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Posts posted by Goatis

  1. 3 hours ago, Hawaii_Beach said:

    Herregud sluta föreslå att x person ska uppgradera sin dator, för att det kommer förbättra FPS på Arma 3. Sålänge CVG ARMA3 servern kör på denna skitiga hårdvara så kommer det aldrig bli nåt bättre, istället kan man väl donera pengar till CVG vilket kan gå till bättre CPU?

    Och du vet tydligen vad vi använder för hårdvara?

    Du kanske läst 

    då kan jag informera om att den är uppgraderad igen.

  2. 11 minutes ago, WoXXeN said:

    Nu kanske vi ska sluta kasta skit på varandra och istället komma på ideér som kan liva upp servern istället? Alla måste vara aktiva, vare sig fraktion eller inte, så enkelt är det.


    Nu har inte jag spelat sen wipe, men hur är det med tex ganglands? (Ping @Goatis)

    Om man lyckas fixa så man faktikst kan fixa egna byggnader etc i sitt gangland typ som att bygga en bas i sitt eget gangland och få ha ganglandet mitt ute i skogen om man nu vill det, så kommer ju det bli något som får gängen att vilja spela, samla gangfunds och fixa ett schysst gangland?


    Men ja, ni förstår, kom på nya saker och funktioner som kan göra det roligare att spela, inte sitta å peka på varandra och hålla dagisnivå!


    Jag har sagt att jag har väldigt mycket att göra utanför cv just nu, men när tid finns så är det klart saker kommer att implementeras. 

    Men generellt är alla spelare här dåliga på att framföra sina idéer och tankar. Det kommer oftast ut som gnäll.

  3. Donor rewards and info.


    Rank 1: 10 Euro

    Vehicle Skins:

    Clothes Skins:

    Teamspeak Servergroup:


    Rank 2: 20 Euro

    Vehicle Skins:
    Truck Transport

    Clothes Skins:

    Rank 3: 30 Euro

    Vehicle Skins:
    Truck Boxer
    Zamak Transport

    Clothes Skins:
    CvG Amazed Cat
    CvG Altis
    CvG Ghost Hotel
    CvG Harambe

    Rank 4: 40 Euro

    Vehicle Skins:
    Hatchback Sport
    Zamak Covered
    Hemtt Transport

    Clothes Skins:

    Rank 5: 50 Euro

    Vehicle Skins:
    Hemtt Box
    Tempest Device Green Hex

    Clothes Skins:
    Casual Wears

    Rank 6: 70 Euro

    Vehicle Skins:

    Clothes Skins:
    Batman Wetsuit

    Worn Combat Fatigues (Kerry)

    Combat Fatigues (Stavrou)

    Rank 7: 100 Euro

    Vehicle Skins:
    Taru Box

    Clothes Skins:
    Terrorist Outfit

    Teamspeak Servergroup:

    100+ Donor



    All donations are accumulative which means that they add up.


    All donor rewards are only cosmetic rewards, which means that they are just skins applied to regular clothes and vehicles. All clothes and vehicles can be bought as a non donor.


    REMINDER: Selling donor items to other people is strictly forbidden!


    If you havent received your donator status within a hour you should PM a admin either on the forum or teamspeak. 

    The process of giving you donor rank is not automatically. 



    When you donate you are NOT buying or purchasing anything.

    We retain the right to revoke your access to any and all in game items and in some cases our game server for any reason at our own discretion, this includes but is not limited to, breaking any of our server rules.

    Every donation you send is for the community and will be used to keep our services funded, and because of that we are not eligible to refund you.


    Sign up on the board and press HERE to proceed (more info as you go along)


    More info can be found here:


  4. Donor related FAQ


    Q: If I donate 10$ now and 20$ later, will I receive the 30$ perk?
    A: Yes, all donations are accumulative which means that they add up.
    Q: I have donated and not received my perks within a hour, is something wrong?
    A: No. Currently all donations are taken care of manually. Be patient or notify an admin on Teamspeak.
    Q: Can I have a refund on my donation?
    A: No. All donations is for funding the servers and because of that we are not eligible to refund you.
    Q: Can I lose my donation perks?
    A: Yes you can lose them if you misbehave. We retain the right to revoke your access to any and all in game items and in some cases our game server for any reason at our own discretion
    Q: Can I sell my donator items to other players? (This applies for giving away donor items also)
    A: No, that is not allowed.

  5. It's almost 2 years since the original "The big music thread" was created!

    So i think it's a good idea to start The big music thread 2! 


    I always find new music that ive never heard of in threads like this so lets go for it!

    Select the 1 or 2 most popular tracks of yours and post it here! (only 2 youtube clips per post)

    "Copied from original post"


    I start: lately i been in a metal / rock mood with the recently released Volbeat and Sabaton albums!


    From their previous album but man its good!


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