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6 points
M.Carter & Eggis - Event Promoters
Lennart Bladh and 5 others reacted to WoXXeN for a post in a topic
@M. Carter & @Eggis - Event Promoter I would like to inform you that Carter & Eggis has now joined me in the Event Promoters team! They are going to help us with planning and setting up server events, they also have permission to plan official server events! Congratulations! -
5 points
M.Carter & Eggis - Event Promoters
Lennart Bladh and 4 others reacted to NilsseN for a post in a topic
Grattis @Eggis och @M. Carter -
4 pointsSer fram emot att planera events tillsammans med er i Event-teamet!
3 points
M.Carter & Eggis - Event Promoters
Lennart Bladh and 2 others reacted to Linus_L for a post in a topic
Grattis @Eggis och @M. Carter . Hoppas att ni planera något bra då -
3 points
Event Promoter applications = CLOSED
Johanees and 2 others reacted to WoXXeN for a post in a topic
2 points
Ban req BKG
Darwin and one other reacted to Harrisson for a post in a topic
Hej, [BKG], vid sånna här tillfällen när det är 50/50 om motparten hör engagen eller inte så ska ni avvakta. @Klowni Du skriver, "Jag var redo att compa hela tiden om engeagen inte blivit hörd", är du osäker på ifall dem hörde eller inte så ska du INTE skjuta. Sen kan ni inte engagea sådär fort, man hört inte ens hela engagen, tänk på det! För detta var inte en korrekt engage. Men @Morio, även fast ni inte hörde hela engagen så förstod ni att ni hade blivit engageade och spelar "dumma" istället och låtsas som att ni inte hör engagen, vilket inte heller är riktigt okej.. plus att RDM ger aldrig KOS, så när du väljer att skjuta tillbaka så accepterar du fighten. Du skriver att du inte hade något annat val, men du skulle kunna låta oss ta hand om situationen eller ta det med dem efteråt istället, för nu har du också gjort fel. Vi väljer att inte banna någon vid detta tillfället, men [BKG] får refounda [RDM] på det dem förlorade. Kontakta mig eller annan Mod/Support när det är gjort. Ni båda får tänka på det här i fortsättningen! /A. Harrisson & Luckiiee -
2 points
Event: 2v2 PvP Arena: Friday 4/1 20:30
Lennart Bladh and one other reacted to Lennart Bladh for a post in a topic
Team: Okej Player 1: Svän Player 2: G. Johansson -
2 points
Banrequest Nonce
Kristian and one other reacted to Ramo for a post in a topic
He just got banned XD https://imgur.com/a/Ie0czyQ -
2 pointsTEAM: SistaGrabbarna PLAYER 1: Ray PLAYER 2: Barre
2 points
M.Carter & Eggis - Event Promoters
Eggis and one other reacted to Psykologen Anton for a post in a topic
2 points
2 points
The NEW Danish national anthem
Kristian and one other reacted to Ramo for a post in a topic
This song represents Denmark way better then our current national anthem -
2 points
The NEW Danish national anthem
Kristian and one other reacted to Ramo for a post in a topic
ja det er bare en prank bruh, det er sådan alle de forvirrede Svenskere ser på os. Især københavnere -
2 points
My new baby <3
Kristian and one other reacted to Ramo for a post in a topic
i used to play on a 2,5 (it's 2,5 YO today) year old PC with MSI GTX 660, amd 4100, 8 gigs of ram and 1,5 TB hdd it used to be plenty of power but it got slower with time and i thought i needed an upgrade. and what better place to look then komplett? i've always liked the idea of building my own PC, i found this one and it looked like a good deal at the time i ordered it, it was 7000DKK (8645 svenske kroner) https://www.komplett.dk/product/783619/hardware/saml-selv-pakkeloesninger/saml-selv-pcer-intel/saml-selv-core-i7-6700k-gtx-970?noredirect=true# i recived it thursday 14-4-2016 the next day it was up and running with Windows 10 specs: case: corsair 200R midi tower black GPU: Gainward GTX 970 4GB (3,5) CPU: Intel Core I7 4790K Ram: 8GB HyperX MotherBoard: MSI Z170I PSU: Corsair 600 Watt SSD: 240GB SSHD: im planning on getting a 2TB SSHD for all my recordings and games screen(s) Asus 24" 144HZ (planning on getting 2 more, just need a bigger table ^^)https://www.komplett.dk/product/774683/hardware/skaerme/skaerme/asus-24-led-vg248qe?noredirect=true -
2 points
My new baby <3
Kristian and one other reacted to Ramo for a post in a topic
There's not much to see yet, but i Will Update it when I get my 3 moniters -
2 points
My new baby <3
Kristian and one other reacted to Ramo for a post in a topic
1 point
Event: 2v2 PvP Arena: Friday 4/1 20:30
JompeKanin reacted to WoXXeN for a post in a topic
2v2 PvP Arena: Friday 4/1 20:30 Here we go, first event of the year! A 2v2 PvP Arena! WHERE? The PvP arena. HOW? Sign up your duo in a comment below like this: TEAMNAME PLAYER ONE PLAYER TWO Sign-ups will end on Friday 18:00! RULES! 5,56 caliber or Above. Bring your own gear. No looting! Everyone will get revived. If your team does not have 2participants when signups have stopped. You wont be able to play. If you are there to spectate, do not run around and cause disturbance, dont run around and try to somehow help the participants either. Other server rules apply. Breaking event rules and being a troll can and will get you banned from future events! Prices: 1st place: 2 Fully geared Katiba's and 20 mags. 2nd price: 2 Fully geared MX's with 20 mags. 3rd place: 2 Fully geared Spar's with 20 mags. -
1 point@Klowni Du har inte tänkt på att anledningen till att jag säger "Vi hörde inte det där" är för att vi kanske inte hörde det du sa? Sen är det ju perfekt att du erkänner en fel engage här på ban reccen men ingame så fortsätter ni att jaga och döda min kompis, fast än vi skrivit i side chat att vi ej hörde eran engage.
1 pointTEAM: Kavala tuggare Player one: Johans Dator Player two: NilsseN Stand in: P.Travis
1 point
Ban request [K] Mk20boi
Erik Tyrone reacted to luckiiee for a post in a topic
In the rule section about warzone it states this -"Warzone is an open KOS zone for everyone, 500m outside of the Warzone-Island (Old Rebel Island) is also a KOS zone. (Warzone-Island ends at checkpoint)." "(Warzone-Island ends at checkpoint)." That also means the warzone starts at checkpoint. However the text is confusing, i agree! and will send this to our devs for them to fix. @Stefan contact a support or mod for a refund. We will not ban for this since misunderstandings is understandable because of the text message. Locked and moved! -
1 pointVi har redan tagit hand om det! Accepted /A. Harrisson
1 point
M.Carter & Eggis - Event Promoters
M. Carter reacted to Lennart Bladh for a post in a topic
Grattis @Eggis och @M. Carter -
1 pointYou dont hear the ''engage'' very well, but at the same time it sounds like you have your teamspeak volume VERY high and there is talking nonstop (in some exotic language i have never heard ) i think this is a very classic situation, RPG obviously wanted to engage and do it right, TDB just didnt hear it. Too low volume or VON? too loud teamspeak? or was it RPG's fault? its very hard to say, but its obvious that RPG tries to engage and you guys dont hear it, so why dont you guys solve this in a civilized way and shake hands, sometimes shit happens. Next time think about doing the engage louder, or maybe turning down your ts volume to prevent an ear explosion. //Darwin
1 point
Ban Appeal
Kupa reacted to S. Kauppinen for a post in a topic
Name: Kauppinen Date: 2019-1-01 Reason: Så här va det då vart la 3 årsen nu kommer ihåg jag hade en dispute med någon Emin kanske vet inte vad som orsakade eller vad det va som hände och fick mig o vräcka ur något så dumt sa heil hitler på ett skämt sätt asså ingen SERIÖST utan på skämt som man säger ibland! Iallafall Emin tog illa upp och jag blev bannad! Eftersom jag inte nu verken stödjer hitler eller något annat sånt så tycker jag det va lite övereagerat men admins bestämmer och lovar att det kommer alldrig upprepas! Saknar er gubbs vart länge sedan nu </3 Mvh kauppinen -
1 pointbkg kontakta oss i RU ni måste få lektioner för att passengera
1 pointSåå.. Jag antar att detta är situationen där vi alla trollade på kullarna? Då utgår jag från att vad du vill banna mig för är: https://gyazo.com/ea2de7d5fbdc61464dd0f239911f0c49 ? Jag revivade dig, men du har förlorat vapnet? Det jag kontrar med att banna för är: https://gyazo.com/310a98e923f6e4704f28dee002bba306 Så nu sitter vi båda ban. Gott nytt år på dig. Banned The player has been banned from the server
1 point
Ban request on players: [Cv-D] [Thug] Legobit , [Cv-D] Obbe
Obbe reacted to Peter Marple for a post in a topic
I have to say that I can hear the engage loud and clear, even without cranking my volume to 100% This is correct behavior from Cv-D DECLINED!!! -
1 pointRIP SERGIO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0NCe-l8NVA
1 pointreally? because usually it's the opposit that happens and where is the dramatic/sad music?
1 pointName: [Medic] Ramo Time: 02-05-2016 16:50 Offenders name: OtteVStauffenberg reason: combat logging
1 point
1 point
1 point
0 points
M.Carter & Eggis - Event Promoters
Eggis reacted to A.Almkvist for a post in a topic
Grattis @M. Carter...