladders from boats. Remaining in water for too long or not going directly to the ladder is also bannable. Filling your vehicle with water (for example, driving it into the ocean on purpose) to avoid being robbed lying injured and not respawn in a reasonable time Using third party programs or options which grant you a crosshair that other people do not have. You are not allowed to jump over objects that are higher than yourself. §.5 Bannable Offenses Consider this your one and only warning. Hacking Cheating Exploiting (See 'Exploits') Being kicked 3 or more times. Racism Combatlog RDM + VDM Killing someone who is in jail Selling/trading other game-items for ingame money/gear (such as a CS:GO knife for Altis life money) Breaking any of our rules (make sure you read them carefully!) If you don't tell admins that your game crashed while you are dead, you will get banned for combat logging. Logging out and spawn into your house to get there faster while the raid is in progress is forbidden, and will result in a ban You are not allowed to threaten the medics if you are not involved in the fight, for an example: A.P.D are fighting a Gang, Then these are the only ones who can tell the medic "don't revive A.P.D/??? Or we will kill you" If a gang that is not in the fight, for example, gets to the place and threaten the medics this is considered lack of roleplay. §.6 Red Marked areas ( illegal areas ) The red marked areas on the map stands for an illegal area, you may not kill other people on sight ( KOS ) Cops may taze on sight in these areas but they are not allowed to use a lethal weapon without roleplay involved. Civilians may send the police a message telling them to leave the area as long as roleplay is involved. However, the ''No engage with cellphone'' rule still applies here. §.7 Boats Items on this list may result in your removal from the server and/or ban, based on the admins discretion. Repeatedly pushing boats without permission. Pushing a boat with the intention of hurting or killing someone. This is not RP, it is just a flaw in the mechanics. Purposefully running over swimmers/divers. §.8 Cop interaction Items on this list may result in your removal from the server and/or ban, based on the admins discretion. Civilians can be arrested for following cops ingame in order to give away their position. Civilians or rebels who take up arms to kill cops in town or elsewhere for no RP reason will be considered RDMing. See RDMing section. Following and or harassing cops for long periods of time will be considered griefing and/or spamming, and will result in your removal from the server. Actively blocking cops from doing their duties can lead to your arrest. Constantly doing this will result in your removal from the server. Cops may put vehicles in the impound-lot and those vehicles if not bought out may be destroyed. Cops may third-party engage when it's a gas station robbery or pharmacy robbery. §.9 Rebel interaction Rebels have KOS on people wearing their clothes. (Urban & Hex) Rebels have KOS on people driving their vehicles. Rebels have KOS on people in their areas. (HQ & Outpost) Following and or harassing rebels for long periods of time will be considered griefing and/or spamming, and will result in your removal from the server. §.10 Bans If you for some reason are banned from our server these are the rules. If you break them additional time might be added to your time. You may not play on the server from another account, you are banned for a reason. You may not spam admins on Teamspeak about your ban unless told to contact them. You may make a ban appeal if you think your punishment is too severe or wrongfully given When talking to admins you may not invite your friends, an admin will only talk to the ones involved in the case. Bad behavior while talking to admins will not be tolerated. This is your only warning. If rejected do not make another ban appeal. Respect the admins decision. §.11 Compensation If you need compensation for lost items. Admins won't compensate your loss of items if you are killed by an Arma 3 related bug, if you get killed by a door for example. Admins won't compensate your loss of items when its due to an Arma 3 related bug. If you need compensation you must provide evidence of the incident. Keep in mind these rules are always subject to be changed and additional rules may be added. §.12 Valuing your life You ALWAYS need to value your life no matter what (of course there will be exceptions), here are some guidelines: When you are being engaged and you have your gun on your back, pulling up your gun and starting to shoot is not valuing your life (exceptions are if you are in a safe position when being engaged). Engaging a group of other players in a nonsafe position is not valuing your life. Gang and Civilian rules 1. Gangs A gang can at max have 8 members online at the same time. (Because of balance, is subject to change) A gang must share the same tag for example: [123]-Name A gang will be judged for its actions as a group. (This applies for example if the gang leader of your gang declares war) You're not allowed to change your name and join to another gang just to perform a task together and then switch back to their other gang again. This means that you are not allowed to change from [123] to [abc] just to farm if [123] is blacklisted as an example. You may only cooperate with another gang when robbing the Federal Reserve. Other than that, co-operating is strictly forbidden and will never be tolerated. If you want to create a war against other gangs you have to talk to the leader of the opposite gang (Make a thread on the forum). If the war is accepted by both parts, an admin will then decide to approve it or not. 2. Robbery When you're about to rob someone, you have to give the victim a choice (If the victim fails to comply only then is lethal action allowed) If you plan to rob a bypassing car, you may not randomly fire at the vehicle to make it stop (Only Roadblocks and spike trips is allowed during this situation) Driving over someone is not allowed under any circumstances. Voice over in direct chat MUST be used during a robbery when giving the victim an ultimatum (Failing to do so is considered metagaming) Maximum players robbing the federal reserve is 16. You are not allowed to rob a medic and/or steal his vehicles. Voice over in direct chat MUST be in English during a robbery if you are not familiar with the person. If you(Person A) lockpick someone else's (PersonB ) vehicle then that will grant the owner of the vehicle KOS on the person lockpicking. If person B decides to shoot person A then A's gang will have KOS on B's gang. The police will have KOS on players inside Police Checkpoints with illegal weapons or legal weapons unholstered. 3. New Life Rule The New Life Rule applies to all factions! Items on this list may result in your removal from the server and/or ban, based on the admins discretion. If you are killed you must wait 15 minutes before returning to the scene of your death. ( You are not allowed to return to a fight after you have respawned ). You may NOT return to a fight you died in (unless a medic revived you) even if the fight continues after your NLR timer has ended. If you die during roleplay your past crimes are forgotten, but you also cannot seek revenge. If you are RDM'd, it is not a new life. If you manually respawn, it is not a new life. If you purposefully kill yourself to avoid roleplay, it is not a new life. It's not a new life if you get revived by a medic 4. Vehicles You may not use a vehicle as a weapon (For an example driving over somebody, see General rules -> RDM/VDM) A stolen vehicle may not be destroyed, but can be sold. You are not allowed to lockpick vehicles in safezones (see safezones) You are not allowed to steal Medic vehicles (see robbery) Tempest Covered/Transport/Device is not allowed during the event "purge", Tempest Covered/Transport/Device is only allowed to use while farming, using this vehicle in an attempt like hunter/ifrit while not farming is bannable. Either Selling or Storing vehicles in a fight are strictly forbidden. 5. Kidnapping If you're being taking hostage, you may not flee without a good reason and obvious reason. (Breaking this rule is failing to RP and is bannable) Ransom amount/demand should be within reason (People DO pay out of their own pockets). No voluntary/buddy hostages is allowed You have to do as you're being told and always value your life. 6. Kidnapping/Negotiation Scenarios You can't take the negotiator as a hostage or harm him in any way before he is armed again. When the kidnappers/robbers has asked to negotiate under no circumstances can nobody be harmed from both sides, until the negotiators is out of sight The negotiation has to go through face to face and not through texting. To call off a negotiation, you need to say “The negotiations are off” and both parties need to be at a safe distance before any shots can be fired. 7. Safezone Bombing (bombing can be intentionally exploding a vehicle), robbing, or killing occurs around these or in these areas it is punishable by ban. Any vehicle spawn Any weapon shop All shops Donator Shops All ATMs up to 50 meters in radius around it (If they are marked on the map ) Safe Zone rules do not apply if you're trying to escape from a gunfight that you were a part of and the opposing party is chasing you. You may not use safe zone as an escape zone it's a safe zone ONLY for those people that are innocent. You are not allowed to loot dead bodies in a Safezone You are not allowed to Rob within 500m from a safezone (you are not allowed to put spike strips / roadblocks to rob people) For an example: (However, you are allowed to rob someone without spikes or roadblock within 500m) COP has taze on sight in all safezones as well as red marked areas. You are not allowed to hover above Kavala safezone (You can fly through the safe zone.) 8. Aviation Players may not purposefully ram a helicopter into anything (other helicopters, vehicles, buildings, etc.). (Medic) Authorized medical personnel do NOT need authorization to land and may land wherever necessary when responding to emergencies. The landing area must not endanger police, civilians or medical personnel. Helicopters may not land on roads, except in accordance with (Medic) Police may temporarily forbid landing at any area but it cannot remain closed for a long period of time. 9. Weapons/Items/Accessories Legal Weapons is everything you can find in the 'Gun Store' Legal Clothing is everything you can find in 'Bruce Outback Store' Legal Accessories is everything you can find in 'General Store' and 'Gun Store' Illegal weapons/clothing/accessories will and can be seized by the police, this will result in jail/ticket Wearing rebel outfit may seriously harm your health (The rebels are allowed to use force to reclaim their property) Selling weapons/items in sidechat/forums is not allowed. (due to the lack of RP) Remember: Selling/trading other game-items for ingame money/gear (such as CS:GO skins for Altis Life money @ General rules -> bannable offense 10. Federal Reserve / House Raids Federal Reserve When a robbery is going down at the Federal Reserve, everyone on the server is allowed to participate. This means you are allowed as a gang to roleplay your way into the situation (If you do this in a threatful way this is okay, but doing so with for an example, a rook-40 in your hand will be classified as trolling and it will result in a punishment for your gang. You are not allowed to place spike strips on the bridges, they will bug into the bridges and become invisible. One life rule at FED and one life at the transport. ( if the COP are 8 or less online, they are allowed to use 2 lives with no NLR ) If the gang(s) robbing the federal reserve succeeds to kill an officer then that loot belongs to those gangs only. 2 Gangs are allowed to Co-Operate when robbing Federal Reserve, They must inform the COP when they start which 2 gangs are co-operating When the Federal Reserve goes down, The COP has KOS around the federal (proximately 1km around fed buildings - please use your common knowledge here, if you see someone passing around in a truck box/offroad new players, making 0 threats towards your operation... doing 0 damage don't just shoot them, this will still be classified as an RDM) Same rules apply to the Gang(s) robbing the Federal Reserve, If you feel threatened you are allowed to shoot, but please use your common knowledge.. if they don´t make a threat towards you, why shoot them? 1 life rule at FED ( if the COP are 8 or less online, they are allowed to use 2 lives at the federal reserve with no NLR ) Federal Reserve consists of 2 events, Federal Reserve and Federal Transport. The transport event starts when a vehicle leaves fed - anything from a Quadbike, Hemmtt box or even a Mohawk. The ones who have died at the first Event (Fighting for the federal area) can join the Transport Event. The ones who have died have to be 2km away from Federal Reserve and can only go towards the area as soon the second event has started. (Keep in mind, New Life Rule Applies) 1 life on federal reserve, 1 life on the transportation event (if you manage to survive the Federal Robbery Event, you will have 2 lives on the Transportation Event). Keep in mind though, if you die on the transportation event, New Life Rule still applies. You are only allowed to take Federal Reserve every second day (For an example, Your gang takes Federal Reserve on Monday, then they can´t take federal until Wednesday) If you are the robbers on federal reserve and you leave a vehicle after the robbery, the police have full authority to start an impound lot event on you and or your gang, This will happen in Safezone (until we fix impound lots on the map) And the maximum price allowed for the police to take out is 60% of the vehicles original cost, If the person who owns the vehicle doesn´t pay up they are allowed to blow it up in the sky (if you manage to survive the Federal Event, you will have 2 lives on the Transportation Event) Keep in mind, New Life Rule still applies. The gangs that take the Fed has 1 hour on from where they start cutting the door to them must get away If you get disconnected during a take over of Federal Reserve (Ping to high, game crash etc.) you are able to get back to Federal Reserve by contacting the COP and make up a solution for you to get back to Fed (for ex. landing a hummingbird inside Fed). Coming back to Fed without contacting the COP about a solution is bannable. Nobody is allowed to start the event "Federal Reserve" under an ongoing house raid. House Raids The transport containing the illegal items that have been confiscated can only be attacked by the gang that has been raided (Altis Rebels are not allowed to help during the transport) Noone except for the civilian who is getting raided and his gang, are allowed to participate on the Raid, exceptions are the faction Altis Rebels who can get paid to help the civilian who is getting raided. When the COP starts a raid, they are allowed to open all the doors, but when the first message comes out they must wait 20 minutes before searching the house and before opening the storage boxes to give the civilian who is getting raided a fair chance to defend and reclaim his stuff. During a house raid the COP have kill on sight towards the one they are raiding and his Gang (this applies 1,5 km) from the actual house (Of course they are allowed to shoot Altis Rebels if they have done their part in house raids and informed the COP that they are on their way to help the civilian and his gang) Logging out and spawn into your house to get there faster while the raid is in progress is forbidden, and will result in a ban Fast-traveling in order to move Gear from one house to another will be judged as Lack of RP. In order to move gear in a legitimate way from point A to point B you must use your backpack or a vehicle. Nobody is allowed to start the event's "Federal Reserve or Bandit District" under an ongoing house raid. 11. Scamming Scamming someone is not allowed when selling GEAR, for an example, if you make a deal you are going to buy a weapon from someone for let's say 1,1 mil and you just take the gun and then leave - This is bannable 12. Looting Going into a "warzone" and going for other peoples loot is bannable(your gear will be wiped and you will receive a punishment all from 3-7 days depending on the situation) This is to prevent people going in naked/fully geared and taking other peoples loot, and not valuing their lives. If there are 2 gangs vs COP for an example, both gangs have the right to loot, you are not allowed to kill each other without role play. Just to clarify. The COP is always allowed to loot ( this means, if someone dies in front of them they most likely will jump out and take his stuff if it is illegal, if the COP loot, you do not have the right to kill them, however.. you are allowed to engage them ). You are only allowed to loot people that you or your gang have killed, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LOOT PEOPLE WHO CRASH WITH THEIR VEHICLES. Trying to steal another gangs loot is bannable and you also risk breaking the ''not valuing your life'' rule. 13. Engage If you are in a gang you must start your robbery with "THIS IS THE GANGNAME" For an example: This is the TRA, put your hands up or we will open fire. You need to give the person(s) a reasonable amount of time to react before shooting after your engage. Rebels have the right to engage everyone who engages their customers. ( In order to be considered a customer you need to pay Rebels money in advance ) You are not allowed to engage a vehicle moving so fast that the person driving won't be able to hear the entire engage 14. Prison Break The A.P.D have KOS inside the jail, if u are in this area the police are allowed to shoot you without no warning. If a civilian is wearing gear (read, Tactical vest) and he gets killed inside the jail area when he is about to start a breakout, this gives KOS for his gang, if he dies in the area without gear, they are not allowed to shoot back. Doing so will result in an RDM ban and probably a longer punishment depending on the outcome. When the civilians start a breakout they get KOS on the A.P.D inside Jail, this means, you are not allowed to shoot the police outside of prison (they must enter the gates) then the game begins, The A.P.D on the other hand, are allowed to start shooting towards Jail from outside, but keep in mind when they do so, the civilians get KOS on the A.P.D 15. Tempest Covered/Transport/Device & Orca Tempest Covered/Transport/Device & Orca is not allowed during the event "purge" Tempest Covered/Transport/Device & Orca is only allowed to use while farming Using this vehicle in an attempt like hunter/ifrit while not farming is bannable. 16. Restrain / Taze If you get restrained, this does not give your gang KOS. If you get tazed, this does not give your gang KOS. With that said, we hope this can bring back more roleplay instead of just killings everywhere - If you get restrained, and for an example: you have 2 cops or rebels in front of you, you have to say "If you do not let me go within a reasonable time my friends will open fire! (Reasonable time is, giving them enough time so that they can choose if they want to fight or unrestrain you) Also, remember that you still need to value your life here! Knocking someone down does not give them kos, however, if you do this towards a Police officer, you can bet your ass they will do something about it You are not allowed to ziptie players inside safezones. You are not allowed to ziptie players without RP involved. Keep in mind these rules are always subject to be changed and additional rules may be added. The Faction FAQ Here is a small thread with faction related rules and public information that is good to know for the Cvgaming community members! We will add more information to this thread depending on the current server balance so its subjected to change. Please visit it frequently to keep up-to-date! 17. Bandit District You are only allowed to capture bandit district once every 24 hours. Only one gang can capture the bandit district per restart. The capping gang has 1,5h and 2 lives to capture the district, buy what they came for and get out of there. (if the district is still capped by your gang and you have a life left, then you can still return to buy more stuff after the timer has run out) We do this to prevent bandit from taking a whole restart away. Bandit District is an open KOS zone, 500m outside of the black circle is also a KOS zone. The police are allowed to recapture the bandit district when they have cleared the area around the capture zone (That means inside the green walls) and feeling safe. 5.56 is the lowest caliber required for those capping the district, while PDW(9mm auto) or higher is the lowest caliber allowed for those coming there to battle it out. You are not allowed to cap the bandit district when the federal reserve is being robbed. Nobody is allowed to start the event "Bandit District" under an ongoing house raid. 18. Warzone Warzone is an open KOS zone for everyone, 500m outside of the Warzone-Island (Old Rebel Island) is also a KOS zone. (Warzone-Island ends at checkpoint). Multiple gangs can capture the checkpoints (Checkpoint, Communication Center, Power Plant & Data Center) at the same time. The police are allowed to recapture the warzone-checkpoints. ___________________________________________________________________________ COPS (A.P.D) Other rules: 4 Hunters (1 per 2 cop online) Max 2 Hunters at the Federal Reserve and 1 "big" helicopter (Hellcat, ghosthawk or taru). 1 Armed helicopters are only to be used at special occasions -Not to be used as scouting vehicle -Are not allowed to fire on ground vehicles -Need to be approved of High ranking officer -Can only be used after a chase is commenced and not as a precaution -Not to be used in raids -The Cops have kill on sight if they see you driving their vehicles so be careful taking these COPS always have KOS in the Federal Reserve area. COPS Are allowed to execute people. ___________________________________________________________________________ MEDICS (E.M.S) Other rules: Not allowed to wear weapons Not allowed to use illegal equipment Not allowed to steal equipment from people (dead or alive) You may only use the crowbar to help people in need. If you are going to kill a medic, you need to give him an ultimatum, for an example: Go away from the area or we open fire, If he fails to do as he is told, you are allowed to kill him. If you say: Only revive my mates, that's not an ultimatum make sure you say, Revive my mates only, if you try to revive anyone else you will die! If you fail to do as above, it will be counted as an RDM. Medics are ONLY allowed to revive 3 people per gang/faktion per fight. ___________________________________________________________________________ Peter Marple, Teechy, Castle and 4 others 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Afriel Posted September 22, 2017 Author Report Share Posted September 22, 2017 REMOVED RULE: When you are about to rob someone you need to have a RP reason! REMOVED RULE: When the Federal Reserve is being robbed, you ALWAYS need to have an negotiation in the beginning. Both parts can call the negotiation off, but then both negotiators need to be at safe distance before any shots can be fired. Calling off the negotation without a valid reason is consider fail RP! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wajk Posted September 26, 2017 Report Share Posted September 26, 2017 Added paragraph: 17. Bandit District You are only allowed to capture bandit district once every 24 hours. Only one gang can capture the bandit district per restart. The capping gang has 1,5h and 2 lives to capture the district, buy what they came for and get out of there. (if the disctrict is still capped by your gang and you have a life left, then you can still return to buy more stuff after the timer has run out) We do this to prevent bandit from taking a whole restart away. Bandit District is an open KOS zone, 500m outside of the black circle is also a KOS zone. The police are allowed to recapture the bandit district when they have cleared the area around the capture zone (That means inside the green walls) and feeling safe. 5.56 is the lowest caliber required for those capping the district, while PDW(9mm auto) or higher is the lowerst caliber allowed for those coming there to battle it out. You are not allowed to cap the bandit district when the federal reserve is being robbed. Castle and WoXXeN 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wajk Posted October 21, 2017 Report Share Posted October 21, 2017 Added rule: 7. Safezone You are not allowed to hover above Kavala safezone (You can fly through the safe zone.) Angryherring and A.Almkvist 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bachne Posted October 22, 2017 Report Share Posted October 22, 2017 Added/Updated Rules: §.9 Rebel interaction Rebels have KOS on people wearing their clothes. (Urban & Hex) Rebels have KOS on people driving their vehicles. Rebels have KOS on people in their areas. (HQ & Outpost) Following and or harassing rebels for long periods of time will be considered griefing and/or spamming, and will result in your removal from the server. J.Brando 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peter Marple Posted October 29, 2017 Report Share Posted October 29, 2017 Removed rule: Third party engages will no longer be allowed. If two groups are having a fight you are not allowed to get involved until the ongoing fight is over. It is allowed for one of the groups already fighting to engage another group but that will only grant KOS on the ones who made the engage, not the opposing side. This rule only applies when a fight is already taking place, if your group engage two groups or more at once either by accident or not this will NOT be ruled as THIRD PARTY ENGAGE. Exceptions: - If the ARA have you restrained whilst they are fighting a war you are allowed to tell them to let you go or you/your gang will open fire. | You are still allowed to try and Rob the people doing Federal Reserve during transportation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bachne Posted November 21, 2017 Report Share Posted November 21, 2017 Added rule: Nobody is allowed to start the event's "Federal Reserve or Bandit District" under an ongoing house raid. WoXXeN, Harrisson, Halffinger Pete and 2 others 4 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goliat Posted December 10, 2017 Report Share Posted December 10, 2017 Added rule: Tempest Covered/Transport is not allowed during the event "purge", Tempest Covered/Transport is only allowed to use while farming, using this vehicle in an attempt like hunter/ifrit while not farming is bannable. walter yellow, jsus and Nex 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harrisson Posted December 15, 2018 Report Share Posted December 15, 2018 Added paragraph:18. Warzone Warzone is an open KOS zone for everyone, 500m outside of the Warzone-Island (Old Rebel Island) is also a KOS zone. (Warzone-Island ends and starts at checkpoint). THIS MEANS WARZONE STARTS WHERE CHECKPOINT IS MARKED ON THE MAP AND NOT WHERE THE TEXT MESSAGE COMES. (we will fix the text message in the next patch). Multiple gangs can capture the checkpoints (Checkpoint, Communication Center, Power Plant & Data Center) at the same time. The police are allowed to recapture the warzone-checkpoints. A.Almkvist and Tiszht 1 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darwin Posted January 18, 2019 Report Share Posted January 18, 2019 Added rule: To store a vehicle with for example weed in your garage, only to take it out from another garage further away to shorten farming routes to your benefit will be going under Abuse/Lack of RP as a bannable offence effective immediately 2019-01-18. Castle, Riddaren, Kafarov and 1 other 3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darwin Posted January 22, 2019 Report Share Posted January 22, 2019 Removed rule: One life per fight (Two lives for Federal Reserve & Bandit District still stands) J. Stalin, Thorwald, Obbe and 13 others 5 11 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harrisson Posted January 23, 2019 Report Share Posted January 23, 2019 Added rules: - One life per fight (Two lives for Federal Reserve & Bandit District still stands) - 5.56 is the lowest caliber required in the Bandit District - 5.56 is the lowest caliber required in the Warzone - You are only allowed to capture the Bandit District every second day (For an example, Your gang captures the Bandit District on Monday, then they can´t capture the Bandit District until Wednesday) - No limit for revives in Warzone OttovonStauffenberg, DropparN, NilsseN and 5 others 5 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
luckiiee Posted February 4, 2019 Report Share Posted February 4, 2019 Added rule: Taru is only allowed to farm with, using it as a scouting vehicle or in any relation to fights is now bannable. Sveedberg, Kafarov, Jorma and 7 others 6 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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